Trump And DeSantis Head To Washington To Court Anti LGTBQ Hate Group


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Run by deplorable demagogue Tony Perkins, It's quite specifically an anti-LGBTQ hate group. There's no secondary purpose there. It is "evangelical" only in the sense that it caters to the far-far-right by claiming that conservative religion dictates they get to hate, discriminate against, and oppress LGBTQ+ people if they add "because Jeebus said so" at the end. It's a group that spreads false information about LGBTQ+ Americans to justify a new American theocracy, and it’s the "spreads false information to justify oppression" part that turns a group into a hate group

As of this writing, the CNN version of the story also ignores the Family Research Council's hate group status. Ditto for CNBC.

That's not unusual, either. For some reason, the national media just cannot get enough of quoting and normalizing Perkins' little hate outfit. But the Family Research Council is largely a media creation, because the cable channels and major media outlets jump over themselves to get quotes from this nasty lying asshole every time an LGBTQ+ person anywhere in the world suggests they'd like to be able to live their lives without evangelical assholes crawling up from under the floorboards to demand that they do no such thing.

So that's who Trump and DeSantis are going to pay homage to today: a bunch of straight-up child groomers who think your children belong to them.

If Trump grabs them by the pussy. DeSantis there to tell him to let go of Perkins.
Run by deplorable demagogue Tony Perkins, It's quite specifically an anti-LGBTQ hate group. There's no secondary purpose there. It is "evangelical" only in the sense that it caters to the far-far-right by claiming that conservative religion dictates they get to hate, discriminate against, and oppress LGBTQ+ people if they add "because Jeebus said so" at the end. It's a group that spreads false information about LGBTQ+ Americans to justify a new American theocracy, and it’s the "spreads false information to justify oppression" part that turns a group into a hate group

As of this writing, the CNN version of the story also ignores the Family Research Council's hate group status. Ditto for CNBC.

That's not unusual, either. For some reason, the national media just cannot get enough of quoting and normalizing Perkins' little hate outfit. But the Family Research Council is largely a media creation, because the cable channels and major media outlets jump over themselves to get quotes from this nasty lying asshole every time an LGBTQ+ person anywhere in the world suggests they'd like to be able to live their lives without evangelical assholes crawling up from under the floorboards to demand that they do no such thing.

So that's who Trump and DeSantis are going to pay homage to today: a bunch of straight-up child groomers who think your children belong to them.

If Trump grabs them by the pussy. DeSantis there to tell him to let go of Perkins.

The FRC is anti-child abuse, not anti-LGBTQ. If those two groups intersect (child abusers and LGBTQ), maybe that's the problem.
Run by deplorable demagogue Tony Perkins, It's quite specifically an anti-LGBTQ hate group. There's no secondary purpose there. It is "evangelical" only in the sense that it caters to the far-far-right by claiming that conservative religion dictates they get to hate, discriminate against, and oppress LGBTQ+ people if they add "because Jeebus said so" at the end. It's a group that spreads false information about LGBTQ+ Americans to justify a new American theocracy, and it’s the "spreads false information to justify oppression" part that turns a group into a hate group

As of this writing, the CNN version of the story also ignores the Family Research Council's hate group status. Ditto for CNBC.

That's not unusual, either. For some reason, the national media just cannot get enough of quoting and normalizing Perkins' little hate outfit. But the Family Research Council is largely a media creation, because the cable channels and major media outlets jump over themselves to get quotes from this nasty lying asshole every time an LGBTQ+ person anywhere in the world suggests they'd like to be able to live their lives without evangelical assholes crawling up from under the floorboards to demand that they do no such thing.

So that's who Trump and DeSantis are going to pay homage to today: a bunch of straight-up child groomers who think your children belong to them.

If Trump grabs them by the pussy. DeSantis there to tell him to let go of Perkins.

They embrace the hate. Regardless other members of this forum say.
Run by deplorable demagogue Tony Perkins, It's quite specifically an anti-LGBTQ hate group. There's no secondary purpose there. It is "evangelical" only in the sense that it caters to the far-far-right by claiming that conservative religion dictates they get to hate, discriminate against, and oppress LGBTQ+ people if they add "because Jeebus said so" at the end. It's a group that spreads false information about LGBTQ+ Americans to justify a new American theocracy, and it’s the "spreads false information to justify oppression" part that turns a group into a hate group

As of this writing, the CNN version of the story also ignores the Family Research Council's hate group status. Ditto for CNBC.

That's not unusual, either. For some reason, the national media just cannot get enough of quoting and normalizing Perkins' little hate outfit. But the Family Research Council is largely a media creation, because the cable channels and major media outlets jump over themselves to get quotes from this nasty lying asshole every time an LGBTQ+ person anywhere in the world suggests they'd like to be able to live their lives without evangelical assholes crawling up from under the floorboards to demand that they do no such thing.

So that's who Trump and DeSantis are going to pay homage to today: a bunch of straight-up child groomers who think your children belong to them.

If Trump grabs them by the pussy. DeSantis there to tell him to let go of Perkins.
/----/ Oh BOO HOO HOO.
Run by deplorable demagogue Tony Perkins, It's quite specifically an anti-LGBTQ hate group. There's no secondary purpose there. It is "evangelical" only in the sense that it caters to the far-far-right by claiming that conservative religion dictates they get to hate, discriminate against, and oppress LGBTQ+ people if they add "because Jeebus said so" at the end. It's a group that spreads false information about LGBTQ+ Americans to justify a new American theocracy, and it’s the "spreads false information to justify oppression" part that turns a group into a hate group

As of this writing, the CNN version of the story also ignores the Family Research Council's hate group status. Ditto for CNBC.

That's not unusual, either. For some reason, the national media just cannot get enough of quoting and normalizing Perkins' little hate outfit. But the Family Research Council is largely a media creation, because the cable channels and major media outlets jump over themselves to get quotes from this nasty lying asshole every time an LGBTQ+ person anywhere in the world suggests they'd like to be able to live their lives without evangelical assholes crawling up from under the floorboards to demand that they do no such thing.

So that's who Trump and DeSantis are going to pay homage to today: a bunch of straight-up child groomers who think your children belong to them.

If Trump grabs them by the pussy. DeSantis there to tell him to let go of Perkins.
If course they do.
Run by deplorable demagogue Tony Perkins, It's quite specifically an anti-LGBTQ hate group. There's no secondary purpose there. It is "evangelical" only in the sense that it caters to the far-far-right by claiming that conservative religion dictates they get to hate, discriminate against, and oppress LGBTQ+ people if they add "because Jeebus said so" at the end. It's a group that spreads false information about LGBTQ+ Americans to justify a new American theocracy, and it’s the "spreads false information to justify oppression" part that turns a group into a hate group

As of this writing, the CNN version of the story also ignores the Family Research Council's hate group status. Ditto for CNBC.

That's not unusual, either. For some reason, the national media just cannot get enough of quoting and normalizing Perkins' little hate outfit. But the Family Research Council is largely a media creation, because the cable channels and major media outlets jump over themselves to get quotes from this nasty lying asshole every time an LGBTQ+ person anywhere in the world suggests they'd like to be able to live their lives without evangelical assholes crawling up from under the floorboards to demand that they do no such thing.

So that's who Trump and DeSantis are going to pay homage to today: a bunch of straight-up child groomers who think your children belong to them.

If Trump grabs them by the pussy. DeSantis there to tell him to let go of Perkins.
Our daily dose of Daily Kooks abgitprop spam....yawn...

BTW, the common sense of opposing you degenerate Marxist pukes isn't "hate".

Run by deplorable demagogue Tony Perkins, It's quite specifically an anti-LGBTQ hate group. There's no secondary purpose there. It is "evangelical" only in the sense that it caters to the far-far-right by claiming that conservative religion dictates they get to hate, discriminate against, and oppress LGBTQ+ people if they add "because Jeebus said so" at the end. It's a group that spreads false information about LGBTQ+ Americans to justify a new American theocracy, and it’s the "spreads false information to justify oppression" part that turns a group into a hate group

As of this writing, the CNN version of the story also ignores the Family Research Council's hate group status. Ditto for CNBC.

That's not unusual, either. For some reason, the national media just cannot get enough of quoting and normalizing Perkins' little hate outfit. But the Family Research Council is largely a media creation, because the cable channels and major media outlets jump over themselves to get quotes from this nasty lying asshole every time an LGBTQ+ person anywhere in the world suggests they'd like to be able to live their lives without evangelical assholes crawling up from under the floorboards to demand that they do no such thing.

So that's who Trump and DeSantis are going to pay homage to today: a bunch of straight-up child groomers who think your children belong to them.

If Trump grabs them by the pussy. DeSantis there to tell him to let go of Perkins.
The queers had to do was "what happens behind closed doors, is nobody's business". Once the fags came out, then the proverbial shit hit the fan. Play in shit, bad things are going to happen.

At the time when it was said, i didnt care what queers did, because as long as they didnt push their immoral shit in my face, no problem. Now they have a problem, and it is going to end up going bad for them....
Run by deplorable demagogue Tony Perkins, It's quite specifically an anti-LGBTQ hate group. There's no secondary purpose there. It is "evangelical" only in the sense that it caters to the far-far-right by claiming that conservative religion dictates they get to hate, discriminate against, and oppress LGBTQ+ people if they add "because Jeebus said so" at the end. It's a group that spreads false information about LGBTQ+ Americans to justify a new American theocracy, and it’s the "spreads false information to justify oppression" part that turns a group into a hate group

As of this writing, the CNN version of the story also ignores the Family Research Council's hate group status. Ditto for CNBC.

That's not unusual, either. For some reason, the national media just cannot get enough of quoting and normalizing Perkins' little hate outfit. But the Family Research Council is largely a media creation, because the cable channels and major media outlets jump over themselves to get quotes from this nasty lying asshole every time an LGBTQ+ person anywhere in the world suggests they'd like to be able to live their lives without evangelical assholes crawling up from under the floorboards to demand that they do no such thing.

So that's who Trump and DeSantis are going to pay homage to today: a bunch of straight-up child groomers who think your children belong to them.

If Trump grabs them by the pussy. DeSantis there to tell him to let go of Perkins.
That sounds damn serious.

The only thing your post is missing are some of the hateful things that the Family Research Council has said, and the hateful policies that it advocates.

Go ahead and post those, to complete the presentation.

EDIT: Here is their website to give you a head start:

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So, the question is whether Trump or Ramaswamy is most likely to win the primary endorsement and votes of the FRC, and other groups whose goal is to protect children from the current media-driven social contagion that has dramatically increased the number of girls expressing that they are boys "in the wrong body."

This child victim is fighting back as an adult, which is a step in the right direction. But what is needed if for grownups to act like grownups and protect these children now.

A Tarrant County woman has sued her former doctors for more than $1 million, claiming they coerced her into gender modification treatment and a double mastectomy.
Soren Aldaco filed the medical malpractice lawsuit in a Tarrant County Court against five doctors — Del Scott Perry, Sreenath Nekkalapu, Barbara Wood, Richard Santucci, and Ashley DeLeon. Four companies are also named in the lawsuit.
Aldaco alleges the doctors encouraged and even “coerced” her into following down the path of gender transition treatments that culminated in a 2021 double mastectomy.

“This lawsuit details a chronology of wrongful acts committed by a collective of medical providers who, in their pursuit of experimental ‘gender-affirming’ medical therapies, administered a series of ruinous procedures and treatments to Plaintiff Soren Aldaco, who was then a vulnerable teenager struggling with a slew of mental health issues,” the filing reads.

Treating mental illness with surgery is absurd and should have vanished when doctors were finally forced to stop doing lobotomies.

I believe that this organization will either be neutral, or say that candidates X, Y, and Z are acceptable but not the Chris Christie types. Likely, they would trust DeSantis more, but they have to know, like everyone else, that Trump will be the nominee.

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