Trump: I Have Investigators in Hawaii...'They Cannot Believe What They're Finding'

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Again, did you live through the 60's? Back then, because of WWII, Japanese was considered a race, at least unofficially. African was not considered a race. They were negroid or black.

Also, because of the numbers of Japanese that live in Hawaii, I don't have a problem with it on a birth certificate. Also, to compare, you would have to list him as "Kenyan" not "African"

why aren't you discussing the lack of any paperwork at either hospital that is being found by Trump's investigators?
how the hell do YOU know what paperwork Dump Truck's imaginary investigation did or did not find???

Did you know they found the name of the doctor who delivered Obama?
Dr. Rodney T. West

I read the article in the op....there was no mention of the doctor, you got a link, I'd like to read it.
There was no mention of a lack of paperwork either! So you give your link first.
how the hell do YOU know what paperwork Dump Truck's imaginary investigation did or did not find???

Did you know they found the name of the doctor who delivered Obama?
Dr. Rodney T. West

I read the article in the op....there was no mention of the doctor, you got a link, I'd like to read it.
There was no mention of a lack of paperwork either! So you give your link first.

How come in the hospital itself, okay? This is one of the…in the hospital itself, there’s no records of his birth. In other words, it doesn’t say how much they paid, where is the doctor, here’s your room bill. You know, all the

Read more: The Page by Mark Halperin | Trump Conducting Hawaii Investigation Into Obama's Birthplace

You should have read the whole article.....

It was heck finding it as it's old now.
how the hell do YOU know what paperwork Dump Truck's imaginary investigation did or did not find???

Did you know they found the name of the doctor who delivered Obama?
Dr. Rodney T. West

I read the article in the op....there was no mention of the doctor, you got a link, I'd like to read it.

I did find this about the doctor:

e: Dr Rodney T West: "....Then, after practicing on the Big Island of Hawaii for a year, he returned to Honolulu and joined the Obstetrics and Gynecological department of the Straub Clinic. In December of l956, after delivering at least 5,OOO babies - and other things, he retired from the practice of medicine..." Another Obama lie is uncovered! The doctor whom they claim delivered Obama retired five years prior to his birth! INFO TAKEN FROM "PEARL HARBOR SURVIVORS PROJECT" WEBSITE.

Obama Was Not Born in a Honolulu Hospital - GINA COBB

Here's the link to the actual Pearl Harbor Survivors Project page. If he delivered a future president of the U.S. wouldn't that have been included in this information? The date at the bottom of the page is 2010. Oops, wrong link.

Here's the right one:, M.D.&id=767
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So why would the certificate numbers be out of sequence?

There is a very common sense reason as to why certificate numbers of two people born close together could be "out of sequence". It requires an understanding of "HOW" paperwork is processed. My undergraduate degree is in Industrial Technology which includes an area having to do with line queue theory, process control, and motion-and-time studies***.

Two factors (off the top of my head) for the sequence being different from a process standpoint.

1. Human based processing v. Computer based processing.

2. Parallel processing v. Serial Processing​

1. Human based processing v. Computer based processing.
Humans tend to process batches of paperwork in what is known as a LIFO Order (Last In, First Out). In contrast to its counter part FIFO (First In, First Out). A clerk sits at a desk and receives batches of work to perform. Unless the process it tightly controlled (and government workers have never been known for tight control of processes) they will by default tend to process paperwork in the most convenient order. (<<-- Note that says "convenient order") The most convenient order may not be the order they were received, more than likely it is taking that which is on top of the "stack" (Last In) to be process (First out). With human processing it is very easy to see an older piece of paper (First In) be processed (Last Out) later. With human processing their is no guaranteed sequence that can be relied on. Unlike modern computer systems that run batches in sequence because they are programmed for FIFO. For example look at the printout of your credit card statement, transactions are processed FIFO down to the fractions of a second, so you better hope the payment gets in before that big charge.

2. Parallel processing v. Serial Processing
The second factor that no one mentions is parallel v. serial processing. Lets say that the government did have tight controls to ensure FIFO v. LIFO in how a clerk processes paperwork (not likely, but lest assume). Another factor is that if ALL birth records from a hospital are shipped to a central location where ONLY ONE clerk processes the data, then you can question sequence. However if transactions are processed at multiple locations and by multiple clerks then you run into sequence being off by parallel processing in two degrees (multiple locations and multiple clerks). Because the same type of paperwork is processed in different locations and by different people there is no way to control the sequence. Even if all the paperwork is processed at a single location, but by multiple clerks then you still cannot control the sequence once the paperwork is routed to the clerks. They may both use the same "log" to assign numbers, but it depends on workload and time of day as to when they get to processing their individuals "stacks". Remember it is very unlikely that the same clerk exclusively issues birth certificates, they may also processes death certificates, marriage certificates, and divorce degrees. Different clerks my work on different functions at different times.

Interesting question, thanks, I haven't had to "think" in those terms in a number of years. I'm a computer/database administrator know and computer batch processing can be quite a bit different. Things tend to get - wonky - when humans get involved.

***If you have watched the 1950's version of the movie "Cheaper by the Dozen", it had to do with Frank Gilbreth who did a lot of work in motion-and-time from a manufacturing standpoint. If you doubt me, Google "Therblig" and see what you get. It's kind of funny really, well in geeky sort of way.

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I read the article in the op....there was no mention of the doctor, you got a link, I'd like to read it.
There was no mention of a lack of paperwork either! So you give your link first.

How come in the hospital itself, okay? This is one of the…in the hospital itself, there’s no records of his birth. In other words, it doesn’t say how much they paid, where is the doctor, here’s your room bill. You know, all the

Read more: The Page by Mark Halperin | Trump Conducting Hawaii Investigation Into Obama's Birthplace

You should have read the whole article.....

It was heck finding it as it's old now.

If Trump actually has something he needs to provide solid proof of it, not just his word. Signed documents from hospital staff stating these things and such. Otherwise he just looks like a loon.
There was no mention of a lack of paperwork either! So you give your link first.

How come in the hospital itself, okay? This is one of the…in the hospital itself, there’s no records of his birth. In other words, it doesn’t say how much they paid, where is the doctor, here’s your room bill. You know, all the

Read more: The Page by Mark Halperin | Trump Conducting Hawaii Investigation Into Obama's Birthplace

You should have read the whole article.....

It was heck finding it as it's old now.

If Trump actually has something he needs to provide solid proof of it, not just his word. Signed documents from hospital staff stating these things and such. Otherwise he just looks like a loon.

Seems to me, if there were proof he was born in any of the hospitals, it would have surfaced by now, and they'd be using a doctor that hadn't retired 4 years before he was born.
How come in the hospital itself, okay? This is one of the…in the hospital itself, there’s no records of his birth. In other words, it doesn’t say how much they paid, where is the doctor, here’s your room bill. You know, all the

Read more: The Page by Mark Halperin | Trump Conducting Hawaii Investigation Into Obama's Birthplace

You should have read the whole article.....

It was heck finding it as it's old now.

If Trump actually has something he needs to provide solid proof of it, not just his word. Signed documents from hospital staff stating these things and such. Otherwise he just looks like a loon.

Seems to me, if there were proof he was born in any of the hospitals, it would have surfaced by now, and they'd be using a doctor that hadn't retired 4 years before he was born.

Well I can't argue with that. Still . . solid proof is needed vs. just his word.
how the hell do YOU know what paperwork Dump Truck's imaginary investigation did or did not find???

Did you know they found the name of the doctor who delivered Obama?
Dr. Rodney T. West

I read the article in the op....there was no mention of the doctor, you got a link, I'd like to read it.

I did find this about the doctor:

e: Dr Rodney T West: "....Then, after practicing on the Big Island of Hawaii for a year, he returned to Honolulu and joined the Obstetrics and Gynecological department of the Straub Clinic. In December of l956, after delivering at least 5,OOO babies - and other things, he retired from the practice of medicine..." Another Obama lie is uncovered! The doctor whom they claim delivered Obama retired five years prior to his birth! INFO TAKEN FROM "PEARL HARBOR SURVIVORS PROJECT" WEBSITE.

Obama Was Not Born in a Honolulu Hospital - GINA COBB
CON$ are pathological Liars!!!
Pearl Harbor Survivors Project
Pearl Harbor Survivors Project
Pearl Harbor Survivors Project

No record of a Dr Rodney T West, Rodney T West. or Rodney West on the "PEARL HARBOR SURVIVORS PROJECT" WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!
Busted again!

Dr Rodney T West retired in 1977!!!!!!!!

More testimony: Obama was born in K&#8230; | Obama Conspiracy Theories

”[West] served as Chief of Staff at … Kapi’olani Maternity Hospital, 1953, and Medical Director, Straub Clinic, 1967-77.”

On the same thread his great niece confirms that Rodney West was in fact still delivering babies.
Catherine West Dale says:
March 24, 2010 at 2:58 pm Catherine West Dale(Quote)
My great uncle was Dr Rodney West, and he delivered me at Kapiolani Hospital on March 26, 1961, the same year Obama was born. That is a fact and it is on my birth certificate.
Catherine West Dale says:

March 25, 2010 at 11:56 am Catherine West Dale(Quote)
I’ll ask my dad, he knows a lot more about his uncle than I do.
Also wanted to add that Dr Rodney T. West delivered my sister at Kapiolani Hospital in Mar 1964.

If Trump actually has something he needs to provide solid proof of it, not just his word. Signed documents from hospital staff stating these things and such. Otherwise he just looks like a loon.

Seems to me, if there were proof he was born in any of the hospitals, it would have surfaced by now, and they'd be using a doctor that hadn't retired 4 years before he was born.

Well I can't argue with that. Still . . solid proof is needed vs. just his word.

I agree. and we don't have solid proof either way. IMO his so called "birthcerticate" is a sorry excuse for proof and until he shows his long form, he's just a pretender to the throne. The fact that he won't makes me believe it doesn't exist. To tell the truth, it doesn't matter, he still traveled on an Indonesian passport after the age of majority and since Indonesia doesn't accept duel citizenship he would have had to give up his American citizenship and that also makes him unqualified. The reason the Supreme court continues to refuse to hear the cases is because they know it would tear out country apart when the truth comes out.
So why would the certificate numbers be out of sequence?

There is a very common sense reason as to why certificate numbers of two people born close together could be "out of sequence". It requires an understanding of "HOW" paperwork is processed. My undergraduate degree is in Industrial Technology which includes an area having to do with line queue theory, process control, and motion-and-time studies***.

Two factors (off the top of my head) for the sequence being different from a process standpoint.

1. Human based processing v. Computer based processing.

2. Parallel processing v. Serial Processing​

1. Human based processing v. Computer based processing.
Humans tend to process batches of paperwork in what is known as a LIFO Order (Last In, First Out). In contrast to its counter part FIFO (First In, First Out). A clerk sits at a desk and receives batches of work to perform. Unless the process it tightly controlled (and government workers have never been known for tight control of processes) they will by default tend to process paperwork in the most convenient order. (<<-- Note that says "convenient order") The most convenient order may not be the order they were received, more than likely it is taking that which is on top of the "stack" (Last In) to be process (First out). With human processing it is very easy to see an older piece of paper (First In) be processed (Last Out) later. With human processing their is no guaranteed sequence that can be relied on. Unlike modern computer systems that run batches in sequence because they are programmed for FIFO. For example look at the printout of your credit card statement, transactions are processed FIFO down to the fractions of a second, so you better hope the payment gets in before that big charge.

2. Parallel processing v. Serial Processing
The second factor that no one mentions is parallel v. serial processing. Lets say that the government did have tight controls to ensure FIFO v. LIFO in how a clerk processes paperwork (not likely, but lest assume). Another factor is that if ALL birth records from a hospital are shipped to a central location where ONLY ONE clerk processes the data, then you can question sequence. However if transactions are processed at multiple locations and by multiple clerks then you run into sequence being off by parallel processing in two degrees (multiple locations and multiple clerks). Because the same type of paperwork is processed in different locations and by different people there is no way to control the sequence. Even if all the paperwork is processed at a single location, but by multiple clerks then you still cannot control the sequence once the paperwork is routed to the clerks. They may both use the same "log" to assign numbers, but it depends on workload and time of day as to when they get to processing their individuals "stacks". Remember it is very unlikely that the same clerk exclusively issues birth certificates, they may also processes death certificates, marriage certificates, and divorce degrees. Different clerks my work on different functions at different times.

Interesting question, thanks, I haven't had to "think" in those terms in a number of years. I'm a computer/database administrator know and computer batch processing can be quite a bit different. Things tend to get - wonky - when humans get involved.

***If you have watched the 1950's version of the movie "Cheaper by the Dozen", it had to do with Frank Gilbreth who did a lot of work in motion-and-time from a manufacturing standpoint. If you doubt me, Google "Therblig" and see what you get. It's kind of funny really, well in geeky sort of way.


That almost makes sense and viable, but for the fact of the timeline. obama's BC was filed on aug 8 the two twins BC were filed on Aug 11 of the same year. I could see what you said happening if filing the paperwork happen on the same day.
I read the article in the op....there was no mention of the doctor, you got a link, I'd like to read it.
There was no mention of a lack of paperwork either! So you give your link first.

How come in the hospital itself, okay? This is one of the…in the hospital itself, there’s no records of his birth. In other words, it doesn’t say how much they paid, where is the doctor, here’s your room bill. You know, all the

Read more: The Page by Mark Halperin | Trump Conducting Hawaii Investigation Into Obama's Birthplace

You should have read the whole article.....

It was heck finding it as it's old now.
But there is a record of his birth, there's a BC. In that same interview Dump Truch lied about his geandmother being at Obama's birth, so how stupid do you have top be to believe anything Dump Truck says??? :cuckoo:
I read the article in the op....there was no mention of the doctor, you got a link, I'd like to read it.

I did find this about the doctor:

e: Dr Rodney T West: "....Then, after practicing on the Big Island of Hawaii for a year, he returned to Honolulu and joined the Obstetrics and Gynecological department of the Straub Clinic. In December of l956, after delivering at least 5,OOO babies - and other things, he retired from the practice of medicine..." Another Obama lie is uncovered! The doctor whom they claim delivered Obama retired five years prior to his birth! INFO TAKEN FROM "PEARL HARBOR SURVIVORS PROJECT" WEBSITE.

Obama Was Not Born in a Honolulu Hospital - GINA COBB
CON$ are pathological Liars!!!
Pearl Harbor Survivors Project
Pearl Harbor Survivors Project
Pearl Harbor Survivors Project

No record of a Dr Rodney T West, Rodney T West. or Rodney West on the "PEARL HARBOR SURVIVORS PROJECT" WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!
Busted again!

Dr Rodney T West retired in 1977!!!!!!!!

More testimony: Obama was born in K… | Obama Conspiracy Theories

”[West] served as Chief of Staff at … Kapi’olani Maternity Hospital, 1953, and Medical Director, Straub Clinic, 1967-77.”

On the same thread his great niece confirms that Rodney West was in fact still delivering babies.
Catherine West Dale says:
March 24, 2010 at 2:58 pm Catherine West Dale(Quote)
My great uncle was Dr Rodney West, and he delivered me at Kapiolani Hospital on March 26, 1961, the same year Obama was born. That is a fact and it is on my birth certificate.
Catherine West Dale says:

March 25, 2010 at 11:56 am Catherine West Dale(Quote)
I’ll ask my dad, he knows a lot more about his uncle than I do.
Also wanted to add that Dr Rodney T. West delivered my sister at Kapiolani Hospital in Mar 1964.

He's listed there.

Pearl Harbor Survivors Project
How come in the hospital itself, okay? This is one of the&#8230;in the hospital itself, there&#8217;s no records of his birth. In other words, it doesn&#8217;t say how much they paid, where is the doctor, here&#8217;s your room bill. You know, all the

Read more: The Page by Mark Halperin | Trump Conducting Hawaii Investigation Into Obama's Birthplace

You should have read the whole article.....

It was heck finding it as it's old now.

If Trump actually has something he needs to provide solid proof of it, not just his word. Signed documents from hospital staff stating these things and such. Otherwise he just looks like a loon.

Seems to me, if there were proof he was born in any of the hospitals, it would have surfaced by now, and they'd be using a doctor that hadn't retired 4 years before he was born.

The whole birth announcement thing in the paper is just a coinkydink? Righty? They knew back then, he was a Manchurian candidate back then, didnt they. (Do you know how insane this sounds?) The fact that the birth certificate was already shown doesn't matter does it? The fact that this charlatan is bringing this up again to boost his ratings on his horrible show doesn't matter does it? Burfers are such jokes.

First Trump said someone would remember and when someone said they did remember, trump said they were a liar.

This is comedy at its finest.
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How come in the hospital itself, okay? This is one of the…in the hospital itself, there’s no records of his birth. In other words, it doesn’t say how much they paid, where is the doctor, here’s your room bill. You know, all the

Read more: The Page by Mark Halperin | Trump Conducting Hawaii Investigation Into Obama's Birthplace

You should have read the whole article.....

It was heck finding it as it's old now.

If Trump actually has something he needs to provide solid proof of it, not just his word. Signed documents from hospital staff stating these things and such. Otherwise he just looks like a loon.

Seems to me, if there were proof he was born in any of the hospitals, it would have surfaced by now, and they'd be using a doctor that hadn't retired 4 years before he was born.
You would think CON$ would have learned by now not to believe anything from a CON$ervative source!!!! :rofl::lmao:
The Dr retired in 1977!!!!!
Thing about that birth certificate back in the 60's African was not a race.

I have never said African was not a valid race in 2001. I said it was not used as a racial identifier in the 60's. Try again sport.
Busted, sucker!

There you are attacking the rev 11/01 BC because it listed African as race!!!!!!!!!

When did I say African was not use as a racial identifier in 2001? Never said it. My argument stupid is that African was not a racial identifier in the 60's

you left out the *is* between argument and stupid.
You want something hard to find, find out anything on Palin's last baby. She went from not being pregnant to having a baby, all the while no one seeing her daughter.

That's much much harder to authenticate. :)
I read the article in the op....there was no mention of the doctor, you got a link, I'd like to read it.

I did find this about the doctor:

e: Dr Rodney T West: "....Then, after practicing on the Big Island of Hawaii for a year, he returned to Honolulu and joined the Obstetrics and Gynecological department of the Straub Clinic. In December of l956, after delivering at least 5,OOO babies - and other things, he retired from the practice of medicine..." Another Obama lie is uncovered! The doctor whom they claim delivered Obama retired five years prior to his birth! INFO TAKEN FROM "PEARL HARBOR SURVIVORS PROJECT" WEBSITE.

Obama Was Not Born in a Honolulu Hospital - GINA COBB
CON$ are pathological Liars!!!
Pearl Harbor Survivors Project
Pearl Harbor Survivors Project
Pearl Harbor Survivors Project

No record of a Dr Rodney T West, Rodney T West. or Rodney West on the "PEARL HARBOR SURVIVORS PROJECT" WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!
Busted again!

Dr Rodney T West retired in 1977!!!!!!!!

More testimony: Obama was born in K&#8230; | Obama Conspiracy Theories

&#8221;[West] served as Chief of Staff at &#8230; Kapi&#8217;olani Maternity Hospital, 1953, and Medical Director, Straub Clinic, 1967-77.&#8221;

On the same thread his great niece confirms that Rodney West was in fact still delivering babies.
Catherine West Dale says:
March 24, 2010 at 2:58 pm Catherine West Dale(Quote)
My great uncle was Dr Rodney West, and he delivered me at Kapiolani Hospital on March 26, 1961, the same year Obama was born. That is a fact and it is on my birth certificate.
Catherine West Dale says:

March 25, 2010 at 11:56 am Catherine West Dale(Quote)
I&#8217;ll ask my dad, he knows a lot more about his uncle than I do.
Also wanted to add that Dr Rodney T. West delivered my sister at Kapiolani Hospital in Mar 1964.

This is hard proof? a post from a blog is your proof?

Catherine West Dale says:
March 24, 2010 at 2:58 pm Catherine West Dale(Quote)
My great uncle was Dr Rodney West, and he delivered me at Kapiolani Hospital on March 26, 1961, the same year Obama was born. That is a fact and it is on my birth certificate.
Catherine West Dale says:

March 25, 2010 at 11:56 am Catherine West Dale(Quote)
I&#8217;ll ask my dad, he knows a lot more about his uncle than I do.
Also wanted to add that Dr Rodney T. West delivered my sister at Kapiolani Hospital in Mar 1964.

Here's another post by her

Catherine West Dale March 25, 2010 at 11:54 am # My true copy of my birth cert, including the hospital and signature of Dr Rodney T. West, was issued July 17, 1984. Different states, at different times, include or disclude certain info.
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If Trump actually has something he needs to provide solid proof of it, not just his word. Signed documents from hospital staff stating these things and such. Otherwise he just looks like a loon.

Seems to me, if there were proof he was born in any of the hospitals, it would have surfaced by now, and they'd be using a doctor that hadn't retired 4 years before he was born.
You would think CON$ would have learned by now not to believe anything from a CON$ervative source!!!! :rofl::lmao:
The Dr retired in 1977!!!!!

According to this he retired from practicing medicine in 1956 and went into the administration end of things. That he retired in 1977 doesn't mean much if what he retired from isn't listed.

Then, after practicing on the Big Island of Hawaii for a year, he returned to Honolulu and joined the Obstetrics and Gynecological department of the Straub Clinic. In December of l956, after delivering at least 5,000 babies - and other things, he retired from the practice of medicine. In l963, he served as the President of the Hawaii Medical Association and in 1975, he helped found and was the first president of the American College of Physician Executives.

Pearl Harbor Survivors Project
There was no mention of a lack of paperwork either! So you give your link first.

How come in the hospital itself, okay? This is one of the…in the hospital itself, there’s no records of his birth. In other words, it doesn’t say how much they paid, where is the doctor, here’s your room bill. You know, all the

Read more: The Page by Mark Halperin | Trump Conducting Hawaii Investigation Into Obama's Birthplace

You should have read the whole article.....

It was heck finding it as it's old now.
But there is a record of his birth, there's a BC. In that same interview Dump Truch lied about his geandmother being at Obama's birth, so how stupid do you have top be to believe anything Dump Truck says??? :cuckoo:

Its like he can just throw out anything and people wont question him. its sickening. The granmother thing was debunked a long time ago yet Trump throws it out like its still a fact.

Burfers are idiots.
Busted, sucker!

There you are attacking the rev 11/01 BC because it listed African as race!!!!!!!!!

When did I say African was not use as a racial identifier in 2001? Never said it. My argument stupid is that African was not a racial identifier in the 60's

you left out the *is* between argument and stupid.

You are attacking me for defending myself when I'm being acused of lying? What's up with that?
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