Trump Directs The EPA to Begin Dismantling the Clean Water Rule

They can't call it a law because it was never passed by congress . It's a massive power grab by the federal government based on nothing but a hastily written executive order. Characterizing it as "the clean water rule" is part of the fake news propaganda generated by the left wing media. If you want the EPA to assume sweeping jurisdiction over wetlands and virtually all the water supply for farms and ranches for the alleged purpose of " combating global warming" then let's have a discussion about it instead of a decree issued in the middle of the night like some half assed 3rd world monarch.

Well, the joke will be on you and your family when you die younger than you should have. You hate the government so much that you're willing to take years off your life so that Trump and Repugs can somehow "win"....well so be it, sucker.
/——/ Calm down Drama Queen. Trump is just rolling back Obozo’s over reach.

What "over reach", lightweight? You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

Keep supporting someone who's going to take years off your life, dumb fuck.
The EPA did not exist when Flint built their water system with lead pipes. it is the EPA that is requiring Flint to replace them. You don't think before you post, do you?
/——-/ Gee, the EPA was started in the Nixon administration. It took them 40 years to get around to Flint? What about the Michigan state agencies? The Flint city agency?

OK, Cell, you win Clean water is a luxury we can not afford. Besides, we all miss the good old days when toxic waste was just dumped in lakes and streams. We all miss things, like when lake Erie caught fire, I think in 1968, and Love Canal, of course. Allowing industry to destroy the environment is GOOD for the USA!

Tar Creek Superfund site - Wikipedia
/——/ Ok - you win the Straw Man argument of the day. Congratulations

Only Trump would appoint someone from Dow Chemical to head the EPA. It is an insult to anyone who gives a rat's ass about the environment.

Pruitt isnt from Dow Chemical. And that is the only man he has appointed. The thing I like about Pruitt is he sued the EPA 14 times when he was Oklahoma Attorney General. Now he is in charge of the EPA instead of the Marxist wackos Obama appointed.

Yep, that's it! Pruitt is taking years off your sorry Repug life, but you like his moxie!

Fucking sucker retard.
Apparently so, since the EPA is forcing them to clean up their act. The EPA also completely closed down the entire town in Oklahoma, cited in my post above. Turns out that mining heavy metals requires a certain amount of environmental responsibility of the part of the corporation that was doing it.

The EPA has been in charge of Tar Creek for over 25 years. It is now worse than when they started according to the article.

Interesting article though and timely for me. The area I live in is collapsing under environmental pressures.

Being deeply opposed to the work that the EPA does is a noble stance, but is it enough? Shouldn't Trump also roll back American compliance with international law prohibiting the dumping of toxic substances in international water by ships?
/——/ Only if they can dump the toxins in your swimming pool.

There are two kinds of people, Cell. Those that care about the world that we are only borrowing from the next generation, and those that still throw their beer cans out of the window of their pickup trucks. 'nuf said.
/——/ Ever see the aftermath of an Earth Day or any Green rally? Wall to wall garbage. So you libs are in the second group. Tea Party cleans up their rally mess.

Yep, that's a good reason to not support the Clean Water Act, fucktard. That's a good reason to take years off the lives of your family members.
This month, Congressional Republicans are taking advantage of must-pass government funding bills by inserting anti-environmental “poison pill” riders that undermine protections for our health, air, water, lands, and wildlife.

Just making America great again by poisoning it.

Dismantling Obama's over reach, one step at a time.

Republicans bathing in what they consider "clean" water.

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