Trump Is Coming Back!!! :D

How could Trump have been President when you stated that the next Republican President hasn't been born yet?

Because they're extremely bad at math (even worse than me) and they think that republicans vote for dead people.
What do you think that photograph means to them?
That Saint Trump was sent by Jesus to save America.

No, really. They believe that.




---“only God could deliver such a savior to our nation.”---
The only thing Trump delivered was hundreds of thousands of dead unnecessarily to the graveyard.

And the House and Senate and White House to the Democrats.
Nah. He is not owned by China or Russia. Of course Trump was. Why do you think he had all transcipts, even the interpreters transcripts destroyed, so nobody could prove what was said in a private meeting with Putin? Not exactly the standard handling of diplomatic meetings between any president of our country and any foreign heads of state, was it? Interesting about China. I am sure an old tree, like yourself remembers, it was trump at the beginning of the pandemic, who authorized large amounts of PPE and medical supplies we would desperately need within weeks, to be sold or given the China, and of course you have not forgotten how he publicly and effusively praised China for their fight against the virus and their cooperation shortly afterward, right?
Nice try though. Thanks for playing. :auiqs.jpg:
Pretty much verified fact that The Biden's are owned by The Chinese and Russia, and China may have released the virus to target America to interfere in our elections to get Trump out of the way.

Then in addition to the millions accepted by The Bidens from China, there is also a Russia connection via Clinton-Obama-Biden for both the Rosatom Uranium One Deal and for The Dirty Dossier.

But you don't care about truth, do you trollholio?
Say, rightwinger if republicans vote for dead people, does that mean that Abraham Lincoln's ghost can be president?
Biden is spectacularly mediocre on his best day.

I discuss Trumpism regularly here because it is absolutely fascinating to me as a psychological, sociological and anthropological study, although it is also very troubling as an indication of where my country now is.
then stop talking about him at every move.

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