Trump Etc. - Some Misc. Comments


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
News has certainly been interesting since the inauguration!

Let me state first off that I am hopeful for positive change and am excited about the possibility of it......

That being said, I have to point out the funny things being said, like:

1. Sometimes you disagree with the facts. (ehhh...... okay ......)
2. Voting fraud? Dude you won. What's the problem?

Of course, not sure what women are marching for. I feel like I have all my rights. I will freely admit I'm not a binge news watcher (well, not even a very regular news watcher, except for the fact that it's on TV all day long at work, but, the sound is not up...) in any event, I don't recall Trump proposing to take away women's rights. Maybe I missed something.

Yes, I know about Roe v. Wade (I'm pro life) and about the wage issue (I have not problem with that).

I also think it's funny everyone is so afraid. Even if all these things are done, if the country is better for it, it's a good thing.

The greater good is more important than the individual.

Time will tell.
The left is insane. There is no explanation for what they do otherwise. They fixate on small things like crowd size just to avoid talking about big things like the Keystone pipeline.
Voter fraud should be addressed by the winner, as it is not sour grapes at that point. While Stein had no standing to launch recounts, nor the correct reasons for why it was occurring, the exercise did uncover fraud in democrat held precincts. If it were to be ignored, I am sure it would happen next election on an even larger scale.

Facts may not be facts on occasion. If the media wants something to appear a certain way they can and have staged events to suit their agenda and narrative.

As far as rights go, it is always the duty and right of Americans to protect those rights through peaceful demonstration.
News has certainly been interesting since the inauguration!

Let me state first off that I am hopeful for positive change and am excited about the possibility of it......

That being said, I have to point out the funny things being said, like:

1. Sometimes you disagree with the facts. (ehhh...... okay ......)
2. Voting fraud? Dude you won. What's the problem?

Of course, not sure what women are marching for. I feel like I have all my rights. I will freely admit I'm not a binge news watcher (well, not even a very regular news watcher, except for the fact that it's on TV all day long at work, but, the sound is not up...) in any event, I don't recall Trump proposing to take away women's rights. Maybe I missed something.

Yes, I know about Roe v. Wade (I'm pro life) and about the wage issue (I have not problem with that).

I also think it's funny everyone is so afraid. Even if all these things are done, if the country is better for it, it's a good thing.

The greater good is more important than the individual.

Time will tell.
The individual is far more important than the greater good....
News has certainly been interesting since the inauguration!

Let me state first off that I am hopeful for positive change and am excited about the possibility of it......

That being said, I have to point out the funny things being said, like:

1. Sometimes you disagree with the facts. (ehhh...... okay ......)
2. Voting fraud? Dude you won. What's the problem?

Of course, not sure what women are marching for. I feel like I have all my rights. I will freely admit I'm not a binge news watcher (well, not even a very regular news watcher, except for the fact that it's on TV all day long at work, but, the sound is not up...) in any event, I don't recall Trump proposing to take away women's rights. Maybe I missed something.

Yes, I know about Roe v. Wade (I'm pro life) and about the wage issue (I have not problem with that).

I also think it's funny everyone is so afraid. Even if all these things are done, if the country is better for it, it's a good thing.

The greater good is more important than the individual.

Time will tell.
The media (all the big boys except Fox) have always had their own set of facts. They present opinion as fact and that's what the administration is talking about.

Voter fraud? The left constantly yammers on about Hillary winning the popular vote. Most came from California where Trump didn't even campaign since it is a winner take all electoral delegate vote. And lefties have fought voter id laws tooth and nail for the reason it gets them more votes.

I agree they should drop it though, it only gives the left a chance to respond further. And since they don't have much else to offer, they will.

Abortion should be decided by the states but I doubt it will be revisited. Women already get the same pay, that's another set of leftist facts. It's true that on average women make less, but they get paid the same doing the same job as a male. That law has been around for decades now. Women tend to go into less skilled employment, many stay home or do part time to be with the kids.

So while it is true on the one hand it is misleading on the other. Facts can be used or abused.
That's another thing, the media is equal opportunity at picking on people. Grow a set
News has certainly been interesting since the inauguration!

Let me state first off that I am hopeful for positive change and am excited about the possibility of it......

That being said, I have to point out the funny things being said, like:

1. Sometimes you disagree with the facts. (ehhh...... okay ......)
2. Voting fraud? Dude you won. What's the problem?

Of course, not sure what women are marching for. I feel like I have all my rights. I will freely admit I'm not a binge news watcher (well, not even a very regular news watcher, except for the fact that it's on TV all day long at work, but, the sound is not up...) in any event, I don't recall Trump proposing to take away women's rights. Maybe I missed something.

Yes, I know about Roe v. Wade (I'm pro life) and about the wage issue (I have not problem with that).

I also think it's funny everyone is so afraid. Even if all these things are done, if the country is better for it, it's a good thing.

The greater good is more important than the individual.

Time will tell.

Voting fraud is about setting it up so he can investigate it, all I van say is about time!

The women's march was about anti republican pro abortion people, but they don't say it.
Trust me, I am pro Trump, but......

And I agree...The woman's March was a joke

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