Trump Deporting High-Profile Illegal Immigrant Activists

Bullshit, he is enforcing America's immigration laws. In the 1960's when the Democrats controlled the WH and both house of Congress, the most liberal US government in history passed a merit based immigration system so that with the exception of unification of close relatives, no one can legally emigrate to the US unless they possess talents or abilities that are needed here. Because of this system, legal immigrants on average have a higher educational lever than the average American, meaning each of them brings a positive change to the US.
How would that "merit based immigration system" have worked out for Fred Drumph:

Frederick Trump - Wikipedia

"Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump; March 14, 1869 – May 30, 1918) was a German-American businessman. Born in Kallstadt, in the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), he immigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and started working as a barber."

Most of the millions of immigrants who built this country were relatively unskilled when they arrived; we have a billionaire problem in this country, not an immigrant problem.
Silly question. At that time America needed low skilled workers so he would have qualified under such a system, but by 1960, America no longer needed them so he would not have qualified.
Maybe he could still find work harvesting and processing the food that keeps you alive?

Immigrant Workers in the U.S. Labor Force

Sure. I'm sure that ILLEGAL ALIENS really filled out a lot of census forms.

That numbers are not credible.
Bullshit, he is enforcing America's immigration laws. In the 1960's when the Democrats controlled the WH and both house of Congress, the most liberal US government in history passed a merit based immigration system so that with the exception of unification of close relatives, no one can legally emigrate to the US unless they possess talents or abilities that are needed here. Because of this system, legal immigrants on average have a higher educational lever than the average American, meaning each of them brings a positive change to the US.
How would that "merit based immigration system" have worked out for Fred Drumph:

Frederick Trump - Wikipedia

"Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump; March 14, 1869 – May 30, 1918) was a German-American businessman. Born in Kallstadt, in the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), he immigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and started working as a barber."

Most of the millions of immigrants who built this country were relatively unskilled when they arrived; we have a billionaire problem in this country, not an immigrant problem.
Silly question. At that time America needed low skilled workers so he would have qualified under such a system, but by 1960, America no longer needed them so he would not have qualified.
Maybe he could still find work harvesting and processing the food that keeps you alive?

Immigrant Workers in the U.S. Labor Force
He would simply not be needed in the US. US immigration laws are designed to benefit Americans, not to pick up the slack from countries that have failed their own citizens.
Bullshit, he is enforcing America's immigration laws. In the 1960's when the Democrats controlled the WH and both house of Congress, the most liberal US government in history passed a merit based immigration system so that with the exception of unification of close relatives, no one can legally emigrate to the US unless they possess talents or abilities that are needed here. Because of this system, legal immigrants on average have a higher educational lever than the average American, meaning each of them brings a positive change to the US.
How would that "merit based immigration system" have worked out for Fred Drumph:

Frederick Trump - Wikipedia

"Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump; March 14, 1869 – May 30, 1918) was a German-American businessman. Born in Kallstadt, in the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), he immigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and started working as a barber."

Most of the millions of immigrants who built this country were relatively unskilled when they arrived; we have a billionaire problem in this country, not an immigrant problem.
You seem to have a problem dicerning illegal alien from legal immigrant. How did you get that way?
So the illegal immigrants are beautiful. Happy?
Bullshit, he is enforcing America's immigration laws. In the 1960's when the Democrats controlled the WH and both house of Congress, the most liberal US government in history passed a merit based immigration system so that with the exception of unification of close relatives, no one can legally emigrate to the US unless they possess talents or abilities that are needed here. Because of this system, legal immigrants on average have a higher educational lever than the average American, meaning each of them brings a positive change to the US.
How would that "merit based immigration system" have worked out for Fred Drumph:

Frederick Trump - Wikipedia

"Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump; March 14, 1869 – May 30, 1918) was a German-American businessman. Born in Kallstadt, in the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), he immigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and started working as a barber."

Most of the millions of immigrants who built this country were relatively unskilled when they arrived; we have a billionaire problem in this country, not an immigrant problem.
Silly question. At that time America needed low skilled workers so he would have qualified under such a system, but by 1960, America no longer needed them so he would not have qualified.
Maybe he could still find work harvesting and processing the food that keeps you alive?

Immigrant Workers in the U.S. Labor Force
He would simply not be needed in the US. US immigration laws are designed to benefit Americans, not to pick up the slack from countries that have failed their own citizens.
Are you clear on why some "countries...have failed their own citizens"?

El Salvador for example:

You Don’t Need a Telescope to Find a ‘Shithole Country’

"You Don’t Need a Telescope to Find a ‘Shithole Country’"

"I (Chris Hedges) covered the war in El Salvador for five years.

"It was a peasant uprising by the dispossessed against the 14 ruling families and the handful of American corporations that ran El Salvador as if it was a plantation.

"Half of the population was landless.

"Laborers worked as serfs in the coffee plantations, the sugar cane fields and the cotton fields in appalling poverty.

"Attempts to organize and protest peacefully to combat the huge social inequality were met with violence, including fire from machine guns mounted on the tops of buildings in downtown San Salvador that rained down bullets indiscriminately on crowds of demonstrators."
Bullshit, he is enforcing America's immigration laws. In the 1960's when the Democrats controlled the WH and both house of Congress, the most liberal US government in history passed a merit based immigration system so that with the exception of unification of close relatives, no one can legally emigrate to the US unless they possess talents or abilities that are needed here. Because of this system, legal immigrants on average have a higher educational lever than the average American, meaning each of them brings a positive change to the US.
How would that "merit based immigration system" have worked out for Fred Drumph:

Frederick Trump - Wikipedia

"Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump; March 14, 1869 – May 30, 1918) was a German-American businessman. Born in Kallstadt, in the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), he immigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and started working as a barber."

Most of the millions of immigrants who built this country were relatively unskilled when they arrived; we have a billionaire problem in this country, not an immigrant problem.
Silly question. At that time America needed low skilled workers so he would have qualified under such a system, but by 1960, America no longer needed them so he would not have qualified.
Maybe he could still find work harvesting and processing the food that keeps you alive?

Immigrant Workers in the U.S. Labor Force
He would simply not be needed in the US. US immigration laws are designed to benefit Americans, not to pick up the slack from countries that have failed their own citizens.
Are you clear on why some "countries...have failed their own citizens"?

El Salvador for example:

You Don’t Need a Telescope to Find a ‘Shithole Country’

"You Don’t Need a Telescope to Find a ‘Shithole Country’"

"I (Chris Hedges) covered the war in El Salvador for five years.

"It was a peasant uprising by the dispossessed against the 14 ruling families and the handful of American corporations that ran El Salvador as if it was a plantation.

"Half of the population was landless.

"Laborers worked as serfs in the coffee plantations, the sugar cane fields and the cotton fields in appalling poverty.

"Attempts to organize and protest peacefully to combat the huge social inequality were met with violence, including fire from machine guns mounted on the tops of buildings in downtown San Salvador that rained down bullets indiscriminately on crowds of demonstrators."
It is terrible but irrelevant to US immigration law.
Meanwhile that is no reasons to not deport the shit out of the vast population of illegals.
Assuming there are about 11 million "illegals" in the US, how many would you deport at what cost to the US economy?

One could have the first 1000 put against the wall and shot, release the video anonymously on the dark net and then watch the rest of them self deport.
Any suggestions for the wives and ninos?

You Don’t Need a Telescope to Find a ‘Shithole Country’

"The dead are more insolent than ever..."

"But what are you gonna do
the dead
just ain’t what they used to be.

"These days they get ironic
ask questions.

"Seems to me they’re starting to figure out
that they are the majority."o_O

When the bastards are in our country contrary to our laws they are fucking illegal criminal migrants and if the problem continues to fester they will be hunted down and who knows what will happen then.
Or maybe US immigration quotas are too small?
11 million mostly productive migrants among a population of 350,000,000 citizens sounds a lot like Poland.
‘White Europe’: 60,000 nationalists march on Poland’s independence day

Or worse.
How would that "merit based immigration system" have worked out for Fred Drumph:

Frederick Trump - Wikipedia

"Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump; March 14, 1869 – May 30, 1918) was a German-American businessman. Born in Kallstadt, in the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), he immigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and started working as a barber."

Most of the millions of immigrants who built this country were relatively unskilled when they arrived; we have a billionaire problem in this country, not an immigrant problem.
Silly question. At that time America needed low skilled workers so he would have qualified under such a system, but by 1960, America no longer needed them so he would not have qualified.
Maybe he could still find work harvesting and processing the food that keeps you alive?

Immigrant Workers in the U.S. Labor Force
He would simply not be needed in the US. US immigration laws are designed to benefit Americans, not to pick up the slack from countries that have failed their own citizens.
Are you clear on why some "countries...have failed their own citizens"?

El Salvador for example:

You Don’t Need a Telescope to Find a ‘Shithole Country’

"You Don’t Need a Telescope to Find a ‘Shithole Country’"

"I (Chris Hedges) covered the war in El Salvador for five years.

"It was a peasant uprising by the dispossessed against the 14 ruling families and the handful of American corporations that ran El Salvador as if it was a plantation.

"Half of the population was landless.

"Laborers worked as serfs in the coffee plantations, the sugar cane fields and the cotton fields in appalling poverty.

"Attempts to organize and protest peacefully to combat the huge social inequality were met with violence, including fire from machine guns mounted on the tops of buildings in downtown San Salvador that rained down bullets indiscriminately on crowds of demonstrators."
It is terrible but irrelevant to US immigration law.
The mass murder in El Salvador and Nicaragua and Haiti and Chile and Guatemala, etc, etc were direct results of official US government policies. There is a moral obligation for the US to provide reparations which reasonably include offers of citizenship to its victims, imho.
Bullshit, he is enforcing America's immigration laws. In the 1960's when the Democrats controlled the WH and both house of Congress, the most liberal US government in history passed a merit based immigration system so that with the exception of unification of close relatives, no one can legally emigrate to the US unless they possess talents or abilities that are needed here. Because of this system, legal immigrants on average have a higher educational lever than the average American, meaning each of them brings a positive change to the US.
How would that "merit based immigration system" have worked out for Fred Drumph:

Frederick Trump - Wikipedia

"Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump; March 14, 1869 – May 30, 1918) was a German-American businessman. Born in Kallstadt, in the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), he immigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and started working as a barber."

Most of the millions of immigrants who built this country were relatively unskilled when they arrived; we have a billionaire problem in this country, not an immigrant problem.
You seem to have a problem dicerning illegal alien from legal immigrant. How did you get that way?

Wow., what a stupid moronic asshole that man is.
Do you mean this man?

Elie Wiesel - Wikipedia

"Eliezer "Elie" Wiesel KBE (/ˈɛli viˈzɛl/, Hebrew: אֱלִיעֶזֶר וִיזֶל‎, ’Ēlí‘ézer Vízēl;[2][3] September 30, 1928 – July 2, 2016) was a Romanian-born American Jewish writer, professor, political activist, Nobel Laureate, and Holocaust survivor. He was the author of 57 books, written mostly in French and English, including Night, a work based on his experiences as a prisoner in the Auschwitz and Buchenwaldconcentration camps.[4]"
Silly question. At that time America needed low skilled workers so he would have qualified under such a system, but by 1960, America no longer needed them so he would not have qualified.
Maybe he could still find work harvesting and processing the food that keeps you alive?

Immigrant Workers in the U.S. Labor Force
He would simply not be needed in the US. US immigration laws are designed to benefit Americans, not to pick up the slack from countries that have failed their own citizens.
Are you clear on why some "countries...have failed their own citizens"?

El Salvador for example:

You Don’t Need a Telescope to Find a ‘Shithole Country’

"You Don’t Need a Telescope to Find a ‘Shithole Country’"

"I (Chris Hedges) covered the war in El Salvador for five years.

"It was a peasant uprising by the dispossessed against the 14 ruling families and the handful of American corporations that ran El Salvador as if it was a plantation.

"Half of the population was landless.

"Laborers worked as serfs in the coffee plantations, the sugar cane fields and the cotton fields in appalling poverty.

"Attempts to organize and protest peacefully to combat the huge social inequality were met with violence, including fire from machine guns mounted on the tops of buildings in downtown San Salvador that rained down bullets indiscriminately on crowds of demonstrators."
It is terrible but irrelevant to US immigration law.
The mass murder in El Salvador and Nicaragua and Haiti and Chile and Guatemala, etc, etc were direct results of official US government policies. There is a moral obligation for the US to provide reparations which reasonably include offers of citizenship to its victims, imho.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but you must know nothing like that is going to happen. The US will encourage governments to reform and provide some financial aid where appropriate, but that's it.
Bullshit, he is enforcing America's immigration laws. In the 1960's when the Democrats controlled the WH and both house of Congress, the most liberal US government in history passed a merit based immigration system so that with the exception of unification of close relatives, no one can legally emigrate to the US unless they possess talents or abilities that are needed here. Because of this system, legal immigrants on average have a higher educational lever than the average American, meaning each of them brings a positive change to the US.
How would that "merit based immigration system" have worked out for Fred Drumph:

Frederick Trump - Wikipedia

"Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump; March 14, 1869 – May 30, 1918) was a German-American businessman. Born in Kallstadt, in the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), he immigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and started working as a barber."

Most of the millions of immigrants who built this country were relatively unskilled when they arrived; we have a billionaire problem in this country, not an immigrant problem.
You seem to have a problem dicerning illegal alien from legal immigrant. How did you get that way?
So the illegal immigrants are beautiful. Happy?
Actually,immigrants are commodities like everything else in this economy.

"Payoff: How Congress Ensures Private Prison Profit with an Immigrant Detention Quota"
Payoff: How Congress Ensures Private Prison Profit with an Immigrant Detention Quota
Bullshit, he is enforcing America's immigration laws. In the 1960's when the Democrats controlled the WH and both house of Congress, the most liberal US government in history passed a merit based immigration system so that with the exception of unification of close relatives, no one can legally emigrate to the US unless they possess talents or abilities that are needed here. Because of this system, legal immigrants on average have a higher educational lever than the average American, meaning each of them brings a positive change to the US.
How would that "merit based immigration system" have worked out for Fred Drumph:

Frederick Trump - Wikipedia

"Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump; March 14, 1869 – May 30, 1918) was a German-American businessman. Born in Kallstadt, in the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), he immigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and started working as a barber."

Most of the millions of immigrants who built this country were relatively unskilled when they arrived; we have a billionaire problem in this country, not an immigrant problem.
You seem to have a problem dicerning illegal alien from legal immigrant. How did you get that way?
So the illegal immigrants are beautiful. Happy?
Actually,immigrants are commodities like everything else in this economy.

"Payoff: How Congress Ensures Private Prison Profit with an Immigrant Detention Quota"
Payoff: How Congress Ensures Private Prison Profit with an Immigrant Detention Quota
That's not true. They don't detain 34,000 immigrants, they detain 34,000 illegal immigrants. The way to limit illegal immigration is to show would be illegals life in the US will be very hard for them and the wa to do that is to deport as many illegals as we can. The cost is an investment in America's future.
As much as I am done with "Free Trade" it is dishonest to conflate that with White Collar Crime.

Please support your implication that the Mexican Government operates death squads against it's people.
"Mexican Paramilitary Group that Killed 120 Indigenous Reappears..."

Mexican Paramilitary Group that Killed 120 Indigenous Reappears

"The Peace and Justice paramilitary group, accused of being supported by local government, is responsible for killing 122 and displacing 4,000 in Chiapas.

"A Mexican paramilitary group that killed or forcibly disappeared 122 indigenous people between 1995 and 2000 is on the rise again in the southern state of Chiapas with suspected links to local politicians, the Mexican daily La Jornada reported Monday."

I'm not sure it's dishonest to claim "free trade" agreements like NAFTA aren't examples of white collar crime, but, perhaps crony capitalism would be a better choice?
Bullshit, he is enforcing America's immigration laws. In the 1960's when the Democrats controlled the WH and both house of Congress, the most liberal US government in history passed a merit based immigration system so that with the exception of unification of close relatives, no one can legally emigrate to the US unless they possess talents or abilities that are needed here. Because of this system, legal immigrants on average have a higher educational lever than the average American, meaning each of them brings a positive change to the US.
How would that "merit based immigration system" have worked out for Fred Drumph:

Frederick Trump - Wikipedia

"Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump; March 14, 1869 – May 30, 1918) was a German-American businessman. Born in Kallstadt, in the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), he immigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and started working as a barber."

Most of the millions of immigrants who built this country were relatively unskilled when they arrived; we have a billionaire problem in this country, not an immigrant problem.
You seem to have a problem dicerning illegal alien from legal immigrant. How did you get that way?
So the illegal immigrants are beautiful. Happy?
Actually,immigrants are commodities like everything else in this economy.

"Payoff: How Congress Ensures Private Prison Profit with an Immigrant Detention Quota"
Payoff: How Congress Ensures Private Prison Profit with an Immigrant Detention Quota
Bullshit, he is enforcing America's immigration laws. In the 1960's when the Democrats controlled the WH and both house of Congress, the most liberal US government in history passed a merit based immigration system so that with the exception of unification of close relatives, no one can legally emigrate to the US unless they possess talents or abilities that are needed here. Because of this system, legal immigrants on average have a higher educational lever than the average American, meaning each of them brings a positive change to the US.
How would that "merit based immigration system" have worked out for Fred Drumph:

Frederick Trump - Wikipedia

"Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump; March 14, 1869 – May 30, 1918) was a German-American businessman. Born in Kallstadt, in the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), he immigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and started working as a barber."

Most of the millions of immigrants who built this country were relatively unskilled when they arrived; we have a billionaire problem in this country, not an immigrant problem.
You seem to have a problem dicerning illegal alien from legal immigrant. How did you get that way?
So the illegal immigrants are beautiful. Happy?
Actually,immigrants are commodities like everything else in this economy.

"Payoff: How Congress Ensures Private Prison Profit with an Immigrant Detention Quota"
Payoff: How Congress Ensures Private Prison Profit with an Immigrant Detention Quota

You keep forgetting the word 'illegal'.......Actually, legal immigrants have nothing to do with what you posted. Could it be that you are trying to conflate the two in order to support a crime or, do you honestly not know the difference? One way makes you divisive the other makes you an ignorant media brainwashed moron. Which is it?
Bullshit, he is enforcing America's immigration laws. In the 1960's when the Democrats controlled the WH and both house of Congress, the most liberal US government in history passed a merit based immigration system so that with the exception of unification of close relatives, no one can legally emigrate to the US unless they possess talents or abilities that are needed here. Because of this system, legal immigrants on average have a higher educational lever than the average American, meaning each of them brings a positive change to the US.
How would that "merit based immigration system" have worked out for Fred Drumph:

Frederick Trump - Wikipedia

"Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump; March 14, 1869 – May 30, 1918) was a German-American businessman. Born in Kallstadt, in the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), he immigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and started working as a barber."

Most of the millions of immigrants who built this country were relatively unskilled when they arrived; we have a billionaire problem in this country, not an immigrant problem.
You seem to have a problem dicerning illegal alien from legal immigrant. How did you get that way?

Wow., what a stupid moronic asshole that man is.
Do you mean this man?

Elie Wiesel - Wikipedia

"Eliezer "Elie" Wiesel KBE (/ˈɛli viˈzɛl/, Hebrew: אֱלִיעֶזֶר וִיזֶל‎, ’Ēlí‘ézer Vízēl;[2][3] September 30, 1928 – July 2, 2016) was a Romanian-born American Jewish writer, professor, political activist, Nobel Laureate, and Holocaust survivor. He was the author of 57 books, written mostly in French and English, including Night, a work based on his experiences as a prisoner in the Auschwitz and Buchenwaldconcentration camps.[4]"

Obviously that is who I meant.

What he said was moronic and revealed him to be an asshole.

His point was absurd. People, ie "HUMAN BEINGS" commit illegal acts all the time, such as being where they are not allowed by law.

Illegal Aliens are Illegally here, and should go home.

Jesus Christ, I just clicked on your link. The fuck head was a professor of Jewish Studies.

Not an Authority of the effects of Third World Immigration on FIrst World nations in the 20 and 21st centuries.
As much as I am done with "Free Trade" it is dishonest to conflate that with White Collar Crime.

Please support your implication that the Mexican Government operates death squads against it's people.
"Mexican Paramilitary Group that Killed 120 Indigenous Reappears..."

Mexican Paramilitary Group that Killed 120 Indigenous Reappears

"The Peace and Justice paramilitary group, accused of being supported by local government, is responsible for killing 122 and displacing 4,000 in Chiapas.

"A Mexican paramilitary group that killed or forcibly disappeared 122 indigenous people between 1995 and 2000 is on the rise again in the southern state of Chiapas with suspected links to local politicians, the Mexican daily La Jornada reported Monday."

I'm not sure it's dishonest to claim "free trade" agreements like NAFTA aren't examples of white collar crime, but, perhaps crony capitalism would be a better choice?
As much as I am done with "Free Trade" it is dishonest to conflate that with White Collar Crime.

Please support your implication that the Mexican Government operates death squads against it's people.
"Mexican Paramilitary Group that Killed 120 Indigenous Reappears..."

Mexican Paramilitary Group that Killed 120 Indigenous Reappears

"The Peace and Justice paramilitary group, accused of being supported by local government, is responsible for killing 122 and displacing 4,000 in Chiapas.

"A Mexican paramilitary group that killed or forcibly disappeared 122 indigenous people between 1995 and 2000 is on the rise again in the southern state of Chiapas with suspected links to local politicians, the Mexican daily La Jornada reported Monday."

I'm not sure it's dishonest to claim "free trade" agreements like NAFTA aren't examples of white collar crime, but, perhaps crony capitalism would be a better choice?

That's pretty small AND in the extreme south of Mexico, those displaced did not have to travel all the way to America.

AND I wouldn't mind a more credible source.

AND, it's not like we have 4,000 illegals here, we have tens of millions. If it was just those 4k, we would not even be talking about this.

"Crony capitalism" is a far more reasonable accusation, but really, the whole tactic of calling it a name, when you have real negative results to point to.
How would that "merit based immigration system" have worked out for Fred Drumph:

Frederick Trump - Wikipedia

"Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump; March 14, 1869 – May 30, 1918) was a German-American businessman. Born in Kallstadt, in the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), he immigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and started working as a barber."

Most of the millions of immigrants who built this country were relatively unskilled when they arrived; we have a billionaire problem in this country, not an immigrant problem.
You seem to have a problem dicerning illegal alien from legal immigrant. How did you get that way?
So the illegal immigrants are beautiful. Happy?
Actually,immigrants are commodities like everything else in this economy.

"Payoff: How Congress Ensures Private Prison Profit with an Immigrant Detention Quota"
Payoff: How Congress Ensures Private Prison Profit with an Immigrant Detention Quota
How would that "merit based immigration system" have worked out for Fred Drumph:

Frederick Trump - Wikipedia

"Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump; March 14, 1869 – May 30, 1918) was a German-American businessman. Born in Kallstadt, in the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), he immigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and started working as a barber."

Most of the millions of immigrants who built this country were relatively unskilled when they arrived; we have a billionaire problem in this country, not an immigrant problem.
You seem to have a problem dicerning illegal alien from legal immigrant. How did you get that way?
So the illegal immigrants are beautiful. Happy?
Actually,immigrants are commodities like everything else in this economy.

"Payoff: How Congress Ensures Private Prison Profit with an Immigrant Detention Quota"
Payoff: How Congress Ensures Private Prison Profit with an Immigrant Detention Quota

You keep forgetting the word 'illegal'.......Actually, legal immigrants have nothing to do with what you posted. Could it be that you are trying to conflate the two in order to support a crime or, do you honestly not know the difference? One way makes you divisive the other makes you an ignorant media brainwashed moron. Which is it?
Which crime are you referring to, "unlawful entry" or "unlawful presence?"
Your fetish for the word "illegal" reminds me of an earlier generation of inbred bigots

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