Trump and Pence will never get it about what it takes to mitigate the corona virus.


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Trump and Pence will never get what it takes to mitigate the corona virus.
Trump, Melania and Barron catch the virus along with 35 staff members. Who knows any office or family hit this hard that was nottotally irresponsible.This set back the running of our government for a couple weeks along with setting back his schedule and staff's schedule for campaigning. He continues to do rallies without masks.
Trump and Pence take pride in identifying as not needing masks. Today, Pence's chief of staff and a close aid tested positive.Pence has been exposed. CDC protocol requires him to quarantine for 4 days. Pence is not going to.
Trump and Pence will spend the last week of campaigning, spreading their lies and the corona virus.

After November 3rd, hopefully they will be gone
Trump and Pence will never get what it takes to mitigate the corona virus.
Trump, Melania and Barron catch the virus along with 35 staff members. Who knows any office or family hit this hard that was nottotally irresponsible.This set back the running of our government for a couple weeks along with setting back his schedule and staff's schedule for campaigning. He continues to do rallies without masks.
Trump and Pence take pride in identifying as not needing masks. Today, Pence's chief of staff and a close aid tested positive.Pence has been exposed. CDC protocol requires him to quarantine for 4 days. Pence is not going to.
Trump and Pence will spend the last week of campaigning, spreading their lies and the corona virus.

After November 3rd, hopefully they will be gone

Every American should work to ensure Trump is voted out of office.
Trump and Pence will never get what it takes to mitigate the corona virus.
Trump, Melania and Barron catch the virus along with 35 staff members. Who knows any office or family hit this hard that was nottotally irresponsible.This set back the running of our government for a couple weeks along with setting back his schedule and staff's schedule for campaigning. He continues to do rallies without masks.
Trump and Pence take pride in identifying as not needing masks. Today, Pence's chief of staff and a close aid tested positive.Pence has been exposed. CDC protocol requires him to quarantine for 4 days. Pence is not going to.
Trump and Pence will spend the last week of campaigning, spreading their lies and the corona virus.

After November 3rd, hopefully they will be gone

You know those Biden campaign flyers you get in the mail? You know, the 12" by 7" stiff glossy paper sheets the Biden campaign has supposedly been mailing you the last few weeks?

Hope you washed your hands after handling them. Some unnamed sources have told me that President Trump has a secret laboratory in the basement of the White House. They have been deliberately infecting those by the millions, before sending them to the addresses of registered Democrats.

Please take your temperature right now. If it's one or two degrees above 98.6, you have a low-grade fever and have probably already been infected. They say that ripping your clothes off and running into the street screaming and naked can somewhat mitigate the onset of the virus, so you might want to consider that.

Just tryin' to help here. You're welcome.
Last edited:
Trump and Pence will never get what it takes to mitigate the corona virus.
Trump, Melania and Barron catch the virus along with 35 staff members. Who knows any office or family hit this hard that was nottotally irresponsible.This set back the running of our government for a couple weeks along with setting back his schedule and staff's schedule for campaigning. He continues to do rallies without masks.
Trump and Pence take pride in identifying as not needing masks. Today, Pence's chief of staff and a close aid tested positive.Pence has been exposed. CDC protocol requires him to quarantine for 4 days. Pence is not going to.
Trump and Pence will spend the last week of campaigning, spreading their lies and the corona virus.

After November 3rd, hopefully they will be gone
Cases are through the roof in states that have had face diaper mandates in place for the last several months, dumbfuck.

Fuck your panic porn, and fuck you.
Trump and Pence will never get what it takes to mitigate the corona virus.
Trump, Melania and Barron catch the virus along with 35 staff members. Who knows any office or family hit this hard that was nottotally irresponsible.This set back the running of our government for a couple weeks along with setting back his schedule and staff's schedule for campaigning. He continues to do rallies without masks.
Trump and Pence take pride in identifying as not needing masks. Today, Pence's chief of staff and a close aid tested positive.Pence has been exposed. CDC protocol requires him to quarantine for 4 days. Pence is not going to.
Trump and Pence will spend the last week of campaigning, spreading their lies and the corona virus.

After November 3rd, hopefully they will be gone

Every American should work to ensure Trump is voted out of office.
Trump and Pence will never get what it takes to mitigate the corona virus.
Trump, Melania and Barron catch the virus along with 35 staff members. Who knows any office or family hit this hard that was nottotally irresponsible.This set back the running of our government for a couple weeks along with setting back his schedule and staff's schedule for campaigning. He continues to do rallies without masks.
Trump and Pence take pride in identifying as not needing masks. Today, Pence's chief of staff and a close aid tested positive.Pence has been exposed. CDC protocol requires him to quarantine for 4 days. Pence is not going to.
Trump and Pence will spend the last week of campaigning, spreading their lies and the corona virus.

After November 3rd, hopefully they will be gone
Talking about the rotten job protecting everyone in this country. They could care less is their message.
Today I heard that psychopath of a president talking about [all] the pandemic coverage by the media. It was pathetic.
Does anyone know who doesn't cover the pandemic? He has pounded so many nails into his re-election chances. If those haven't decided who not to vote for I don't understand why not. It really baffles the mind.
The only ones not wearing masks are Rumpian kokksukkers... sorry little wankers... they abandon common sense to embrace the Orange Baboon-God.

More's the pity... because that sorry-a$$ed 5-time draft-dodger... Cadet Bone Spurs... doesn't give a rat's a$$ whether they live or die... poor silly ba$tard$.
The only ones not wearing masks are Rumpian kokksukkers... sorry little wankers... they abandon common sense to embrace the Orange Baboon-God.

More's the pity... because that sorry-a$$ed 5-time draft-dodger... Cadet Bone Spurs... doesn't give a rat's a$$ whether they live or die... poor silly ba$tard$.
Cases are through the roof in states that have had face diaper mandates in place for the last several months, dumbfuck.

Fuck your panic porn, and fuck you.
You see, here in the USA we don't puss out to socialism because less than 1% might die. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That's the way it's been since our inception.
...Cases are through the roof in states that have had face diaper mandates in place for the last several months, dumbfuck. Fuck your panic porn, and fuck you.
Brain-dead and brainwashed...

"Your Honor... the prosecution rests."


Your Orange Baboon-God wants you to get infected to facilitate his radiologist-advisor's asinine theory on attaining herd immunity...

Then again... you pi$$ant$ are very good at following your Dear Leader over the cliff... so... you best obey your massa, and go get infected... right?

You idiots are dangerous... and you're going to be sent packing on November 3rd... as The Republic begins its journey back to rationality and sanity... post-Rump.
Trump and Pence will never get what it takes to mitigate the corona virus.
Trump, Melania and Barron catch the virus along with 35 staff members. Who knows any office or family hit this hard that was nottotally irresponsible.This set back the running of our government for a couple weeks along with setting back his schedule and staff's schedule for campaigning. He continues to do rallies without masks.
Trump and Pence take pride in identifying as not needing masks. Today, Pence's chief of staff and a close aid tested positive.Pence has been exposed. CDC protocol requires him to quarantine for 4 days. Pence is not going to.
Trump and Pence will spend the last week of campaigning, spreading their lies and the corona virus.

After November 3rd, hopefully they will be gone

If that is the depth of your wonder this country is so fucked.
Trump and Pence will never get what it takes to mitigate the corona virus.
Trump, Melania and Barron catch the virus along with 35 staff members. Who knows any office or family hit this hard that was nottotally irresponsible.This set back the running of our government for a couple weeks along with setting back his schedule and staff's schedule for campaigning. He continues to do rallies without masks.
Trump and Pence take pride in identifying as not needing masks. Today, Pence's chief of staff and a close aid tested positive.Pence has been exposed. CDC protocol requires him to quarantine for 4 days. Pence is not going to.
Trump and Pence will spend the last week of campaigning, spreading their lies and the corona virus.

After November 3rd, hopefully they will be gone

Every American should work to ensure Trump is voted out of office.

Wow...telling every American what they should do.

Fuck off.
Trump and Pence will never get what it takes to mitigate the corona virus.
Trump, Melania and Barron catch the virus along with 35 staff members. Who knows any office or family hit this hard that was nottotally irresponsible.This set back the running of our government for a couple weeks along with setting back his schedule and staff's schedule for campaigning. He continues to do rallies without masks.
Trump and Pence take pride in identifying as not needing masks. Today, Pence's chief of staff and a close aid tested positive.Pence has been exposed. CDC protocol requires him to quarantine for 4 days. Pence is not going to.
Trump and Pence will spend the last week of campaigning, spreading their lies and the corona virus.

After November 3rd, hopefully they will be gone

You know those Biden campaign flyers you get in the mail? You know, the 12" by 7" stiff glossy paper sheets the Biden campaign has supposedly been mailing you the last few weeks?

Hope you washed your hands after handling them. Some unnamed sources have told me that President Trump has a secret laboratory in the basement of the White House. They have been deliberately infecting those by the millions, before sending them to the addresses of registered Democrats.

Please take your temperature right now. If it's one or two degrees above 98.6, you have a low-grade fever and have probably already been infected. They say that ripping your clothes off and running into the street screaming and naked can somewhat mitigate the onset of the virus, so you might want to consider that.

Just tryin' to help here. You're welcome.
Was that an attempt at humor. It was stupid not funny. But the majority of Trump minions are stupid not funny.
Trump and Pence will never get what it takes to mitigate the corona virus.
Trump, Melania and Barron catch the virus along with 35 staff members. Who knows any office or family hit this hard that was nottotally irresponsible.This set back the running of our government for a couple weeks along with setting back his schedule and staff's schedule for campaigning. He continues to do rallies without masks.
Trump and Pence take pride in identifying as not needing masks. Today, Pence's chief of staff and a close aid tested positive.Pence has been exposed. CDC protocol requires him to quarantine for 4 days. Pence is not going to.
Trump and Pence will spend the last week of campaigning, spreading their lies and the corona virus.

After November 3rd, hopefully they will be gone
Even though the Bubonic Plague was present during ancient Rome and peaked in Europe in 1371, it's "still" around and crops up in the United States every once in a while.......and that's just a bacterium.
Viruses are much more difficult to expunge. There are three Rhinoviruses (that's the common cold virus) and 160 species of them and all we can do with these common viruses, is "treat the symptoms" until the virus has expended itself, we can't actually cure the common cold.
The Covid-19/Coronavirus is a novel virus and cannot be killed off like a bacterium. To date, no political administration can or has ever solved virus pandemics, that even scientists can't solve.
So, stop blaming politicians. Wash your hands frequently, keep a little distance from those around you and if your state mandates it, wear a mask (although technically, those masks don't actually prevent you from becoming infected).
Trump and Pence will never get what it takes to mitigate the corona virus.
Trump, Melania and Barron catch the virus along with 35 staff members. Who knows any office or family hit this hard that was nottotally irresponsible.This set back the running of our government for a couple weeks along with setting back his schedule and staff's schedule for campaigning. He continues to do rallies without masks.
Trump and Pence take pride in identifying as not needing masks. Today, Pence's chief of staff and a close aid tested positive.Pence has been exposed. CDC protocol requires him to quarantine for 4 days. Pence is not going to.
Trump and Pence will spend the last week of campaigning, spreading their lies and the corona virus.

After November 3rd, hopefully they will be gone

If that is the depth of your wonder this country is so fucked.
It is not my understanding, it is fact; Trump, Melania and Barron catch the virus along with 35 staff members. along with two close Pence staff members.
Trump and Pence will never get what it takes to mitigate the corona virus.
Trump, Melania and Barron catch the virus along with 35 staff members. Who knows any office or family hit this hard that was nottotally irresponsible.This set back the running of our government for a couple weeks along with setting back his schedule and staff's schedule for campaigning. He continues to do rallies without masks.
Trump and Pence take pride in identifying as not needing masks. Today, Pence's chief of staff and a close aid tested positive.Pence has been exposed. CDC protocol requires him to quarantine for 4 days. Pence is not going to.
Trump and Pence will spend the last week of campaigning, spreading their lies and the corona virus.

After November 3rd, hopefully they will be gone

If that is the depth of your wonder this country is so fucked.
It is not my understanding, it is fact; Trump, Melania and Barron catch the virus along with 35 staff members. along with two close Pence staff members.

Did any of them die ?
The only ones not wearing masks are Rumpian kokksukkers... sorry little wankers... they abandon common sense to embrace the Orange Baboon-God.

More's the pity... because that sorry-a$$ed 5-time draft-dodger... Cadet Bone Spurs... doesn't give a rat's a$$ whether they live or die... poor silly ba$tard$.
80% of the people I know or deal with wear masks.
The other 20% just don't seem to give a crap anymore.
Trump and Pence will never get what it takes to mitigate the corona virus.
Trump, Melania and Barron catch the virus along with 35 staff members. Who knows any office or family hit this hard that was nottotally irresponsible.This set back the running of our government for a couple weeks along with setting back his schedule and staff's schedule for campaigning. He continues to do rallies without masks.
Trump and Pence take pride in identifying as not needing masks. Today, Pence's chief of staff and a close aid tested positive.Pence has been exposed. CDC protocol requires him to quarantine for 4 days. Pence is not going to.
Trump and Pence will spend the last week of campaigning, spreading their lies and the corona virus.

After November 3rd, hopefully they will be gone

If that is the depth of your wonder this country is so fucked.
It is not my understanding, it is fact; Trump, Melania and Barron catch the virus along with 35 staff members. along with two close Pence staff members.

Did any of them die ?
You didn't hear that every Republican in the US died?!

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