Trump and Obama are having very different trips to Europe

As Obama is no longer President how people overseas respond to him is of no concern to me they can give him a standing ovation or boo him off the stage I really don't care.
The world is either laughing at or fuming about Trump.
Very revealing article re: Obama vs Trump

Analysis | Trump and Obama are having very different trips to Europe

Thanks to an awkward coincidence, President Trump is in Brussels at the same time as predecessor Barack Obama is in Berlin. These two trips are certainly offering contrasting views of the United States's relationship with Europe.

Obama was in the German capital Thursday morning to appear alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a biennual festival organized by the German protestant church. The two spoke in front of a large crowd at the iconic Brandenburg Gate, with Obama going out of his way to praise Merkel.

“Not only do I love this city, but one of my favorite partners throughout my presidency is sitting next to me,” Obama said with a smile.

Who paid for this trip for Obama and how much did us tax payers pay for his secret service personal?

Surely you know he can afford airfare. His protection costs the same here as abroad. :lmao:
As Obama is no longer President how people overseas respond to him is of no concern to me they can give him a standing ovation or boo him off the stage I really don't care.
The world is either laughing at or fuming about Trump.
Well the world might as well learn to deal with it he's going to be President through at least 2020.
Very revealing article re: Obama vs Trump

Analysis | Trump and Obama are having very different trips to Europe

Thanks to an awkward coincidence, President Trump is in Brussels at the same time as predecessor Barack Obama is in Berlin. These two trips are certainly offering contrasting views of the United States's relationship with Europe.

Obama was in the German capital Thursday morning to appear alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a biennual festival organized by the German protestant church. The two spoke in front of a large crowd at the iconic Brandenburg Gate, with Obama going out of his way to praise Merkel.

“Not only do I love this city, but one of my favorite partners throughout my presidency is sitting next to me,” Obama said with a smile.

Unfortunately -- can't read the article. WaPo wants its pound of flesh. It's their time of the month.
The rest of the world is unwilling to trust President Trump

Really, RW?

This coming from a former president whose mainstay of his eight years was to knife in the back every ally we had, from absolutely fucking over Israel, trying to throw one of their elections and treating them like dirt, to insulting the British by sending their gift of the bust of Winston Churchill back to them and on one occasion giving a gift to their Prime Minister(?) a box set of DVD's??? This coming from a former president who sat by golfing while China took over the S. China Sea international waterway where half the world's trade passes through, N. Korea further developed, Russia took over the Crimea as Obama refused to get involved (I guess he was more flexible after the election), aided the Muslim Brotherhood, drew red lines in Syria he never crossed, pulled out of Iraq destabilizing the entire Middle East, gave back the Taliban most of their top high value prisoners and practically handed the Iranians a nuclear deal?

The rest of the world now trusts our president. They trust him to:
Actually stand by his word.
Totally support Israel.
Have the back of our allies.
Remind the Chinese that the south sea is INTERNATIONAL WATERS.
Remind the N. Koreans that they are on thin ice that could break at any minute.
Remind Assad that his shit ain't going to float anymore.
Remind ISIS that they are living on borrowed time and the Great Bear is right over their shoulder.
Remind Iran that the deal they thought they had isn't going to fly.
And remind all the other nations that we put our sovereignty ahead of theirs. we welcome your friendship and trade, but first, you really have to be friends! And with that, offer us trade that equally benefits us as well as you. And that starts by pointing out that while NATO spent a billion dollars on a fancy world center, they are way short on actually paying their bills to America, GB, and a few other countries.

Yes, indeed. The world can and does absolutely trust our new president that he will bend over backwards to help a friend out, a true friend, be there when you need him, but don't you dare dick him over or insult him with one-sided deals. America is no longer a big, overstuffed cart full of goodies free for the taking. You other countries WILL carry your own weight.

They look at him as a Putin flunky as reflected in his NATO speech

Was his speech written by Putin?
Was way past time to put America first, but God bless Donald Trump who is showcasing that overseas. Flex the muscle, tell 'em like it is
Very revealing article re: Obama vs Trump

Analysis | Trump and Obama are having very different trips to Europe

Thanks to an awkward coincidence, President Trump is in Brussels at the same time as predecessor Barack Obama is in Berlin. These two trips are certainly offering contrasting views of the United States's relationship with Europe.

Obama was in the German capital Thursday morning to appear alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a biennual festival organized by the German protestant church. The two spoke in front of a large crowd at the iconic Brandenburg Gate, with Obama going out of his way to praise Merkel.

“Not only do I love this city, but one of my favorite partners throughout my presidency is sitting next to me,” Obama said with a smile.
Yes but although both have gone to Europe, the two are clearly on different agendas. Trump's there to try and repair alliances that Obama has destroyed over the past eight years while Obama is doing all he can to keep the hate alive especially in regards to Trump. As usual he's just there to implement his favorite divide and conquer tactics like when he worked hard to create dissension between the different factions in the states that sent race relations back fifty or more years.
Very revealing article re: Obama vs Trump

Analysis | Trump and Obama are having very different trips to Europe

Thanks to an awkward coincidence, President Trump is in Brussels at the same time as predecessor Barack Obama is in Berlin. These two trips are certainly offering contrasting views of the United States's relationship with Europe.

Obama was in the German capital Thursday morning to appear alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a biennual festival organized by the German protestant church. The two spoke in front of a large crowd at the iconic Brandenburg Gate, with Obama going out of his way to praise Merkel.

“Not only do I love this city, but one of my favorite partners throughout my presidency is sitting next to me,” Obama said with a smile.
Yes but although both have gone to Europe, the two are clearly on different agendas. Trump's there to try and repair alliances that Obama has destroyed over the past eight years while Obama is doing all he can to keep the hate alive especially in regards to Trump. As usual he's just there to implement his favorite divide and conquer tactics like when he worked hard to create dissension between the different factions in the states that sent race relations back fifty or more years.
OMG, they love Obama and hate Trump.
Obama embraces Germany and enhances our relationship
Trump reaches into his deep vocabulary and calls them "very bad"
Of course they are. Unlike Trump, Obama is a statesman who is loved and respected by our allies, not just his base.

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