Thank You President Trump, we got nothing From Obama bailout


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Filed all of the necessary paperwork for the disaster assistance, and provided my bank information and we will get an immediate deposit for $10,000.
THANK YOU TRUMP - since this was his initial push to help small businesses.
And it couldn't have came at a better time. We are reeling from dramatically lower revenue.
We also qualify for a large deposit in April, although I do not know how much yet.
I will not have to lay anyone off. I will not have to cut people's hours...well I already have, but I have still been paying them for 8 hours.

In the 2009 economic $Trillion bailout - like every other small business, except of course for some Democrat favored businesses, WE DIDN'T GET A PENNY. Not one cent. Obama was too busy bailing out Wall Street and giant corporations, and even foreign companies.
We lost over half our staff, had to sell off equipment etc. - still not one red cent.

Shows you the difference between two Presidents.
The left will find something negative to say about this in 3...2...1
I already know what they will say, they will try and create a narrative that I must therefore support socialism.
Which is, of course, a really stupid narrative. Socialist nations create poverty, create unemployment, create economic failure on all levels. They don't have the money to provide assistance to privately owned companies, they are too busy building palaces and vacation spots for themselves.
That's funny. I can only imagine the Republican howl that would have erupted had Obama proposed to re-distribute a couple hundred billion dollars to middle class Americans to help ease the pain of 2008 recession and jump start the economy. No, the Republicans are strict fiscal conservative as long as there is a Democrat in the WH. They'll play chicken with the self imposed debit ceiling regardless of how it effects our credit rating. But when one of their own is in and something goes wrong, they expect a blank check.
Filed all of the necessary paperwork for the disaster assistance, and provided my bank information and we will get an immediate deposit for $10,000.

so, what did you do to deserve to have my tax dollars redistributed to you?

That is easy.
I have a business that pays waaaay too much taxes per month, as well as provides employment to people who also pay waaay too much in taxes.
I support many "safety net" programs that do provide stability in the marketplace.
Filed all of the necessary paperwork for the disaster assistance, and provided my bank information and we will get an immediate deposit for $10,000.

so, what did you do to deserve to have my tax dollars redistributed to you?

That is easy.
I have a business that pays waaaay too much taxes per month, as well as provides employment to people who also pay waaay too much in taxes.
I support many "safety net" programs that do provide stability in the marketplace.

that is an awful lot of income redistribution that you support
That's funny. I can only imagine the Republican howl that would have erupted had Obama proposed to re-distribute a couple hundred billion dollars to middle class Americans to help ease the pain of 2008 recession and jump start the economy. No, the Republicans are strict fiscal conservative as long as there is a Democrat in the WH. They'll play chicken with the self imposed debit ceiling regardless of how it effects our credit rating. But when one of their own is in and something goes wrong, they expect a blank check.

As usual, what you imagine is far from reality.
What Obama did with the TARP funds is nothing short of an abomination. They took tax dollars from all of us, to bail out the very top people - WHO - are the ones that created the crash in the first place.
And despite the fact that as early as mid 2009 these companies were reporting record profits, and paying large bonuses to their top performers - they continued to get free money. Our money.
Meanwhile...tell me again how many people lost their homes between 2008 - 2014??? How many??? and all of the investment firms that owned the mortgages were bailed out 100%. The people who lived in them - fuck you, nothing.
All of the small businesses that had no choice but to suck on an egg in a mess created by these fuckers - got shit. NOTHING.
Trump - at least had the care for small businesses to make it his primary goal to provide support to. Of course the Senate and the Congress added over $1.5 trillion in pork.
But it was TRUMP who insisted on small businesses getting the assistance, I GUARANTEE you neither the Dems or the Reps in the houses would have done it.
As usual, what you imagine is far from reality.
What Obama did with the TARP funds is nothing short of an abomination. They took tax dollars from all of us, to bail out the very top people - WHO - are the ones that created the crash in the first place.
TARP ran a profit since they were loans that were paid back with a small amount of interest.
Trump - at least had the care for small businesses to make it his primary goal to provide support to. Of course the Senate and the Congress added over $1.5 trillion in pork.
Hmm, not exactly. The relief provided to small businesses was fraction of that for large corporations. It wasn’t his primary goal. It was an after thought.
Filed all of the necessary paperwork for the disaster assistance, and provided my bank information and we will get an immediate deposit for $10,000.
THANK YOU TRUMP - since this was his initial push to help small businesses.
And it couldn't have came at a better time. We are reeling from dramatically lower revenue.
We also qualify for a large deposit in April, although I do not know how much yet.
I will not have to lay anyone off. I will not have to cut people's hours...well I already have, but I have still been paying them for 8 hours.

In the 2009 economic $Trillion bailout - like every other small business, except of course for some Democrat favored businesses, WE DIDN'T GET A PENNY. Not one cent. Obama was too busy bailing out Wall Street and giant corporations, and even foreign companies.
We lost over half our staff, had to sell off equipment etc. - still not one red cent.

Shows you the difference between two Presidents.

I think you are a little confused.
It was Geo Bush and Sec'ty of Treasury Hank Paulsen who bailed out Wall Street in 2008.
You're a typical MAGA moron who's woefully ignorant of facts.

  • Sept. 20, 2008
    WASHINGTON The Bush administration on Saturday formally proposed a vast bailout of financial institutions in the United States, requesting unfettered authority for the Treasury Department to buy up to $700 billion in distressed mortgage-related assets from the private firms.""""

Filed all of the necessary paperwork for the disaster assistance, and provided my bank information and we will get an immediate deposit for $10,000.
THANK YOU TRUMP - since this was his initial push to help small businesses.
And it couldn't have came at a better time. We are reeling from dramatically lower revenue.
We also qualify for a large deposit in April, although I do not know how much yet.
I will not have to lay anyone off. I will not have to cut people's hours...well I already have, but I have still been paying them for 8 hours.

In the 2009 economic $Trillion bailout - like every other small business, except of course for some Democrat favored businesses, WE DIDN'T GET A PENNY. Not one cent. Obama was too busy bailing out Wall Street and giant corporations, and even foreign companies.
We lost over half our staff, had to sell off equipment etc. - still not one red cent.

Shows you the difference between two Presidents.
Would you have needed this money if the government hadn't decided to wreck the economy?
Then there's this:

""""But Republicans won some huge concessions from Democrats, most notably a $500 billion bailout fund for big businesses and a $170 billion tax break for real estate investors like the president."""

Filed all of the necessary paperwork for the disaster assistance, and provided my bank information and we will get an immediate deposit for $10,000.
THANK YOU TRUMP - since this was his initial push to help small businesses.
And it couldn't have came at a better time. We are reeling from dramatically lower revenue.
We also qualify for a large deposit in April, although I do not know how much yet.
I will not have to lay anyone off. I will not have to cut people's hours...well I already have, but I have still been paying them for 8 hours.

In the 2009 economic $Trillion bailout - like every other small business, except of course for some Democrat favored businesses, WE DIDN'T GET A PENNY. Not one cent. Obama was too busy bailing out Wall Street and giant corporations, and even foreign companies.
We lost over half our staff, had to sell off equipment etc. - still not one red cent.

Shows you the difference between two Presidents.
Would you have needed this money if the government hadn't decided to wreck the economy?

Azzhat's now a socialist, too.


Smoke Screen and that is all. The Too Big to Fail didn't need it. They were at the back door of the Federal Reserve taking Trillions .........Then they got loans TARP so people would say........see they paid it back with Interest......


I would love to see the FOIA now on what they are doing hidden from the public.......and how many trillions are being created out of thin air from the Reserve...........If the Banks can use Fractional banking to GAMBLE with and then get bailed out by Laundering the Federal Reserve then small businesses should be helped as well.
Actually, what we got was years of economic growth from the 2009 Recovery Act. All that stopped after a few months of diminutive remarks about the threat of this new virus from from Dumbass Don and his faithful media, converged with reality.

My point about Republicans being fiscally conservative only when Democrats hold the White House stands.
Filed all of the necessary paperwork for the disaster assistance, and provided my bank information and we will get an immediate deposit for $10,000.
THANK YOU TRUMP - since this was his initial push to help small businesses.
And it couldn't have came at a better time. We are reeling from dramatically lower revenue.
We also qualify for a large deposit in April, although I do not know how much yet.
I will not have to lay anyone off. I will not have to cut people's hours...well I already have, but I have still been paying them for 8 hours.

In the 2009 economic $Trillion bailout - like every other small business, except of course for some Democrat favored businesses, WE DIDN'T GET A PENNY. Not one cent. Obama was too busy bailing out Wall Street and giant corporations, and even foreign companies.
We lost over half our staff, had to sell off equipment etc. - still not one red cent.

Shows you the difference between two Presidents.

What do you think you're getting now?
As usual, what you imagine is far from reality.
What Obama did with the TARP funds is nothing short of an abomination. They took tax dollars from all of us, to bail out the very top people - WHO - are the ones that created the crash in the first place.
TARP ran a profit since they were loans that were paid back with a small amount of interest.

121 billion in profit.


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