Trump is giving us fewer manufacturing jobs. Huh? What? Oh no. Did he lie?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
The Real Story of Automation Beginning with One Simple Chart

Thanks to automated drilling, a once dangerous and very laborious task now requires fewer people to accomplish. Automation of oil rigs means that one rig can do more with fewer workers. In fact, it’s expected that what once took a crew of 20 will soon take a crew of 5. The application of new technologies to oil drilling means that of the 440,000 jobs lost in the global downturn, as many as 220,000 of those jobs may never come back.

This is a story of technological unemployment that is crystal clear, and yet people are still arguing about it like it’s something that may or may not happen in the future. It’s actually a very similar situation to climate change, where the effects are right in our faces, but it’s still considered a debate. Automation is real, folks. Companies are actively investing in automation because it means they can produce more at a lower cost. That’s good for business. Wages, salaries, and benefits are all just overhead that can be eliminated by use of machines.

But hey, don’t worry, right? Because everyone unemployed by machines will find better jobs elsewhere that pay even more… Well, about that, that’s not at all what the history of automation in the computer age over the past 40 years shows. Yes, some with highly valued skills go on to get better jobs, but they are very much the minority. Most people end up finding new paid work that requires less skill, and thus pays less.



(Look at that. Trumpsters are so fuked.)

More than 52 million Americans are now currently living in counties considered as being in economic distress. A report by the Economic Innovation Group (EIG), a bipartisan research and advocacy organization, discovered a close link between community size and prosperity, where counties with under 100,000 people are 11 times more likely to be distressedthan counties with more than 100,000 people.

Understand how automation is helping to divide the country along “red” and “blue” lines, and the growing polarization of our politics will immediately make more sense.


Hundreds of thousands of jobs were just lost due to oil rig automation and no one (except for those unemployed and their families) batted an eye. Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost over the years to industrial robots. Hundreds of thousands more jobs were just lost this year in retail due to the unstoppable efficiency of Amazon and the more than 100,000 robots it employs. And yes, Amazon is creating lots of new jobs too, but for every job it creates, it has eliminated two or more by eliminating its far less efficient brick and mortar competition. Unless you’re talking about net job creation, and the details of those jobs created, you’re dishonestly talking about employment.


Instead of having a president who leads. We have one who lies. The real issue is how do we create good jobs in a technological world. Trumpsters are so fuked following that lying scam artist. They feel bold now because they "won". But they haven't figured out yet how badly they've lost.
The Real Story of Automation Beginning with One Simple Chart

Thanks to automated drilling, a once dangerous and very laborious task now requires fewer people to accomplish. Automation of oil rigs means that one rig can do more with fewer workers. In fact, it’s expected that what once took a crew of 20 will soon take a crew of 5. The application of new technologies to oil drilling means that of the 440,000 jobs lost in the global downturn, as many as 220,000 of those jobs may never come back.

This is a story of technological unemployment that is crystal clear, and yet people are still arguing about it like it’s something that may or may not happen in the future. It’s actually a very similar situation to climate change, where the effects are right in our faces, but it’s still considered a debate. Automation is real, folks. Companies are actively investing in automation because it means they can produce more at a lower cost. That’s good for business. Wages, salaries, and benefits are all just overhead that can be eliminated by use of machines.

But hey, don’t worry, right? Because everyone unemployed by machines will find better jobs elsewhere that pay even more… Well, about that, that’s not at all what the history of automation in the computer age over the past 40 years shows. Yes, some with highly valued skills go on to get better jobs, but they are very much the minority. Most people end up finding new paid work that requires less skill, and thus pays less.



(Look at that. Trumpsters are so fuked.)

More than 52 million Americans are now currently living in counties considered as being in economic distress. A report by the Economic Innovation Group (EIG), a bipartisan research and advocacy organization, discovered a close link between community size and prosperity, where counties with under 100,000 people are 11 times more likely to be distressedthan counties with more than 100,000 people.

Understand how automation is helping to divide the country along “red” and “blue” lines, and the growing polarization of our politics will immediately make more sense.


Hundreds of thousands of jobs were just lost due to oil rig automation and no one (except for those unemployed and their families) batted an eye. Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost over the years to industrial robots. Hundreds of thousands more jobs were just lost this year in retail due to the unstoppable efficiency of Amazon and the more than 100,000 robots it employs. And yes, Amazon is creating lots of new jobs too, but for every job it creates, it has eliminated two or more by eliminating its far less efficient brick and mortar competition. Unless you’re talking about net job creation, and the details of those jobs created, you’re dishonestly talking about employment.


Instead of having a president who leads. We have one who lies. The real issue is how do we create good jobs in a technological world. Trumpsters are so fuked following that lying scam artist. They feel bold now because they "won". But they haven't figured out yet how badly they've lost.

What does any of THAT have to do with Donald Trump? Did automation suddenly spring into being when Hillary Clinton failed to get elected? Did Barack Obama have any policies that prohibited automation?

Kiosks and robots are replacing human beings at an alarming rate because you folks on the left have made a "living wage" and "$15 an hour minimum wage" a priority and businesses are reacting to that by automating where ever they can!

That's not Trump's fault...that's YOUR fault, R-Derp!
The Real Story of Automation Beginning with One Simple Chart

Thanks to automated drilling, a once dangerous and very laborious task now requires fewer people to accomplish. Automation of oil rigs means that one rig can do more with fewer workers. In fact, it’s expected that what once took a crew of 20 will soon take a crew of 5. The application of new technologies to oil drilling means that of the 440,000 jobs lost in the global downturn, as many as 220,000 of those jobs may never come back.

This is a story of technological unemployment that is crystal clear, and yet people are still arguing about it like it’s something that may or may not happen in the future. It’s actually a very similar situation to climate change, where the effects are right in our faces, but it’s still considered a debate. Automation is real, folks. Companies are actively investing in automation because it means they can produce more at a lower cost. That’s good for business. Wages, salaries, and benefits are all just overhead that can be eliminated by use of machines.

But hey, don’t worry, right? Because everyone unemployed by machines will find better jobs elsewhere that pay even more… Well, about that, that’s not at all what the history of automation in the computer age over the past 40 years shows. Yes, some with highly valued skills go on to get better jobs, but they are very much the minority. Most people end up finding new paid work that requires less skill, and thus pays less.



(Look at that. Trumpsters are so fuked.)

More than 52 million Americans are now currently living in counties considered as being in economic distress. A report by the Economic Innovation Group (EIG), a bipartisan research and advocacy organization, discovered a close link between community size and prosperity, where counties with under 100,000 people are 11 times more likely to be distressedthan counties with more than 100,000 people.

Understand how automation is helping to divide the country along “red” and “blue” lines, and the growing polarization of our politics will immediately make more sense.


Hundreds of thousands of jobs were just lost due to oil rig automation and no one (except for those unemployed and their families) batted an eye. Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost over the years to industrial robots. Hundreds of thousands more jobs were just lost this year in retail due to the unstoppable efficiency of Amazon and the more than 100,000 robots it employs. And yes, Amazon is creating lots of new jobs too, but for every job it creates, it has eliminated two or more by eliminating its far less efficient brick and mortar competition. Unless you’re talking about net job creation, and the details of those jobs created, you’re dishonestly talking about employment.


Instead of having a president who leads. We have one who lies. The real issue is how do we create good jobs in a technological world. Trumpsters are so fuked following that lying scam artist. They feel bold now because they "won". But they haven't figured out yet how badly they've lost.

Speaking of lying, R-Derp...the following is from the article on which you based your latest attack on Trump.

"But even if automation is expected to increase, and some day take over drilling sites and drillships, it is not the norm in the oil and gas industry today. While there have been early adopters, the oil and gas drilling business is still years away from becoming an automated activity."

Your very own article totally debunks your claim!

Yet another R-Derp thread goes down in flames!!! :blowup::blowup:
The dumble would never lie!!! Would he? That's reich he is the smartest human to have ever existed on earth so that should let you in on the secret.
The Real Story of Automation Beginning with One Simple Chart

Thanks to automated drilling, a once dangerous and very laborious task now requires fewer people to accomplish. Automation of oil rigs means that one rig can do more with fewer workers. In fact, it’s expected that what once took a crew of 20 will soon take a crew of 5. The application of new technologies to oil drilling means that of the 440,000 jobs lost in the global downturn, as many as 220,000 of those jobs may never come back.

This is a story of technological unemployment that is crystal clear, and yet people are still arguing about it like it’s something that may or may not happen in the future. It’s actually a very similar situation to climate change, where the effects are right in our faces, but it’s still considered a debate. Automation is real, folks. Companies are actively investing in automation because it means they can produce more at a lower cost. That’s good for business. Wages, salaries, and benefits are all just overhead that can be eliminated by use of machines.

But hey, don’t worry, right? Because everyone unemployed by machines will find better jobs elsewhere that pay even more… Well, about that, that’s not at all what the history of automation in the computer age over the past 40 years shows. Yes, some with highly valued skills go on to get better jobs, but they are very much the minority. Most people end up finding new paid work that requires less skill, and thus pays less.



(Look at that. Trumpsters are so fuked.)

More than 52 million Americans are now currently living in counties considered as being in economic distress. A report by the Economic Innovation Group (EIG), a bipartisan research and advocacy organization, discovered a close link between community size and prosperity, where counties with under 100,000 people are 11 times more likely to be distressedthan counties with more than 100,000 people.

Understand how automation is helping to divide the country along “red” and “blue” lines, and the growing polarization of our politics will immediately make more sense.


Hundreds of thousands of jobs were just lost due to oil rig automation and no one (except for those unemployed and their families) batted an eye. Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost over the years to industrial robots. Hundreds of thousands more jobs were just lost this year in retail due to the unstoppable efficiency of Amazon and the more than 100,000 robots it employs. And yes, Amazon is creating lots of new jobs too, but for every job it creates, it has eliminated two or more by eliminating its far less efficient brick and mortar competition. Unless you’re talking about net job creation, and the details of those jobs created, you’re dishonestly talking about employment.


Instead of having a president who leads. We have one who lies. The real issue is how do we create good jobs in a technological world. Trumpsters are so fuked following that lying scam artist. They feel bold now because they "won". But they haven't figured out yet how badly they've lost.

What does any of THAT have to do with Donald Trump? Did automation suddenly spring into being when Hillary Clinton failed to get elected? Did Barack Obama have any policies that prohibited automation?

Kiosks and robots are replacing human beings at an alarming rate because you folks on the left have made a "living wage" and "$15 an hour minimum wage" a priority and businesses are reacting to that by automating where ever they can!

That's not Trump's fault...that's YOUR fault, R-Derp!

No that is not why. The reason why is employees need vacation, 401K's and health ins. Its cheaper. What do you want people to work in factories for 7.25. Not worth it.
The Real Story of Automation Beginning with One Simple Chart

Thanks to automated drilling, a once dangerous and very laborious task now requires fewer people to accomplish. Automation of oil rigs means that one rig can do more with fewer workers. In fact, it’s expected that what once took a crew of 20 will soon take a crew of 5. The application of new technologies to oil drilling means that of the 440,000 jobs lost in the global downturn, as many as 220,000 of those jobs may never come back.

This is a story of technological unemployment that is crystal clear, and yet people are still arguing about it like it’s something that may or may not happen in the future. It’s actually a very similar situation to climate change, where the effects are right in our faces, but it’s still considered a debate. Automation is real, folks. Companies are actively investing in automation because it means they can produce more at a lower cost. That’s good for business. Wages, salaries, and benefits are all just overhead that can be eliminated by use of machines.

But hey, don’t worry, right? Because everyone unemployed by machines will find better jobs elsewhere that pay even more… Well, about that, that’s not at all what the history of automation in the computer age over the past 40 years shows. Yes, some with highly valued skills go on to get better jobs, but they are very much the minority. Most people end up finding new paid work that requires less skill, and thus pays less.



(Look at that. Trumpsters are so fuked.)

More than 52 million Americans are now currently living in counties considered as being in economic distress. A report by the Economic Innovation Group (EIG), a bipartisan research and advocacy organization, discovered a close link between community size and prosperity, where counties with under 100,000 people are 11 times more likely to be distressedthan counties with more than 100,000 people.

Understand how automation is helping to divide the country along “red” and “blue” lines, and the growing polarization of our politics will immediately make more sense.


Hundreds of thousands of jobs were just lost due to oil rig automation and no one (except for those unemployed and their families) batted an eye. Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost over the years to industrial robots. Hundreds of thousands more jobs were just lost this year in retail due to the unstoppable efficiency of Amazon and the more than 100,000 robots it employs. And yes, Amazon is creating lots of new jobs too, but for every job it creates, it has eliminated two or more by eliminating its far less efficient brick and mortar competition. Unless you’re talking about net job creation, and the details of those jobs created, you’re dishonestly talking about employment.


Instead of having a president who leads. We have one who lies. The real issue is how do we create good jobs in a technological world. Trumpsters are so fuked following that lying scam artist. They feel bold now because they "won". But they haven't figured out yet how badly they've lost.

What does any of THAT have to do with Donald Trump? Did automation suddenly spring into being when Hillary Clinton failed to get elected? Did Barack Obama have any policies that prohibited automation?

Kiosks and robots are replacing human beings at an alarming rate because you folks on the left have made a "living wage" and "$15 an hour minimum wage" a priority and businesses are reacting to that by automating where ever they can!

That's not Trump's fault...that's YOUR fault, R-Derp!

No that is not why. The reason why is employees need vacation, 401K's and health ins. Its cheaper. What do you want people to work in factories for 7.25. Not worth it.

Ah, Penny? Most of those entry level workers being replaced by kiosks don't get paid vacations or health insurance and 401K's paid by their employers. They get paid a minimum wage...which you on the left are convinced needs to be much higher. Your calls for the $15 an hour minimum wage is what's driving this conversion from humans to kiosks JUST AS YOU WERE WARNED WOULD HAPPEN!
The Real Story of Automation Beginning with One Simple Chart

Thanks to automated drilling, a once dangerous and very laborious task now requires fewer people to accomplish. Automation of oil rigs means that one rig can do more with fewer workers. In fact, it’s expected that what once took a crew of 20 will soon take a crew of 5. The application of new technologies to oil drilling means that of the 440,000 jobs lost in the global downturn, as many as 220,000 of those jobs may never come back.

This is a story of technological unemployment that is crystal clear, and yet people are still arguing about it like it’s something that may or may not happen in the future. It’s actually a very similar situation to climate change, where the effects are right in our faces, but it’s still considered a debate. Automation is real, folks. Companies are actively investing in automation because it means they can produce more at a lower cost. That’s good for business. Wages, salaries, and benefits are all just overhead that can be eliminated by use of machines.

But hey, don’t worry, right? Because everyone unemployed by machines will find better jobs elsewhere that pay even more… Well, about that, that’s not at all what the history of automation in the computer age over the past 40 years shows. Yes, some with highly valued skills go on to get better jobs, but they are very much the minority. Most people end up finding new paid work that requires less skill, and thus pays less.



(Look at that. Trumpsters are so fuked.)

More than 52 million Americans are now currently living in counties considered as being in economic distress. A report by the Economic Innovation Group (EIG), a bipartisan research and advocacy organization, discovered a close link between community size and prosperity, where counties with under 100,000 people are 11 times more likely to be distressedthan counties with more than 100,000 people.

Understand how automation is helping to divide the country along “red” and “blue” lines, and the growing polarization of our politics will immediately make more sense.


Hundreds of thousands of jobs were just lost due to oil rig automation and no one (except for those unemployed and their families) batted an eye. Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost over the years to industrial robots. Hundreds of thousands more jobs were just lost this year in retail due to the unstoppable efficiency of Amazon and the more than 100,000 robots it employs. And yes, Amazon is creating lots of new jobs too, but for every job it creates, it has eliminated two or more by eliminating its far less efficient brick and mortar competition. Unless you’re talking about net job creation, and the details of those jobs created, you’re dishonestly talking about employment.


Instead of having a president who leads. We have one who lies. The real issue is how do we create good jobs in a technological world. Trumpsters are so fuked following that lying scam artist. They feel bold now because they "won". But they haven't figured out yet how badly they've lost.

What does any of THAT have to do with Donald Trump? Did automation suddenly spring into being when Hillary Clinton failed to get elected? Did Barack Obama have any policies that prohibited automation?

Kiosks and robots are replacing human beings at an alarming rate because you folks on the left have made a "living wage" and "$15 an hour minimum wage" a priority and businesses are reacting to that by automating where ever they can!

That's not Trump's fault...that's YOUR fault, R-Derp!

No that is not why. The reason why is employees need vacation, 401K's and health ins. Its cheaper. What do you want people to work in factories for 7.25. Not worth it.

Ah, Penny? Most of those entry level workers being replaced by kiosks don't get paid vacations or health insurance and 401K's paid by their employers. They get paid a minimum wage...which you on the left are convinced needs to be much higher. Your calls for the $15 an hour minimum wage is what's driving this conversion from humans to kiosks JUST AS YOU WERE WARNED WOULD HAPPEN!

BS I know better. I would never work for 7.25 bucks an hour.
PS: anyone willing to work for 7.25 an hour without any bennies had best start a cleaning company, nanny service, and work for themselves.
  • Thread starter
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  • #9
The Real Story of Automation Beginning with One Simple Chart

Thanks to automated drilling, a once dangerous and very laborious task now requires fewer people to accomplish. Automation of oil rigs means that one rig can do more with fewer workers. In fact, it’s expected that what once took a crew of 20 will soon take a crew of 5. The application of new technologies to oil drilling means that of the 440,000 jobs lost in the global downturn, as many as 220,000 of those jobs may never come back.

This is a story of technological unemployment that is crystal clear, and yet people are still arguing about it like it’s something that may or may not happen in the future. It’s actually a very similar situation to climate change, where the effects are right in our faces, but it’s still considered a debate. Automation is real, folks. Companies are actively investing in automation because it means they can produce more at a lower cost. That’s good for business. Wages, salaries, and benefits are all just overhead that can be eliminated by use of machines.

But hey, don’t worry, right? Because everyone unemployed by machines will find better jobs elsewhere that pay even more… Well, about that, that’s not at all what the history of automation in the computer age over the past 40 years shows. Yes, some with highly valued skills go on to get better jobs, but they are very much the minority. Most people end up finding new paid work that requires less skill, and thus pays less.



(Look at that. Trumpsters are so fuked.)

More than 52 million Americans are now currently living in counties considered as being in economic distress. A report by the Economic Innovation Group (EIG), a bipartisan research and advocacy organization, discovered a close link between community size and prosperity, where counties with under 100,000 people are 11 times more likely to be distressedthan counties with more than 100,000 people.

Understand how automation is helping to divide the country along “red” and “blue” lines, and the growing polarization of our politics will immediately make more sense.


Hundreds of thousands of jobs were just lost due to oil rig automation and no one (except for those unemployed and their families) batted an eye. Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost over the years to industrial robots. Hundreds of thousands more jobs were just lost this year in retail due to the unstoppable efficiency of Amazon and the more than 100,000 robots it employs. And yes, Amazon is creating lots of new jobs too, but for every job it creates, it has eliminated two or more by eliminating its far less efficient brick and mortar competition. Unless you’re talking about net job creation, and the details of those jobs created, you’re dishonestly talking about employment.


Instead of having a president who leads. We have one who lies. The real issue is how do we create good jobs in a technological world. Trumpsters are so fuked following that lying scam artist. They feel bold now because they "won". But they haven't figured out yet how badly they've lost.

Speaking of lying, R-Derp...the following is from the article on which you based your latest attack on Trump.

"But even if automation is expected to increase, and some day take over drilling sites and drillships, it is not the norm in the oil and gas industry today. While there have been early adopters, the oil and gas drilling business is still years away from becoming an automated activity."

Your very own article totally debunks your claim!

Yet another R-Derp thread goes down in flames!!! :blowup::blowup:
Not really. 87% of lost manufacturing jobs have already been automated.
And, those wells can be automated now with existing technology.
Imagine how it will be in a couple of years. Remember, years is two. It's already going on. The technology will only get better.

And for you to not understand that proves you are one SF. You won all right. Won at being ignorant. Keeping the same low standard.

and pitiful
just pitiful
The Real Story of Automation Beginning with One Simple Chart

Thanks to automated drilling, a once dangerous and very laborious task now requires fewer people to accomplish. Automation of oil rigs means that one rig can do more with fewer workers. In fact, it’s expected that what once took a crew of 20 will soon take a crew of 5. The application of new technologies to oil drilling means that of the 440,000 jobs lost in the global downturn, as many as 220,000 of those jobs may never come back.

This is a story of technological unemployment that is crystal clear, and yet people are still arguing about it like it’s something that may or may not happen in the future. It’s actually a very similar situation to climate change, where the effects are right in our faces, but it’s still considered a debate. Automation is real, folks. Companies are actively investing in automation because it means they can produce more at a lower cost. That’s good for business. Wages, salaries, and benefits are all just overhead that can be eliminated by use of machines.

But hey, don’t worry, right? Because everyone unemployed by machines will find better jobs elsewhere that pay even more… Well, about that, that’s not at all what the history of automation in the computer age over the past 40 years shows. Yes, some with highly valued skills go on to get better jobs, but they are very much the minority. Most people end up finding new paid work that requires less skill, and thus pays less.



(Look at that. Trumpsters are so fuked.)

More than 52 million Americans are now currently living in counties considered as being in economic distress. A report by the Economic Innovation Group (EIG), a bipartisan research and advocacy organization, discovered a close link between community size and prosperity, where counties with under 100,000 people are 11 times more likely to be distressedthan counties with more than 100,000 people.

Understand how automation is helping to divide the country along “red” and “blue” lines, and the growing polarization of our politics will immediately make more sense.


Hundreds of thousands of jobs were just lost due to oil rig automation and no one (except for those unemployed and their families) batted an eye. Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost over the years to industrial robots. Hundreds of thousands more jobs were just lost this year in retail due to the unstoppable efficiency of Amazon and the more than 100,000 robots it employs. And yes, Amazon is creating lots of new jobs too, but for every job it creates, it has eliminated two or more by eliminating its far less efficient brick and mortar competition. Unless you’re talking about net job creation, and the details of those jobs created, you’re dishonestly talking about employment.


Instead of having a president who leads. We have one who lies. The real issue is how do we create good jobs in a technological world. Trumpsters are so fuked following that lying scam artist. They feel bold now because they "won". But they haven't figured out yet how badly they've lost.

What does any of THAT have to do with Donald Trump? Did automation suddenly spring into being when Hillary Clinton failed to get elected? Did Barack Obama have any policies that prohibited automation?

Kiosks and robots are replacing human beings at an alarming rate because you folks on the left have made a "living wage" and "$15 an hour minimum wage" a priority and businesses are reacting to that by automating where ever they can!

That's not Trump's fault...that's YOUR fault, R-Derp!

No that is not why. The reason why is employees need vacation, 401K's and health ins. Its cheaper. What do you want people to work in factories for 7.25. Not worth it.

Ah, Penny? Most of those entry level workers being replaced by kiosks don't get paid vacations or health insurance and 401K's paid by their employers. They get paid a minimum wage...which you on the left are convinced needs to be much higher. Your calls for the $15 an hour minimum wage is what's driving this conversion from humans to kiosks JUST AS YOU WERE WARNED WOULD HAPPEN!

BS I know better. I would never work for 7.25 bucks an hour.
PS: anyone willing to work for 7.25 an hour without any bennies had best start a cleaning company, nanny service, and work for themselves.

When you enter the workforce with zero job skills you're actually not even worth $7.25 an hour, Penny! Your employer is probably losing money on you while they are training you! Why would anyone expect to make $15 an hour when they don't have marketable skills yet? It's absurd! All you're doing is eliminating any incentive for employers to hire people with few skills and without that first job...they have no means of learning the skills they'll need to move on to better paying jobs!
The Real Story of Automation Beginning with One Simple Chart

Thanks to automated drilling, a once dangerous and very laborious task now requires fewer people to accomplish. Automation of oil rigs means that one rig can do more with fewer workers. In fact, it’s expected that what once took a crew of 20 will soon take a crew of 5. The application of new technologies to oil drilling means that of the 440,000 jobs lost in the global downturn, as many as 220,000 of those jobs may never come back.

This is a story of technological unemployment that is crystal clear, and yet people are still arguing about it like it’s something that may or may not happen in the future. It’s actually a very similar situation to climate change, where the effects are right in our faces, but it’s still considered a debate. Automation is real, folks. Companies are actively investing in automation because it means they can produce more at a lower cost. That’s good for business. Wages, salaries, and benefits are all just overhead that can be eliminated by use of machines.

But hey, don’t worry, right? Because everyone unemployed by machines will find better jobs elsewhere that pay even more… Well, about that, that’s not at all what the history of automation in the computer age over the past 40 years shows. Yes, some with highly valued skills go on to get better jobs, but they are very much the minority. Most people end up finding new paid work that requires less skill, and thus pays less.



(Look at that. Trumpsters are so fuked.)

More than 52 million Americans are now currently living in counties considered as being in economic distress. A report by the Economic Innovation Group (EIG), a bipartisan research and advocacy organization, discovered a close link between community size and prosperity, where counties with under 100,000 people are 11 times more likely to be distressedthan counties with more than 100,000 people.

Understand how automation is helping to divide the country along “red” and “blue” lines, and the growing polarization of our politics will immediately make more sense.


Hundreds of thousands of jobs were just lost due to oil rig automation and no one (except for those unemployed and their families) batted an eye. Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost over the years to industrial robots. Hundreds of thousands more jobs were just lost this year in retail due to the unstoppable efficiency of Amazon and the more than 100,000 robots it employs. And yes, Amazon is creating lots of new jobs too, but for every job it creates, it has eliminated two or more by eliminating its far less efficient brick and mortar competition. Unless you’re talking about net job creation, and the details of those jobs created, you’re dishonestly talking about employment.


Instead of having a president who leads. We have one who lies. The real issue is how do we create good jobs in a technological world. Trumpsters are so fuked following that lying scam artist. They feel bold now because they "won". But they haven't figured out yet how badly they've lost.

Speaking of lying, R-Derp...the following is from the article on which you based your latest attack on Trump.

"But even if automation is expected to increase, and some day take over drilling sites and drillships, it is not the norm in the oil and gas industry today. While there have been early adopters, the oil and gas drilling business is still years away from becoming an automated activity."

Your very own article totally debunks your claim!

Yet another R-Derp thread goes down in flames!!! :blowup::blowup:
Not really. 87% of lost manufacturing jobs have already been automated.
And, those wells can be automated now with existing technology.
Imagine how it will be in a couple of years. Remember, years is two. It's already going on. The technology will only get better.

And for you to not understand that proves you are one SF. You won all right. Won at being ignorant. Keeping the same low standard.

and pitiful
just pitiful

Your own cited post states that automation of wells will be something that will be happening in the future, R-Derp! Can't you read? As've read the HEADLINE and not bothered to read the rest of the article...something you do on a regular basis!
The Real Story of Automation Beginning with One Simple Chart

Thanks to automated drilling, a once dangerous and very laborious task now requires fewer people to accomplish. Automation of oil rigs means that one rig can do more with fewer workers. In fact, it’s expected that what once took a crew of 20 will soon take a crew of 5. The application of new technologies to oil drilling means that of the 440,000 jobs lost in the global downturn, as many as 220,000 of those jobs may never come back.

This is a story of technological unemployment that is crystal clear, and yet people are still arguing about it like it’s something that may or may not happen in the future. It’s actually a very similar situation to climate change, where the effects are right in our faces, but it’s still considered a debate. Automation is real, folks. Companies are actively investing in automation because it means they can produce more at a lower cost. That’s good for business. Wages, salaries, and benefits are all just overhead that can be eliminated by use of machines.

But hey, don’t worry, right? Because everyone unemployed by machines will find better jobs elsewhere that pay even more… Well, about that, that’s not at all what the history of automation in the computer age over the past 40 years shows. Yes, some with highly valued skills go on to get better jobs, but they are very much the minority. Most people end up finding new paid work that requires less skill, and thus pays less.



(Look at that. Trumpsters are so fuked.)

More than 52 million Americans are now currently living in counties considered as being in economic distress. A report by the Economic Innovation Group (EIG), a bipartisan research and advocacy organization, discovered a close link between community size and prosperity, where counties with under 100,000 people are 11 times more likely to be distressedthan counties with more than 100,000 people.

Understand how automation is helping to divide the country along “red” and “blue” lines, and the growing polarization of our politics will immediately make more sense.


Hundreds of thousands of jobs were just lost due to oil rig automation and no one (except for those unemployed and their families) batted an eye. Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost over the years to industrial robots. Hundreds of thousands more jobs were just lost this year in retail due to the unstoppable efficiency of Amazon and the more than 100,000 robots it employs. And yes, Amazon is creating lots of new jobs too, but for every job it creates, it has eliminated two or more by eliminating its far less efficient brick and mortar competition. Unless you’re talking about net job creation, and the details of those jobs created, you’re dishonestly talking about employment.


Instead of having a president who leads. We have one who lies. The real issue is how do we create good jobs in a technological world. Trumpsters are so fuked following that lying scam artist. They feel bold now because they "won". But they haven't figured out yet how badly they've lost.

What does any of THAT have to do with Donald Trump? Did automation suddenly spring into being when Hillary Clinton failed to get elected? Did Barack Obama have any policies that prohibited automation?

Kiosks and robots are replacing human beings at an alarming rate because you folks on the left have made a "living wage" and "$15 an hour minimum wage" a priority and businesses are reacting to that by automating where ever they can!

That's not Trump's fault...that's YOUR fault, R-Derp!

No that is not why. The reason why is employees need vacation, 401K's and health ins. Its cheaper. What do you want people to work in factories for 7.25. Not worth it.

Ah, Penny? Most of those entry level workers being replaced by kiosks don't get paid vacations or health insurance and 401K's paid by their employers. They get paid a minimum wage...which you on the left are convinced needs to be much higher. Your calls for the $15 an hour minimum wage is what's driving this conversion from humans to kiosks JUST AS YOU WERE WARNED WOULD HAPPEN!

BS I know better. I would never work for 7.25 bucks an hour.
PS: anyone willing to work for 7.25 an hour without any bennies had best start a cleaning company, nanny service, and work for themselves.

When you enter the workforce with zero job skills you're actually not even worth $7.25 an hour, Penny! Your employer is probably losing money on you while they are training you! Why would anyone expect to make $15 an hour when they don't have marketable skills yet? It's absurd! All you're doing is eliminating any incentive for employers to hire people with few skills and without that first job...they have no means of learning the skills they'll need to move on to better paying jobs!

I'm retired. The min wage has got to be higher. Most states, except the GOP run ones have higher starting wages.

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