Trump is now reportedly working on a shortlist for his next Supreme Court pick should a seat come open during his next term

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
The man is getting down to business before election day. This is a good move. He might even get two vacancies to fill in his next term. This will solidify a conservative court for decades to come making America great again. The court's focus should be ending same-sex marriage during his next term.

That is why I don't get it; why do everyone and their dog believe Trump will move back to WH in 2024? do we learn the pre-C19 and C19? Everything can be changed in a sec.
The man is getting down to business before election day. This is a good move. He might even get two vacancies to fill in his next term. This will solidify a conservative court for decades to come making America great again. The court's focus should be ending same-sex marriage during his next term.

Not ending it, just leaving it up to the States to figure out legislatively, but make sure any SSM license is recognized across all 50 States just as any other marriage if a given State issues said license.
That's what I meant.

Yep. But like I said, just like one State may recognize 2nd cousin marriage and another does not, once a State allows SSM the other states have to accept said licenses even if they don't want to issue them.
Yep. But like I said, just like one State may recognize 2nd cousin marriage and another does not, once a State allows SSM the other states have to accept said licenses even if they don't want to issue them.
But abortion has been repealed nationwide. How many states are allowing it?
But abortion has been repealed nationwide. How many states are allowing it?

That's up to the State. The comparison would be punishing someone leaving your State where abortion is illegal and having it done in a State where it is legal. To me the banning State can't do that, just like a non SSM licenses issuing State can't reject the marriage license of a State that does.

It's a messy situation, but federalism isn't supposed to be easy to implement properly.
Texas and Alabama are attempting to do that.

Then they are wrong, and any law should be found unconstitutional as fast as the dip in New Mexico's gun ban was found unconstitutional.

Now if someone in an abortion ban State physically took a MINOR that wasn't their child or ward out of State to get an abortion, then that is different.

But for adults, book that trip to San Diego and get your fetus killed without fear.

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