Trump admits the WALL rhetoric was nothing more than POLITICS-rambling's of a mad man.

Trump cobbled together a set of positions that he calculated were politically advantageous, without any regard to whether or not he gave a shit about them.
So which topic is up for discussion. Who pays for the wall or a regressive scientist speculation on peoples brains?

Based on a reproduction of stolen documents?
I love how for Clinton Wikileaks was just revealing the truth and the conversation couldn't be about the hacks. But for Trump we can't talk about the substance of the leaks, it's has to be about the horrible crimes of "stealing documents" or leaking information. Y'all crack me up

Conversations between national leaders are classified for a reason. They have to be able to speak openly to each other. Trying to draw a false parallel between classified information and emails in a private organization just shows how stupid you regressives are.


What level of classification was assigned to Trump's phonecalls?

All phone calls between any of our presidents and other foreign leaders are classified.
Without that privacy they will not be able to have secured national interest discussions.
Who ever leaked them has committed treason.
If this had happened under Obama ,the news would all about talk of getting the traitors and how national security has been compromised.
Trump cobbled together a set of positions that he calculated were politically advantageous, without any regard to whether or not he gave a shit about them.

Yea, like if 'You can keep your doctor' and save $2500 a year


theres something mentally wrong with people so trump obsessed they recreate what he says into something else.
Trump cobbled together a set of positions that he calculated were politically advantageous, without any regard to whether or not he gave a shit about them.

Yea, like if 'You can keep your doctor' and save $2500 a year



You have two examples of Obama promising something that never happened and Trump has dozens.


Irrelevant, perhaps POTUS is becoming a politician


So now you're praising Trump for swimming in the swamp instead of draining it.

lol, how unsurprising.
Trump cobbled together a set of positions that he calculated were politically advantageous, without any regard to whether or not he gave a shit about them.

Yea, like if 'You can keep your doctor' and save $2500 a year



You have two examples of Obama promising something that never happened and Trump has dozens.


Irrelevant, perhaps POTUS is becoming a politician


So now you're praising Trump for swimming in the swamp instead of draining it.

lol, how unsurprising.

Lets review some more Obama's lies


  • Obama abandoned his commitment to "unprecedented" transparency.
  • Obama has failed on his promise to close GITMO.
  • Obama failed to end the war in Iraq and finish the job in Afghanistan.
  • Obama broke his promise to pursue a "tough, smart and principled national security strategy."
  • Obama broke his promise not to raise taxes on the middle-class.
  • Obama failed to grow the middle-class and Americans' incomes.
  • Obama broke his promise to allow Americans to keep their plans and lower costs under Obamacare.
  • Obama failed to make immigration a top priority and pass comprehensive reform in his first year.
  • Obama failed to "nail shut" the revolving door of lobbyists working in his administration.
  • Obama broke his promise to bring both parties together to enact a bipartisan agenda.
Trump cobbled together a set of positions that he calculated were politically advantageous, without any regard to whether or not he gave a shit about them.

Yea, like if 'You can keep your doctor' and save $2500 a year



You have two examples of Obama promising something that never happened and Trump has dozens.


Irrelevant, perhaps POTUS is becoming a politician


So now you're praising Trump for swimming in the swamp instead of draining it.

lol, how unsurprising.

Lets review some more Obama's lies


  • Obama abandoned his commitment to "unprecedented" transparency.
  • Obama has failed on his promise to close GITMO.
  • Obama failed to end the war in Iraq and finish the job in Afghanistan.
  • Obama broke his promise to pursue a "tough, smart and principled national security strategy."
  • Obama broke his promise not to raise taxes on the middle-class.
  • Obama failed to grow the middle-class and Americans' incomes.
  • Obama broke his promise to allow Americans to keep their plans and lower costs under Obamacare.
  • Obama failed to make immigration a top priority and pass comprehensive reform in his first year.
  • Obama failed to "nail shut" the revolving door of lobbyists working in his administration.
  • Obama broke his promise to bring both parties together to enact a bipartisan agenda.
The Top 10 Broken Promises Of The Obama Presidency
Lets review some more Obama's lies

Actually, let's not. Why?
  • Because whatever one's view about Obama and his remarks, he's not POTUS and because we have no evidence that any of his "ramblings" were things in which apparently he didn't genuinely believe held political/rhetorical and substantive import.
  • Because the thread topic is Trump's "ramblings," not anyone else's.
  • Because Trump isn't claiming that he's lying because Obama lied; thus that tu quoque BS of "but 'so and so' lied too" doesn't hold water.
Quite simply, the value of Trump's "ramblings" and idea rise and fall on their own merits/demerits just as do those of everyone else. So, if one thinks Trump's ideas, remarks, and behaviors are sound, fine, but defend them on their own, not by dint of how they, in one's own mind, compare to someone else's ideas. To do otherwise discounts the legitimacy of Trump's "ramblings" and ideas rather than boosting them.
Yea, like if 'You can keep your doctor' and save $2500 a year



You have two examples of Obama promising something that never happened and Trump has dozens.


Irrelevant, perhaps POTUS is becoming a politician


So now you're praising Trump for swimming in the swamp instead of draining it.

lol, how unsurprising.

Lets review some more Obama's lies


  • Obama abandoned his commitment to "unprecedented" transparency.
  • Obama has failed on his promise to close GITMO.
  • Obama failed to end the war in Iraq and finish the job in Afghanistan.
  • Obama broke his promise to pursue a "tough, smart and principled national security strategy."
  • Obama broke his promise not to raise taxes on the middle-class.
  • Obama failed to grow the middle-class and Americans' incomes.
  • Obama broke his promise to allow Americans to keep their plans and lower costs under Obamacare.
  • Obama failed to make immigration a top priority and pass comprehensive reform in his first year.
  • Obama failed to "nail shut" the revolving door of lobbyists working in his administration.
  • Obama broke his promise to bring both parties together to enact a bipartisan agenda.
The Top 10 Broken Promises Of The Obama Presidency
Lets review some more Obama's lies

Actually, let's not. Why?
  • Because whatever one's view about Obama and his remarks, he's not POTUS and because we have no evidence that any of his "ramblings" were things in which apparently he didn't genuinely believe held political/rhetorical and substantive import.
  • Because the thread topic is Trump's "ramblings," not anyone else's.
  • Because Trump isn't claiming that he's lying because Obama lied; thus that tu quoque BS of "but 'so and so' lied too" doesn't hold water.
Quite simply, the value of Trump's "ramblings" and idea rise and fall on their own merits/demerits just as do those of everyone else. So, if one thinks Trump's ideas, remarks, and behaviors are sound, fine, but defend them on their own, not by dint of how they, in one's own mind, compare to someone else's ideas. To do otherwise discounts the legitimacy of Trump's "ramblings" and ideas rather than boosting them.
but the bottom line:

trump lies you dive into a tizzy
obama lies you dont care. prove it. their fault for obstructing. they deserve it.

when you show equal anger for the lies, then ill pay attention to you, mr dickens. til then your war n peace rants are emo driven.
You have two examples of Obama promising something that never happened and Trump has dozens.


Irrelevant, perhaps POTUS is becoming a politician


So now you're praising Trump for swimming in the swamp instead of draining it.

lol, how unsurprising.

Lets review some more Obama's lies


  • Obama abandoned his commitment to "unprecedented" transparency.
  • Obama has failed on his promise to close GITMO.
  • Obama failed to end the war in Iraq and finish the job in Afghanistan.
  • Obama broke his promise to pursue a "tough, smart and principled national security strategy."
  • Obama broke his promise not to raise taxes on the middle-class.
  • Obama failed to grow the middle-class and Americans' incomes.
  • Obama broke his promise to allow Americans to keep their plans and lower costs under Obamacare.
  • Obama failed to make immigration a top priority and pass comprehensive reform in his first year.
  • Obama failed to "nail shut" the revolving door of lobbyists working in his administration.
  • Obama broke his promise to bring both parties together to enact a bipartisan agenda.
The Top 10 Broken Promises Of The Obama Presidency
Lets review some more Obama's lies

Actually, let's not. Why?
  • Because whatever one's view about Obama and his remarks, he's not POTUS and because we have no evidence that any of his "ramblings" were things in which apparently he didn't genuinely believe held political/rhetorical and substantive import.
  • Because the thread topic is Trump's "ramblings," not anyone else's.
  • Because Trump isn't claiming that he's lying because Obama lied; thus that tu quoque BS of "but 'so and so' lied too" doesn't hold water.
Quite simply, the value of Trump's "ramblings" and idea rise and fall on their own merits/demerits just as do those of everyone else. So, if one thinks Trump's ideas, remarks, and behaviors are sound, fine, but defend them on their own, not by dint of how they, in one's own mind, compare to someone else's ideas. To do otherwise discounts the legitimacy of Trump's "ramblings" and ideas rather than boosting them.
but the bottom line:

trump lies you dive into a tizzy
obama lies you dont care. prove it. their fault for obstructing. they deserve it.

when you show equal anger for the lies, then ill pay attention to you, mr dickens. til then your war n peace rants are emo driven.

That's just your fallacious way of not holding Trump accountable.
I find great humor in watching how naive ... and intellectually dishonest ... people, especially snowflakes, are.

Does the OP really believe politicians run for office without making promises, promises they have no intention of keeping?!

Obama, for example, promised to have 'the most transparent administration evuh'. Instead, he had the LEAST transparent administration in US history:

- He set a new record for most criminal NON-compliance with (violations of) the FOIA

- It was exposed he used an alias account to e-mail back and forth with Hillary Clinton while she used her un-authorized private server, and lied about not knowing about it until he learned about it from the media.

- Many of his agency leads were exposed as having fake names / e-mail accounts with which they conducted official business in order to bypass the FOIA and Federal Records Act

- His Secretary of State was exposed as having violated both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act

- His 1st US AG became the 1st US AG in US history to be Censured (bipartisanly) for committing Perjury in an attempt to cover up Obama's Fast and Furious Scandal

... and this was just the tip of the proverbial iceberg...

Obama NEVER had any intention of running the 'most transparent administration evuh'. It wasn't the 'Chicago Way'...HIS way. It was just one of the very 1st lies he told.
We are going to have a wall folks. A big beautiful wall and we are...folks, Mexico is paying for it. The best deals, and we know they are saying I can build a great wall, the best. In fact a great friend called the other day, he....just an amazing person and the.....a very smart person. And he said Donald, you can build the best wall. And I agree, I mean they...and he is right I can build a great wall, just tremendous. We will do tremendous things folks.

And gYYna, we will be tough on gYYna . Gyyna took all your jobs folks, and they...we will be tough on, va, gYYna. I will make great deals folks, just tremendous...
So which topic is up for discussion. Who pays for the wall or a regressive scientist speculation on peoples brains?

Based on a reproduction of stolen documents?
I love how for Clinton Wikileaks was just revealing the truth and the conversation couldn't be about the hacks. But for Trump we can't talk about the substance of the leaks, it's has to be about the horrible crimes of "stealing documents" or leaking information. Y'all crack me up

Conversations between national leaders are classified for a reason. They have to be able to speak openly to each other. Trying to draw a false parallel between classified information and emails in a private organization just shows how stupid you regressives are.

You miss the point completely

No, like the typical regressive you were trying to claim there is hypocrisy it wanting to protect information vital to national security and not much giving a shit that a corrupt private organization like the DNC was exposed for the world to see.

If you lack the ability to distinguish the difference, well, that just makes you stupid.

I don't lack the ability to distinguish the difference. I recognize the security issues with leaks and respect the fact that our POTUS should be able to have private conversations. But you all use this anti leak argument to divert from talking about the substance of the leaks. It's weak
Based on a reproduction of stolen documents?
I love how for Clinton Wikileaks was just revealing the truth and the conversation couldn't be about the hacks. But for Trump we can't talk about the substance of the leaks, it's has to be about the horrible crimes of "stealing documents" or leaking information. Y'all crack me up

Conversations between national leaders are classified for a reason. They have to be able to speak openly to each other. Trying to draw a false parallel between classified information and emails in a private organization just shows how stupid you regressives are.

You miss the point completely

No, like the typical regressive you were trying to claim there is hypocrisy it wanting to protect information vital to national security and not much giving a shit that a corrupt private organization like the DNC was exposed for the world to see.

If you lack the ability to distinguish the difference, well, that just makes you stupid.


How ironic is it that leftards claim there wasn't anything that damning in the Wikileaks e-mail dump but yet blame the loss of the Hildebeast on the release of them.
Hillary lost because Trump resonated with the people better than she did, plain and simple. I don't mind the Wikileaks info because it did expose real things. The drip drip and over politicization of much of the content was pretty weak but that's what happens. Just as it is happening now with Trump. Flynn was exposed because of a leak, you can get mad at the leak all you want but you can't deny the truth that came to light. Trump lies incessantly so I dont trust a thing he or his administration says. While I don't encourage leaks that threaten our national security I do appreciate the accountability that they bring. There are way to many lies coming out of Washington... bottom line.
Based on a reproduction of stolen documents?
I love how for Clinton Wikileaks was just revealing the truth and the conversation couldn't be about the hacks. But for Trump we can't talk about the substance of the leaks, it's has to be about the horrible crimes of "stealing documents" or leaking information. Y'all crack me up

Conversations between national leaders are classified for a reason. They have to be able to speak openly to each other. Trying to draw a false parallel between classified information and emails in a private organization just shows how stupid you regressives are.

You miss the point completely

No, like the typical regressive you were trying to claim there is hypocrisy it wanting to protect information vital to national security and not much giving a shit that a corrupt private organization like the DNC was exposed for the world to see.

If you lack the ability to distinguish the difference, well, that just makes you stupid.


You just got a big stick shoved up a dark spot by the person you supported and voted for---:badgrin:



What the hell does that have to do with someone releasing transcripts of the private discussions between two national leaders and our president? It's a shame you lack the intelligence to follow a conversation and stay on topic.


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