Trump has achieved what?


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
I think Trump's biggest achievement is actually making Republicans look like big mouthed blinded idiots, without courage.

Other than that.
- Illegals still a plenty.
- Abortion still a plenty.
- Obamacare still a plenty.

What has been done?
Oh you got a 100 dollar tax credit from the Fed's. whoopty doo.

As for the economy, there's big inflation, so the economy isn't that great.

Besides, if you believe in Capitalism, Trump, and Obama didn't really create, nor destroy many private sector jobs, if any.
Trump has achieved never before seen support for Russian propaganda in the USA.
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Trump has achieved what?

Victory over dimwits like you....

Trump has divided America, not exactly a good thing.

Other than that, I see more Illegals than ever, around the region.

The guy's an idiot, I was hoping he could sort out Illegals. But, of course Capitalism the darling of the Republicans, depends on Illegal immigrant labor.
Trump has achieved what?

Victory over dimwits like you....

Trump has divided America, not exactly a good thing.

Other than that, I see more Illegals than ever, around the region.

The guy's an idiot, I was hoping he could sort out Illegals. But, of course Capitalism the darling of the Republicans, depends on Illegal immigrant labor.
Its the RESIST movement that has divided America not Trump....
He clearly is not like our last REAL president we had JFK.Real because he tried to return us to the constituion of the united states where the PEOPLE had control over the goverment instead of all these bankers and corporations that do now.He was the last president that served the people instead of the bankers. only in NAME he was a democrat but thats as far as it went in name,he was not part of the corrupt two party system of demopublicans and reprocrats that we have now and have ever since and Trump is no different than the bunch.,
Trump has achieved what?

Victory over dimwits like you....

Trump has divided America, not exactly a good thing.

Other than that, I see more Illegals than ever, around the region.

The guy's an idiot, I was hoping he could sort out Illegals. But, of course Capitalism the darling of the Republicans, depends on Illegal immigrant labor.

Obummer divided America. Trump has been hamstrung by obummer operatives from the very beginning. In spite of that he garnered a 2000 dollar tax break for the middle class.

He got Mexico to slow down the influx because our Congress refused to.

Under his administration policies middle class pay has gone up 5000 dollars.

Just imagine how successful he would have been if every asshole progressive in politics, and the political class itself, were not at war with him.
Trump has achieved what?

Victory over dimwits like you....

Trump has divided America, not exactly a good thing.

Other than that, I see more Illegals than ever, around the region.

The guy's an idiot, I was hoping he could sort out Illegals. But, of course Capitalism the darling of the Republicans, depends on Illegal immigrant labor.
America was already divided....Bush and Obama got the ball rolling on should get out more....
Other than that.
- Illegals still a plenty.
- Abortion still a plenty.
- Obamacare still a plenty.
You can thank the Obama appointed federal judges for blocking Trump's efforts on all three of those points.

Oh you got a 100 dollar tax credit from the Fed's. whoopty doo.
Median family income is up by $5,000 per year.

As for the economy, there's big inflation, so the economy isn't that great.
The inflation rate is 1.8%. Get your facts straight.

Besides, if you believe in Capitalism, Trump, and Obama didn't really create, nor destroy many private sector jobs, if any.
Completely wrong. Obama created very few private sector jobs and the ones he did create were 94% part time or temporary jobs. Most of the jobs gained under Obama were government jobs, funded by the taxpayers. Trump's jobs have been mostly private sector.
Your evaluation is way off.
Trump has achieved what?

Victory over dimwits like you....

Trump has divided America, not exactly a good thing.

Other than that, I see more Illegals than ever, around the region.

The guy's an idiot, I was hoping he could sort out Illegals. But, of course Capitalism the darling of the Republicans, depends on Illegal immigrant labor.
America was already divided....Bush and Obama got the ball rolling on should get out more....

W. Bush, and Obama may have divided America, but not nearly to the degree that Trump has. I certainly haven't ONLY blamed Trump. Where have I ONLY blamed Trump, exactly?
Other than that.
- Illegals still a plenty.
- Abortion still a plenty.
- Obamacare still a plenty.
You can thank the Obama appointed federal judges for blocking Trump's efforts on all three of those points.

Oh you got a 100 dollar tax credit from the Fed's. whoopty doo.
Median family income is up by $5,000 per year.

As for the economy, there's big inflation, so the economy isn't that great.
The inflation rate is 1.8%. Get your facts straight.

Besides, if you believe in Capitalism, Trump, and Obama didn't really create, nor destroy many private sector jobs, if any.
Completely wrong. Obama created very few private sector jobs and the ones he did create were 94% part time or temporary jobs. Most of the jobs gained under Obama were government jobs, funded by the taxpayers. Trump's jobs have been mostly private sector.
Your evaluation is way off.

No, not really. The private sector created the vast majority of jobs, not Obama, nor Trump.

Only an idiot who doesn't understand Capitalism, would think the President has much to do with job creation.

The job market tends to create jobs, that is unless there is a serious economic downturn, like we had seen under W. Bush.

It seems that low taxes for the wealthy, and low interest rates, actually cause housing market bubbles, and housing market crashes, like was seen under W. Bush.

Of course, Trump is calling for a negative interest rate, something only an idiot would call for.

Even Austrian Economist Friedrich Hayek a frigging Libertarian, knew that low interest rates cause booms, and crashes in the economy.
Trump has achieved what?

Victory over dimwits like you....

Trump has divided America, not exactly a good thing.

Other than that, I see more Illegals than ever, around the region.

The guy's an idiot, I was hoping he could sort out Illegals. But, of course Capitalism the darling of the Republicans, depends on Illegal immigrant labor.
America was already divided....Bush and Obama got the ball rolling on should get out more....

W. Bush, and Obama may have divided America, but not nearly to the degree that Trump has. I certainly haven't ONLY blamed Trump. Where have I ONLY blamed Trump, exactly?
The fact that the dems called for impeaching Trump the day after the election shows that you are wrong...the dems didn't even give Trump a chance...too bad too...because they may have been able to work with Trump...but they didn't even try....the dems said they wanted to take the votes of Trump voters away via impeachment without cause...what can be more divisive than that?...why don't you try telling us what divisive acts you think Trump is guilty of instead of puking out CNN nonsense?...
Trump has achieved what?

Victory over dimwits like you....

Trump has divided America, not exactly a good thing.

Other than that, I see more Illegals than ever, around the region.

The guy's an idiot, I was hoping he could sort out Illegals. But, of course Capitalism the darling of the Republicans, depends on Illegal immigrant labor.
America was already divided....Bush and Obama got the ball rolling on should get out more....

W. Bush, and Obama may have divided America, but not nearly to the degree that Trump has. I certainly haven't ONLY blamed Trump. Where have I ONLY blamed Trump, exactly?
Please tell us how these presidents divided America.
Trump has achieved what?

Victory over dimwits like you....

Trump has divided America, not exactly a good thing.

Other than that, I see more Illegals than ever, around the region.

The guy's an idiot, I was hoping he could sort out Illegals. But, of course Capitalism the darling of the Republicans, depends on Illegal immigrant labor.
America was already divided....Bush and Obama got the ball rolling on should get out more....

W. Bush, and Obama may have divided America, but not nearly to the degree that Trump has. I certainly haven't ONLY blamed Trump. Where have I ONLY blamed Trump, exactly?
Please tell us how these presidents divided America.

W. Bush mostly divided America over the War in Iraq, as well over the Economic downturn, and how to fix it.

Obama divided America over stimulus package funding, and Obamacare.

Trump divided America over his lack of compromise, huge obnoxious mouth, and tearing down everything Obama, and the Democrats have done.

Trump probably divided America more than W. Bush, and Obama combined had.
Other than that.
- Illegals still a plenty.
- Abortion still a plenty.
- Obamacare still a plenty.
You can thank the Obama appointed federal judges for blocking Trump's efforts on all three of those points.

Oh you got a 100 dollar tax credit from the Fed's. whoopty doo.
Median family income is up by $5,000 per year.

As for the economy, there's big inflation, so the economy isn't that great.
The inflation rate is 1.8%. Get your facts straight.

Besides, if you believe in Capitalism, Trump, and Obama didn't really create, nor destroy many private sector jobs, if any.
Completely wrong. Obama created very few private sector jobs and the ones he did create were 94% part time or temporary jobs. Most of the jobs gained under Obama were government jobs, funded by the taxpayers. Trump's jobs have been mostly private sector.
Your evaluation is way off.

No, not really. The private sector created the vast majority of jobs, not Obama, nor Trump.

Only an idiot who doesn't understand Capitalism, would think the President has much to do with job creation.

The job market tends to create jobs, that is unless there is a serious economic downturn, like we had seen under W. Bush.

It seems that low taxes for the wealthy, and low interest rates, actually cause housing market bubbles, and housing market crashes, like was seen under W. Bush.

Of course, Trump is calling for a negative interest rate, something only an idiot would call for.

Even Austrian Economist Friedrich Hayek a frigging Libertarian, knew that low interest rates cause booms, and crashes in the economy.
Only an idiot who doesn't understand economics would make the kinds of statements you've been making in this thread.
Trump has achieved what?

Victory over dimwits like you....

Trump has divided America, not exactly a good thing.

Other than that, I see more Illegals than ever, around the region.

The guy's an idiot, I was hoping he could sort out Illegals. But, of course Capitalism the darling of the Republicans, depends on Illegal immigrant labor.

Obummer divided America. Trump has been hamstrung by obummer operatives from the very beginning. In spite of that he garnered a 2000 dollar tax break for the middle class.

He got Mexico to slow down the influx because our Congress refused to.

Under his administration policies middle class pay has gone up 5000 dollars.

Just imagine how successful he would have been if every asshole progressive in politics, and the political class itself, were not at war with him.

Slow down the influx from Mexico? Wait what? Apparently it's kind of sped up rather than slowed down.

No denying that Democrats have blocked Trump on many policies, nor that Democrats have issues as well.

Yes, the median household income has gone up quite a bit, so have prices at the store, and prices everywhere else.
Trump has achieved what?

Victory over dimwits like you....

Trump has divided America, not exactly a good thing.

Other than that, I see more Illegals than ever, around the region.

The guy's an idiot, I was hoping he could sort out Illegals. But, of course Capitalism the darling of the Republicans, depends on Illegal immigrant labor.

Obummer divided America. Trump has been hamstrung by obummer operatives from the very beginning. In spite of that he garnered a 2000 dollar tax break for the middle class.

He got Mexico to slow down the influx because our Congress refused to.

Under his administration policies middle class pay has gone up 5000 dollars.

Just imagine how successful he would have been if every asshole progressive in politics, and the political class itself, were not at war with him.

Slow down the influx from Mexico? Wait what? Apparently it's kind of sped up rather than slowed down.

No denying that Democrats have blocked Trump on many policies, nor that Democrats have issues as well.

Yes, the median household income has gone up quite a bit, so have prices at the store, and prices everywhere else.

Yeah, it has been dropped by at least half thanks to mexican troops preventing central american illegals from crossing Mexico to get to us. I have seen no major price increases save for gasoline. And that has been holding fairly steady for the last year.

Are you that out of touch with the world?

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