Trump in a Landslide

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Pretty sure Trump's re-election is a lock. He's unstoppable. DemNazis are in a full blown panic and raging all over the Internet, clawing and scratching like they are drowning. Full Blown Censorship is engaged. Russian Collusion COUP failed, and so did Wuhan Flu Bioweapons attack.

The Desperation of The Globalist New World Order is clearly evident.

100% Dem Biden Moderators cannot stop Trump
Hiding Biden in his basement cannot stop Trump
Your shampeachment (A defensive tactic to stop Biden from being exposed) could not stop Trump
Your scam lock downs and attempts to rig the vote through mass paper ballots will not stop Trump.

We can smell your fear, and you should be afraid. Evil always fears The Light, and The Unrighteous always fear The Law, and their deeds from being exposed.
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After 3-4 months of democrat approved riots...calling them "peaceful protests" as people are murdered...Democrats are DOOMED!

Wait until you see's a doozy!
There won't be a 667 AntiChrist New World Order.

Prophecy states that the 666 New Normal, New World Order will be destroyed by The Return of The True Messiah.
We go all the way to 699. Our stamp's #7 was on the fritz in the first row so we couldn't go any higher. We'd have to skip to 800 and that is just uncouth.

Wait until you see's a doozy!
There won't be a 667 AntiChrist New World Order.

Prophecy states that the 666 New Normal, New World Order will be destroyed by The Return of The True Messiah.
We go all the way to 699. Our stamp's #7 was on the fritz in the first row so we couldn't go any higher. We'd have to skip to 800 and that is just uncouth.

View attachment 402480
One look at the board and the explosion of Lefty Melt Downs will tell you just how criminally insane and morally bankrupt The Leftist DemNazi Globalists are.

There will be no skipping for you and your kind in Hell.
Pretty sure Trump's re-election is a lock. He's unstoppable. DemNazis are in a full blown panic and raging all over the Internet, clawing and scratching like they are drowning. Full Blown Censorship is engaged. Russian Collusion COUP failed, and so did Wuhan Flu Bioweapons attack.

The Desperation of The Globalist New World Order is clearly evident.

100% Dem Biden Moderators cannot stop Trump
Hiding Biden in his basement cannot stop Trump
Your shampeachment (A defensive tactic to stop Biden from being exposed) could not stop Trump
Your scam lock downs and attempts to rig the vote through mass paper ballots will not stop Trump.

We can smell your fear, and you should be afraid. Evil always fears The Light, and The Unrighteous always fear The Law, and their deeds from being exposed.
I hope so. I'm afraid that voter fraud may allow them to win.
Pretty sure Trump's re-election is a lock.

Oh, I have no doubt you do....... :abgg2q.jpg:
I hope one of the two morons wins in a landslide, as it might avoid a lot of bloodshed. I don’t really care which moron wins, since they are both lying neocons.

Gipper I still don't know what you have really against Biden... He has polices which are not a million miles away from Reagan(think you are a Reagan fan from name)...
Pretty sure Trump's re-election is a lock.

Oh, I have no doubt you do....... :abgg2q.jpg:
I hope one of the two morons wins in a landslide, as it might avoid a lot of bloodshed. I don’t really care which moron wins, since they are both lying neocons.

Gipper I still don't know what you have really against Biden... He has polices which are not a million miles away from Reagan(think you are a Reagan fan from name)...
His horrendous 50 year track record should be a clue.

Not a Reagan fan, but once was.
Pretty sure Trump's re-election is a lock. He's unstoppable. DemNazis are in a full blown panic and raging all over the Internet, clawing and scratching like they are drowning. Full Blown Censorship is engaged. Russian Collusion COUP failed, and so did Wuhan Flu Bioweapons attack.

The Desperation of The Globalist New World Order is clearly evident.

100% Dem Biden Moderators cannot stop Trump
Hiding Biden in his basement cannot stop Trump
Your shampeachment (A defensive tactic to stop Biden from being exposed) could not stop Trump
Your scam lock downs and attempts to rig the vote through mass paper ballots will not stop Trump.

We can smell your fear, and you should be afraid. Evil always fears The Light, and The Unrighteous always fear The Law, and their deeds from being exposed.
I hope so. I'm afraid that voter fraud may allow them to win.
If Biden wins, America is done, because all of this corruption will become the norm, and crimes will be swept under the rug, and then Biden will sell out America, and bring in all his Obama buddies, and within 4 years we will be bankrupt and ruled by a Global Government and be under the oppressive thumb of a cashless society.

Literally all Hell will break loose.
Pretty sure Trump's re-election is a lock.

Oh, I have no doubt you do....... :abgg2q.jpg:
I hope one of the two morons wins in a landslide, as it might avoid a lot of bloodshed. I don’t really care which moron wins, since they are both lying neocons.

Gipper I still don't know what you have really against Biden... He has polices which are not a million miles away from Reagan(think you are a Reagan fan from name)...
..he hates cops and whites --to get votes
..he thinks the color of your skin is more important than qualifications
..Reagan did not LOVE BLM/criminals/etc
Pretty sure Trump's re-election is a lock. He's unstoppable. DemNazis are in a full blown panic and raging all over the Internet, clawing and scratching like they are drowning. Full Blown Censorship is engaged. Russian Collusion COUP failed, and so did Wuhan Flu Bioweapons attack.

The Desperation of The Globalist New World Order is clearly evident.

100% Dem Biden Moderators cannot stop Trump
Hiding Biden in his basement cannot stop Trump
Your shampeachment (A defensive tactic to stop Biden from being exposed) could not stop Trump
Your scam lock downs and attempts to rig the vote through mass paper ballots will not stop Trump.

We can smell your fear, and you should be afraid. Evil always fears The Light, and The Unrighteous always fear The Law, and their deeds from being exposed.
There is a huge downside to this--this leaves the dems with trying to get pelosi in to avoid many more of them going to prison. This means that they have invalidate the election which means the obvious is violent riots on election night/day surrounding voters or massive cheating so the eletoral votes can not be awarded.

Everyone stay safe---the dems are going to get desperate and desperate means dangerous.

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