Trump/DeSantis 2024?

I’m all ears…I’ve asked you many times before…sell us on all those LibTarian policies that make a better America?
I'm not selling you anything. I'm pretty sure you don't want a libertarian society. I'm just trying to get people to stop voting for bad candidates on purpose. It isn't working.
I usually vote Libertarian, but I'm open to good candidates from other parties. Even if their ideology differs from mine.

As voters, we have a responsibility to elect (ie vote for) good leadership. But the lesser-of-two-evils race to the bottom has us voting for assclowns because we're convinced that the "other side" is pure evil.

A vote should be earned. I vote for candidates who best represent my political ideology. And, more and more lately, I've come respect the value of good leadership. We need good people who are willing to represent all Americans, not just those who voted for them.
You blasted candidates on the Left and Right and you still did not name anyone you support, just some general statements.
You blasted candidates on the Left and Right
Yep. And as long as they continue to nominate shitty candidates, I'll continue to blast them.
and you still did not name anyone you support, just some general statements.
I'm which race? In the last presidential election I voted for Jorgensen, the Libertarian. I'll probably vote Libertarian in the next. But you're missing the point. I'm not voting for your shitty candidates, period. Those of you playing the lesser-of-two-evils game are sinking the nation.
See, this is where republican racism shows up. Number 1, if you want to make the ticket it should be Rice/Desantis. Desantis has no federal governing experience. Rice does. Secondly, if Rice runs as a right wing sellout, she should get attacked. But shes not going to run and the base wouldn't have it.

Governor experience trumps many federal level positions, Senator included.
Sounds reasonable. Trump president, DeSantis vice president. That is the ticket!

The former president has also been irritated that DeSantis is getting credit for this stunt, which he claims is his "idea."

No it's not. It was first thought up in the 1960's. Racist Southern White Democrats (back then) rounded up poor single black mothers and their kids and single male ex cons and bused them up north.

“White segregationists concocted a viciously racist plan offering Black people one-way tickets to the north or to the west,”

the trips were called “Reverse Freedom Rides

Essentially, about 300 Black people in southern cities were given free, one-way bus tickets to cities in northern and western states and told (dishonestly) that there were jobs and housing waiting for them. (Victims were most commonly sent to Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia.)

The organizers were members of various White Citizens Council chapters who hoped to expose what they believed was hypocrisy by people outside of the South on matters of racial equality and civil rights. When the scheme was exposed, public opinion was overwhelmingly against the “Reverse Freedom Rides,” and they petered out in 1963.
I had change of heart. DeSantis for president, Trump vice president. Given the last week, DeSantis has sorta won me over. Sending a bus load of illegals to Chicago or Martha's Vineyard? And then to Biden's hometown, brilliant.
In the last 25 years, Democrat NEVER asked their constituency if we wanted this shit. (Isn't that rather unconstitutional?) No, they sorta slipped in this sanctuary city stuff under the radar and hid it without a referendum or public notice or anything else... something like create sanctuary cities without popular consent? How is that possible?

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