Trump Indictment Would Probably Be Overturned on Appeal: Dershowitz


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
A made-up charge that the NY Times says is a 'novel legal theory'.

Democrats turning America into a 🍌 republic. (A huge cadre of military-aged men decamped near our southern border recently).

If former President Donald Trump is indicted, he’ll probably be convicted but an appeal would likely lead to the conviction being thrown out, legal expert Alan Dershowitz said on March 18.​
“I don’t think there will be a motion to dismiss that succeeds. This is New York justice. In New York, of course you can indict a ham sandwich. But in New York, you can also convict a ham sandwich because the jury pool will be very much against Trump and the judges will be very much against Trump,” Dershowitz, professor emeritus at Harvard Law School, said during an appearance on Fox News.​
“So, if I were him, I would be worried today. He’ll probably ultimately win on appeal, but do judges today have the courage … to do something favorable to Trump in a city which overwhelmingly despises Trump? That’s what’s wrong with this justice system.”​
Trump is reportedly set to face an indictment for a payment made to Stormy Daniels, an adult actress who has made the contested claim that he had an affair with her. The payment was made by Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, and Trump reimbursed the lawyer. Trump has said the allegations were “debunked.”​
Dershowitz, who was part of Trump’s impeachment defense team in 2020, agreed. “There is no crime here,” he said.​

‘Used His Own Money’​

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said in a statement that most campaign finance violations involve spending other people’s money illegally or accepting money that you should not.​
“Trump did neither. He used his own money to resolve a private dispute, irrespective of any campaign. The impending indictment is based on an untested, tortured legal theory. This is an absurd abuse of the criminal process in our politics. It must be seen for the partisan pathetic ploy it is,” Gaetz, a Trump supporter, said.​

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The rule of law has been breaking into a two tiered system for years. It is now becoming apparent how bad it really is.
Is it legal to pay a nuisance settlement to a Ho bag? Yep.

If your lawyer fronted that money, is it legal to repay the lawyer? Yep.

Does Bragg have jurisdiction to prosecute Trump for some alleged federal election law violation? Nope.

Is this case likely to be a steaming pile of bullshit along those lines? Yep.

Do any of our liberals give the slightest shit about the law or justice? Nope.
If former President Donald Trump is indicted, he’ll probably be convicted but an appeal would likely lead to the conviction being thrown out, He used his own money to resolve a private dispute, irrespective of any campaign.

People settle out of court all of the time because it ultimately is cheaper than going to trial, irrespective of guilt or innocence and there is nothing illegal about any of it. But the NY DA isn't interested in Trump's guilt, this is all about simply dragging Trump through another twisted, abuse of the law again so as to sully him going into another election trying to once again sway an election in the democrat's favor because democrats would never win if they were ever totally honest and aboveboard of their real agenda and plans once in office.

So do you think Biden would have been elected had he detailed as his plans in 2020 what he has actually DONE these past two years???

I would not play the game if I were Trump, come and get me would be my posture, make SS kill any fascist democrat who attempts to approach him, further Florida will not play the game either, they might well arrest or kill any NYC fascist democrats who enter state with intention of subduing the lawful president!

One other thing, its clear as a bell Biden is behind this, Biden and its utterly illicit administration, which includes the DOJ/FBI, that is the enemy of America, its time to treat them all as we would have Bin Laden, no safe harbor to a one of them, Americans outgun these fascists and their jackboots by hundreds to one, we are the armed forces, if they push I fully support going to a hot war upon them all!
Did anyone ask Alan how many flights he took with Esptein? Why is anyone still giving this guy the time of day?
And because, (I guess) he knew Epstein, that means exactly what regarding his opinion
on a guilty plea being overturned?
You know, as well as everyone else, that it isn't about the law, it's about Trump.
A made-up charge that the NY Times says is a 'novel legal theory'.

Democrats turning America into a 🍌 republic. (A huge cadre of military-aged men decamped near our southern border recently).

If former President Donald Trump is indicted, he’ll probably be convicted but an appeal would likely lead to the conviction being thrown out, legal expert Alan Dershowitz said on March 18.​
“I don’t think there will be a motion to dismiss that succeeds. This is New York justice. In New York, of course you can indict a ham sandwich. But in New York, you can also convict a ham sandwich because the jury pool will be very much against Trump and the judges will be very much against Trump,” Dershowitz, professor emeritus at Harvard Law School, said during an appearance on Fox News.​
“So, if I were him, I would be worried today. He’ll probably ultimately win on appeal, but do judges today have the courage … to do something favorable to Trump in a city which overwhelmingly despises Trump? That’s what’s wrong with this justice system.”​
Trump is reportedly set to face an indictment for a payment made to Stormy Daniels, an adult actress who has made the contested claim that he had an affair with her. The payment was made by Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, and Trump reimbursed the lawyer. Trump has said the allegations were “debunked.”​
Dershowitz, who was part of Trump’s impeachment defense team in 2020, agreed. “There is no crime here,” he said.​

‘Used His Own Money’​

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said in a statement that most campaign finance violations involve spending other people’s money illegally or accepting money that you should not.​
“Trump did neither. He used his own money to resolve a private dispute, irrespective of any campaign. The impending indictment is based on an untested, tortured legal theory. This is an absurd abuse of the criminal process in our politics. It must be seen for the partisan pathetic ploy it is,” Gaetz, a Trump supporter, said.​

Of course the GOP would turn to Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile lawyer for an opinion
And because, (I guess) he knew Epstein, that means exactly what regarding his opinion
on a guilty plea being overturned?
You know, as well as everyone else, that it isn't about the law, it's about Trump.

He more than knew Epstein. He was a regular passenger on his plane and helped get him his initial sweatheart deal.

There is NO reason anyone still gives him the time of day.
A made-up charge that the NY Times says is a 'novel legal theory'.

Democrats turning America into a 🍌 republic. (A huge cadre of military-aged men decamped near our southern border recently).

If former President Donald Trump is indicted, he’ll probably be convicted but an appeal would likely lead to the conviction being thrown out, legal expert Alan Dershowitz said on March 18.​
“I don’t think there will be a motion to dismiss that succeeds. This is New York justice. In New York, of course you can indict a ham sandwich. But in New York, you can also convict a ham sandwich because the jury pool will be very much against Trump and the judges will be very much against Trump,” Dershowitz, professor emeritus at Harvard Law School, said during an appearance on Fox News.​
“So, if I were him, I would be worried today. He’ll probably ultimately win on appeal, but do judges today have the courage … to do something favorable to Trump in a city which overwhelmingly despises Trump? That’s what’s wrong with this justice system.”​
Trump is reportedly set to face an indictment for a payment made to Stormy Daniels, an adult actress who has made the contested claim that he had an affair with her. The payment was made by Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, and Trump reimbursed the lawyer. Trump has said the allegations were “debunked.”​
Dershowitz, who was part of Trump’s impeachment defense team in 2020, agreed. “There is no crime here,” he said.​

‘Used His Own Money’​

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said in a statement that most campaign finance violations involve spending other people’s money illegally or accepting money that you should not.​
“Trump did neither. He used his own money to resolve a private dispute, irrespective of any campaign. The impending indictment is based on an untested, tortured legal theory. This is an absurd abuse of the criminal process in our politics. It must be seen for the partisan pathetic ploy it is,” Gaetz, a Trump supporter, said.​

After he's indicted he would have to be convicted in order for it to be overturned on appeal.
An ambulance chaser like Douchewitz should know this.

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