Trump is a jerk, and proud of it!

From a campaign biography by Michael D’Antonio for the biography "Never Enough"
emphasis mine
Donald Trump, who received draft deferments through much of the Vietnam War, told the author of a forthcoming biography that he nevertheless “always felt that I was in the military” because of his education at a military-themed boarding school.

Mr. Trump said that his experience at the New York Military Academy, an expensive prep school where his parents had sent him to correct poor behavior, gave him “more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military.” . . .

According to the book, Mr. Trump attended the New York Military Academy after years of rowdy and rebellious behavior at Kew-Forest, a more traditional prep school in Queens. Mr. Trump once recalled giving a teacher at Kew-Forest a black eye “because I didn’t think he knew anything about music.”

He arrived at the military academy -- where tuition now reaches $31,000 a year -- for eighth grade in 1959 and remained for high school. Like all students at the Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y., campus, he wore a uniform, participated in marching drills and was expected to conform to a hierarchy imposed by instructors, some of whom had served in the military.


He is proud of being an a55hole! We have gone from George Washington, always the gentleman, to this.

Does Trump say what weapons he learned to fire and service while at the NYMA?
From a campaign biography by Michael D’Antonio for the biography "Never Enough"
emphasis mine
Donald Trump, who received draft deferments through much of the Vietnam War, told the author of a forthcoming biography that he nevertheless “always felt that I was in the military” because of his education at a military-themed boarding school.

Mr. Trump said that his experience at the New York Military Academy, an expensive prep school where his parents had sent him to correct poor behavior, gave him “more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military.” . . .

According to the book, Mr. Trump attended the New York Military Academy after years of rowdy and rebellious behavior at Kew-Forest, a more traditional prep school in Queens. Mr. Trump once recalled giving a teacher at Kew-Forest a black eye “because I didn’t think he knew anything about music.”

He arrived at the military academy -- where tuition now reaches $31,000 a year -- for eighth grade in 1959 and remained for high school. Like all students at the Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y., campus, he wore a uniform, participated in marching drills and was expected to conform to a hierarchy imposed by instructors, some of whom had served in the military.


He is proud of being an a55hole! We have gone from George Washington, always the gentleman, to this.

Does Trump say what weapons he learned to fire and service while at the NYMA?
They give weapons to the inmates at Juvie? No way!
Is Trump considered a veteran because of his time in military school?
It is not a military school. It is Juvenile detention for felonious rich kids. Yes, they have uniforms, but so do they have them in jail.

He was there for assault and battery on a teacher at his previous school.

He is proud of his crime and brags about it
GO TRUMP!!!!!!!!!

Trump is a crude petulant child who is entertaining those who are like him.

I liked him at first for a while, but now see him as a negative to American leadership and diplomacy. A blowhard who needs no more power.
Is Trump considered a veteran because of his time in military school?
It is not a military school. It is Juvenile detention for felonious rich kids. Yes, they have uniforms, but so do they have them in jail.

He was there for assault and battery on a teacher at his previous school.

He is proud of his crime and brags about it
Over time many people sort of grow up and look back on their childishness in the light of maturity, but apparently not Trump, still the child.
Is Trump considered a veteran because of his time in military school?
It is not a military school. It is Juvenile detention for felonious rich kids. Yes, they have uniforms, but so do they have them in jail.

He was there for assault and battery on a teacher at his previous school.

He is proud of his crime and brags about it
Over time many people sort of grow up and look back on their childishness in the light of maturity, but apparently not Trump, still the child.

Sounds like either a DemocRAT or RINO talking point.... but at this time, those 2 entities are enemies of America!

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