Trump: Fine with same-sex marriage

He won according to the Rules, and your "He stole it" lie just shows your complete lack of honesty and integrity.

He's the President, he's not "My Boy", you have to deal with it you wibble bawling baby.

He's your boy, he's never going to "president" as far as I'm concerned.

You can live in your own little stupid world all you want, what you can't do is force the rest of us to come along with you.
He won according to the Rules, and your "He stole it" lie just shows your complete lack of honesty and integrity.

He's the President, he's not "My Boy", you have to deal with it you wibble bawling baby.

He's your boy, he's never going to "president" as far as I'm concerned.

He may be President, he will never be presidential. All we can hope for is Trump will do less harm than expected. He is a liar and impulsive, a narcissist and a charlatan. As for Press Conferences, they will be few, far between and all questions will be reviewed by his handlers and only those they approve will be asked.
He may be President, he will never be presidential. All we can hope for is Trump will do less harm than expected. He is a liar and impulsive, a narcissist and a charlatan. As for Press Conferences, they will be few, far between and all questions will be reviewed by his handlers and only those they approve will be asked.

Are we still a Democracy if an unelected president only answers questions fed to him by his handlers?
I don't recall Trump ever saying anything about ending same sex marriage. It's not an issue to 90% of conservatives.

Since when?

Look, I know you guys have had to overlook a lot to get your Fuhrer in.

Christians had to support a womanizing misogynist, Libertarians have had to support an authoritarian, etc...

Okay, you see, Hillary is gone now, so you guys don't have to keep pretending you love this guy.
He was for same sex marriage before Hillary...

He was also for universal healthcare and gun control and all kinds of lefty stuff before he ran on the Republcian ticket.

On gay marriage Trump again did what he does, LIE and flip and LIE and flop and LIE again at a drop of the hat:

Marriage: Trump has been a consistent opponent of marriage equality. He said that he opposed it because he was a “traditional” guy, choosing to support domestic partnership benefits instead. Trump later reversed himself and said he also opposed civil unions. Despite a brief flirtation with “evolving” in 2013, Trump has consistently maintained his opposition to marriage equality, sometimes by citing polling and making an analogy to his dislike of long golf putters. After the Supreme Court ruling, Trump said the court had made its decision and, although he disagreed with the ruling, he did not support a constitutional amendment that would allow states to re-ban marriage equality. He later said he would appoint Supreme Court judges who would be committed to overturning the ruling.

Donald Trump: Opposes Nationwide Marriage Equality | Human Rights Campaign

This man's words are worth exactly fuck all.
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You can live in your own little stupid world all you want, what you can't do is force the rest of us to come along with you.

Again, you'll be the one who will have to defend every war, every recession, every fuckup, every bit of corruption this guy brings.

I'll be the one reminding you that THE PEOPLE SAID "NO!"

The Electoral College said yes, and the "people" said "No" by a little over one percent.

You idiots try to treat all groups as giant monoliths, and again, that is one of the reasons Trump won.
He may be President, he will never be presidential. All we can hope for is Trump will do less harm than expected. He is a liar and impulsive, a narcissist and a charlatan. As for Press Conferences, they will be few, far between and all questions will be reviewed by his handlers and only those they approve will be asked.

Are we still a Democracy if an unelected president only answers questions fed to him by his handlers?

he's not un-elected, that is an outright lie. He won the electoral College, he was elected.

I don't recall Trump ever saying anything about ending same sex marriage. It's not an issue to 90% of conservatives.

LOL, how can you lie ("it's not an issue to 90% of conservatives") and still post a message on straight line (lots of practice, I suppose).

Not a lie at all. The lie is what you believe and are spoon fed. Trump hasn't said anything about stopping gay marriage and it doesn't matter to conservatives or other Trump supporters that he hasn't. There's a clue for you if you are capable of seeing it.
I don't recall Trump ever saying anything about ending same sex marriage. It's not an issue to 90% of conservatives.

Since when?

Look, I know you guys have had to overlook a lot to get your Fuhrer in.

Christians had to support a womanizing misogynist, Libertarians have had to support an authoritarian, etc...

Okay, you see, Hillary is gone now, so you guys don't have to keep pretending you love this guy.

What are you babbling about? Trump has not said anything g about stopping gay marriage. If you disagree, prove it.
What are you babbling about? Trump has not said anything g about stopping gay marriage. If you disagree, prove it.

again, dummy, you guys threw all your values to the side of the road this time.

Trump threw out all the religious and economic bullshit and just ran a campaign based on pure fucking racism.

and you guys own that now.

And when Cleetus White Trash figures out that those Steel Mill jobs aren't coming back, they will turn on Trumpenfuhrer in a heartbeat.

I don't recall Trump ever saying anything about ending same sex marriage. It's not an issue to 90% of conservatives.

LOL, how can you lie ("it's not an issue to 90% of conservatives") and still post a message on straight line (lots of practice, I suppose).

Not a lie at all. The lie is what you believe and are spoon fed. Trump hasn't said anything about stopping gay marriage and it doesn't matter to conservatives or other Trump supporters that he hasn't. There's a clue for you if you are capable of seeing it.

For a long time liberals have been lying that the Religious Right is the whole of the Right (while lying about who the RR are).

NOw that this time around the candidate that got picked OBVIOUSLY does not come from the RR faction.

And the lefties, who have this superpower of believing their own lies, can't understand it. Even when we explain this very simple concept very clearly.

Because they put more faith in their lies than they do in what they see in the world.
The Electoral College said yes, and the "people" said "No" by a little over one percent.

You idiots try to treat all groups as giant monoliths, and again, that is one of the reasons Trump won.

Trump didn't win. He stole the election.

The People Said "NO!"

Says the lefty who just demonstrated that he doesn't give a shit about the US Constitution.
For a long time liberals have been lying that the Religious Right is the whole of the Right (while lying about who the RR are).

NOw that this time around the candidate that got picked OBVIOUSLY does not come from the RR faction.

And the lefties, who have this superpower of believing their own lies, can't understand it. Even when we explain this very simple concept very clearly.

Because they put more faith in their lies than they do in what they see in the world.

we understand it perfectly well.

Trump threw away all the bullshit about Jesus and Freedom and just made it about hatin' on the darkies.

and sadly, that was enough to win our broken, archaic 18th century system, even though the people said "NO" in a pretty resounding voice.

But like most haters, you are going to find that hate doesn't make your life better.

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