Trump cancels showing up at his election night party


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
Turn out the lights, even Trump thinks he's going to lose.

President Donald Trump was expected to appear at the Trump International Hotel on election night but has cancelled those plans and will likely to be at the White House instead, The New York Times reported on Friday
Turn out the lights, even Trump thinks he's going to lose.

President Donald Trump was expected to appear at the Trump International Hotel on election night but has cancelled those plans and will likely to be at the White House instead, The New York Times reported on Friday
Its in the times.... not a good sign for what Trump expects to happen. Could be for a variety of reasons though.
Turn out the lights, even Trump thinks he's going to lose.

President Donald Trump was expected to appear at the Trump International Hotel on election night but has cancelled those plans and will likely to be at the White House instead, The New York Times reported on Friday

If you read the article, it's probably because he would be limited to 50 people due to DC's laws.

At the White House, he sets the rules.

Nice spin attempt though. 3/10
Turn out the lights, even Trump thinks he's going to lose.

President Donald Trump was expected to appear at the Trump International Hotel on election night but has cancelled those plans and will likely to be at the White House instead, The New York Times reported on Friday
Its in the times.... not a good sign for what Trump expects to happen. Could be for a variety of reasons though.

If you read the article, they talk about the 50 person limit imposed by DC local government, at the White House that rule doesn't apply.
Turn out the lights, even Trump thinks he's going to lose.

President Donald Trump was expected to appear at the Trump International Hotel on election night but has cancelled those plans and will likely to be at the White House instead, The New York Times reported on Friday
Its in the times.... not a good sign for what Trump expects to happen. Could be for a variety of reasons though.

If you read the article, they talk about the 50 person limit imposed by DC local government, at the White House that rule doesn't apply.

As stated, it could be for a number of reasons.

However, in the age of COVID...they clearly knew about the restrictions well before this cancellation.
Turn out the lights, even Trump thinks he's going to lose.

President Donald Trump was expected to appear at the Trump International Hotel on election night but has cancelled those plans and will likely to be at the White House instead, The New York Times reported on Friday

Thanks for the heads up. You just saved me a trip to wrong address.

The White House will give a far better view as the fireworks fly overhead.
His campaign pays for the party at his hotel, if he changes it to the Whitehouse, then us tax payers foot the bill.....

His campaign is broke.

That's my guess..... if he still thinks he is going to win.

Marty's guess is good too, the 50 person limit.... but note, the 50 or 100 person limit has never stopped the man of lawlessness before... He just had a couple of super spreader covid events here in Maine, totally disregarding our laws.

On the other hand, it could be he thinks he's gonna lose....

Or, he realizes that there will be no final results on election night.
Turn out the lights, even Trump thinks he's going to lose.

President Donald Trump was expected to appear at the Trump International Hotel on election night but has cancelled those plans and will likely to be at the White House instead, The New York Times reported on Friday
Again a NYT piece? Are you ever going to learn or do you enjoy being just plain stupid and a drooling idiot? I suppose there is something to the saying that ignorance is bliss afterall. At least for some anyway.
. . . hmmm. . .

You really don't have a clue about what is going on, do you?

The Podesta brothers, who were integral in running the TIP, have been quietly preparing for a revolution. The safest place for Trump, after the election, is probably in the bunker of the White House. :heehee:

Democrats Have Planned a Coup If Trump Wins Reelection

Trump’s DHS to label white supremacists as the “most persistent and lethal threat” to the US: report

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Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition

". . . 4. A show of numbers in the streets-and actions in the streets-may be decisive factors in de-termining what the public perceives as a just and legitimate outcome.During TIP’s exercises, Team Biden almost always called for and relied on mass protests to demonstrate the public’s commitment to a “legitimate”outcome, with the objective of hardening the resolve of Democratic elected officials to fight and take action, and to dramatize the stakes. As a practical matter, however, participants in the exercise noted that racial justice activists and others will likely act independently of the Biden campaign players repeatedly cautioned that these social movements are independent, not beholden to, or a tool of, the Democratic party. Their support or Biden’s ability to mobilize them cannot be taken for granted. (Note: leaders of these grassroots movements were not well represented in the simulation exercises, so the scenario exercises did not robustly test their likely receptivity to a Biden call to take to the streets, or to the Biden campaign’s ability to control these actors once mobilized.) If anything, the scale of recent demonstrations has increased the stakes for the Democratic Party to build strong ties with grassroots organizations and be responsive to the movement’s demands. In addition, the exercises suggest that there is a significant possibility of simultaneous street mobilizations by both Trump and Biden supporters, in which case the possibility for violence will increase significantly, and the actions of law enforcement will become critical. Of note here: TIP’s scenario exercise suggest that President Trump and his more fervent supporters have every incentive to try to turn peaceful pro-Biden (or anti-Trump) protests violent in order to generate evidence that a Democratic victory is tantamount to “mob rule.” In the recent past, President Trump has on numerous occasions called on “Second Amendment people” to defend their rights and has called on his supporters to “liberate” states with restrictive COVID-19 related rules. Trump can rely on surrogates to embed operatives inside protests to encourage violent action, and he can mobilize a range of law enforcement actors (including National Guard troops, whether federalized or under the control of GOP governors) who might, without proper training or if led by politicized actors, escalate matters. In some scenarios examined by TIP, Team Trump succeeded in invoking the Insurrection Actand sending active duty duty military troops into US cities to “restore order,” “protect” voting places, or confiscate “fraudulent” ballots. . . "


Game Three: Clear Trump Win

The third scenario posited a comfortable Electoral College victory for President Trump —286-252 —but also a significant popular vote win—52% -47%--for former Vice President Biden. The game play ended in a constitutional crisis, with threats of secession, and the potential for either a decline into authoritarianism or a radically revamped set of democratic rules that ensure the popular will prevails (abolishment of the Electoral College, making DC and Puerto Rico states, and other changes). Key moves and actions include:

Turn One:
•The Trump Campaign had two main objectives at the outset of the scenario. The first priority was to legitimize the Electoral College results by pushing narratives that cast doubt on former Vice President Biden’s popular vote victory and portraying wide-spread protests of President Trump as anti-American, undemocratic, and promoting mob rule. The Trump Campaign planted agent provocateurs into the protests throughout the country to ensure these protests turned violent and helped further the narrative of a violent insurrection against a lawfully elected president.

•The second Trump Campaign priority was to consolidate power to reduce or eliminate the “Deep State” and broader institutional resistance to President Trump’s agenda for his second term. Specific measures included selective promotions of military personnel with “pro-American views," rushing judicial nominations, increasing financial incentives to big business, and working with states to maximize GOP control through redistricting.

•The GOP Elected Officials team was supportive of Trump’s efforts to crack down on protests. Establishing “law and order” and defeating the “anarchists” was a unifying call. But they pressed President Trump to “slow down” on the campaign’s more aggressive and overt efforts to consolidate power, partly out of concern that they would lose the support of moderate Democrats needed to publicly declare Trump’s victory legitimate.

•The most consequential action of the first turn was the Biden Campaign’s retraction of its election night concession. It capitalized on the public’s outrage that for the third time in 20 years a candidate lost the popular vote but won the Electoral College. They also capitalized on concern about widespread voter suppression before and on Election Day. The Biden Campaign began the game by encouraging three states with Democratic governors—North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Michigan to ask for recounts. As the game developed, governors in two of the three (Wisconsin and Michigan) sent separate slates of electors to counter those sent by the state legislature.

•The GOP failed to convince moderate Democrats in the House to break ranks with the Democratic resistance and support Trump’s electoral victory, much to the GOP’s surprise. Part of the strategy here was to attack the Electoral College and to claim that the certified popular votes in these states were questionable because of voter suppression.

•At the end of the first turn, the country was in the midst of a full-blown constitutional crisis characterized by: 1) Political chaos; 2) Widespread threats of violence, and sporadic actual violence in the streets; and 4) A hostile, dangerous, highly-partisan, and frequently unconstrained information and media environment.

Turns Two and Three:
•The Biden Campaign encouraged Western states, particularly California but also Oregon and Washington, and collectively known as “Cascadia,” to secede from the Union unless Congressional Republicans agreed to a set of structural reforms to fix our democratic system to ensure majority rule. With advice from President Obama, the Biden Campaign submitted a proposal to 1) Give statehood to Washington, DC and Puerto Rico; 2) Divide California into five states to more accurately represent its population in the Senate; 3) Require Supreme Court justices to retire at 70; and 4) Eliminatethe Electoral College, to ensure that the candidate who wins to the popular vote becomes President.

•As the scenario evolved, the Trump Team focused its efforts on driving a wedge into the disparate and, in the view of many participants, fragile Democratic coalition. For example, during the second turn, Trump gave an interview to The Intercept in which he stated that he would have lost the election if Bernie Sanders had been nominated.

•The Trump Team’s approach in turns two and three also emphasized creating the conditions to force the Biden Campaign into taking provocative, unprecedented actions—such as supporting California’s secession or sending a second slate of electors—that played into a broader narrative of the Democrats attempting to orchestrate an illegal coup. The team also tried to position President Trump as a “unifier”—working with top CEOs, holding a unifying event at the Lincoln Memorial, offering to establish a commission to review electoral rules—and as prioritizing safety and security in the face of radical groups supporting Joe Biden and trying to destroy America.

•One of the most consequential moves was that Team Biden on January 6 provoked a breakdown in the joint session of Congress by getting the House of Representatives to agree to award the presidency to Biden (based on the alternative pro-Biden submissions sent by pro-Biden governors). Pence and the GOP refused to accept this, declaring instead that Trump was re-elected under the Constitution because of his Electoral College victory. This partisan division remained unresolved because neither side backed down, and January 20 arrived without a single president-elect entitled to be Commander-in-Chief after noon that day. It was unclear what the military would do in this situation. . . . "

“Bipartisan” Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan for Chaos if Trump Wins the Election

Democrats sound alarm on possible election chaos

IOW, when the media reported on the TIP project, what they left out, is it sought to find any way it could to foresee a way to get Biden in office, even if it meant changing the fundamental nature of the nation.

Turn out the lights, even Trump thinks he's going to lose.

President Donald Trump was expected to appear at the Trump International Hotel on election night but has cancelled those plans and will likely to be at the White House instead, The New York Times reported on Friday
/----/ Dementia Joe has canceled his plans to make some hot cocoa in his kitchen on election night and spend the time in his basement drooling oatmeal and staring at the wallpaper.
Turn out the lights, even Trump thinks he's going to lose.

President Donald Trump was expected to appear at the Trump International Hotel on election night but has cancelled those plans and will likely to be at the White House instead, The New York Times reported on Friday
Again a NYT piece? Are you ever going to learn or do you enjoy being just plain stupid and a drooling idiot? I suppose there is something to the saying that ignorance is bliss afterall. At least for some anyway.

Oh, it is probably accurate, it just doesn't tell the reader WHY Trump is intending to stay at the White House. IMO, there is an increasingly a good possibility that he might get more votes, or at least more electoral votes. . . and folks might actually find out that he gets more electoral votes.

If that happens? We could have some chaos. The safest place for him will be in the White House.
Also, it is very likely that the election results will not be know until several days after Nov, 3rd with all the mail in ballots and the states that are allowing ballots to come in for several days after election day.
Turn out the lights, even Trump thinks he's going to lose.

President Donald Trump was expected to appear at the Trump International Hotel on election night but has cancelled those plans and will likely to be at the White House instead, The New York Times reported on Friday
Its in the times.... not a good sign for what Trump expects to happen. Could be for a variety of reasons though.

If you read the article, they talk about the 50 person limit imposed by DC local government, at the White House that rule doesn't apply.

As stated, it could be for a number of reasons.

However, in the age of COVID...they clearly knew about the restrictions well before this cancellation.

Maybe they thought they could figure out a way to get around it, he is the President after all.
Turn out the lights, even Trump thinks he's going to lose.

President Donald Trump was expected to appear at the Trump International Hotel on election night but has cancelled those plans and will likely to be at the White House instead, The New York Times reported on Friday
Its in the times.... not a good sign for what Trump expects to happen. Could be for a variety of reasons though.

If you read the article, they talk about the 50 person limit imposed by DC local government, at the White House that rule doesn't apply.

As stated, it could be for a number of reasons.

However, in the age of COVID...they clearly knew about the restrictions well before this cancellation.

Maybe they thought they could figure out a way to get around it, he is the President after all.

Oh yeah, I forgot, rules don't apply to your blob.
Turn out the lights, even Trump thinks he's going to lose.

President Donald Trump was expected to appear at the Trump International Hotel on election night but has cancelled those plans and will likely to be at the White House instead, The New York Times reported on Friday
Its in the times.... not a good sign for what Trump expects to happen. Could be for a variety of reasons though.

If you read the article, they talk about the 50 person limit imposed by DC local government, at the White House that rule doesn't apply.

As stated, it could be for a number of reasons.

However, in the age of COVID...they clearly knew about the restrictions well before this cancellation.

Maybe they thought they could figure out a way to get around it, he is the President after all.

Oh yeah, I forgot, rules don't apply to your blob.

Actually it's more that any President has more pull than an average person, going back to Washington.

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