Trump did more for China 7 weeks ago in terms of COVID than he plans to do here


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011

So much for America first. The dumb toddler even said at the time that China would be able contain the virus with the aid. Now Trump doesn’t even want to give New York more ventilators. What did he do for California? He sent them 1700 broken ventilators. Why the pathetic response for these highly populated areas? They are blue states. That’s pretty much it.

So much for America first. The dumb toddler even said at the time that China would be able contain the virus with the aid. Now Trump doesn’t even want to give New York more ventilators. What did he do for California? He sent them 1700 broken ventilators. Why the pathetic response for these highly populated areas? They are blue states. That’s pretty much it.

Can you ever shut the fuck up ?

The people around you must hate your constant bitching and moaning and complaining and blaming.

Fuck, you are one sorry piece of shit.
seems like FLA is being taken care of bigley... hmmmmm could it be because that's where mar a lago is? & the governor is a (R)? & donny really needs to win FLA this election?

Why did Florida get all the emergency supplies it requested when other states didn't?
Our extreme weather is only part of the answer.
By Lydia DePillis, Mike Spies, Joshua Kaplan, Kyle Edwards and Caroline Chen, ProPublica
On March 11, Florida requested a cache of emergency supplies from the federal government to protect its medical workers against the novel coronavirus.

Three days later, the state got everything it wanted.

Other states had only tiny slivers of their requests fulfilled, including some that had asked for them earlier than Florida. Oregon and Oklahoma received only about 10%; New Jersey got less than 6%.

This disparity has not been lost on the states that feel shortchanged in their requests from the Strategic National Stockpile, a trove of supplies managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Why did Florida get all the emergency supplies it requested when other states didn't?

More aid coming, ships heading to new york. OP is a hack.
Oh yeah?


So much for America first. The dumb toddler even said at the time that China would be able contain the virus with the aid. Now Trump doesn’t even want to give New York more ventilators. What did he do for California? He sent them 1700 broken ventilators. Why the pathetic response for these highly populated areas? They are blue states. That’s pretty much it.

Can you ever shut the fuck up ?

The people around you must hate your constant bitching and moaning and complaining and blaming.

Fuck, you are one sorry piece of shit.
winner winner chicken dinner.


So much for America first. The dumb toddler even said at the time that China would be able contain the virus with the aid. Now Trump doesn’t even want to give New York more ventilators. What did he do for California? He sent them 1700 broken ventilators. Why the pathetic response for these highly populated areas? They are blue states. That’s pretty much it.
I'm sure trump would have reacted differently if china hadnt lied so much about what was really happening,,,


So much for America first. The dumb toddler even said at the time that China would be able contain the virus with the aid. Now Trump doesn’t even want to give New York more ventilators. What did he do for California? He sent them 1700 broken ventilators. Why the pathetic response for these highly populated areas? They are blue states. That’s pretty much it.

The aid given to China came from the over $1.5 billion from the American people and donations from American businesses, NGOs, and religious and charitable organizations. They donated the money for the purpose of foreign aid, and knew exactly where their donations were going.

Hopefully someday soon we will not need to rely on Chinese manufacturing for our medical supplies but for the time being, it's probably a good idea that China gets their manufacturing base back to work. The world is depending on that.

So much for America first. The dumb toddler even said at the time that China would be able contain the virus with the aid. Now Trump doesn’t even want to give New York more ventilators. What did he do for California? He sent them 1700 broken ventilators. Why the pathetic response for these highly populated areas? They are blue states. That’s pretty much it.
You are ridiculous

So much for America first. The dumb toddler even said at the time that China would be able contain the virus with the aid. Now Trump doesn’t even want to give New York more ventilators. What did he do for California? He sent them 1700 broken ventilators. Why the pathetic response for these highly populated areas? They are blue states. That’s pretty much it.

The aid given to China came from the over $1.5 billion from the American people and donations from American businesses, NGOs, and religious and charitable organizations. They donated the money for the purpose of foreign aid, and knew exactly where their donations were going.

Hopefully someday soon we will not need to rely on Chinese manufacturing for our medical supplies but for the time being, it's probably a good idea that China gets their manufacturing base back to work. The world is depending on that.

White House Airlifts Medical Supplies From China in Coronavirus Fight
Officials have teamed up with medical supply companies to speed the arrival of masks, gloves, gowns and other goods.
By Ana Swanson March 29, 2020

WASHINGTON — A commercial aircraft carrying 80 tons of gloves, masks, gowns and other medical supplies from Shanghai touched down in New York on Sunday, the first of 22 scheduled flights that White House officials say will funnel much-needed goods to the United States by early April as it battles the world’s largest coronavirus outbreak.

The plane delivered 130,000 N95 masks, 1.8 million face masks and gowns, 10 million gloves and thousands of thermometers for distribution to New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, said Lizzie Litzow, a spokeswoman for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Ms. Litzow said that flights would be arriving in Chicago on Monday and in Ohio on Tuesday, and that supplies would be sent from there to other states using private-sector distribution networks.
White House Airlifts Medical Supplies From China in Coronavirus Fight

So much for America first. The dumb toddler even said at the time that China would be able contain the virus with the aid. Now Trump doesn’t even want to give New York more ventilators. What did he do for California? He sent them 1700 broken ventilators. Why the pathetic response for these highly populated areas? They are blue states. That’s pretty much it.

With people like yourself wanting to see only the negative it will make it that much tougher than it needs to be.

We will recover, because most Americans can see the strength of this country and know how to be positive, help one another. America will win this battle and move on and then we can attack our politicians.

So much for America first. The dumb toddler even said at the time that China would be able contain the virus with the aid. Now Trump doesn’t even want to give New York more ventilators. What did he do for California? He sent them 1700 broken ventilators. Why the pathetic response for these highly populated areas? They are blue states. That’s pretty much it.

Can you ever shut the fuck up ?

The people around you must hate your constant bitching and moaning and complaining and blaming.

Fuck, you are one sorry piece of shit.
billy is just trying to be the new dean.....

So much for America first. The dumb toddler even said at the time that China would be able contain the virus with the aid. Now Trump doesn’t even want to give New York more ventilators. What did he do for California? He sent them 1700 broken ventilators. Why the pathetic response for these highly populated areas? They are blue states. That’s pretty much it.

Can you ever shut the fuck up ?

The people around you must hate your constant bitching and moaning and complaining and blaming.

Fuck, you are one sorry piece of shit.
billy is just trying to be the new dean.....

I didn't believe anyone could be dumber than Dean, however Billy was finally able to lower the bar even more. At least Billy has his IQ mentioned in his screen name 000.

So much for America first. The dumb toddler even said at the time that China would be able contain the virus with the aid. Now Trump doesn’t even want to give New York more ventilators. What did he do for California? He sent them 1700 broken ventilators. Why the pathetic response for these highly populated areas? They are blue states. That’s pretty much it.

^^^^ This:


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