Trump hit with criminal charges in New York, a first for a US ex-president -New York Times

Trump should flee to a friendly country, like Russia, before EVER THINKING about peacefully surrendering to the corporate government crime syndicate, FAKE and corrupt prosecutor in NYC.
You'll cry harder than today if that indictment comes down.
You haven't figured it out yet?
Bragg surely will lose down the road.......the dems know this.The object, win or lose, is a mugshot of Trump for 2024.
That's where this is.


Yes....the democrat party is now completely stalinist/maoist.........they will do anything, anything to keep power.............

They are evil, to their core.......and with each step they show us that they are not going to stop, and we know that this will lead to mass graves and always does.....

We have to say more.......and vote these assholes out of office...if we can. If not, they have set us on the path to bloodshed...
Really? so what happens Next?

We descend into a democrat party, stalinist purge of their enemies............if they can do this to Trump, no Republican or libertarian is safe.........whether you are arrested for a crime is now determined by whether you are a threat to the power of the democrat party.
Nothing says we're totally not a banana republic quite like indicting the leader of the opposition...

Bad move
Just shows how much they totally feared, and still do fear Trump.... Hmmm, now what was that old saying ? Oh yeah, "what goes around comes around".

Biden and his alledged criminal enterprises best lay low now, because the gloves just came off completely when it comes to dotting every I and now crossing every T.. It's now on for prosecuting presidents, and going after them politically and criminally for anything... Stay tuned.

They'll be a no holds barred in getting to the bottom of everything now, and that means everything to the last man or last woman left standing.

Democrat's should have been careful what they asked for, because living in very thin glass houses is a very hypocritical thing for them when it comes to this new perception of purity In which they have now reached. ROTFLMBO 🤣
That's a lie you are parroting from Trump, rube.


Soros donated a million dollars to a criminal justice group.


Soros donate to a dark money PAC.

That group in turn spent about half a million dollars on a voter turnout drive and mailers supporting Bragg.

It did not donate directly to Bragg.


Fucking moron...

Pro tip: Never ever blindly bleev anything Trump says. It is astounding you have not learned that by now.

Another blowhard leftard. Color me incredibly tired of these stupid fucking asswipes.
You might want to explain that to multivita-man easyt65 he is very slow,he thinks oswald killed kennedy incredibly. :rofl: Ask him,seems he gobbles up everything the lamestream media tells him hook,line and sinker never aware the msm media always omits facts and is just a tool for the government only reporting what the government wants them to report. :rofl:

It's pretty clear Oswald killed Kennedy.
There are three cases against Trump... if Trump beats all three which many say he will no one will be able to stop him from a landslide win.... I suggest the GOP wake up and fight for Trump....
That’s a pretty risky gamble at this point. They don’t even know the charges.

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