Trump in August - It's not going to happen


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Sorry Trump supporters, your beloved "Donald" is not going to be reinstated in August (or any other month for that matter)

Despite all the fist shaking, conspiracy theory's, name calling, and wailing about voter fraud, your beloved "Donald" has brought forth no evidence to back up his claims he won the election. Trump appointed judges in multiple states, and on the US Supreme court rejected his claims he won the election. I'm sorry little's over, and it's been over for months now. Joe Biden is now your President, and Kamala Harris is now your Vice President - get to be good friends with them. :)
Oh well, Panda Poop.

Breaking New from AZ. Ballot made from Panda Poop flown in from China finally discovered.

Sorry Trump supporters, your beloved "Donald" is not going to be reinstated in August (or any other month for that matter)

Despite all the fist shaking, conspiracy theory's, name calling, and wailing about voter fraud, your beloved "Donald" has brought forth no evidence to back up his claims he won the election. Trump appointed judges in multiple states, and on the US Supreme court rejected his claims he won the election. I'm sorry little's over, and it's been over for months now. Joe Biden is now your President, and Kamala Harris is now your Vice President - get to be good friends with them. :)
If Trump says he will be reinstated in August, he will be

He wouldn’t lie to us
Sorry Trump supporters, your beloved "Donald" is not going to be reinstated in August (or any other month for that matter)

Despite all the fist shaking, conspiracy theory's, name calling, and wailing about voter fraud, your beloved "Donald" has brought forth no evidence to back up his claims he won the election. Trump appointed judges in multiple states, and on the US Supreme court rejected his claims he won the election. I'm sorry little's over, and it's been over for months now. Joe Biden is now your President, and Kamala Harris is now your Vice President - get to be good friends with them. :)
None of the Trumpsters here believe that he's going to get reinstated at any point.

You're trolling an empty fishing hole, Corky.

Trump appointed judges in multiple states, and on the US Supreme court rejected his claims he won the election.

100% lie....None of those courts even looked at any evidence.....They refused on technicalities, not the evidence.
Sorry Trump supporters, your beloved "Donald" is not going to be reinstated in August (or any other month for that matter)

Despite all the fist shaking, conspiracy theory's, name calling, and wailing about voter fraud, your beloved "Donald" has brought forth no evidence to back up his claims he won the election. Trump appointed judges in multiple states, and on the US Supreme court rejected his claims he won the election. I'm sorry little's over, and it's been over for months now. Joe Biden is now your President, and Kamala Harris is now your Vice President - get to be good friends with them. :)
If Trump says he will be reinstated in August, he will be

He wouldn’t lie to us
Trump hasn't said so, or anything. This is another case of communist democrats reportedly quoting anonymous sources.
None of the Trumpsters here believe that he's going to get reinstated at any point.

You're trolling an empty fishing hole, Corky.

It would be nice, but yeah I don't think that it's going to happen. However, I'm not going to be friends with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, because with friends like those who needs enemies?
None of the Trumpsters here believe that he's going to get reinstated at any point.

You're trolling an empty fishing hole, Corky.

It would be nice, but yeah I don't think that it's going to happen. However, I'm not going to be friends with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, because with friends like those who needs enemies?
I doubt they would acknowledge yer existence.
This is another case of the New York Times, making things up and quoting anonymous sources. When will communist democrats get a clue that they are being lied to? Never the milk coming from liar tit is just too sweet.
Sorry Trump supporters, your beloved "Donald" is not going to be reinstated in August (or any other month for that matter)

Despite all the fist shaking, conspiracy theory's, name calling, and wailing about voter fraud, your beloved "Donald" has brought forth no evidence to back up his claims he won the election. Trump appointed judges in multiple states, and on the US Supreme court rejected his claims he won the election. I'm sorry little's over, and it's been over for months now. Joe Biden is now your President, and Kamala Harris is now your Vice President - get to be good friends with them. :)
None of the Trumpsters here believe that he's going to get reinstated at any point.

You're trolling an empty fishing hole, Corky.

Trump appointed judges in multiple states, and on the US Supreme court rejected his claims he won the election.

100% lie....None of those courts even looked at any evidence.....They refused on technicalities, not the evidence.
Blithering nonsense.

"This Court has been unable to find any case in which a plaintiff has sought such a drastic remedy in the contest of an election, in terms of the sheer volume of votes asked to be invalidated. One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens.

That has not happened. Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence."

Trump and his ilk weren't prevented from presenting their evidence. They FAILED to present evidence that would even approach a standard used in court.

Worse, Trump had a trial scheduled where he could present evidence, call witnesses, cross examine folks on the 2020 election. And the day before the trial was to begin, where Trump was to get everything he said he wanted.......surprise, surprise!

Trump dismissed his own case and ended the very trial he said he wanted.

"We never had a chance to present evidence" is just the hapless nonsense you poor souls offer as a sniveling excuse for your perfect record of failure in court.
Typical, Dems lie and make shit up, then start a thread about it. Nobody is claiming Trump would be reinstated in August yet idiot Dems keep starting threads about it. Why, to deflect from Biden's complete failure as POTUS?
Typical, Dems lie and make shit up, then start a thread about it. Nobody is claiming Trump would be reinstated in August yet idiot Dems keep starting threads about it. Why, to deflect from Biden's complete failure as POTUS?

And by 'made up', you're talking about the batshit crazy conspiracy theory that your ilk invented where Trump would be reinstated on August 13th?

This isn't just some random guy. He was a featured speaker at the CPAC in 2019 and 2020. He was spouting election lunatic nonsense just this weekend at the CPAC.

Just because your party is fucking insane doesn't mean that we're 'lying' when we point out how deranged and detached from reality they are.
Sorry Trump supporters, your beloved "Donald" is not going to be reinstated in August (or any other month for that matter)

Despite all the fist shaking, conspiracy theory's, name calling, and wailing about voter fraud, your beloved "Donald" has brought forth no evidence to back up his claims he won the election. Trump appointed judges in multiple states, and on the US Supreme court rejected his claims he won the election. I'm sorry little's over, and it's been over for months now. Joe Biden is now your President, and Kamala Harris is now your Vice President - get to be good friends with them. :)

I have seen several threads discussing the potential for the faux election bein overturned......

I would like to do a 'head-count' on the board to see who REALLY, if any, believe the 2020 election will overturned and former President Trump will be re-instated.........don't be shy - speak up.

Personally, for me, the election is over.

After the election was over, the case of the Pa Election fraud was brought to the USSC.
- In Pa Democrats violated both state and federal election laws and both state and federal Constitutions to change the election process in the middle of an election.

To change election laws, the changes must be brought up before the state legislature, voted on, & if it passes it goes to the state citizens to vote on during an election. If passed it goes back to the Sate legislature to be voted on again. If it passes again it goes to the governor to sign into law. There is no way in hell to do all of this during an Democrats just changed the election laws in the middle of an election.

When it came to the Supreme Court for them to decide if they would hear the case, the case was rejected, the USSC would not take the case. USSC Chief Justice Roberts did publicly acknowledge, though, that the Democrats DID violate both federal and state Constitutions and election laws.

IMO the reason Roberts did not want to hear this case is because he KNEW there was no other verdict to come out of this case, which was cut and dried, but to declare the move Un-Constitutional. If that happened Roberts knew that would create a nightmare scenario regarding what to do next, Roberts also stated publicly his biggest concern was that this / AN election would be decided by the USSC and NOT the voting citizens of the US. He did NOT want to disenfranchise votes....

As a result of Roberts and the USSC 'ducking their responsibility' because of the extremely difficult ramifications of doing so THEN, I don't think Roberts would change his mind.

If Roberts did not want to potentially disenfranchise voters during the election and possibly affect the outcome of the election - historic - how do you think he feels about potentially being called to make history by over-turning an election by removing a sitting president from office and putting in a different President?

100% lie....None of those courts even looked at any evidence.....They refused on technicalities, not the evidence.
False. Numerous looked at the supposed affidavits and decided that the evidence was insubstantial or completely not reliable.

Right now, Trump’s supposed lawyers are in a sanction hearing where the judge is asking them if they did any investigation into any of the claims in their lawsuit.

They did not.
Sorry Trump supporters, your beloved "Donald" is not going to be reinstated in August (or any other month for that matter)

Despite all the fist shaking, conspiracy theory's, name calling, and wailing about voter fraud, your beloved "Donald" has brought forth no evidence to back up his claims he won the election. Trump appointed judges in multiple states, and on the US Supreme court rejected his claims he won the election. I'm sorry little's over, and it's been over for months now. Joe Biden is now your President, and Kamala Harris is now your Vice President - get to be good friends with them. :)

I have seen several threads discussing the potential for the faux election bein overturned......

I would like to do a 'head-count' on the board to see who REALLY, if any, believe the 2020 election will overturned and former President Trump will be re-instated.........don't be shy - speak up.

Personally, for me, the election is over.

After the election was over, the case of the Pa Election fraud was brought to the USSC.
- In Pa Democrats violated both state and federal election laws and both state and federal Constitutions to change the election process in the middle of an election.
No court, in PA, federal or SCOTUS....has ever found this to be true.

You've made a legal argument that has been rejected in court. That you ignore the court rulings doesn't change them. Its just makes your failed gibberish more blithering pseudo-legal masterbation....akin to idiocy of the Sovereign Citizens, Birthers, and rest of the Big Lie.

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