Trump actually wanted Palin's "endorsement"?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
One wonders, since none of the previous outrageous statements that Trump has made have brought his standings downward, if an endorsement from this truly embarrassing ex-governor could finally break through the Teflon.

I know we banter on here about left and right politics, but there should be some unity by all of us in openly stating that Sarah Palin is both an embarrassment to grown-up politics, and an albatross to any one's back who receives her "endorsement."
I believe this is the 6th thread on Palin and Trump, it deserves a 6th posting of this!

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Well, Vigilante, may be on to something.....I mean with Palin's endorsement, what could possibly go wrong?????:2up:
Palin Had Highest Favorability Among Republican Primary Voters 2016.

Sarah Palin.png

Though former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was not included in a Public Policy Polling survey of potential 2016 Republican presidential contenders, she was still overwhelmingly the most liked person among Republican primary voters.

According to Public Policy Polling:

The best liked person we tested on this poll with Republican primary voters is actually Sarah Palin who has a 70/20 favorability rating.

- See more at: Poll: Sarah Palin Has Highest Favorability Rating Among GOP Primary Voters

So, yeah...I think he REALLY wanted her endorsement.

All the vitriol from the left is just a bonus, galvanizing Trump's conservative support.
Well, Vigilante, may be on to something.....I mean with Palin's endorsement, what could possibly go wrong?????:2up:

This endorsement has one purpose and one purpose only. Bury Cruz in Iowa. So, yeah, her endorsement helps Trump. In the long run it means nothing. Jesus, did you see her speech? She's a fucking retard, there is no way Trump is bringing this troll back in front of the cameras.
I love the left insulting Sarah while failing to recognize the great endorsement of Clinton by Behar when she said she'd rather vote for a rapist or a pro abortion person than a conservative.

At least she's honest. She embodies liberal values so well.

The real question is .....who will Scott Brown endorse ! Lol!
I love the left insulting Sarah while failing to recognize the great endorsement of Clinton by Behar when she said she'd rather vote for a rapist or a pro abortion person than a conservative.

At least she's honest. She embodies liberal values so well.


Hillary Clinton is a rapist!!!
One wonders, since none of the previous outrageous statements that Trump has made have brought his standings downward, if an endorsement from this truly embarrassing ex-governor could finally break through the Teflon.

I know we banter on here about left and right politics, but there should be some unity by all of us in openly stating that Sarah Palin is both an embarrassment to grown-up politics, and an albatross to any one's back who receives her "endorsement."

Ahahaha look who's talking the sex fiend Bill Clinton has endorsed Hillary for president. :laugh:
Palin Had Highest Favorability Among Republican Primary Voters 2016.
View attachment 60387

Though former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was not included in a Public Policy Polling survey of potential 2016 Republican presidential contenders, she was still overwhelmingly the most liked person among Republican primary voters.

According to Public Policy Polling:

The best liked person we tested on this poll with Republican primary voters is actually Sarah Palin who has a 70/20 favorability rating.

- See more at: Poll: Sarah Palin Has Highest Favorability Rating Among GOP Primary Voters

So, yeah...I think he REALLY wanted her endorsement.

All the vitriol from the left is just a bonus, galvanizing Trump's conservative support.

Such crap......delusional BUT somewhat entertaining.

Fist of all, there are polls and then there are polls....For example from NBC/Wall Street Journal:

More than half of the country has a message for former Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin: enough.

That's the result from a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Annenberg poll in which 54 percent of voters say they've heard enough from Palin and would prefer that she be less outspoken in political debates.

That includes nearly two-thirds of Democrats, a majority of independents, and even nearly four-in-10 Republicans.

Secondly, the polls implemented by PPP are......well, somewhat "mythological"...For example, PPP has polled their "base" on such issues as:

1. The approval rating of God,
2. Whether Republican voters believe Obama would be eligible to enter heaven in the event of the Rapture.... and
3. Whether hipsters should be subjected to a special tax for being annoying.

Yeah......PPP is a real "unbiased" and "credible" polling outfit....:LOL
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This endorsement has one purpose and one purpose only. Bury Cruz in Iowa. So, yeah, her endorsement helps Trump. In the long run it means nothing. Jesus, did you see her speech? She's a fucking retard, there is no way Trump is bringing this troll back in front of the cameras.

100% correct !!!

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