Trump Approval Rating Plummeting at a Record Rate

More partisan bullshit.
We'll see in 2022 and 2024 who the voters prefer.
No we will not because the Dems are gonna steal the election , again!
Hope not. States should follow the FL example how to run a clean and efficient election.
Voting is done on election day, and results known election evening, no "finding" votes allowed.

No. Florida's election laws allow for the counting of mail in and any absentee ballots BEFORE Election Day. States like PA, WI, GA, AZ, NV, and MI..DON'T. And that's primarily because of Republican legislatures.
This is why your "finding" votes argument falls flat on its collective face. You were warned that there would be red and blue "mirages" because of exactly this reason.
Republicans do not use common sense or data to come to their conclusions... they are only happy when their candidate is in power and don’t look at the economy at all. Under Bush they thought it was great for way too long and under Obama they never felt positive until the day Trump was elected and overnight with not change in anything else suddenly its roses.



  • AAE36628-4EE3-4C2B-8B30-DC2506B04A90.png
    4.5 KB · Views: 44, Jan. 15

>> In the wake of the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol, public opinion is souring quickly on President Trump as he enters the final days of his term. Not only do a majority of Americans blame him for the riot at the Capitol and favor removing him from office, but his job approval rating has fallen faster in recent days than at any point in his presidency.​
According to FiveThirtyEight’s approval tracker,1 39.4 percent of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing as president, while 56.3 percent disapprove (a net approval rating of -16.8 percentage points). On Jan. 6, the day of the Capitol attack, Trump’s net approval rating stood at -10.3 points, which means his net approval rating has fallen 6.5 points in just eight days. It turns out that’s the biggest drop in Trump’s net approval that our tracker has ever recorded.​
To put this into perspective, there have been only two other times when Trump’s net approval rating fell by at least 5 points over an eight-day period: once in February 2017, after he issued executive orders to begin construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and to suspend the refugee program and prohibit entry for visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries,2 and then again in March 2017, after Republicans began their legislative efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.3
.... As Trump continues to falter, it’s worth noting just how atypical this trend is for a president in his last couple of months in office. Outgoing presidents often get at least a little bump in approval, regardless of whether they were popular or unpopular. For instance, President Barack Obama’s net approval rating rose from about +8 after the 2016 election to almost +20 when Trump took office, while President George W. Bush’s net approval rating rose from -43 in November 2008 to about -30 going into Obama’s inauguration in January 2009. Even President George H.W. Bush, the last incumbent president to lose reelection before Trump, saw his net approval go from -23 after the election to +18 by the time he left the White House. It’s hard to imagine such a huge shift in this more polarized era, but Trump’s net approval has definitely declined more than his predecessors’. <<​
FiveThirtyEight is a stat-freak site which aggregates and averages polls to find a mean, the Presidential-approval version of which can be seen on this page. Graphs compare the last dozen POTUSes day by day, approval and disapproval. Interestingly Rump is the one and only approval line, going all the way back to Truman, who has never touched 50%, appropriate for a candidate who couldn't touch 50% in the popular votes of Michigan Wisconsin or Pennsylvania (Florida, North Cackalackee, AridZona, friggin' Utah...) and certainly not the nation.

Rump's net approval stands right now at minus 17 and still dropping like a stock market that just heard about Coronavirus. I think Rump's going down to a record low, at least for him if not for all of history, befitting the single worst individual to ever hold the office.
HAHAHAHA. FAKE NEWS...... nobody believes lefty and their stupid polls. Morons !

Perhaps you're not familiar with English, Tovarich.

You see, the term "lefty", whoever it refers to, is what we call a "singular". One person. The pronoun "their" meanwhile is what we call a "plural". Multiple, more than one. They can't be used together. You'd be saying singular-plural. You should fire your ESL teacher.

As far as the OP, 538 is a stats-freak site (its other passion is baseball) that aggregates polls from everywhere and averages them together. It has nothing to do with any "lefty". So the numbers are what they are, simple as that. Maybe too simple for you.

That number's up too. Today it's 58.7% disapprove, 38.3 approve. A spread of over twenty points.
More partisan bullshit.
We'll see in 2022 and 2024 who the voters prefer.
No we will not because the Dems are gonna steal the election , again!
Hope not. States should follow the FL example how to run a clean and efficient election.
Voting is done on election day, and results known election evening, no "finding" votes allowed.

No. Florida's election laws allow for the counting of mail in and any absentee ballots BEFORE Election Day. States like PA, WI, GA, AZ, NV, and MI..DON'T. And that's primarily because of Republican legislatures.
This is why your "finding" votes argument falls flat on its collective face. You were warned that there would be red and blue "mirages" because of exactly this reason.

Apparently the plan of these dishonest hacks was to deliberately sabotage the counting systems and then act like they're all too stupid to understand what they themselves set up.

I know that in Pennsylvania for one, state leg Democrats and the Governor pleaded with the Pubes to allow counting as votes came in. They wouldn't budge. Complete wackadoo dishonesty.
He's done. Politically, legally, financially. His name is shit. He once had a shot to build a media empire. Now, outside of his willing sheep, there will be no one to give him money or a platform. Like the response to the virus, I can't see another way that Trump could have fucked things up worse than he did.
But the border wall!
Trump did more for black people than any other president including Lincoln
And I should be feeling what at this point in time?
Trump made your healthcare more affordable. He raised wages so much people people still couldn’t get by 2 months without paychecks. He raised growth from 2.2% to 2.3%. He stopped 1000 mexicans from getting in with his expensive wall. He pissed off muslims by taking out an Iranian general, for you. Bin Ladin no biggy though. He stopped Obama’s illegal wars and started his own, for you. You’re welcome.

What should you feel? Gratitude

Don't know what alternate university this was posted from but my healthcare went up and so did my taxes. And my porfolio went the other direction.

Course, I live in the Real World so maybe that explains it.
How did your taxes go up when they were lowered?
Corporations saw their income tax rates fall from 35% to 21%. Have you seven the debt? What about infrastructure spending? What about social security and Medicare?

I don’t think the crumbs you got were worth it.
Have I seven the debt? What about the other two? What crumbs? I directly benefitted from the cuts.
How much do you make and how many kids?
Two kids

AGI is mid six figures
Well no wonder you’re a republican.
I am an Independent. I don't belong to political parties. And Jeff Bezos is a Democrat. How does that correspond with your statement?

Bezos isn't a Democrat and is probably more independent than you are.
Is bezos for corporate tax breaks? Then he’s no democrat. Not a fiscal one. Maybe he is liberal on social issues but what matters most is fiscal.

Exactly. He's liberal on social issues but when it comes to money, he's more conservative than liberal.

From his wiki page:

View attachment 443696
A lot of republicans hate trump. I think trump has feuded with bezos publically. All the republicans who’ve broken from trump aren’t democrats now are they? I don’t think so.

At best Bezos is a deep state globalist rino.

I don't know what party affiliation Bezos is.

I don't have a party affiliation. I'm a liberal Independent.

My liberal beliefs used to come first. That is before the bush boy. I realized then that while I don't agree with democrats on a lot of things and they so need to grow spines, they are better than the republicans.

Ever since the bush boy, I vote against republicans/conservatives. If that means I have to vote for a democrat, so be it.

I don't have an idea what Jeff Bezos thinks about politics.
The only times I get mad at democrats is when they act too much like republicans. There are a few times Bill Clinton let us down. When he signed nafta or deregulated the media in 1996. He let us liberals down.

Or when Obama let the insurance giants write Obamacare. That was our chance for real healthcare reform but we settled. The healthcare lobby got to enough democrats who would vote WITH republicans.

Trump admitted it so why didn’t obama say bush lied us into Iraq?

So the only time democrats let me down is when they go along with republicans.
That is because you’re a leftist. I would never be a party sheep. Neither party gives two shits about you or me. We are here for ourselves. Funny how you can’t see that.
I knew which party is better for the middle class and which party is better for the middle class.

I also know it was liberal policies that created the huge middle class never seen before in human history. It wasn’t free market capitalism that got corporations to pay labor its fair share. It took unions.

And since unions have gone from 35% of the workforce to 10%, labor has been left behind.

You seem pretty well paid. Imagine if you only were worth $50,000 A year. And at the same time your bosses pay tripled. And this was happening everywhere because labor is no longer organized to fight it?
I disagree. 100%.

Unions have outgrown their use. Capitalism and innovation created the middle class. I am well paid because I took a major risk and started my own business. If you want to earn more money, start your own business or garner a marketable skill that pays what you want to earn.
I knew you were going to use that standard conservative mantra or talking point. Its ridiculous to say unions have outgrown their usefulness. Thats like saying if we remove the thing that forces employers to pay workers their fair share, employers will pay fairly without the unions.

We know this is untrue because of what’s happened the last few decades as unions went from representing 35% of the workforce to 10%. It’s not coincidence.

Just look at which companies have the widest gap between their CEOs and lowest paid workers. And look how much those CEOs make. They aren’t sharing with their employees.

Union companies pay their employees more. They also force non union companies to pay more for fear their good employees will leave or for fear their employees will organized.
Logic is conservative mantra? LOL
unions also force companies who use them to pay more for services. Stupid. Again, if you don’t like your comp then go elsewhere. Employees aren’t slaves. You don’t seem to understand that concept. Why?
Unions formed for a reason. And now that unions barely exist, the American middle class is making less. Factoring in inflation. But the rich are richer than ever. You like the way things are right now. You should. So do I? I’m doing great. But the middle class is not. Your way is making socialism look good
Nope. I own a restaurant and want to expand. I am forced to hire union labor and it costs me 2x as much as non union. I find that abhorrent. Free markets is best for the country.
For small business owners maybe but not for middle class labor. Not for the masses.

You don’t mind if we go back to dickens era where there is a small ruling class, small merchant class, as long as your in it, and the masses who were referred to as serfs. The rabble. The working poor.

My way people are spending money in your business and you can afford to pay double.
Per the Brookings Institute it’s easy not to be poor in America. You should check it out, leftist. Learn something.
Funny you guys understood things were not right for blue collar Americans when Obama was president. Trump got in suddenly America was great again.

And actually, trumpschandling of the coronavirus has caused another r3cession. So here’s the third time in my life republican presidents have handed democratic presidents a shitty economy
Who is “you guys” for the 100th time I am an Independent. Why do you not understand that? Obama made himself a lot of money. Doesn’t give a rats ass about you.
He pushes the economic and social policies I believe are best for middle class Americans. Republicans believe trickle down works but sinc Reagan it’s failed.
Explain how...he made himself and Michelle millions that is true. Didn’t give a rat’s ass about you. In fact poor people became more poor under him. Most on food stamps in history. While he made millions.
Just because I make a lot of money doesn’t mean I don’t care about poor people.

Guys like me passed social safety net programs. Guys like you don’t like social safety net programs.

We both make a lot of money but I care about poor people you don’t. Obama cares too that’s why he served as a democrat not a republican or libertarian
You make a good living. You don’t make a lot of money. Obama could not care less about you. LOL
I’m considered upper class. If you factor in what my bills are, i save about $40,000 a year. It’s not what you make it’s what you save.

But I agree with you I‘m not rich but to the masses, I’m rich. I know because before this good job I had a pretty shitty job for a couple years. I fell out of corporate America. I made less than $40,000 and no healthcare for 2 years. After the Great Recession. Bounced from too many sales gigs because no one was buying. Anyways, I know the difference between making almost $100k and making $50k. I know. You it sounds like don’t know.

It’s so nice being able to max my 401k. Not worry about the lease payment for a f150. Pay cash for a $26,000 pontoon boat. Pay cash for a $6500 quad. Pay off my condo. Buy $40,000 in stocks last year.

Most people aren’t saving enough for retirement. Selfishly, it’s no skin off my back if those same people want to cut social security and Medicare. I disagree but if they’re going to screw me your also screwing yourself. I’m hoping the majority of voters wise up and vote for universal healthcare. I’ll take whatever doctor you got. One day I might be out of a job I don’t want an illness bankrupting me. And I count on my social security and Medicare
You make a good living. You don’t make a lot of money. Obama could not care less about you. LOL

how much money does he make? Do you know?
Like Repubs gives a shit about anybody but themselves...they are sooo pious, right?
he told me. He can tell you if he so chooses. Not my place to reveal it. Nope. Politician on either side don't care. If you believes BHO did, you're kidding yourself.

Republican politicians don’t really care about us?
You make a good living. You don’t make a lot of money. Obama could not care less about you. LOL

how much money does he make? Do you know?
Like Repubs gives a shit about anybody but themselves...they are sooo pious, right?
he told me. He can tell you if he so chooses. Not my place to reveal it. Nope. Politician on either side don't care. If you believes BHO did, you're kidding yourself.

Republican politicians don’t really care about us?
We just got a conservative to admit republican politicians don’t really care about us. Breaking news.
You make a good living. You don’t make a lot of money. Obama could not care less about you. LOL

how much money does he make? Do you know?
Like Repubs gives a shit about anybody but themselves...they are sooo pious, right?
he told me. He can tell you if he so chooses. Not my place to reveal it. Nope. Politician on either side don't care. If you believes BHO did, you're kidding yourself.

Republican politicians don’t really care about us?
We just got a conservative to admit republican politicians don’t really care about us. Breaking news.
I am an Independent. How many times do I have to repeat that to you!? Honestly?
You make a good living. You don’t make a lot of money. Obama could not care less about you. LOL

how much money does he make? Do you know?
Like Repubs gives a shit about anybody but themselves...they are sooo pious, right?
he told me. He can tell you if he so chooses. Not my place to reveal it. Nope. Politician on either side don't care. If you believes BHO did, you're kidding yourself.

Republican politicians don’t really care about us?
We just got a conservative to admit republican politicians don’t really care about us. Breaking news.
I am an Independent. How many times do I have to repeat that to you!? Honestly?
Stop repeating the lie. I can tell by your positions on things you aren’t an independent.

Lets put it this way. You never vote democratic. correct?
80 million Americans love Trump for being the best President this country ever had.


Actually even if you could linkety-link, MORE THAN 80 million voted against him, so it wouldn't matter.
Yea sure:
View attachment 443495

that's not a credible unbiased link. try again.

Well his vote totals are mostly on, rounded off to the nearest million. I didn't bother to look up the counties or "bellwethers" since I'm pretty sure we don't elect POTUSes based on counties or "bellwethers".
Of course you wouldn’t want to look it up. The fact of the matter is, outside the four cities that got caught cheating, President Trump stomped Biden. He got +10% of the black vote and over 40% total of Hispanic voters all over the country. So called “toss up” states that were supposed to be “too close to call” went heavily for President Trump. If it weren’t for the middle of the night, surprise pallets of ballots, counted with no observers in those four Dem run cities, it was a landslide.

These hate filled Useful Idiots are just parroting the filthy Democrat talking points that there was no fraud. They have to say that. They know it is false just as much as we do but it is the party line and they are going to stick with it, no matter the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Go ahead and prove it then. You've had two and a half months and all we've learned is where Four Seasons Total Landscaping is.

“You've had two and a half months and all we've learned is where Four Seasons Total Landscaping is.”

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
80 million Americans love Trump for being the best President this country ever had.


Actually even if you could linkety-link, MORE THAN 80 million voted against him, so it wouldn't matter.
Yea sure:
View attachment 443495

that's not a credible unbiased link. try again.

Well his vote totals are mostly on, rounded off to the nearest million. I didn't bother to look up the counties or "bellwethers" since I'm pretty sure we don't elect POTUSes based on counties or "bellwethers".
Of course you wouldn’t want to look it up. The fact of the matter is, outside the four cities that got caught cheating, President Trump stomped Biden. He got +10% of the black vote and over 40% total of Hispanic voters all over the country. So called “toss up” states that were supposed to be “too close to call” went heavily for President Trump. If it weren’t for the middle of the night, surprise pallets of ballots, counted with no observers in those four Dem run cities, it was a landslide.

These hate filled Useful Idiots are just parroting the filthy Democrat talking points that there was no fraud. They have to say that. They know it is false just as much as we do but it is the party line and they are going to stick with it, no matter the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
There was fraud in Florida 2000 not Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona 2020, Jan. 15

>> In the wake of the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol, public opinion is souring quickly on President Trump as he enters the final days of his term. Not only do a majority of Americans blame him for the riot at the Capitol and favor removing him from office, but his job approval rating has fallen faster in recent days than at any point in his presidency.​
According to FiveThirtyEight’s approval tracker,1 39.4 percent of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing as president, while 56.3 percent disapprove (a net approval rating of -16.8 percentage points). On Jan. 6, the day of the Capitol attack, Trump’s net approval rating stood at -10.3 points, which means his net approval rating has fallen 6.5 points in just eight days. It turns out that’s the biggest drop in Trump’s net approval that our tracker has ever recorded.​
To put this into perspective, there have been only two other times when Trump’s net approval rating fell by at least 5 points over an eight-day period: once in February 2017, after he issued executive orders to begin construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and to suspend the refugee program and prohibit entry for visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries,2 and then again in March 2017, after Republicans began their legislative efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.3
.... As Trump continues to falter, it’s worth noting just how atypical this trend is for a president in his last couple of months in office. Outgoing presidents often get at least a little bump in approval, regardless of whether they were popular or unpopular. For instance, President Barack Obama’s net approval rating rose from about +8 after the 2016 election to almost +20 when Trump took office, while President George W. Bush’s net approval rating rose from -43 in November 2008 to about -30 going into Obama’s inauguration in January 2009. Even President George H.W. Bush, the last incumbent president to lose reelection before Trump, saw his net approval go from -23 after the election to +18 by the time he left the White House. It’s hard to imagine such a huge shift in this more polarized era, but Trump’s net approval has definitely declined more than his predecessors’. <<​
FiveThirtyEight is a stat-freak site which aggregates and averages polls to find a mean, the Presidential-approval version of which can be seen on this page. Graphs compare the last dozen POTUSes day by day, approval and disapproval. Interestingly Rump is the one and only approval line, going all the way back to Truman, who has never touched 50%, appropriate for a candidate who couldn't touch 50% in the popular votes of Michigan Wisconsin or Pennsylvania (Florida, North Cackalackee, AridZona, friggin' Utah...) and certainly not the nation.

Rump's net approval stands right now at minus 17 and still dropping like a stock market that just heard about Coronavirus. I think Rump's going down to a record low, at least for him if not for all of history, befitting the single worst individual to ever hold the office.
And still better than biden ever had on a good day, Jan. 15

>> In the wake of the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol, public opinion is souring quickly on President Trump as he enters the final days of his term. Not only do a majority of Americans blame him for the riot at the Capitol and favor removing him from office, but his job approval rating has fallen faster in recent days than at any point in his presidency.​
According to FiveThirtyEight’s approval tracker,1 39.4 percent of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing as president, while 56.3 percent disapprove (a net approval rating of -16.8 percentage points). On Jan. 6, the day of the Capitol attack, Trump’s net approval rating stood at -10.3 points, which means his net approval rating has fallen 6.5 points in just eight days. It turns out that’s the biggest drop in Trump’s net approval that our tracker has ever recorded.​
To put this into perspective, there have been only two other times when Trump’s net approval rating fell by at least 5 points over an eight-day period: once in February 2017, after he issued executive orders to begin construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and to suspend the refugee program and prohibit entry for visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries,2 and then again in March 2017, after Republicans began their legislative efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.3
.... As Trump continues to falter, it’s worth noting just how atypical this trend is for a president in his last couple of months in office. Outgoing presidents often get at least a little bump in approval, regardless of whether they were popular or unpopular. For instance, President Barack Obama’s net approval rating rose from about +8 after the 2016 election to almost +20 when Trump took office, while President George W. Bush’s net approval rating rose from -43 in November 2008 to about -30 going into Obama’s inauguration in January 2009. Even President George H.W. Bush, the last incumbent president to lose reelection before Trump, saw his net approval go from -23 after the election to +18 by the time he left the White House. It’s hard to imagine such a huge shift in this more polarized era, but Trump’s net approval has definitely declined more than his predecessors’. <<​
FiveThirtyEight is a stat-freak site which aggregates and averages polls to find a mean, the Presidential-approval version of which can be seen on this page. Graphs compare the last dozen POTUSes day by day, approval and disapproval. Interestingly Rump is the one and only approval line, going all the way back to Truman, who has never touched 50%, appropriate for a candidate who couldn't touch 50% in the popular votes of Michigan Wisconsin or Pennsylvania (Florida, North Cackalackee, AridZona, friggin' Utah...) and certainly not the nation.

Rump's net approval stands right now at minus 17 and still dropping like a stock market that just heard about Coronavirus. I think Rump's going down to a record low, at least for him if not for all of history, befitting the single worst individual to ever hold the office.
Trump officially is the worst president in us history. Finally he is number one on something.
Wow! A Captain Obvious thread, how insightful!

Captain Obvious brought numbers.

Good for him. That's a rare find, a liberal that actually backs up their bullshit with something resembling facts. The only problem is....nobody claimed otherwise.

So yep, captain obvious has left the building.

Actually ---- I AM the OP. Observe much?

I even got me a red sash on my avatar.

You referred to yourself in the 3rd person so I did as well.


The post I quoted referred to me that way DUMBASS., Jan. 15

>> In the wake of the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol, public opinion is souring quickly on President Trump as he enters the final days of his term. Not only do a majority of Americans blame him for the riot at the Capitol and favor removing him from office, but his job approval rating has fallen faster in recent days than at any point in his presidency.​
According to FiveThirtyEight’s approval tracker,1 39.4 percent of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing as president, while 56.3 percent disapprove (a net approval rating of -16.8 percentage points). On Jan. 6, the day of the Capitol attack, Trump’s net approval rating stood at -10.3 points, which means his net approval rating has fallen 6.5 points in just eight days. It turns out that’s the biggest drop in Trump’s net approval that our tracker has ever recorded.​
To put this into perspective, there have been only two other times when Trump’s net approval rating fell by at least 5 points over an eight-day period: once in February 2017, after he issued executive orders to begin construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and to suspend the refugee program and prohibit entry for visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries,2 and then again in March 2017, after Republicans began their legislative efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.3
.... As Trump continues to falter, it’s worth noting just how atypical this trend is for a president in his last couple of months in office. Outgoing presidents often get at least a little bump in approval, regardless of whether they were popular or unpopular. For instance, President Barack Obama’s net approval rating rose from about +8 after the 2016 election to almost +20 when Trump took office, while President George W. Bush’s net approval rating rose from -43 in November 2008 to about -30 going into Obama’s inauguration in January 2009. Even President George H.W. Bush, the last incumbent president to lose reelection before Trump, saw his net approval go from -23 after the election to +18 by the time he left the White House. It’s hard to imagine such a huge shift in this more polarized era, but Trump’s net approval has definitely declined more than his predecessors’. <<​
FiveThirtyEight is a stat-freak site which aggregates and averages polls to find a mean, the Presidential-approval version of which can be seen on this page. Graphs compare the last dozen POTUSes day by day, approval and disapproval. Interestingly Rump is the one and only approval line, going all the way back to Truman, who has never touched 50%, appropriate for a candidate who couldn't touch 50% in the popular votes of Michigan Wisconsin or Pennsylvania (Florida, North Cackalackee, AridZona, friggin' Utah...) and certainly not the nation.

Rump's net approval stands right now at minus 17 and still dropping like a stock market that just heard about Coronavirus. I think Rump's going down to a record low, at least for him if not for all of history, befitting the single worst individual to ever hold the office.
And still better than biden ever had on a good day

Post 296 there, Cherryblossom.

I gave you a link. Go ahead, click it.
Ya feel lucky............. punk?, Jan. 15

>> In the wake of the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol, public opinion is souring quickly on President Trump as he enters the final days of his term. Not only do a majority of Americans blame him for the riot at the Capitol and favor removing him from office, but his job approval rating has fallen faster in recent days than at any point in his presidency.​
According to FiveThirtyEight’s approval tracker,1 39.4 percent of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing as president, while 56.3 percent disapprove (a net approval rating of -16.8 percentage points). On Jan. 6, the day of the Capitol attack, Trump’s net approval rating stood at -10.3 points, which means his net approval rating has fallen 6.5 points in just eight days. It turns out that’s the biggest drop in Trump’s net approval that our tracker has ever recorded.​
To put this into perspective, there have been only two other times when Trump’s net approval rating fell by at least 5 points over an eight-day period: once in February 2017, after he issued executive orders to begin construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and to suspend the refugee program and prohibit entry for visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries,2 and then again in March 2017, after Republicans began their legislative efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.3
.... As Trump continues to falter, it’s worth noting just how atypical this trend is for a president in his last couple of months in office. Outgoing presidents often get at least a little bump in approval, regardless of whether they were popular or unpopular. For instance, President Barack Obama’s net approval rating rose from about +8 after the 2016 election to almost +20 when Trump took office, while President George W. Bush’s net approval rating rose from -43 in November 2008 to about -30 going into Obama’s inauguration in January 2009. Even President George H.W. Bush, the last incumbent president to lose reelection before Trump, saw his net approval go from -23 after the election to +18 by the time he left the White House. It’s hard to imagine such a huge shift in this more polarized era, but Trump’s net approval has definitely declined more than his predecessors’. <<​
FiveThirtyEight is a stat-freak site which aggregates and averages polls to find a mean, the Presidential-approval version of which can be seen on this page. Graphs compare the last dozen POTUSes day by day, approval and disapproval. Interestingly Rump is the one and only approval line, going all the way back to Truman, who has never touched 50%, appropriate for a candidate who couldn't touch 50% in the popular votes of Michigan Wisconsin or Pennsylvania (Florida, North Cackalackee, AridZona, friggin' Utah...) and certainly not the nation.

Rump's net approval stands right now at minus 17 and still dropping like a stock market that just heard about Coronavirus. I think Rump's going down to a record low, at least for him if not for all of history, befitting the single worst individual to ever hold the office.
Trump officially is the worst president in us history. Finally he is number one on something.

Ah, Number One. Takes us back to the good ol' days at the Ritz Carlton Moscow.
Thats from newsmax. They cant even admit Dump lost the election. :laugh:

To be fair they did admit Dominion didnt cheat on the election...... after they were threatened with a lawsuit.
You make a good living. You don’t make a lot of money. Obama could not care less about you. LOL

how much money does he make? Do you know?
Like Repubs gives a shit about anybody but themselves...they are sooo pious, right?
he told me. He can tell you if he so chooses. Not my place to reveal it. Nope. Politician on either side don't care. If you believes BHO did, you're kidding yourself.

Republican politicians don’t really care about us?
We just got a conservative to admit republican politicians don’t really care about us. Breaking news.
I am an Independent. How many times do I have to repeat that to you!? Honestly?
Stop repeating the lie. I can tell by your positions on things you aren’t an independent.

Lets put it this way. You never vote democratic. correct?
I voted for Al Gore. I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard, Connor Lamb and Kirsten Sinema. It depends on who is running. I would not vote for far left candidates.

Spewsmax?? :laugh2: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

I'm afraid not Pilgrim. You see, that 538 page I started with lists ALL the polls, including Rasmussen, and it too shows Rump's dispopularity worsening since the Traitoriot. Don't take my word for it, go see for yourself.

Oh and while you're doing that? Take notice that the Spewsmax link you plopped........... links to nothing. You're just supposed to "take their word for it".

Say that reminds me, do you wanna buy a bridge?

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