Mueller Seeks White House Documents on Flynn


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Mueller Seeks White House Documents on Flynn
Source: New York Times
WASHINGTON — Investigators working for the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, recently asked the White House for documents related to former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn, and have questioned witnesses about whether he was secretly paid by the Turkish government during the final months of the presidential campaign, according to people close to the investigation.

Though not a formal subpoena, the document request is the first known instance of Mr. Mueller’s team asking the White House to hand over records.

In interviews with potential witnesses in recent weeks, prosecutors and F.B.I. agents have spent hours poring over the details of Mr. Flynn’s business dealings with a Turkish-American businessman who worked last year with Mr. Flynn and his consulting business, the Flynn Intel Group.

The company was paid $530,000 to run a campaign to discredit an opponent of the Turkish government who has been accused of orchestrating last year’s failed coup in the country.
Read more: Mueller Seeks White House Documents on Flynn

I think this is first known instance of Mueller’s team asking the WH to hand over records, but I doubt it will be the last. The flood gates have opened.
Why would the WH have records of what Flynn's company did before the election and what does Turkey have to do with the Russia investigation? Sounds like Mueller is already straying form his mandate.

The Quickening

bye bye Crazy Ivan

To bad though

You deplorables should have stuck with the liar who's dad killed Kennedy
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You forget it is faux nyt, after all. Lol
Why would the WH have records of what Flynn's company did before the election and what does Turkey have to do with the Russia investigation? Sounds like Mueller is already straying form his mandate.

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Why would the WH have records of what Flynn's company did before the election and what does Turkey have to do with the Russia investigation?

When the Trumpsters hire a FRAUD and a LIAR, some responsibility should be taken, don't you think?
Why would the WH have records of what Flynn's company did before the election and what does Turkey have to do with the Russia investigation? Sounds like Mueller is already straying form his mandate.

How is he straying from his mandate?
Why would the WH have records of what Flynn's company did before the election and what does Turkey have to do with the Russia investigation? Sounds like Mueller is already straying form his mandate.

How is he straying from his mandate?
The better question is why would anyone care.

I don't care what Muller investigates - investigate everything. Either Trump is guilty or he is innocent - no one should be afraid of getting the truth about the nations elected officials.
Mueller Seeks White House Documents on Flynn
Source: New York Times
WASHINGTON — Investigators working for the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, recently asked the White House for documents related to former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn, and have questioned witnesses about whether he was secretly paid by the Turkish government during the final months of the presidential campaign, according to people close to the investigation.

Though not a formal subpoena, the document request is the first known instance of Mr. Mueller’s team asking the White House to hand over records.

In interviews with potential witnesses in recent weeks, prosecutors and F.B.I. agents have spent hours poring over the details of Mr. Flynn’s business dealings with a Turkish-American businessman who worked last year with Mr. Flynn and his consulting business, the Flynn Intel Group.

The company was paid $530,000 to run a campaign to discredit an opponent of the Turkish government who has been accused of orchestrating last year’s failed coup in the country.
Read more: Mueller Seeks White House Documents on Flynn

I think this is first known instance of Mueller’s team asking the WH to hand over records, but I doubt it will be the last. The flood gates have opened.

Holy Shit! An invetigative team asked for documents!!! TRUMP IS SCREWED!!!

You forget it is faux nyt, after all. Lol
Why would the WH have records of what Flynn's company did before the election and what does Turkey have to do with the Russia investigation? Sounds like Mueller is already straying form his mandate.


Speaking of the NYT....noticed how they've avoided the Debbie Wasserman Schultz scandal?

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