Trump crowd screams 'Lock her up!' – but it's not Hillary Clinton they hate..this time!...

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
This meme should explain it, to those with a 3 digit IQ....ABNORMALS need to ask a 5th grader! Can you imagine an 85 year old EVIL BITCH taking it to a much younger bitch!


Trump crowd screams 'Lock her up!' – but it's DIANNE FEINSTEIN and not Hillary Clinton they hate after he blasts California senator who gave Brett Kavanaugh's accuser a national stage

A sea of President Donald Trump's supporters chanted 'Lock her up!' Tuesday night during a speech in western Iowa, a full half-hour before the president mentioned Hillary Clinton's name.

The crowd of about 7,500 was angry at Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat who two weeks ago facilitated the public hearing testimony of Christine Blasey Ford against then-future Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Trump rhetorically elbowed Feinstein at the tail end of a litany of anti-Democrat complaints, mocking her denial that her staff leaked a confidential letter in which Ford first accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when the two were teens.

Mispronouncing her name 'Fein-steen' as he often does (LOLOLOL!), the president pantomimed a moment during the September 27 hearing in which she asked staff director Jennifer Duck for reassurance that her own aides had honored Ford's request for privacy.

'Did you leak the documents?' Trump asked, playing both sides of a Q-and-A with the ranking Demorcat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

'Wha, wha, what? No, I didn't!' he replied, playing the role of Feinstein as she suddenly threw a glance over one shoulder to grill her underlings: 'Did we leak? Did we leak?'

'No! No! No we didn't!' Trump's fictional Feinstein said at last.

The 'Lock her up!' chant grew from thready to full-throated Clintonian proportions in five seconds flat.

'I think they're talking about Feinstein! Can you believe that?' Trump laughed, judging her less than credible.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Video of the crowd in Iowa tonight!! MAGA 2018 2020

Look How Many People Showed Up To Trump’s Rally In Iowa!

Follow this rule . If Republicans chant lock X up, X will never even be charged with anything.
This meme should explain it, to those with a 3 digit IQ....ABNORMALS need to ask a 5th grader! Can you imagine an 85 year old EVIL BITCH taking it to a much younger bitch!


Trump crowd screams 'Lock her up!' – but it's DIANNE FEINSTEIN and not Hillary Clinton they hate after he blasts California senator who gave Brett Kavanaugh's accuser a national stage

If I had been Lisa Murkowski there, I would have faked a sneeze and let out with a chop block with the edge of my hand right into Feinstein's throat. Would have sent her to the floor unable to breathe with a collapsed windpipe. Last time that bitch ever tries that shit for a while.
And these idiots whine about "due process".

What a bunch of t*rds.
Off topic, why the fuck is Ginsburg not impeached? Just a grotesque, midget physically and mentally. Sitting there like a rat faced POS when the new judge was confirmed.
Off topic, why the fuck is Ginsburg not impeached? Just a grotesque, midget physically and mentally. Sitting there like a rat faced POS when the new judge was confirmed.

Because being a POS is not an impeachable offense.
Feinstein needs to be REALLY investigated for her career-ling collusion with the ChiComm leadership and 20 years of harboring a Chinese spy and facilitating Chinese espionage.

She should be Censured, if not removed, in the Senate for her despicable roll in the Democrats' attempted 'Herman Cain'ing of Brett Kavanaugh.
Seriously, Gator, Ginsburg is fucked up and should resign for the benefit of the country. But then again the USA is not her country, so there is that issue.
Seriously, Gator, Ginsburg is fucked up and should resign for the benefit of the country. But then again the USA is not her country, so there is that issue.

The only problem with Ginsburg is that she does not agree with your views, and for you anyone that does not agree with your views is fucked up.

I hate this un-American shit you people throw out, why is the USA not her country? She was born here and lived her whole life here. And while I agree with her on very little, what she has accomplished starting life from where she did is rather remarkable.

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MSNBC was just whining about this comparing it to a "mob".

They still don't get it. The liberal media ignores or down plays mobs blocking traffic, chasing people out of restaurants, clawing at the doors of the SCOTUS, trapping people in elevators, but they go into hysterics over the crowds at TRUMP rallies.
Hope nobody is waiting for DiFi to be held accountable.

You might as well piss up a rope folks.

Reminds me of the old videos of Jim Jones preaching to his masses, they had the same type of worship and adoration for him. The only thing missing the the dancing in the aisles.

Jim Jones conned about 200 poor souls and promised them a life without consequences and a 9-5 job....
Trump is offering and delivering opportunity for self motivated people to achieve a good life without a Big Daddy watching their every move and hampering their future....
Jim Jones has way more in common with Obama....dummy.....
He had mind numbed supporters like you willing to end America as we know it for free stuff from the government....a promise as false as the promise Jim Jones made to his blind flock....
And to think repubs were just claiming to believe innocent until proven guilty. Partisans make me laugh.
This meme should explain it, to those with a 3 digit IQ....ABNORMALS need to ask a 5th grader! Can you imagine an 85 year old EVIL BITCH taking it to a much younger bitch!


Trump crowd screams 'Lock her up!' – but it's DIANNE FEINSTEIN and not Hillary Clinton they hate after he blasts California senator who gave Brett Kavanaugh's accuser a national stage

A sea of President Donald Trump's supporters chanted 'Lock her up!' Tuesday night during a speech in western Iowa, a full half-hour before the president mentioned Hillary Clinton's name.

The crowd of about 7,500 was angry at Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat who two weeks ago facilitated the public hearing testimony of Christine Blasey Ford against then-future Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Trump rhetorically elbowed Feinstein at the tail end of a litany of anti-Democrat complaints, mocking her denial that her staff leaked a confidential letter in which Ford first accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when the two were teens.

Mispronouncing her name 'Fein-steen' as he often does (LOLOLOL!), the president pantomimed a moment during the September 27 hearing in which she asked staff director Jennifer Duck for reassurance that her own aides had honored Ford's request for privacy.

'Did you leak the documents?' Trump asked, playing both sides of a Q-and-A with the ranking Demorcat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

'Wha, wha, what? No, I didn't!' he replied, playing the role of Feinstein as she suddenly threw a glance over one shoulder to grill her underlings: 'Did we leak? Did we leak?'

'No! No! No we didn't!' Trump's fictional Feinstein said at last.

The 'Lock her up!' chant grew from thready to full-throated Clintonian proportions in five seconds flat.

'I think they're talking about Feinstein! Can you believe that?' Trump laughed, judging her less than credible.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Video of the crowd in Iowa tonight!! MAGA 2018 2020

Look How Many People Showed Up To Trump’s Rally In Iowa!


'I think they're talking about Feinstein! Can you believe that?' Trump laughed, judging her less than credible."

anyone who LAUGHS at the thought of innocent people being locked up is a deplorable person.

the accusations from conservatives against liberals regarding Kavanaugh (guilty until proven innocent) are STILL being flung even as they pronounce feinstein guilty of a crime she hasn't even been charged with!

these cons are so deranged they have no idea how deranged they sound!

"liberals pronounced kavanaugh GUILTY without a fair trial!"

"feinstein is GUILTY!" of whatever crime limbaugh says she is......
This meme should explain it, to those with a 3 digit IQ....ABNORMALS need to ask a 5th grader! Can you imagine an 85 year old EVIL BITCH taking it to a much younger bitch!


Trump crowd screams 'Lock her up!' – but it's DIANNE FEINSTEIN and not Hillary Clinton they hate after he blasts California senator who gave Brett Kavanaugh's accuser a national stage

A sea of President Donald Trump's supporters chanted 'Lock her up!' Tuesday night during a speech in western Iowa, a full half-hour before the president mentioned Hillary Clinton's name.

The crowd of about 7,500 was angry at Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat who two weeks ago facilitated the public hearing testimony of Christine Blasey Ford against then-future Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Trump rhetorically elbowed Feinstein at the tail end of a litany of anti-Democrat complaints, mocking her denial that her staff leaked a confidential letter in which Ford first accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when the two were teens.

Mispronouncing her name 'Fein-steen' as he often does (LOLOLOL!), the president pantomimed a moment during the September 27 hearing in which she asked staff director Jennifer Duck for reassurance that her own aides had honored Ford's request for privacy.

'Did you leak the documents?' Trump asked, playing both sides of a Q-and-A with the ranking Demorcat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

'Wha, wha, what? No, I didn't!' he replied, playing the role of Feinstein as she suddenly threw a glance over one shoulder to grill her underlings: 'Did we leak? Did we leak?'

'No! No! No we didn't!' Trump's fictional Feinstein said at last.

The 'Lock her up!' chant grew from thready to full-throated Clintonian proportions in five seconds flat.

'I think they're talking about Feinstein! Can you believe that?' Trump laughed, judging her less than credible.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Video of the crowd in Iowa tonight!! MAGA 2018 2020

Look How Many People Showed Up To Trump’s Rally In Iowa!


So, um....tell us about that 'presumption of innocence' Trump was lamenting about.
This meme should explain it, to those with a 3 digit IQ....ABNORMALS need to ask a 5th grader! Can you imagine an 85 year old EVIL BITCH taking it to a much younger bitch!


Trump crowd screams 'Lock her up!' – but it's DIANNE FEINSTEIN and not Hillary Clinton they hate after he blasts California senator who gave Brett Kavanaugh's accuser a national stage

A sea of President Donald Trump's supporters chanted 'Lock her up!' Tuesday night during a speech in western Iowa, a full half-hour before the president mentioned Hillary Clinton's name.

The crowd of about 7,500 was angry at Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat who two weeks ago facilitated the public hearing testimony of Christine Blasey Ford against then-future Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Trump rhetorically elbowed Feinstein at the tail end of a litany of anti-Democrat complaints, mocking her denial that her staff leaked a confidential letter in which Ford first accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when the two were teens.

Mispronouncing her name 'Fein-steen' as he often does (LOLOLOL!), the president pantomimed a moment during the September 27 hearing in which she asked staff director Jennifer Duck for reassurance that her own aides had honored Ford's request for privacy.

'Did you leak the documents?' Trump asked, playing both sides of a Q-and-A with the ranking Demorcat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

'Wha, wha, what? No, I didn't!' he replied, playing the role of Feinstein as she suddenly threw a glance over one shoulder to grill her underlings: 'Did we leak? Did we leak?'

'No! No! No we didn't!' Trump's fictional Feinstein said at last.

The 'Lock her up!' chant grew from thready to full-throated Clintonian proportions in five seconds flat.

'I think they're talking about Feinstein! Can you believe that?' Trump laughed, judging her less than credible.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Video of the crowd in Iowa tonight!! MAGA 2018 2020

Look How Many People Showed Up To Trump’s Rally In Iowa!


So, um....tell us about that 'presumption of innocence' Trump was lamenting about.

People get locked up all the time before trial

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