Trump is running out of other people's money to pay lawyers. Save America PAC is almost broke

It stands for the rule of law.
Something you think shouldn’t apply to those with which you ideologically agree.
Couldn’t be more anti-American or more authoritarian.
We have no rule of law. This illegitimate administration goes after political enemies. That has 0 to do with our laws.
How does Trump intend to mount a presidential election campaign with no money? Nine figures in raised cash has gone to pay his legal expenses, which only continue to grow. Is the expectation that blue collar workers in Ohio, elderly Floridians on fixed incomes, and family farmers barely scraping by in Iowa will further open up their wallets to him? He's financially damaging his supporters while handing another term to Joe Biden when another Republican candidate could mount a competitive race in his place. This isn't about American first; it's about Trump first.

Trump’s main account that pays for legal fees, Save America, doesn’t have that kind of money. It has spent almost all of the $154.6 million it raised since the 2020 election and had $3.7 million in the bank at the end of June.

The PAC spent it biggest chunk of money, $60 million, making transfers to Trump’s 2024 campaign super PAC, Make America Great Again Inc. But in May and June, as his legal entanglements grew, that super PAC refunded $12.3 million to Save America. Without those transfers, Save America would’ve been in debt.

(I await the expected canned replies of "LOL USA TODAY!" "FAKE NEWS!" and "TDS!")
It's actually disgusting that the left are trying to influence the election by purposely making Trump and PAC's run out of money with phony witch hunt investigations. Yet another example of abuse of power by the left to influence elections.
He may, or may not. A lot of 'trump" properties are a licensing deal. Someone else actually owns the building.
And other ones are heavily saddled with debt.

But he definitely has total or significant ownership in a number of properties.
It's actually disgusting that the left are trying to influence the election by purposely making Trump and PAC's run out of money with phony witch hunt investigations. Yet another example of abuse of power by the left to influence elections.
They’re not investigations anymore. They’re indictments.

And Trump doesn’t have to use the PAC to pay his legal bills. He could just use his own money, but that would assume he’s not a con-man.
You can say any words you want, they are meaningless without actions behind them. And your actions say you believe Biden, Nancy, Clinton and the Democrat party is above the law and Trump and the Republicans are below it. Your lies are meaningless, they are just words, racist
That’s exactly my point, dupe.
Your guys are all talk and no action.
Trump had multiple AGs and not a one ever pursued charges against a Democrat. Ask yourself why, super duper. Derp…
Smells like some Trump properties may become available in the near future.
Shit, Hutch...the way New York City is bleeding businesses...pretty soon you can probably buy the whole place for that chest of beads they bought it from the indians all those years ago! There are more New York properties available now than in decades and it's getting worse by the day! Thank you, progressive Democrats!
They’re not investigations anymore. They’re indictments.

And Trump doesn’t have to use the PAC to pay his legal bills. He could just use his own money, but that would assume he’s not a con-man.
Doesn't change anything. Yes, the kangaroo investigations led to kangaroo indictments due to the left's abuse of power.

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