Trump: Fine with same-sex marriage

For a long time liberals have been lying that the Religious Right is the whole of the Right (while lying about who the RR are).

NOw that this time around the candidate that got picked OBVIOUSLY does not come from the RR faction.

And the lefties, who have this superpower of believing their own lies, can't understand it. Even when we explain this very simple concept very clearly.

Because they put more faith in their lies than they do in what they see in the world.

we understand it perfectly well.

Trump threw away all the bullshit about Jesus and Freedom and just made it about hatin' on the darkies.

and sadly, that was enough to win our broken, archaic 18th century system, even though the people said "NO" in a pretty resounding voice.

But like most haters, you are going to find that hate doesn't make your life better.

Trump did not throw away anything. He is not religious. He is not part of the Religious Right.

Your race baiting lies about his platform is noted and ridiculed, you asshole.

Your bitterness about losing is noted. What else about the US Constitution do you find archaic? The First Amendment?

Your need to believe that your enemies are motivated by hate, is just a reflection on your lack of imagination and empathy. It has nothing to do with us.

Well I am not a Trump fan...but nevertheless I don't care. I have never cared about this.
Our way of life in America is vanishing before our lives as the wealth from production and services continues to concentrate to the insurance cost thanks to Obamacare is unbelievably high...wages are stagnate...and on and on. Gay marriage? WGAF
Says the lefty who just demonstrated that he doesn't give a shit about the US Constitution.

I kind of don't care about a document written by a bunch of slave raping assholes.

The people said, "NO!'

Your rejection of the American way of LIfe and government and society is noted.

Let me guess, you still deny being called, anti-american don't you? LOL!!!
Says the lefty who just demonstrated that he doesn't give a shit about the US Constitution.
I kind of don't care about a document written by a bunch of slave raping assholes.
And there it is.

That's always been his position. He prefers the opinions of 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers (progressive ones) to get what he wants, and fuck everyone else.

He is definitely the most miserable bastard on this message board.
Says the lefty who just demonstrated that he doesn't give a shit about the US Constitution.
I kind of don't care about a document written by a bunch of slave raping assholes.
And there it is..
That's always been his position. He prefers the opinions of 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers (progressive ones) to get what he wants, and fuck everyone else. He is definitely the most miserable bastard on this message board.
And lefties wonder why we so often consider them to be anti-American.
Look at it this way: He is excellent source material.
You can say it all you want, it doesn't make it right, or even close to the truth.

The people said, "NO".

Not to worry. When Trump fucks up everything, most of you guys who did vote for him will deny it in a few years. You'd have thought Gary Johnson won the popular vote for all the people who will claim to have supported him.

Actually California said "No", remove Hillary's margin there and the rest of the country basically said "Meh, we will go for the cranky old guy, not the whiny bitch"
Says the lefty who just demonstrated that he doesn't give a shit about the US Constitution.
I kind of don't care about a document written by a bunch of slave raping assholes.
And there it is..
That's always been his position. He prefers the opinions of 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers (progressive ones) to get what he wants, and fuck everyone else. He is definitely the most miserable bastard on this message board.
And lefties wonder why we so often consider them to be anti-American.
Look at it this way: He is excellent source material.


People sometimes ask me why I don't put more people on ignore.

But, as demonstrated by Hillary, the worst of the lib posters are more indicative of the movement than the best. Look at Hillary.

No offense meant, Mac.
Says the lefty who just demonstrated that he doesn't give a shit about the US Constitution.
I kind of don't care about a document written by a bunch of slave raping assholes.
And there it is..
That's always been his position. He prefers the opinions of 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers (progressive ones) to get what he wants, and fuck everyone else. He is definitely the most miserable bastard on this message board.
And lefties wonder why we so often consider them to be anti-American.
Look at it this way: He is excellent source material.


People sometimes ask me why I don't put more people on ignore.

But, as demonstrated by Hillary, the worst of the lib posters are more indicative of the movement than the best. Look at Hillary.

No offense meant, Mac.
No problem.

I used to have a few people on ignore, but then it occurred to me that they were the same people who provided constant examples of my points. So I took them off and use them as illustrations.

They're very helpful.

That's always been his position. He prefers the opinions of 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers (progressive ones) to get what he wants, and fuck everyone else.

He is definitely the most miserable bastard on this message board.

Uh, guy, those lawyers were following the law. Marriage was established as a right decades ago.

Marriage between a man and a woman was, they eliminated racial preferences only. They kept on the books age requirements, parental consent requirements below a certain age, and restrictions on cousin marriages.

Extending that to SSM is the same crap law as Roe and Plessey.
You can say it all you want, it doesn't make it right, or even close to the truth.

The people said, "NO".

Not to worry. When Trump fucks up everything, most of you guys who did vote for him will deny it in a few years. You'd have thought Gary Johnson won the popular vote for all the people who will claim to have supported him.
Before Trump can fuck anything up, he has the overwhelming task of unfucking everything The Blamer fucked up.
Let's just call this thread what it is: an attempt to get the GOP to sign up with the cult of LGBT while the dems are smartly distancing themselves from it after the whipping they just took.
Most of the "populous states" concentrate their blue votes in the cities, where the "red" people don't often feel a need to vote in national elections due to the impact of said blue cities. Give them a chance to have an impact, via either popular vote, or by breaking down the EV's by congressional district, and maybe more of them would turn out.

Or we just have - one person- one vote. Then everyone's vote counts EXACTLY THE SAME.

You know, like we do for every other elective office in this country.

I know, what a crazy idea.

The inbred, bible-thumping rednecks are already disproportionately represented in the Senate.
You get right on that Constitutional amendment, then!
The Electoral College said yes, and the "people" said "No" by a little over one percent.

You idiots try to treat all groups as giant monoliths, and again, that is one of the reasons Trump won.

Trump didn't win. He stole the election.

The People Said "NO!"

Says the lefty who just demonstrated that he doesn't give a shit about the US Constitution.
He never has, and has shown that many times. Joey is a Stalinist.
Says the lefty who just demonstrated that he doesn't give a shit about the US Constitution.
I kind of don't care about a document written by a bunch of slave raping assholes.
And there it is.

That's always been his position. He prefers the opinions of 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers (progressive ones) to get what he wants, and fuck everyone else.

He is definitely the most miserable bastard on this message board.
Naah...though he's in the top three.

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