Trump Isn’t The First Racist President But Hopefully Will Be Our Last

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Racists don't date members of another race. Trump dated Kara Young

Why does Trump hate the things that make our country great? And how do the rest of us get beyond this hatred and ignorance?

Make Trump our last racist president. He hates what makes us great. : uspolitics

The country will survive Trump.

Half True...




and Bill Clinton were some pretty racist assholes. I think hitlery's influence had more to do with the mandatory life sentencing of hundreds of thousands of non-violent black offenders though, Bill was just there for the pussy.

Trump isn't a racist at all though. Unless you believe Oprah would encourage a racist to run...

Or that he suddenly started hating blacks... For some reason only a mindless bed wetter could come up with or believe...

Trump's no racist — he's an equal opportunity offender

Al Sharpton and Trump partnered on several business and community projects throughout the 1980s and 1990s. President Trump was close to Oprah, and Don King, and too many black athletes and entertainers to even name; he traveled and socialized openly with them. He promoted sporting and entertainment showcases with black promoters and entrepreneurs. There is simply no way that Trump could have survived or thrived in liberal New York City over the decades if he did not cultivate close relationships with people of diverse backgrounds.

Of course, facts are irrelevant to mindless, vacuous, malignant pieces of shit like you fucking liberal parasites. It's too fucking bad the millions of you were not aborted.


Why does Trump hate the things that make our country great? And how do the rest of us get beyond this hatred and ignorance?

Make Trump our last racist president. He hates what makes us great. : uspolitics

The country will survive Trump.
Weapons grade mental retardation.

Woodrow Wilson was a total racist, who even screened "Birth of a Nation" in the White House.

Lincoln was also a total racist, who believed that blacks were entirely incapable of self-governance.

You are a committed buffoon, Gomer.
Isn't everything racist?

Maybe it's time for you to go back to your racist country.
Oh, really? Isn't that cute. All the self hating whites and those non partisans that voted for a mixed race person think voting for a mixed race man is SO much better? Really? How so?
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Why does Trump hate the things that make our country great? And how do the rest of us get beyond this hatred and ignorance?

Make Trump our last racist president. He hates what makes us great. : uspolitics

The country will survive Trump.
Weapons grade mental retardation.

Woodrow Wilson was a total racist, who even screened "Birth of a Nation" in the White House.

Lincoln was also a total racist, who believed that blacks were entirely incapable of self-governance.

You are a committed buffoon, Gomer.

Thats exactly right. Lincoln wanted them to all go back to africa after the war.
Why does Trump hate the things that make our country great? And how do the rest of us get beyond this hatred and ignorance?

Make Trump our last racist president. He hates what makes us great. : uspolitics

The country will survive Trump.
Nope.....Trump isn't a racist....and he isn't the first racist.....most of Democrat presidents in our history were racists including FDR, Andrew Jackson, Jimmy Carter (Plantation Owner), Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama (White Hating Black Lives Matters Motherfucker)
Trump is a multitude of things He is certainly no diplomat, no Winston Churchill. Nope. But I see a flood of illegal aliens, and execrable tide of the mother freakers. And they are being given Citizenship , and then allowed to represent the citizenry without the consent of the locals. Under control of the small group, the rich elitists, the CONTRACTORS. Not the lawyers , not even leftist progressive ideologues. Contractors. Think about it.
Contractors vie to move Stapleton airport from a feasible public owned land away from the arsenal. To create a land rush 20 miles away we had to buy from Adams county we didn't need. Because Rock Mountain arsenal land was toxic. But, then then these same lame ass developers, IE contractors, deem the Rocky flats rife with the plutonium waste, just fine NOW. Funny how that works. HMM.. Plutonium has a half life of like a couple of bazillion years. But lets build condominiums on it! But the rocky mountain arsenal we cant build an airport on perennially , because its toxic? Says who? Because the toxins may last for a few years. Funny how that works.
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