Trump appoints 13 federal judges in last 18 days and he's getting ready to replace Ginsburg. He will go down as the President of the judiciary.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Donald Trump may go down in history as the man that cleaned up our court system. At the end of his second term, when the leftists think they've finally gotten rid of him, he may nominate himself for the Supreme Court and serve another 8 years or more.
Donald Trump may go down in history as the man that cleaned up our court system. At the end of his second term, when the leftists think they've finally gotten rid of him, he may nominate himself for the Supreme Court and serve another 8 years or more.
Nominated approved by the Senate. His legacy will be tremendous!
I would prefer a conservative or moderate appointee over an ideologue but his appointees will definitely be far better than the scum the Democrats would appoint, plus it will be lots of fun to keep pointing out to vermin racist traitor Democrats they're entirely responsible for electing Trump and it's all their doing re the Judges he puts on the bench and the Senate approves. He should look for the youngest ones he can find, too; they will be there a long time.
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I would prefer a conservative or moderate appointee over an ideologue but his appointees will definitely be far better than the scum the Democrats would appoint, plus it will be lots of fun to keep pointing out to vermin racist traitor Democrats they're entirely responsible for electing Trump and it's all their doing re the Judges he puts on the bench and the Senate approves. He should look for the youngest ones he can find, too; they will be there a long rime.
He will be known mostly as the president of cronyism. Not an enviable title, but one the impeached president trump has earned.

The great man Donald J Trump earned the title President of the United States of America.

I voted for him because he was sharp and funny and wasn't corrupt and crooked Hillary, and he could hav espent his entire 8 years sunning himself on the White House patio for all I cared, but he has surprised me by actually fighting for and in some cases actually getting many of his platforms into action; as long as he doesn't do something radically stupid, like taking advice from the RNC's hacks, he will indeed win Bigly in November. Electing Biden will be the end of not only this country but many others as the vermin swarm out of the woodworks around the globe and the wars escalate everywhere.

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