Trump doesn't want to put tariffs on China now.... after taking Musk's money...

If prices at Walmart, Target, and Amazon went up 10-20%, the instant inflation and cost of living spike, would make him look like a POS. You can forget any promise that would kill the economy in the short term until far later in the administration. You did see, Elon and Bezos at the inauguration, right?
Stop spending/printing money, that is the key to getting inflation down. His "drill, baby drill" is very important, but it alone will not slow inflation enough, he MUST drastically cut your deficit. The MSS may well be the best intelligence agency in the world, perhaps in the history of the world. I am in awe at their ability to pull rabbits out of hats and roll over nations. With Rubio as SOS I will hold my opinion, all is not yet lost, Trump just settled back in and the FBI and CIA have been aggressively countering and calling out Chinas efforts, which is encouraging. If not Trump, his replacement in 2028 will confront China and decimate their economy and influence. If they don't, China WILL win I assure you.
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Stop spending/printing money, that is the key to getting inflation down. His "drill, baby drill" is very important, but it alone will not slow inflation enough, he MUST drastically cut your deficit. The MSS may well be the best intelligence agency in the world, perhaps in the history of the world. I am in awe at their ability to pull rabbits out of hats and roll over nations. With Rubio as SOS I will hold my opinion, all is not yet lost, Trump jjust settled
I am not as concerned about the spending and printing, depending on how it is spent, as some get a far larger return, such as infrastructure, for example. I doubt, we will see a big drop in gas and oil, any time soon, as we are still outproducing any other country on earth. I do not see Big Oil producing a glut on the market, that would eat up the profits, by making them compete, and of course, other large producing countries can and have curtailed to keep prices high.
I am not as concerned about the spending and printing, depending on how it is spent, as some get a far larger return, such as infrastructure, for example. I doubt, we will see a big drop in gas and oil, any time soon, as we are still outproducing any other country on earth. I do not see Big Oil producing a glut on the market, that would eat up the profits, by making them compete, and of course, other large producing countries can and have curtailed to keep prices high.
Trumps legacy is on the line as without question, the economy is the number one issue for Americans, followed by illegal immigration.
You have wounded animal syndrome.

You're losing.

We know you're losing.

Worse, YOU know you're losing.

Your back is against the wall.

So you post a never ending torrent of posts thinking you can turn back a tsunami?

Not a chance.
It isn't my fault you are so badly butt hurt.

Oh wait...

It is. :finger3:
Because China is a lying lowlife filthy scumbag country that constantly rips us off, hacks us, dumps product to hurt American companies, steals our jobs, industries, IP. You left wingers need to try to keep up.
Oh, that place where Chump and Ivanka get their merch made. I hear ya'.
Put down the booze and go to a meeting.

Trump won the popular vote, the election, Republicans control the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court.

Everything is going my way.

I had some healthy celebratory drinks on inauguration day.

But you're the one who's hammered if you think I'm anything but ecstatic.

This desperation from you is just the cherry on top.
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Trump won the popular vote, the election, Republicans control the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court.

Everything is going my way.

I had some healthy celebratory drinks on inauguration day.

But you're the one who's hammered if you think I'm anything but ecstatic.

This desperation from you is just the cherry on top.
Yes, Trump has you rubes firmly in his pocket as he kow-tows to the oligarchy.

Good for you!
We told you

"Trump says he 'would rather not' impose tariffs on China"

All that crap about tariffs, and he's been in office four days and he's already backtracking.

We all know as soon as he took Musk's money, that he wouldn't put tariffs on China, because it would make Musk less rich.

Trump has been pretty nice to China, compared to Biden, the only time he went a little anti-China was to try and beat Biden in 2020.

"In the second part of a Fox News interview, Donald Trump says he "would rather not" impose tariffs on China, while saying it was their "one very big power" over Beijing"

yeah, he's got "big power" over China, and China has HUGE POWER over Trump.....

Well done MAGA.
You people are retarded. We don’t have to put tariffs in everything from China.

It’s to be done on a case by case basis for industries we need to protect.
We told you

"Trump says he 'would rather not' impose tariffs on China"

All that crap about tariffs, and he's been in office four days and he's already backtracking.

We all know as soon as he took Musk's money, that he wouldn't put tariffs on China, because it would make Musk less rich.

Trump has been pretty nice to China, compared to Biden, the only time he went a little anti-China was to try and beat Biden in 2020.

"In the second part of a Fox News interview, Donald Trump says he "would rather not" impose tariffs on China, while saying it was their "one very big power" over Beijing"

yeah, he's got "big power" over China, and China has HUGE POWER over Trump.....

Well done MAGA.
Good, I'm glad he's not imposing sanctions on China, at least for now. We don't have the infrastructure to replace the goods we buy from China with domestic, MADE-IN-USA products. Before imposing sanctions on the country where we get most of our consumer goods, let's first rebuild our manufacturing base and start producing those products here. Otherwise, we'll have horrible inflation. The cost of living is bad enough already, we don't need it even worse.
If prices at Walmart, Target, and Amazon went up 10-20%, the instant inflation and cost of living spike, would make him look like a POS. You can forget any promise that would kill the economy in the short term until far later in the administration. You did see, Elon and Bezos at the inauguration, right?

Of course, but then why campaign on a promise that all the experts said "would destroy the economy"???

Because he treats voters like idiots who will like anything they don't understand.
If true, this is basically legacy ending for him already, his four years will be largely inconsequential until he is replaced and China will eventuaally defeat the West, unimpeded. I wont call Trump out as being wrong yet, I will wait and see. China has to view America as a sucker though after poisoning and killing so many Americans, hacking Americans phones, including Trump and JD Vances phone etc. The MSS have been dominating the West for decades, if they get Trump to kneel after he repeated his threats so many times during his campaign then kudos to their intel agencies for continuing to win.

They're winning, not because of themselves, but because of Musk. Musk wants to get richer. Musk does business in China and knows if tariffs happen, his business will get destroyed.

Musk told Trump to do tariffs, for some reason, and said the economy would tank. People actually VOTED ON THIS.
First you bitch he's puttin' them on.

Now you bitch that he may not.

Just because you're butthurt doesn't mean you have to be a cockbite.

1) I'm bitching because I told people he doesn't make promises during the election, he just says stuff, then when he wins the election he goes "fuck it, I'll do whatever I want."

I even provided a quote of Trump's.

“Look, there’s a tradition in American politics that after you win an election, you sort of put things behind you,” he told reporters inside Trump Tower. “And if that’s the decision he reached, that’s perfectly consistent with sort of a historical pattern of things come up, you say a lot of things, even some bad things might happen, and then you can sort of put it behind you in order to unite the nation.”

I posted this numerous times during the election process.

Trump literally saying it's a tradition to say whatever you want during an election, and then ignore it afterwards.

It's EXACTLY what he's done.

He treats his supporters like idiots. I wonder why.
I dont think you have a great grasp of the English language.

He is a businessman.. sit back., stop whining like a bitch and watch the pro at work. He knows exactly what he is doing.

Yes, he knows what he's doing.

1) He goes into an election and will say ANYTHING to get idiots to vote for him
2) When he gets in, he does WHATEVER THE FUCK HE LIKES to make himself and his friends RICHER.

Just because he knows what he's doing, doesn't mean you shouldn't know what he's doing and call him out for doing it.

His supporters support him, when they don't know what he's doing or why. When he says he's looking out for the small guy, he means himself, the small dicked guy.
Because China is a lying lowlife filthy scumbag country that constantly rips us off, hacks us, dumps product to hurt American companies, steals our jobs, industries, IP. You left wingers need to try to keep up.

The US is a "lowlife filthy scumbag country that constantly rips [other countries] off"

What's your point?

China is bad, he said he'd put tariffs to teach China a lesson.

Now he's saying he's not going to teach China a lesson because his money guy makes a lot of money in China.
Yes, he knows what he's doing.

1) He goes into an election and will say ANYTHING to get idiots to vote for him
2) When he gets in, he does WHATEVER THE FUCK HE LIKES to make himself and his friends RICHER.

Just because he knows what he's doing, doesn't mean you shouldn't know what he's doing and call him out for doing it.

His supporters support him, when they don't know what he's doing or why. When he says he's looking out for the small guy, he means himself, the small dicked guy.
Give the guy a break. Im sure he hasn’t slept more than a few hours, as he is going full throttle at it all..

Yes, all politicians lie to get elected, i dont think that applies to Trump to a high level though. He is pretty honest, like him or loathe him, you know what you are getting.
"Trump says he 'would rather not' impose tariffs on China"
After DEMONIZING Trump (what eles is new) for wanting the China tarrifs.. Now it's on to what?? He took Musk's money to scrap what you all have been saying was a bad idea??

You should be happy guys but you're TDS won't let you be happy.

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