TRUMP APPROVAL 52% in latest poll

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The topic is trump’s SOTU poll bump. You’re now just trolling and avoiding the thread topic.

Try and talk about that. If you can.

What significance is there in a bump in a poll that traditionally evaporates after a week or two?

And I said he got a boost from it. Did you forget how to read letters outside CNN?
Dumbfuck, I already acknowledged he got a boost from it. I also pointed out it’s typical for presidents to get a short lived boost following the SOTU address. It doesn’t translate into significant additional votes, if any.

Which led me to ask you what you think the significance is — to which you again avoid answering.

Your swearing shows how triggered you are. It’s awesome. You’re a typical sissy boy. He got a boost because it was a good speech. It’s also typical for losers to keep losing. You can say it becomes a habit. You should be used to it. Loser.
Aww, poor, snowflake. So delicate. Again, a short lived boost is typical. You still can’t articulate the significance, can you?

So now you’ll use my argument against me. You’re both weak and unoriginal. Typical Faun. And you pal are the prancing Nancy boy as I said from the outset. Don’t cry when Trump wins in 2020.

You’re the one crying about swearing, like a delicate snowflake, rather than discuss the thread topic. I’m still trying to get you to explain the significance in a SOTU address bump which happens after virtually every such speech, only to fade within a couple of weeks.

But you seem more determined to troll rather than talk about the thread topic.
More accurate than the Clinton news network

CNN missed by 5. Rasmussen missed by 10.
The Clinton news network said that Hillary was going to win...
They said she would get 2% more votes which she did
Interestingly from places where the President didn't campaign: he's not into wasting time, lucre and effort. His Campaign will be studied for many years to come.

Seems The SOTU speech hit the mark with many what Marxist/Socialist/Communist/DemonRAT will be his opponent and TRYBTO RUIN OUR ECONOMY in thec2020 election.....From the far away I hear a singlevvoice yelling.....BERNIE if Hildebeast didn't cheat he might be president today!!!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

Trump's highest level of approval since shortly after his inauguration.

The latest figures include 39% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove

Read more at ...

Those number suck ass. America, REAL America hates trump. BETO is the one America wants. Maybe Harris.
And I said he got a boost from it. Did you forget how to read letters outside CNN?
Dumbfuck, I already acknowledged he got a boost from it. I also pointed out it’s typical for presidents to get a short lived boost following the SOTU address. It doesn’t translate into significant additional votes, if any.

Which led me to ask you what you think the significance is — to which you again avoid answering.

Your swearing shows how triggered you are. It’s awesome. You’re a typical sissy boy. He got a boost because it was a good speech. It’s also typical for losers to keep losing. You can say it becomes a habit. You should be used to it. Loser.
Aww, poor, snowflake. So delicate. Again, a short lived boost is typical. You still can’t articulate the significance, can you?

So now you’ll use my argument against me. You’re both weak and unoriginal. Typical Faun. And you pal are the prancing Nancy boy as I said from the outset. Don’t cry when Trump wins in 2020.

You’re the one crying about swearing, like a delicate snowflake, rather than discuss the thread topic. I’m still trying to get you to explain the significance in a SOTU address bump which happens after virtually every such speech, only to fade within a couple of weeks.

But you seem more determined to troll rather than talk about the thread topic.

Wow, look at all those libtards.
When the charges come down from the Mueller investigation and the subpoenas that are about to rain down on him show what a treasonous lying bunch of thieves the Trumps are I don`t think the Rasmussen poll will help him one bit. He`s in deeper shit in the Southern District of New York. The drooling red hatted Goobers that can write may well be writing him in on the 2020 ballot. Maybe Ivanka will get a break for not being nearly as putrid as her brothers and boyfriend...I mean her dad.
And I said he got a boost from it. Did you forget how to read letters outside CNN?
Dumbfuck, I already acknowledged he got a boost from it. I also pointed out it’s typical for presidents to get a short lived boost following the SOTU address. It doesn’t translate into significant additional votes, if any.

Which led me to ask you what you think the significance is — to which you again avoid answering.

Your swearing shows how triggered you are. It’s awesome. You’re a typical sissy boy. He got a boost because it was a good speech. It’s also typical for losers to keep losing. You can say it becomes a habit. You should be used to it. Loser.
Aww, poor, snowflake. So delicate. Again, a short lived boost is typical. You still can’t articulate the significance, can you?

So now you’ll use my argument against me. You’re both weak and unoriginal. Typical Faun. And you pal are the prancing Nancy boy as I said from the outset. Don’t cry when Trump wins in 2020.

You’re the one crying about swearing, like a delicate snowflake, rather than discuss the thread topic. I’m still trying to get you to explain the significance in a SOTU address bump which happens after virtually every such speech, only to fade within a couple of weeks.

But you seem more determined to troll rather than talk about the thread topic.

And I explained to you that Trump is a polarizing figure and if he gets a bump it is more meaningful. But you only can read the letters CNN and MSNBC because you are a stupid Leftist troll who suffers from TDS.
Seems The SOTU speech hit the mark with many what Marxist/Socialist/Communist/DemonRAT will be his opponent and TRYBTO RUIN OUR ECONOMY in thec2020 election.....From the far away I hear a singlevvoice yelling.....BERNIE if Hildebeast didn't cheat he might be president today!!!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

Trump's highest level of approval since shortly after his inauguration.

The latest figures include 39% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove

Read more at ...
/——/ Hey Mod, why was my thread merged into others when I was the first one posting it by about 17 minutes? Just asking.
When the charges come down from the Mueller investigation and the subpoenas that are about to rain down on him show what a treasonous lying bunch of thieves the Trumps are I don`t think the Rasmussen poll will help him one bit. He`s in deeper shit in the Southern District of New York. The drooling red hatted Goobers that can write may well be writing him in on the 2020 ballot. Maybe Ivanka will get a break for not being nearly as putrid as her brothers and boyfriend...I mean her dad.

Yes, yes we know this wet dream, now clean your self up and please explained why we have heard nothing yet? I mean, all Trumps craps are leaked, but no juicy info convicting Trump? I tell ya, y’all hen it all shakes out you guys will again provide hours of screaming at the sky.
More accurate than the Clinton news network

CNN missed by 5. Rasmussen missed by 10.
The Clinton news network said that Hillary was going to win...
They said she would get 2% more votes which she did
Interestingly from places where the President didn't campaign: he's not into wasting time, lucre and effort. His Campaign will be studied for many years to come.

Yep. All disasters get studied.
And I said he got a boost from it. Did you forget how to read letters outside CNN?
Dumbfuck, I already acknowledged he got a boost from it. I also pointed out it’s typical for presidents to get a short lived boost following the SOTU address. It doesn’t translate into significant additional votes, if any.

Which led me to ask you what you think the significance is — to which you again avoid answering.

Your swearing shows how triggered you are. It’s awesome. You’re a typical sissy boy. He got a boost because it was a good speech. It’s also typical for losers to keep losing. You can say it becomes a habit. You should be used to it. Loser.
Aww, poor, snowflake. So delicate. Again, a short lived boost is typical. You still can’t articulate the significance, can you?

So now you’ll use my argument against me. You’re both weak and unoriginal. Typical Faun. And you pal are the prancing Nancy boy as I said from the outset. Don’t cry when Trump wins in 2020.

You’re the one crying about swearing, like a delicate snowflake, rather than discuss the thread topic. I’m still trying to get you to explain the significance in a SOTU address bump which happens after virtually every such speech, only to fade within a couple of weeks.

But you seem more determined to troll rather than talk about the thread topic.

Troll, lol.
Looks like all the efforts by the Libtards and MSM to drive down Trump's poll numbers have failed miserably.
Trump's approval rating among likely voters soars to his best in 23 MONTHS at 52 per cent | Daily Mail Online
Trump's approval rating among likely voters soars to his best in 23 MONTHS at 52 per cent after State of the Union address as border-wall shutdown talks intensify
  • Rasmussen Reports poll as Trump at 52 per cent approval, his best showing in 23 months and a higher number than his winning edge in 2016
  • Significant up-swing since government-shutdown low of 43 per cent
  • New numbers were collected in the three days immediately following State of the Union address
  • Asked what Monday's number mean, a senior Democratic House aide confided on background: 'I don't know yet if it's horrible, but it sure isn't good'

I'm sure that the efforts by the Demonrats have continued all the same... and that alone show us that that's why I think this President has at least I said above....60 or 68% approval! :2up:
More accurate than the Clinton news network

CNN missed by 5. Rasmussen missed by 10.
The Clinton news network said that Hillary was going to win...
They said she would get 2% more votes which she did
Interestingly from places where the President didn't campaign: he's not into wasting time, lucre and effort. His Campaign will be studied for many years to come.

Yep. All disasters get studied.
lol. A disaster for your shock troops maybe but super for the US Economy.

Great Happiness!!!

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