Trump is still in the catbird seat


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
The fact remains IA reflects evangelical power. Since evangelical power continues to decline in political strength and Carson's voters now hate Cruz, the RCP average below demonstrates Trump's domination in GOP circles. Trump will easily take NH, and the birther issue will hurt Cruz in SC.

Battle for the White House RCP Poll Averages
National New Hampshire South Carolina
Trump35.8 Trump33.4 Trump36.0
Cruz19.6 Cruz12.2 Cruz19.7
Rubio10.2 Rubio10.8 Rubio12.7
Carson7.6 Kasich10.4 Bush10.0
Bush4.8 Bush9.0 Carson8.7
What a bad situation. My two choices are Trump and Cruz. And it's Hillary or Bernie for the Democrats. I don't suppose we can get a do-over once this is all done?

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