Trump: Fine with same-sex marriage

Only by a razor-thin margin.... Keep pushing LGBT crap and watch 2018 shrink even more for dems. Do it. I dare you.

Guy, LGBT issues were even talked about in this election. In fact, Gays were the only group that Trump didn't insult. (Probably because he has lots of gay friends.)

The Democrats are inextricably linked to pushing the homosexual agenda. They decline in relevance as they do. It was discussed this election. It was discussed but very quietly. Hillary took a strong stance against decency. Hillary Clinton on LGBT rights and equality She attacked people any time they tried to exercise their right to self government and decency in their communities.
Donald Trump said he would return the issues to the states and that he "favors traditional marriage".
Stark enough difference to me.
Well, the Hispanics turned their backs on the dems in enough numbers to pitch the election to Trump. So don't be so quick to discount the importance of CATHOLIC support for the GOP. There is no Catholic as devout as the Hispanic Catholic. The GOP might want to remember that...

Actually, Trump didn't do any better with Hispanics than Romney did. Nowhere near as well as Bush did.

Now, I do think that Machismo and Misogyny hurt Hillary with Hispanics, who couldn't bring themselves to vote for a woman no matter how racist Trump was against them.

I wouldalso be interested to see how it broke out between Puerto Ricans, Mexicans and Cubans, which are different groups.

Its ok...he still won. Apparently awarding the presidency as a prize of "first woman president" just didnt change enough minds. I think she disgusted women in the main.

I dont think we factor that in. You cant attack christian expression for decades then claim there is no Christian expression.
Besides, Christianity is a religion of Orthodoxy not orthoplaxy. You are a Christian by virtue of belief.
Is that translated from Russian?

No but it takes an education to understand. Sorry but you'll have to sit this one out.
Only by a razor-thin margin.... Keep pushing LGBT crap and watch 2018 shrink even more for dems. Do it. I dare you.

Guy, LGBT issues were even talked about in this election. In fact, Gays were the only group that Trump didn't insult. (Probably because he has lots of gay friends.)

The Democrats are inextricably linked to pushing the homosexual agenda. They decline in relevance as they do. It was discussed this election. It was discussed but very quietly. Hillary took a strong stance against decency. Hillary Clinton on LGBT rights and equality She attacked people any time they tried to exercise their right to self government and decency in their communities.
Donald Trump said he would return the issues to the states and that he "favors traditional marriage".
Stark enough difference to me.
Agreed, they took the albatross and strung it around their neck. So, the dems paid a price. It's that simple. And if they continue to do it, they're going to continue to disappear into irrelevance..
The Democrats are inextricably linked to pushing the homosexual agenda. They decline in relevance as they do. It was discussed this election. It was discussed but very quietly. Hillary took a strong stance against decency. Hillary Clinton on LGBT rights and equality She attacked people any time they tried to exercise their right to self government and decency in their communities.
Donald Trump said he would return the issues to the states and that he "favors traditional marriage".
Stark enough difference to me.

Again, you need to pay attention-

Did you not read the opening of the thread. Trump is okay with the gays.
'When did ine's sexual preferebce in the bedroom equate to a new status of Amercan citizen and a bew class of 'rights'?'

Not my argument - I just heard it and thought it was interesting....

The same person opined that what happens in the beddroom should not be legislated or prevented by legislation. The person's argument, in part, was that the govt should not try to regulate 'morality'.

Such a view / argument COULD give way to all types of currently UN-acceptible behaviors ... such as beastiality, pedophilua, necrophilia, etc. 'If it isn't hurting anyone else' is a 'dangerous' 'ideoligy' to entertain and if embraced would result in not only the erosion if but the eventual breakdown of all 'morality'.

Playing 'Devil's Advocate' here, where is that line regarding morality drawn in society, and WHO gets to decide THEY get to define that point? 'Mob / Majority Rules'?


'Trump is fine with Same Sex Partners / Unions.' That should alleviate much of the unwarranted fear and hysteria going on right now....SHOULD.
Such a view / argument COULD give way to all types of currently UN-acceptible behaviors ... such as beastiality, pedophilua, necrophilia, etc. 'If it isn't hurting anyone else' is a 'dangerous' 'ideoligy' to entertain and if embraced would result in not only the erosion if but the eventual breakdown of all 'morality'.

Except Pedophilia does hurt people, so that argument fails before it starts. A child can't consent to having sex because they don't appreciate the consequences.

Animals and corpses can't "consent" to sex, so that's not an issue, either.

So what is the problem with two consenting adults being able to consent to a relationship they both enjoy, other than you think it's icky and your magic friend in the sky thinks it's wrong?

Playing 'Devil's Advocate' here, where is that line regarding morality drawn in society, and WHO gets to decide THEY get to define that point? 'Mob / Majority Rules'?

I think we have a whole system of juris prudence for that.

At one time, spousal abuse was considered acceptable. Now it isn't. God didn't change his mind, so we changed ours. The same could be said for witch-burning or slavery.

So what you claim is "Mob Rule" is a society discussing an issue and coming to sensible conclusions.

When you got right down to it, all arguments against homosexuality boil down to

"I think it's icky" (when it's two dudes. when straights perform the same acts, no one cares.)


"My Imaginary friend in the sky thinks it's wrong"... except, of course, there are a whole bunch of rules in the Bible you guys ignore, every flipping day.
If the vote were truly a popular national one, both sides would use different strategies, and voting patterns would change, so no one really knows how a popular vote would go if people knew that was the method used.

Right now you are sounding as dumb as a person who says hits determine the winner in a baseball game rather than runs.

I think very few people really take that into consideration. If they did, however, it would probably benefit the Democrats more, as they win all the most populous states.

Most of the "populous states" concentrate their blue votes in the cities, where the "red" people don't often feel a need to vote in national elections due to the impact of said blue cities. Give them a chance to have an impact, via either popular vote, or by breaking down the EV's by congressional district, and maybe more of them would turn out.
Its ok...he still won. Apparently awarding the presidency as a prize of "first woman president" just didnt change enough minds. I think she disgusted women in the main.

well, no, she didn't, because she won women 54 - 42%, and she won the popular vote by 1.4 million votes.

The fact she only won women 54%-42% should tell you how horrible of a candidate she was.
Most of the "populous states" concentrate their blue votes in the cities, where the "red" people don't often feel a need to vote in national elections due to the impact of said blue cities. Give them a chance to have an impact, via either popular vote, or by breaking down the EV's by congressional district, and maybe more of them would turn out.

Or we just have - one person- one vote. Then everyone's vote counts EXACTLY THE SAME.

You know, like we do for every other elective office in this country.

I know, what a crazy idea.

The inbred, bible-thumping rednecks are already disproportionately represented in the Senate.
Most of the "populous states" concentrate their blue votes in the cities, where the "red" people don't often feel a need to vote in national elections due to the impact of said blue cities. Give them a chance to have an impact, via either popular vote, or by breaking down the EV's by congressional district, and maybe more of them would turn out.

Or we just have - one person- one vote. Then everyone's vote counts EXACTLY THE SAME.

You know, like we do for every other elective office in this country.

I know, what a crazy idea.

The inbred, bible-thumping rednecks are already disproportionately represented in the Senate.

The Presidency is not like "every other office in this country".

Thems the rules, bucko.
The fact she only won women 54%-42% should tell you how horrible of a candidate she was.

No, it just tells me that we have an awful system where a lot of people didn't bother to vote because they don't live in states that matter.

Fact is, she got 1.7 million more votes than the Trumpenfuhrer, and he's still going to be President.

Them's the rules, dippy.
The Presidency is not like "every other office in this country".

Thems the rules, bucko.

Doesn't mean anyone has to recognize Trumpenfuhrer's legitimacy.

He and Pence should be booed wherever they go.

And in 2018, we vote the bums who support them out of office.

Wishful thinking, the 2018 Senate board heavily favors Republicans.

One will have to see if Trump is an abject failure, or surprisingly competent before figuring out the House.

And I get a giggle thinking of a petulant child JoeBlow booing anyone, what a whiny twat you are.

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