Trump Asks Supreme Court To Intervene In Mar A Lago Documents Scandal

Here are the links to the court documents.

Could you point to the one where he has made the claim before the courts that he did declassify them.

Assistance appreciated.

Again. I have not said that he made the claim in any court of law — yet. All I said was that he had made the claim. “Making the claim” is different than “making the claim in court.”
Again. I have not said that he made the claim in any court of law — yet. All I said was that he had made the claim. “Making the claim” is different than “making the claim in court.”
And a person that would do such a thing, are they in the least bit trustworthy. I believe not.
No. It’s not their duty. However, you’re close. It is a part of checks and balances. But your formulation begs the question of course.

And your underlying Assumption is wrong. Trump wasn’t a rogue President.

Sanity was there all along. Your alleged concern with the rule of law would be best served if you’d stop trying to just make laws up on the fly,
If any other president acted like trump has they would be in prison already. According to the checks and balances of our government it is their duty.
Again. I have not said that he made the claim in any court of law — yet. All I said was that he had made the claim. “Making the claim” is different than “making the claim in court.”

This is true.

However until he makes the claim in court the courts will continue to treat them as classified.

Once he does make the claim (if he ever does) then it opens the door for the DOJ attorneys to investigate and challenge the claims. One-document-at-a-time:
  • What was the date you declassified this document?
  • Was there anyone else present when you declassified this document?
  • Did you document the declassification of the document?
  • Did you tell anyone that you declassified the document, if so who?
  • What was the reason for declassification?
  • Why has this document been treated as classified after left office by you and your staff?
Repeat with each individual document of the 107.

Then interview and call to testify those in the FPOTUS's circle to determine if he declassified the documents and if he referred to them or treated them as classified after leaving office.

I think - correct me if I'm wrong - but isn't that process call impeaching the witness?

If any other president acted like trump has they would be in prison already. According to the checks and balances of our government it is their duty.
False propositions repeated mindlessly (as you are prone to doing) don’t constitute an argument.
CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos>politics>Trump plans he declassified Mar-A-Lago documents< but his lawyers refuse to make that assertion. September 18th 2022. His own lawyers don't even believe him. They're protecting their asses. I remember trump saying could declassify documents using his mind. If that isn't crazy, nothing is. The man is Looney tunes.
No, they are not making any public statements outside of the court room.
This is true.

However until he makes the claim in court the courts will continue to treat them as classified.
When — and if — he is charged with ANYTHING allegedly involving possession of “classified” documents, maybe we will know. But until such time, for a variety of reasons it remains true that he is under zero obligation to say anything about his declassification order in any court of law.
Once he does make the claim (if he ever does) then it opens the door for the DOJ attorneys to investigate and challenge the claims. One-document-at-a-time:
They are doing that now. But you are slightly off in your time frame. When and if he ever makes the claim in court documents is different than making his claim via evidence (such as testimony at a trial).

The point is significant. If the Brandon DOJ ever has the temerity to charge Trump with such a “crime,” and Trump offers any evidence of his claim of having declassified the documents, then the Government has to assume a new burden of proof on that point. It will immediately become their burden to DISPROVE his legal position beyond a reasonable doubt.

I don’t wish them good luck. But, brother, they will need it.

Also, just to be clear, it doesn’t require that Trump even take the stand. True story!

And one more point. Yes. The Government can and certainly will attempt to impeach the witness who testifies to the claim of declassification. Just bear in mind, trying to create such doubts is all well, good and proper. But none of it will necessarily rise to the level of disproving — beyond a reasonable doubt — the claim of President Trump.
When — and if — he is charged with ANYTHING allegedly involving possession of “classified” documents, maybe we will know. But until such time, for a variety of reasons it remains true that he is under zero obligation to say anything about his declassification order in any court of law.

They are doing that now. But you are slightly off in your time frame. When and if he ever makes the claim in court documents is different than making his claim via evidence (such as testimony at a trial).

The point is significant. If the Brandon DOJ ever has the temerity to charge Trump with such a “crime,” and Trump offers any evidence of his claim of having declassified the documents, then the Government has to assume a new burden of proof on that point. It will immediately become their burden to DISPROVE his legal position beyond a reasonable doubt.

I don’t wish them good luck. But, brother, they will need it.

Also, just to be clear, it doesn’t require that Trump even take the stand. True story!

And one more point. Yes. The Government can and certainly will attempt to impeach the witness who testifies to the claim of declassification. Just bear in mind, trying to create such doubts is all well, good and proper. But none of it will necessarily rise to the level of disproving — beyond a reasonable doubt — the claim of President Trump.

Funny thing is, Judge Dearie asked the FPOTUS lawyers to substantiate the classification status of the documents an an open session.

FPOTUS lawyers declined to make the claim.

So ya, bring it on. Let's go with the secret mental declassification defense. It would be glorious.


Funny thing is, Judge Dearie asked the FPOTUS lawyers to substantiate the classification status of the documents an an open session.

FPOTUS lawyers declined to make the claim.

So ya, bring it on. Let's go with the secret mental declassification defense. It would be glorious.


I didn’t say anything about a secret mental declassification. And actually, neither did Trump.

The request by former judge Dearie had nothing at all to do with his limited role as a special master, either.
Again. I have not said that he made the claim in any court of law — yet. All I said was that he had made the claim. “Making the claim” is different than “making the claim in court.”

BECAUSE, Trump just saying it CAN BE HIM LYING, without consequences.

Trump saying this in a court of law, has to be truthful OR HE WOULD BE PUT IN THE SLAMMER for perjury.

This is why the claim the perpetual, chronic, big liar, declassified them outside of court, is worth nothing.

It should not be taken seriously Liability, not until he presents this to the judge in any of his court hearings on it. I wish he would present this in court, so this documents case can be put to rest, one way or another!
On Monday, the public learned that Donald Trump packed up the classified documents himself, tried to get an attorney to lie about returning everything, and that some of the items the National Archives was most interested in—including the letter from President Barack Obama and Trump’s correspondence with Kim Jung Un—are still missing. Naturally, this is the perfect time for Trump to take the whole thing to the Supreme Court and ask that they stop the Department of Justice from investigating possible criminal charges.

The application itself is full of the same kind of overbearing, half-baked language that has featured in every document that has come from Trump’s legal team in this ever-growing scandal, including claims that the 11th Circuit stay, rather than Judge Aileen Cannon’s extraordinary ruling, is a threat to legal precedent, and that the search itself “erodes public confidence in our system.”

The 11th Circuit Court Judge, just shot old Trumpy Bear down!
False propositions repeated mindlessly (as you are prone to doing) don’t constitute an argument.
The only people that are mindless are the ones that still have any faith in trump. He's a thousand times worse than Jim Jones was. Cults are truly a unique illness.
And you believe the biggest liar in history. His words have no validity.

I know you are talking about president Biden.

Old list - June 2021 - needs updated - part one

Update just came over the wire:


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