Trump is dangerous--to the state.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Donald Trump is a very dangerous man that exposed the state, its lies and the global initiatives that betray America, its Constitution, and its people.

After the Great Society, Americans apparently learned that not only is the government good, but it is the solution to all the major problems plaguing a free society. If some in society have more than others, then freedom has been abused. How can it be fair that if one person works harder than another, that person can earn an advantage and enjoy a better lifestyle than the other person? Complete fairness is not achieved as long there are winners and losers. So, government must intervene as an antidote for the failings of freedom.

This is the postmodern point of view in America which masquerades as something new but is actually very old. US Political and economic postmodernism sprouted from the seeds of progressivism beginning in the 1960’s with Lyndon Johnson and was warned against early by experts in sociology like Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Moynihan knew that if nuclear family structure was dismissed as unimportant and unnecessary, then government would supplant it as the heart of the nation.

Oddly, with Cuba just 90 miles from America’s coast implementing the destruction of freedom at the hands of government while landowners and businessmen were being dispossessed of property and wealth, it would have seemed obvious that America’s Great Society was a bad idea. But like so many in the intellectual arena America’s intellectuals believed they could preside over attacks on freedom and liberty in a kinder, gentler, and better way.

While family structure among all classes and races in America has greatly disintegrated, the government has expanded into areas that would have been unthinkable fifty years go ushering in a managed underclass of criminals and drug addicts. Incredibly, the response of government is not to change course but to make it easier for this underclass to vote and continue to feed the central power in Washington that created the problem in the first place.

Once the government got into the business of guaranteeing college loans, it was easy to brainwash citizens to believe government was the answer to everything. Now there is a movement to forgive those loans and hand the bill off to the rest of America.

This is why Trump is so dangerous. He is not dangerous to you; he is dangerous to the government.

The Black Family: 40 Years of Lies | Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s Report (
LOL. Oh damn Ray you are really funny. Trump loves big government. He did nothing to curtail it. He expanded. Please stop posting.
If the "traditional" family has become obsolete it's only because it has become unsustainable in our ruthlessly capitalist society. Meanwhile any program or policy that addresses the problems of the working class or tries to raise them up is nothing but dirty socialism. The basis of the traditional family was the ability to support them in a stable environment and spend time with them. Can't do that when both parents have to work multiple jobs just to keep a roof over their heads. Working class wealth is now a contradiction in terms. Who do you blame for that? Certainly not the "job creators".
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When criminals rob banks they often use stolen cars. This is a good analogy for forgiving college loans. Many colleges derive their wealth from the government. They have a captive audience of students that owe them money. If you can convince government to pass the costs on to taxpayers you can continue to enrich yourself at someone else's expense. It is the same thought process that bank thieves use when make use of a stolen getaway vehicle-they eliminate overhead.
History does not lie--it is rewritten.

History will write that a lying thieving conman tried to overthrow a free and fair election he lost, attempting to overthrow the oldest republic on earth into a third-world tin-pot dictatorship and denying the sovereign will of the people, wiping his ass with the constitution and desecrating the Americans who died defending freedom and liberty.

What a disgrace. Your great grandkids will be embarrassed by you.
LOL. Oh damn Ray you are really funny. Trump loves big government. He did nothing to curtail it. He expanded. Please stop posting.
History does not lie--it is rewritten.
I love you man. You might have the most distorted view of anyone on the forum. That’s saying a lot right? I do have 20 posters on ignore, so they might have you beat.
History does not lie--it is rewritten.

History will write that a lying thieving conman tried to overthrow a free and fair election he lost, attempting to overthrow the oldest republic on earth into a third-world tin-pot dictatorship and denying the sovereign will of the people, wiping his ass with the constitution and desecrating the Americans who died defending freedom and liberty.

What a disgrace. Your great grandkids will be embarrassed by you.

No, the libs tried to overthrow trump with fake russian hoax allegations that were proven false. You got it backwards.
LOL. Oh damn Ray you are really funny. Trump loves big government. He did nothing to curtail it. He expanded. Please stop posting.
Do you believe a person who is pure draconian in reigning in debt would be elected President? Real painful cuts would be needed and that may cause a cascade of financial failures also.
LOL. Oh damn Ray you are really funny. Trump loves big government. He did nothing to curtail it. He expanded. Please stop posting.
Do you believe a person who is pure draconian in reigning in debt would be elected President? Real painful cuts would be needed and that may cause a cascade of financial failures also.
No need to worry.
Donald Trump is a very dangerous man that exposed the state, its lies and the global initiatives that betray America, its Constitution, and its people.

After the Great Society, Americans apparently learned that not only is the government good, but it is the solution to all the major problems plaguing a free society. If some in society have more than others, then freedom has been abused. How can it be fair that if one person works harder than another, that person can earn an advantage and enjoy a better lifestyle than the other person? Complete fairness is not achieved as long there are winners and losers. So, government must intervene as an antidote for the failings of freedom.

This is the postmodern point of view in America which masquerades as something new but is actually very old. US Political and economic postmodernism sprouted from the seeds of progressivism beginning in the 1960’s with Lyndon Johnson and was warned against early by experts in sociology like Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Moynihan knew that if nuclear family structure was dismissed as unimportant and unnecessary, then government would supplant it as the heart of the nation.

Oddly, with Cuba just 90 miles from America’s coast implementing the destruction of freedom at the hands of government while landowners and businessmen were being dispossessed of property and wealth, it would have seemed obvious that America’s Great Society was a bad idea. But like so many in the intellectual arena America’s intellectuals believed they could preside over attacks on freedom and liberty in a kinder, gentler, and better way.

While family structure among all classes and races in America has greatly disintegrated, the government has expanded into areas that would have been unthinkable fifty years go ushering in a managed underclass of criminals and drug addicts. Incredibly, the response of government is not to change course but to make it easier for this underclass to vote and continue to feed the central power in Washington that created the problem in the first place.

Once the government got into the business of guaranteeing college loans, it was easy to brainwash citizens to believe government was the answer to everything. Now there is a movement to forgive those loans and hand the bill off to the rest of America.

This is why Trump is so dangerous. He is not dangerous to you; he is dangerous to the government.

The Black Family: 40 Years of Lies | Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s Report (
If the state has to turn commie and turn their backs on America and its people in order to stay rich and powerful they’ll do it

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