Trump has ‘moral compass of an axe murderer,’ says Georgia Republican

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Donald Trump has “the moral compass of an axe murderer”, a Republican opponent in Georgia said, discussing the former president’s legal predicament in the southern US state and elsewhere but also his continuing dominance of the presidential primary.

“As Republicans, that dashboard is going off with lights and bells and whistles, telling us all the warning things we need to know,” Geoff Duncan told CNN on Monday.

Dear me. What is the "moral compass of an axe murderer" ? More and more republicans are getting off the trump train.

Maybe its someone who robbed a cancer charity ? Or someone who buried his ex wife by the third tee in order to get a tax break. Or someone who fucked a porn star while his wife was giving birth ?
Who can say. But they are surely the way forward to a new moral America.
The current democrat Vice President of the US said she believed the women who accused Joe Biden of sexual assault.
Maybe you can make a lame thread about that next
You peoples TDS makes you start the dumbest threads
This is a republican making the observation. Its in the thread title.

Donald Trump has “the moral compass of an axe murderer”, a Republican opponent in Georgia said, discussing the former president’s legal predicament in the southern US state and elsewhere but also his continuing dominance of the presidential primary.

“As Republicans, that dashboard is going off with lights and bells and whistles, telling us all the warning things we need to know,” Geoff Duncan told CNN on Monday.

Dear me. What is the "moral compass of an axe murderer" ? More and more republicans are getting off the trump train.

Maybe its someone who robbed a cancer charity ? Or someone who buried his ex wife by the third tee in order to get a tax break. Or someone who fucked a porn star while his wife was giving birth ?
Who can say. But they are surely the way forward to a new moral America.

Here ya go, Tammy.

The "Georgia Republican" strikes again. What happens when your "leaders" are dictated to you by ZPF fraud "televangelists"
Any American who receives praise from the pedophile cultist need to be considered as one of the cultist.

The Republican dissing Trump's moral compass is receiving praise from pedophiles who give books like Lawn Boy and Gender Queer to small children.
who? a know nothing is accusing others of bad morals? I guess this chump should know, being charged with ethics violations himself?

said Georgia Swamp Drainers violated state law by not reporting that it spent tens of thousands of dollars in support of GOP lieutenant governor nominee Geoff Duncan
Donald Trump has “the moral compass of an axe murderer”, a Republican opponent in Georgia said

A republican OPPONENT! OH NO! He didn't say sumthin NICE about Trump?! :shok:

Gotta love the fucking GOP, they eat their own so that democrats can sit back and do nuttin'.

Then they scratch their heads wondering why they lose.

Donald Trump has “the moral compass of an axe murderer”, a Republican opponent in Georgia said, discussing the former president’s legal predicament in the southern US state and elsewhere but also his continuing dominance of the presidential primary.

“As Republicans, that dashboard is going off with lights and bells and whistles, telling us all the warning things we need to know,” Geoff Duncan told CNN on Monday.

Dear me. What is the "moral compass of an axe murderer" ? More and more republicans are getting off the trump train.

Maybe its someone who robbed a cancer charity ? Or someone who buried his ex wife by the third tee in order to get a tax break. Or someone who fucked a porn star while his wife was giving birth ?
Who can say. But they are surely the way forward to a new moral America.

Trump good dems so bad.jpg

Trump is a scummy human being, a real pos. So what?? The dems are worse.

You have 3-1/2 choices, bub...

1) Do nothing and accept you will live as tax slaves under perpetual dem rule. Eventually the dems will control all 50 states and disarm you via robots. That is the best you can hope for living life under the dems. Things may be much worse than that.

2) Formal Secession - which will probably lead to civil war. Dems will use the military to annihilate you. You will lose badly. You have zero organization. You have no funding. Plus, the world will be against you and may send the military to help the dems fight the reps.

3) Informal Secession - get organized, form a 'Conservative Union of States' or 'Constitutional Party.' You will do as the dems have done - you disregard Fed laws you don't like. Downside? Every 2 to 4 years your utopia is on the chopping block - you are only as safe as your last election. Dems still may use the military against you or cut your state funding. Dems are not like 'lock Hillary up' Trump. If you've learned nothing else, you must admit the new school dems are ruthless and don't play games.

Well, bub, there is one other choice...'the 1/2' option.

You can have hopes of acceleration. Vote Democratic. If America implodes under dem rule, and there is no more rule of law; maybe there is a chance to reorganize your states without civil war. But...if grandma had balls, she would be grandpa.

There is NO choice that will allow the reps to return to America as founded in all 50 states. The old America is gone and never to return. Every sickness requires a price to pay to recover from the disease. This is the price you must pay. For decades the reps have done nothing to reign in the dems. The reps main goal in life was to lower taxes for the rich...that is it. America deserves everything it gets. Don't you agree?

The longer you wait, the worse it will be. Eventually the dems will reform America in almost its entirety to annihilate you. We are almost there already.

Orange Jesus won't save you.

God/s won't save you.

You've let the disease progress beyond the hope of ever curing it by voting, reasoning, writing to your congressperson or praying harder.

That's the score, bub.

Follow the science censored 359kb.jpg


Donald Trump has “the moral compass of an axe murderer”, a Republican opponent in Georgia said, discussing the former president’s legal predicament in the southern US state and elsewhere but also his continuing dominance of the presidential primary.

“As Republicans, that dashboard is going off with lights and bells and whistles, telling us all the warning things we need to know,” Geoff Duncan told CNN on Monday.

Dear me. What is the "moral compass of an axe murderer" ? More and more republicans are getting off the trump train.

Maybe its someone who robbed a cancer charity ? Or someone who buried his ex wife by the third tee in order to get a tax break. Or someone who fucked a porn star while his wife was giving birth ?
Who can say. But they are surely the way forward to a new moral America.
Wow I didn't know you were so racist over axe murderers. I bet your kind would put them all back on the plantation. Racist!

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