Trump claims the NYT foiled an attempt to kill ISIS leader Baghdadi


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
like the Obama wiretapping claim, President Trump gave no evidence.

like the Obama wiretapping claim, President Trump gave no evidence.


Donald Trump was only tweeting what his military advisors told him: In an interview moderated by Fox News’ Catherine Herridge, Gen. Tony Thomas, who leads the Special Operations Command, said his team was "particularly close" to Baghdadi after the 2015 raid that killed ISIS oil minister Abu Sayyaf. That raid also netted his wife, who provided a wealth of actionable information.

That was a very good lead. Unfortunately, it was leaked to the New York Times about a week later and that lead went dead. The willingness of the leftist media to risk the lives of American soldiers in order to stymy their political enemies is an abhorrent evolution of the radical left.

No longer are we merely talking about a group of left-leaning individuals who are looking to annoy and antagonize the Commander in Chief. What we are dealing with now is an insubordinate, unethical, and ultimately dangerous mutation within the dinosaur press in an attempt to stay relevant.

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