TRUMP gets an F for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic


Gold Member
Jun 26, 2015
The United States has the WORST rate of DEATHS (per population) in the world!
Enough said about the Trump non-administration.

How Trump let Covid-19 win
The Left's Covid Fraud is coming apart, which is why Donald Trump just took the lead in the Rasmuessen poll.

94% of so-called "Covid deaths" in the US are frauds according to the CDC.

Do the math, and CV19 was just another normal flu season, no reason to shut down at all.

What's going on now?

Every Spring and Fall, Nature manufactures another flu. The Democrats and the media planned all along to just lie and call this flu "Covid" when it is not. Americans are less and less fooled by this fraud every day, nobody has had a "Covid cough" since MAY.....

Covid Fraud = TREASON

I will cheer when these treasonous liars are lined up and shot for costing the American taxpayer $8 trillion to try to steal an election.
The Left's Covid Fraud is coming apart, which is why Donald Trump just took the lead in the Rasmuessen poll.

94% of so-called "Covid deaths" in the US are frauds according to the CDC.

Do the math, and CV19 was just another normal flu season, no reason to shut down at all.

What's going on now?

Every Spring and Fall, Nature manufactures another flu. The Democrats and the media planned all along to just lie and call this flu "Covid" when it is not. Americans are less and less fooled by this fraud every day, nobody has had a "Covid cough" since MAY.....

Covid Fraud = TREASON

I will cheer when these treasonous liars are lined up and shot for costing the American taxpayer $8 trillion to try to steal an election.
I will volunteer for firing squad duty.
pneumonia is not covid.

If you die from pneumonia, the LEFT says you died from Covid, because the Left is 100% treasonous LIARS....

Heck, we've had car accident victims classified as "Covid deaths."

The United States has the WORST rate of DEATHS (per population) in the world!
Enough said about the Trump non-administration.
View attachment 407889
How Trump let Covid-19 win

Like anyone could have done better than Trump did. Its a pandemic shit for brains and it kills people. Doesn't matter who's in the WH, who says what or who does what. People will die.

Try for some reality instead of the Dem bull shit.
The Left's Covid Fraud is coming apart, which is why Donald Trump just took the lead in the Rasmuessen poll.

94% of so-called "Covid deaths" in the US are frauds according to the CDC.

Do the math, and CV19 was just another normal flu season, no reason to shut down at all.

What's going on now?

Every Spring and Fall, Nature manufactures another flu. The Democrats and the media planned all along to just lie and call this flu "Covid" when it is not. Americans are less and less fooled by this fraud every day, nobody has had a "Covid cough" since MAY.....

Covid Fraud = TREASON

I will cheer when these treasonous liars are lined up and shot for costing the American taxpayer $8 trillion to try to steal an election.
I will volunteer for firing squad duty.
circular firing squad, i assume.
The Left's Covid Fraud is coming apart, which is why Donald Trump just took the lead in the Rasmuessen poll.

94% of so-called "Covid deaths" in the US are frauds according to the CDC.

Do the math, and CV19 was just another normal flu season, no reason to shut down at all.

What's going on now?

Every Spring and Fall, Nature manufactures another flu. The Democrats and the media planned all along to just lie and call this flu "Covid" when it is not. Americans are less and less fooled by this fraud every day, nobody has had a "Covid cough" since MAY.....

Covid Fraud = TREASON

I will cheer when these treasonous liars are lined up and shot for costing the American taxpayer $8 trillion to try to steal an election.
COVID-19 is another flu?
Do you know what an imbecile is? Go look in the mirror.

The mortality rate for COVID-19 is about 0.65 percent, which is MUCH HIGHER than the flu.
Last year’s season, there were 34,000 deaths attributed to the FLU, while so far, there are 220,000 deaths due to COVID-19.
The United States has the WORST rate of DEATHS (per population) in the world!
Enough said about the Trump non-administration.
View attachment 407889
How Trump let Covid-19 win
Again, and again....the US is not nearly the worst by capita or per million or by any metric except the vast wasteland of the liberal cranium.
Luckily, the COVID death rate has decreased for the US, but it is still one of the highest in the “civilized” world.
Here is a recent 7-day rolling avg graph. Can you see the UNITED STATES at the top?

The United States has the WORST rate of DEATHS (per population) in the world!
Enough said about the Trump non-administration.
View attachment 407889
How Trump let Covid-19 win
Trump isn't even close to Obama's h1n1 death rate which was over 500,000, before he stopped counting.
Another idiot, are you? Where’s the source for your fantasy claim?

Your COVID-19 comparison to H1N1 is bogus; Obama administration’s response to the swine flu wasn’t the calamity that Trump and Pence have made it seem.

Trump falsely claimed that Obama “didn’t do anything” about swine flu.
Obama knew (he read expert briefs, unlike Trump) that swine flu was rarely lethal at the time and factored that fact into his decision-making in order to ensure that there wouldn’t be much disruption to the economy. (The mortality rate for H1N1 was 0.02 percent, while the mortality rate for COVID-19 is 0.65 percent.)

Some medical experts actually criticized Obama for being too proactive about the swine flu given how mild it was!

How Did 2009’s Swine Flu Really Compare With COVID-19?

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