Trump Deporting High-Profile Illegal Immigrant Activists

There are thousands of immigrants in my community,
Are they ILLEGAL immigrants?

If they are, you don't give them jobs, or government services.
Some jobs, particularly those in agriculture, will not get done without immigrants.

California's undocumented workers help the economy grow – but may pay the cost

"Brokaw Ranch Company, in Ventura County, grows hundreds of acres of fruit including avocados, oranges and lemons that end up on tables all across the United States via Sam's Club, Wal-Mart and Costco.

"But before it gets there, it starts here, in leafy groves of trees under the California sun, where crews of workers climb the trees with ladders, cut each piece of fruit by hand and carry it in 80-pound sacks to collection bins.

"It's hard, careful work and, at least on this farm, it's done by immigrants.

"The Ventura County farm bureau estimates as many as 36,000 field workers bring in the county's crops of citrus, avocado and strawberries in peak harvest season, and that 95 percent of them are foreign-born.

"Ranch owner Ellen Brokaw said immigrant labor is essential to Ventura County's farms."
That's bullshit. In Arizona when tough legislation chased the illegals away, ranchers and farmers invested in new agricultural equipment that did nearly all the jobs the illegals had done, creating new jobs for equipment manufacturers and increasing wages for remaining agricultural workers. The crops will be picked and processed by machines and American agricultural workers will earn more because the illegals are gone.
Have you ever seen mechanical harvesters for grapes, citrus, avocados, or strawberries? I suppose such devices are possible, but their cost would be well beyond what's currently being spent to harvest those crops. How much more for your fruits and vegetables are you willing to pay in order to stem illegal immigration?

Their true worth when paying Americans a living wage. Why does the left absolutely hammer Wal-Mart but give a pass to agriculture. You don't care if Wal-Mart raises prices.
Are you saying you are willing to pay US agricultural workers a living wage to harvest your fruits and vegetables? If so, would you be willing to subsidize private (corporate) farmers with your tax dollars in order to consistently provide those wages?
Was Trump a racist when he was a Democrat?

"Donald Trump’s Racism:
The Definitive List"
Opinion | Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List

No.....You posted an Op Ed as fact fool.
I posted an op ed as an opinion, one of many supporting Donald Trump's long history of racist behavior. Do you have any opinions claiming otherwise?
Are they ILLEGAL immigrants?

If they are, you don't give them jobs, or government services.
Some jobs, particularly those in agriculture, will not get done without immigrants.

California's undocumented workers help the economy grow – but may pay the cost

"Brokaw Ranch Company, in Ventura County, grows hundreds of acres of fruit including avocados, oranges and lemons that end up on tables all across the United States via Sam's Club, Wal-Mart and Costco.

"But before it gets there, it starts here, in leafy groves of trees under the California sun, where crews of workers climb the trees with ladders, cut each piece of fruit by hand and carry it in 80-pound sacks to collection bins.

"It's hard, careful work and, at least on this farm, it's done by immigrants.

"The Ventura County farm bureau estimates as many as 36,000 field workers bring in the county's crops of citrus, avocado and strawberries in peak harvest season, and that 95 percent of them are foreign-born.

"Ranch owner Ellen Brokaw said immigrant labor is essential to Ventura County's farms."
That's bullshit. In Arizona when tough legislation chased the illegals away, ranchers and farmers invested in new agricultural equipment that did nearly all the jobs the illegals had done, creating new jobs for equipment manufacturers and increasing wages for remaining agricultural workers. The crops will be picked and processed by machines and American agricultural workers will earn more because the illegals are gone.
Have you ever seen mechanical harvesters for grapes, citrus, avocados, or strawberries? I suppose such devices are possible, but their cost would be well beyond what's currently being spent to harvest those crops. How much more for your fruits and vegetables are you willing to pay in order to stem illegal immigration?

Their true worth when paying Americans a living wage. Why does the left absolutely hammer Wal-Mart but give a pass to agriculture. You don't care if Wal-Mart raises prices.
Are you saying you are willing to pay US agricultural workers a living wage to harvest your fruits and vegetables? If so, would you be willing to subsidize private (corporate) farmers with your tax dollars in order to consistently provide those wages?
Nonsense, when Az passed legislation to push the Illegals out of the state, farmers replaced them with machinery which didn't add significantly to their costs and the wages the remaining agricultural workers, all Americans, went up. Getting rid of the illegals helps both business owner and workers as well as the manufacturers of equipment that will be bought to replace the illegals. It's good for America.
Are they ILLEGAL immigrants?

If they are, you don't give them jobs, or government services.
Some jobs, particularly those in agriculture, will not get done without immigrants.

California's undocumented workers help the economy grow – but may pay the cost

"Brokaw Ranch Company, in Ventura County, grows hundreds of acres of fruit including avocados, oranges and lemons that end up on tables all across the United States via Sam's Club, Wal-Mart and Costco.

"But before it gets there, it starts here, in leafy groves of trees under the California sun, where crews of workers climb the trees with ladders, cut each piece of fruit by hand and carry it in 80-pound sacks to collection bins.

"It's hard, careful work and, at least on this farm, it's done by immigrants.

"The Ventura County farm bureau estimates as many as 36,000 field workers bring in the county's crops of citrus, avocado and strawberries in peak harvest season, and that 95 percent of them are foreign-born.

"Ranch owner Ellen Brokaw said immigrant labor is essential to Ventura County's farms."
That's bullshit. In Arizona when tough legislation chased the illegals away, ranchers and farmers invested in new agricultural equipment that did nearly all the jobs the illegals had done, creating new jobs for equipment manufacturers and increasing wages for remaining agricultural workers. The crops will be picked and processed by machines and American agricultural workers will earn more because the illegals are gone.
Have you ever seen mechanical harvesters for grapes, citrus, avocados, or strawberries? I suppose such devices are possible, but their cost would be well beyond what's currently being spent to harvest those crops. How much more for your fruits and vegetables are you willing to pay in order to stem illegal immigration?

Their true worth when paying Americans a living wage. Why does the left absolutely hammer Wal-Mart but give a pass to agriculture. You don't care if Wal-Mart raises prices.
Are you saying you are willing to pay US agricultural workers a living wage to harvest your fruits and vegetables? If so, would you be willing to subsidize private (corporate) farmers with your tax dollars in order to consistently provide those wages?

I'm saying we need to be honest. Americans will do those jobs (and do in some areas) for real wages. Illegal aliens will do it for far less. Illegal aliens fill jobs Americans could do and they suppress wages. The add to income inequality. They are holes in the bottom of the boat of the War on Poverty.

Let's quit the smoke and mirrors and see the real value of things. Americans can make up their own minds whether avocados are worth it as often. The living wage would give consumers more money, so it may be avocados every day!

If avocados are just too expensive, it is what it is. Maybe strawberries become a delicacy. So be it. Reality is better than the smokescreen IMO.
What's the difference between refugee and migrant, Bitch?

Ahhh you avoid the 'illegal' term once more. You have already been told this but as yet, you refuse to address why you ignore it.
Explain how the word "illegal" applies to "political refugees."

Explain how' temporary' means 'permanen't in your highly estimable leftist lexicon. And, you still haven't explained why you think 'illegal' means 'legal.' While you are at it, explain how the Democrats shielded a KKK congressman for so many years.
Let's see if we agree on the distinction between "refugee" and "migrant."

"Refugees are persons fleeing armed conflict or persecution. There were 21.3 million of them worldwide at the end of 2015.

"Their situation is often so perilous and intolerable that they cross national borders to seek safety in nearby countries, and thus become internationally recognized as 'refugees' with access to assistance from States, UNHCR, and other organizations.

"They are so recognized precisely because it is too dangerous for them to return home, and they need sanctuary elsewhere. These are people for whom denial of asylum has potentially deadly consequences..."

UNHCR viewpoint: 'Refugee' or 'migrant' – Which is right?

"Migrants choose to move not because of a direct threat of persecution or death, but mainly to improve their lives by finding work, or in some cases for education, family reunion, or other reasons. Unlike refugees who cannot safely return home, migrants face no such impediment to return. If they choose to return home, they will continue to receive the protection of their government."

IMHO, there are millions of refugee and migrants among the current 11 million so-called "illegal aliens" living in the US.

Determining which category each individual human being belongs in is not something Republicans OR Democrats are willing to pay for.

As to your final question regarding Democrats and the KKK, I haven't supported Republicans OR Democrats over the last 30 years precisely because of their consistent, universal indifference to human rights.
Some jobs, particularly those in agriculture, will not get done without immigrants.

California's undocumented workers help the economy grow – but may pay the cost

"Brokaw Ranch Company, in Ventura County, grows hundreds of acres of fruit including avocados, oranges and lemons that end up on tables all across the United States via Sam's Club, Wal-Mart and Costco.

"But before it gets there, it starts here, in leafy groves of trees under the California sun, where crews of workers climb the trees with ladders, cut each piece of fruit by hand and carry it in 80-pound sacks to collection bins.

"It's hard, careful work and, at least on this farm, it's done by immigrants.

"The Ventura County farm bureau estimates as many as 36,000 field workers bring in the county's crops of citrus, avocado and strawberries in peak harvest season, and that 95 percent of them are foreign-born.

"Ranch owner Ellen Brokaw said immigrant labor is essential to Ventura County's farms."
That's bullshit. In Arizona when tough legislation chased the illegals away, ranchers and farmers invested in new agricultural equipment that did nearly all the jobs the illegals had done, creating new jobs for equipment manufacturers and increasing wages for remaining agricultural workers. The crops will be picked and processed by machines and American agricultural workers will earn more because the illegals are gone.
Have you ever seen mechanical harvesters for grapes, citrus, avocados, or strawberries? I suppose such devices are possible, but their cost would be well beyond what's currently being spent to harvest those crops. How much more for your fruits and vegetables are you willing to pay in order to stem illegal immigration?

Their true worth when paying Americans a living wage. Why does the left absolutely hammer Wal-Mart but give a pass to agriculture. You don't care if Wal-Mart raises prices.
Are you saying you are willing to pay US agricultural workers a living wage to harvest your fruits and vegetables? If so, would you be willing to subsidize private (corporate) farmers with your tax dollars in order to consistently provide those wages?
Nonsense, when Az passed legislation to push the Illegals out of the state, farmers replaced them with machinery which didn't add significantly to their costs and the wages the remaining agricultural workers, all Americans, went up. Getting rid of the illegals helps both business owner and workers as well as the manufacturers of equipment that will be bought to replace the illegals. It's good for America.
Do you have any evidence of machinery that can harvest crops like strawberries and citrus? As far as improving economic conditions for "business owner and workers", there's little evidence of that based on recent US history

"Kicking out immigrants doesn’t raise wages
At least, it didn’t when America tried in the 1960s..."

"MEXICAN immigrants were said to be holding down wages and taking jobs that could go to honest Americans. The poorest natives were supposed to be suffering most grievously. 'We cannot afford to disregard it,' intoned the president. 'We do not condone it.' The immigrants were soon sent home and not allowed to return.

"All that happened in the early 1960s.

"The president was John F. Kennedy..."
.... solely because of Reagan Administration-sponsored death squads in their home country. ....

Were you there?
The source I'm relying on covered the war in El Salvador for five years.

You Don’t Need a Telescope to Find a ‘Shithole Country’

"But, far to the north, was a shithole country ruled by a former B-list movie actor who had starred in 'Bedtime for Bonzo' and who was in the early stages of dementia. This shithole country, which saw the world in black and white, communist and capitalist, was determined to thwart the aspirations of the poor and the landless..."
I posted an op ed as an opinion, one of many supporting Donald Trump's long history of racist behavior. Do you have any opinions claiming otherwise?

So what? You want me to post op eds about Obama being an illegal alien? How about Hillary Clinton as a criminal? How about Bill Clinton as a rapist? How about Comey as a long-time Clinton shield (going back to White Water). How about the corruption in the FBI? How about Obama's Muslim roots and Muslim appointments? I could go on but unless you are brain dead you should get the idea. I have an Op Ed that 'proves' that Obama's birth certificate was Photo Shopped.
Some jobs, particularly those in agriculture, will not get done without immigrants.

California's undocumented workers help the economy grow – but may pay the cost

"Brokaw Ranch Company, in Ventura County, grows hundreds of acres of fruit including avocados, oranges and lemons that end up on tables all across the United States via Sam's Club, Wal-Mart and Costco.

"But before it gets there, it starts here, in leafy groves of trees under the California sun, where crews of workers climb the trees with ladders, cut each piece of fruit by hand and carry it in 80-pound sacks to collection bins.

"It's hard, careful work and, at least on this farm, it's done by immigrants.

"The Ventura County farm bureau estimates as many as 36,000 field workers bring in the county's crops of citrus, avocado and strawberries in peak harvest season, and that 95 percent of them are foreign-born.

"Ranch owner Ellen Brokaw said immigrant labor is essential to Ventura County's farms."
That's bullshit. In Arizona when tough legislation chased the illegals away, ranchers and farmers invested in new agricultural equipment that did nearly all the jobs the illegals had done, creating new jobs for equipment manufacturers and increasing wages for remaining agricultural workers. The crops will be picked and processed by machines and American agricultural workers will earn more because the illegals are gone.
Have you ever seen mechanical harvesters for grapes, citrus, avocados, or strawberries? I suppose such devices are possible, but their cost would be well beyond what's currently being spent to harvest those crops. How much more for your fruits and vegetables are you willing to pay in order to stem illegal immigration?

Their true worth when paying Americans a living wage. Why does the left absolutely hammer Wal-Mart but give a pass to agriculture. You don't care if Wal-Mart raises prices.
Are you saying you are willing to pay US agricultural workers a living wage to harvest your fruits and vegetables? If so, would you be willing to subsidize private (corporate) farmers with your tax dollars in order to consistently provide those wages?

I'm saying we need to be honest. Americans will do those jobs (and do in some areas) for real wages. Illegal aliens will do it for far less. Illegal aliens fill jobs Americans could do and they suppress wages. The add to income inequality. They are holes in the bottom of the boat of the War on Poverty.

Let's quit the smoke and mirrors and see the real value of things. Americans can make up their own minds whether avocados are worth it as often. The living wage would give consumers more money, so it may be avocados every day!

If avocados are just too expensive, it is what it is. Maybe strawberries become a delicacy. So be it. Reality is better than the smokescreen IMO.
It is also possible some of the largest US growers will shift production to Mexico:

Expelling Immigrant Workers May Also Send Away the Work They Do

"This is how the growers will respond to President Trump’s threatened crackdown on immigration: They will lobby, asking Congress to provide some legal option to hang on to their foreign work force.

"They will switch to crops like tree nuts, which are less labor-intensive to produce than perishable fruits and vegetables. They will look for technology to mechanize the harvest of strawberries and other crops. And they will rent land in Mexico.

"There is one thing they won’t do.

"Even if the Trump administration were to deploy the 10,000 immigration agents it plans to hire across the nation’s fields to detain and deport farmhands working illegally, farmers are very unlikely to raise wages and improve working conditions to attract American workers instead."
Are you saying you are willing to pay US agricultural workers a living wage to harvest your fruits and vegetables? If so, would you be willing to subsidize private (corporate) farmers with your tax dollars in order to consistently provide those wages?

YES!!!! Get rid of the illegals. The market will correct for it. You are doing nothing more than peddling hysterics and keeping overall wages of American citizens lower. Farmers can correct for it too....Machinery, higher prices for produce, etc. If the price their produce too high, no one will BUY it. We don't need immigrants working at slave wages. That is no better than keeping slaves. However Democrats need slaves (they always have) to do the 'dirty work' so lefties don't get their hands dirty.
"This is how the growers will respond to President Trump’s threatened crackdown on immigration: They will lobby, asking Congress to provide some legal option to hang on to their foreign work force.

"They will switch to crops like tree nuts, which are less labor-intensive to produce than perishable fruits and vegetables. They will look for technology to mechanize the harvest of strawberries and other crops. And they will rent land in Mexico.

"There is one thing they won’t do.

"Even if the Trump administration were to deploy the 10,000 immigration agents it plans to hire across the nation’s fields to detain and deport farmhands working illegally, farmers are very unlikely to raise wages and improve working conditions to attract American workers instead."

Hey Skippy, we are already getting produce from Mexico. Have you been in a grocery store lately?
I posted an op ed as an opinion, one of many supporting Donald Trump's long history of racist behavior. Do you have any opinions claiming otherwise?

So what? You want me to post op eds about Obama being an illegal alien? How about Hillary Clinton as a criminal? How about Bill Clinton as a rapist? How about Comey as a long-time Clinton shield (going back to White Water). How about the corruption in the FBI? How about Obama's Muslim roots and Muslim appointments? I could go on but unless you are brain dead you should get the idea. I have an Op Ed that 'proves' that Obama's birth certificate was Photo Shopped.
None of which sheds much light on whether or not Trump is a racist.

Does it?
"This is how the growers will respond to President Trump’s threatened crackdown on immigration: They will lobby, asking Congress to provide some legal option to hang on to their foreign work force.

"They will switch to crops like tree nuts, which are less labor-intensive to produce than perishable fruits and vegetables. They will look for technology to mechanize the harvest of strawberries and other crops. And they will rent land in Mexico.

"There is one thing they won’t do.

"Even if the Trump administration were to deploy the 10,000 immigration agents it plans to hire across the nation’s fields to detain and deport farmhands working illegally, farmers are very unlikely to raise wages and improve working conditions to attract American workers instead."

Hey Skippy, we are already getting produce from Mexico. Have you been in a grocery store lately?
I don't think there's a shortage of farmland in Mexico which suggests deporting thousands of refugees currently working US farms will also deport jobs as well as workers.

Surely, you don't believe there are currently too many jobs in the US?
That's bullshit. In Arizona when tough legislation chased the illegals away, ranchers and farmers invested in new agricultural equipment that did nearly all the jobs the illegals had done, creating new jobs for equipment manufacturers and increasing wages for remaining agricultural workers. The crops will be picked and processed by machines and American agricultural workers will earn more because the illegals are gone.
Have you ever seen mechanical harvesters for grapes, citrus, avocados, or strawberries? I suppose such devices are possible, but their cost would be well beyond what's currently being spent to harvest those crops. How much more for your fruits and vegetables are you willing to pay in order to stem illegal immigration?

Their true worth when paying Americans a living wage. Why does the left absolutely hammer Wal-Mart but give a pass to agriculture. You don't care if Wal-Mart raises prices.
Are you saying you are willing to pay US agricultural workers a living wage to harvest your fruits and vegetables? If so, would you be willing to subsidize private (corporate) farmers with your tax dollars in order to consistently provide those wages?
Nonsense, when Az passed legislation to push the Illegals out of the state, farmers replaced them with machinery which didn't add significantly to their costs and the wages the remaining agricultural workers, all Americans, went up. Getting rid of the illegals helps both business owner and workers as well as the manufacturers of equipment that will be bought to replace the illegals. It's good for America.
Do you have any evidence of machinery that can harvest crops like strawberries and citrus? As far as improving economic conditions for "business owner and workers", there's little evidence of that based on recent US history

"Kicking out immigrants doesn’t raise wages
At least, it didn’t when America tried in the 1960s..."

"MEXICAN immigrants were said to be holding down wages and taking jobs that could go to honest Americans. The poorest natives were supposed to be suffering most grievously. 'We cannot afford to disregard it,' intoned the president. 'We do not condone it.' The immigrants were soon sent home and not allowed to return.

"All that happened in the early 1960s.

"The president was John F. Kennedy..."
"Estimates are that it costs $70 to $275 per acre to machine harvest grapes (not accounting for the cost of a machine, which can range from $150,000 to $300,000). Picking by hand, which takes much longer, can run to $750 per acre at super-premium properties. Nevertheless, some vintners are taking a cavalier approach."

Moving Toward Mechanical

That's bullshit. In Arizona when tough legislation chased the illegals away, ranchers and farmers invested in new agricultural equipment that did nearly all the jobs the illegals had done, creating new jobs for equipment manufacturers and increasing wages for remaining agricultural workers. The crops will be picked and processed by machines and American agricultural workers will earn more because the illegals are gone.
Have you ever seen mechanical harvesters for grapes, citrus, avocados, or strawberries? I suppose such devices are possible, but their cost would be well beyond what's currently being spent to harvest those crops. How much more for your fruits and vegetables are you willing to pay in order to stem illegal immigration?

Their true worth when paying Americans a living wage. Why does the left absolutely hammer Wal-Mart but give a pass to agriculture. You don't care if Wal-Mart raises prices.
Are you saying you are willing to pay US agricultural workers a living wage to harvest your fruits and vegetables? If so, would you be willing to subsidize private (corporate) farmers with your tax dollars in order to consistently provide those wages?

I'm saying we need to be honest. Americans will do those jobs (and do in some areas) for real wages. Illegal aliens will do it for far less. Illegal aliens fill jobs Americans could do and they suppress wages. The add to income inequality. They are holes in the bottom of the boat of the War on Poverty.

Let's quit the smoke and mirrors and see the real value of things. Americans can make up their own minds whether avocados are worth it as often. The living wage would give consumers more money, so it may be avocados every day!

If avocados are just too expensive, it is what it is. Maybe strawberries become a delicacy. So be it. Reality is better than the smokescreen IMO.
It is also possible some of the largest US growers will shift production to Mexico:

Expelling Immigrant Workers May Also Send Away the Work They Do

"This is how the growers will respond to President Trump’s threatened crackdown on immigration: They will lobby, asking Congress to provide some legal option to hang on to their foreign work force.

"They will switch to crops like tree nuts, which are less labor-intensive to produce than perishable fruits and vegetables. They will look for technology to mechanize the harvest of strawberries and other crops. And they will rent land in Mexico.

"There is one thing they won’t do.

"Even if the Trump administration were to deploy the 10,000 immigration agents it plans to hire across the nation’s fields to detain and deport farmhands working illegally, farmers are very unlikely to raise wages and improve working conditions to attract American workers instead."

Then avocados get imported. So be it. If we have to exploit people to perform backbreaking work for $6 an hour, we don't need cheap avocados.
"This is how the growers will respond to President Trump’s threatened crackdown on immigration: They will lobby, asking Congress to provide some legal option to hang on to their foreign work force.

"They will switch to crops like tree nuts, which are less labor-intensive to produce than perishable fruits and vegetables. They will look for technology to mechanize the harvest of strawberries and other crops. And they will rent land in Mexico.

"There is one thing they won’t do.

"Even if the Trump administration were to deploy the 10,000 immigration agents it plans to hire across the nation’s fields to detain and deport farmhands working illegally, farmers are very unlikely to raise wages and improve working conditions to attract American workers instead."

Hey Skippy, we are already getting produce from Mexico. Have you been in a grocery store lately?
I don't think there's a shortage of farmland in Mexico which suggests deporting thousands of refugees currently working US farms will also deport jobs as well as workers.

Surely, you don't believe there are currently too many jobs in the US?

I don't care. Try actually reading and answering my posts instead of propagandizing.
.... solely because of Reagan Administration-sponsored death squads in their home country. ....

Were you there?
The source I'm relying on covered the war in El Salvador for five years.

You Don’t Need a Telescope to Find a ‘Shithole Country’

"But, far to the north, was a shithole country ruled by a former B-list movie actor who had starred in 'Bedtime for Bonzo' and who was in the early stages of dementia. This shithole country, which saw the world in black and white, communist and capitalist, was determined to thwart the aspirations of the poor and the landless..."

Your source is a hyper-partisan emo-queen, and you seem to forget that none of the kids here illegally were anywhere near alive yet in the 80s.
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