Trump about to whack solar with a tariff

Solar power Green energy pundits use the SUN IS FREE.......................Look at the PRICES DROPPING.........

But what they don't tell you is that PER KWH they are MASSIVELY MORE EXPENSIVE than FOSSIL FUELS.

The ONLY THING THAT which case the cost of installing a system at your home over time makes it COST REAL TERMS OF COST.

I don't have any grievance with solar power or wind.............geo thermal power..............I have an issue with the OVERALL COSTS to power your home......

I have a problem as they YELL LOOKY HERE............PRICES ARE FALLING.........which they are.....but not on any level to compete with other fuels. Without Subsidies and tax breaks they are VERY VERY EXPENSIVE.
"Polluted" air is like driving down a rocky road. Natural "clean" air is like driving down a road where a mob of pedestrians is throwing rocks at you. It is full of harmful bacteria, viruses, and insects--which "pollution" kills.
:oops-28::oops-28: :spinner:

"A steep rise in panel prices "could be huge and disastrous for large-scale solar," said Tom Werner, chief executive of San Jose-based SunPower Corp (SPWR.O), a top U.S. solar company that is majority owned by France's Total (TOTF.PA). "Developers are alarmed and planning."

So damn happy to see funding for solar projects in the shitter!! As it should be. Remember the days of Soetero where hundreds of billions of taxpayer money went up in smoke..........a disgrace...........a disaster.......except to the climate k00ks. Progressives never care about what things cost.........if the intentions are noble, the wasted money is money well spent = a mental disorder. Good to see President Trump kicking the mental cases square in the nutsack.:up:
Nothing like the right wing always being, behind the curve:

The Price of Solar Is Declining to Unprecedented Lows

That is due to the buckets full of subsidy money...when that dries up prices will skyrocket...when government is paying you to be in business profit isnt so important...take subsidy money away and the picture changes radically
dude; absolutely NoBody on the left should take anyone on the right and most especially You, seriously about economics.

The left is willing to advance emerging technologies, not just fossil fuels.

Coal: A Long History of Subsidies | Taxpayers for Common Sense

Funny that you should think that you have a clue regarding economics...if you did you would know that tax breaks and credits are not money handed to business is a subsidy...and more tax money was handed to and lost bu green energy companies during the Obama administration than the coal industry has got in the past 50 years..

Im sure you would have a problem with this concept, but government is rarely the answer to a problem... and if Green energy were a viable industry...government subsidies would not be necessary.
:oops-28::oops-28: :spinner:

"A steep rise in panel prices "could be huge and disastrous for large-scale solar," said Tom Werner, chief executive of San Jose-based SunPower Corp (SPWR.O), a top U.S. solar company that is majority owned by France's Total (TOTF.PA). "Developers are alarmed and planning."

So damn happy to see funding for solar projects in the shitter!! As it should be. Remember the days of Soetero where hundreds of billions of taxpayer money went up in smoke..........a disgrace...........a disaster.......except to the climate k00ks. Progressives never care about what things cost.........if the intentions are noble, the wasted money is money well spent = a mental disorder. Good to see President Trump kicking the mental cases square in the nutsack.:up:
Nothing like the right wing always being, behind the curve:

The Price of Solar Is Declining to Unprecedented Lows

That is due to the buckets full of subsidy money...when that dries up prices will skyrocket...when government is paying you to be in business profit isnt so important...take subsidy money away and the picture changes radically
dude; absolutely NoBody on the left should take anyone on the right and most especially You, seriously about economics.

The left is willing to advance emerging technologies, not just fossil fuels.

Coal: A Long History of Subsidies | Taxpayers for Common Sense

Funny that you should think that you have a clue regarding economics...if you did you would know that tax breaks and credits are not money handed to business is a subsidy...and more tax money was handed to and lost bu green energy companies during the Obama administration than the coal industry has got in the past 50 years..

Im sure you would have a problem with this concept, but government is rarely the answer to a problem... and if Green energy were a viable industry...government subsidies would not be necessary.
No Common Sense on the right wing?

Coal: A Long History of Subsidies | Taxpayers for Common Sense
:oops-28::oops-28: :spinner:

"A steep rise in panel prices "could be huge and disastrous for large-scale solar," said Tom Werner, chief executive of San Jose-based SunPower Corp (SPWR.O), a top U.S. solar company that is majority owned by France's Total (TOTF.PA). "Developers are alarmed and planning."

So damn happy to see funding for solar projects in the shitter!! As it should be. Remember the days of Soetero where hundreds of billions of taxpayer money went up in smoke..........a disgrace...........a disaster.......except to the climate k00ks. Progressives never care about what things cost.........if the intentions are noble, the wasted money is money well spent = a mental disorder. Good to see President Trump kicking the mental cases square in the nutsack.:up:
Nothing like the right wing always being, behind the curve:

The Price of Solar Is Declining to Unprecedented Lows

That is due to the buckets full of subsidy money...when that dries up prices will skyrocket...when government is paying you to be in business profit isnt so important...take subsidy money away and the picture changes radically
dude; absolutely NoBody on the left should take anyone on the right and most especially You, seriously about economics.

The left is willing to advance emerging technologies, not just fossil fuels.

Coal: A Long History of Subsidies | Taxpayers for Common Sense

First you have to have facts... not left wing hack sites...
Liberal Defense Mechanisim.JPG
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Figures from the Solar Energy Industries Association show steady growth for solar in the past decade, but the curve shot up steeply in 2016.



"We project over the next five years that solar installations will triple. Even though there is a reset after this record year, it is still on an incredible growth trajectory. The technology continues to evolve at a pretty rapid pace, and the prices, they have come down 64 percent in the last five years."

— Abigail Ross Hopper, president and CEO of Solar Energy Industries Association
State solar capacity
Texas still lags behind several smaller states but is becoming a bigger player in the solar market.

Texas' moment in the sun; Lone Star State a powerful force in solar energy | Economic Snapshot | Dallas News

Damn those ultra liberal Texans. When will they learn that wind and solar are losers? LOL
Figures from the Solar Energy Industries Association show steady growth for solar in the past decade, but the curve shot up steeply in 2016.



"We project over the next five years that solar installations will triple. Even though there is a reset after this record year, it is still on an incredible growth trajectory. The technology continues to evolve at a pretty rapid pace, and the prices, they have come down 64 percent in the last five years."

— Abigail Ross Hopper, president and CEO of Solar Energy Industries Association
State solar capacity
Texas still lags behind several smaller states but is becoming a bigger player in the solar market.

Texas' moment in the sun; Lone Star State a powerful force in solar energy | Economic Snapshot | Dallas News

Damn those ultra liberal Texans. When will they learn that wind and solar are losers? LOL

But as usual.........the progressive side of the debate ALWAYS falls flat on its face when confronted with the question, "As compared to what?"

Sure that fancy blue line looks impressive on the graph above.........a low information sucker will fall for it every time and say, "WOW!!". But.........and how laughable............when you put the blue line high point next to a graph of gigawatts of any fossil fuel for comparison, its like standing Keira Knightly next to Kim Kardasian in a boob contest and stating Knightly wins! And 30 years from now, its the same thing..........well, at least if you go by the Obama EIA report from 2016 which says solar still a joke in 2040. Wind too.......even with hydro, still will be only at 10% of meeting our electrticiy needs. Ghey.

When you see posts from the AGW crowd with words like "bigger"........."increased"........"growth"........."rapid pace"..................thats the time for your radar to come up s0ns...........a fake picture being created.
:oops-28::oops-28: :spinner:

"A steep rise in panel prices "could be huge and disastrous for large-scale solar," said Tom Werner, chief executive of San Jose-based SunPower Corp (SPWR.O), a top U.S. solar company that is majority owned by France's Total (TOTF.PA). "Developers are alarmed and planning."

So damn happy to see funding for solar projects in the shitter!! As it should be. Remember the days of Soetero where hundreds of billions of taxpayer money went up in smoke..........a disgrace...........a disaster.......except to the climate k00ks. Progressives never care about what things cost.........if the intentions are noble, the wasted money is money well spent = a mental disorder. Good to see President Trump kicking the mental cases square in the nutsack.:up:
Nothing like the right wing always being, behind the curve:

The Price of Solar Is Declining to Unprecedented Lows
Tesla/SolarCity/Silevo/Panasonic 1GW Buffalo fab’s known unknowns

Primarily, the vague first paragraph gave all that the companies were prepared to state about the manufacturing plans, which for reference is published below:

‘Tesla and Panasonic have finalized an agreement this week to begin the manufacturing of photovoltaic (PV) cells and modules at the Buffalo, NY factory. These high-efficiency PV cells and modules will be used to produce solar panels in the non-solar roof products. When production of the solar roof begins, Tesla will also incorporate Panasonic's cells into the many kinds of solar glass tile roofs that Tesla will be manufacturing. All of these solar products will work seamlessly with Tesla's energy storage products, Powerwall and Powerpack. Production of the first PV modules will begin in summer 2017, and will ramp to 1 Gigawatt of module production by 2019.’

Having read this paragraph countless times, the poor wording and structure seems to have been on purpose and the last part of the last sentence does not seem to relate to Panasonic’s involvement. Instead, this would seem to be a reference to the SolarCity/Silevo part of Buffalo fab.

There have been several push-outs to the timing of the original SolarCity/Silevo tool install phase(s) of the 1GW nameplate cell and module capacity since the facility was first announced back in June 2014.
Progress is happening at a faster pace. Only the right wing prefers to sink costs on fossil fuels.
I provided FACTS on the cost per type of energy source.

Disprove can't.............

When PV's equal the cost per KWH of fossil fuels you come back here and let me know................

Got news for you................if the article I read is true..........the cheapest PV panel made in foreign countries would be 75 cents a watt...........

Yet some companies are now saying they can produce them for a RECORD BREAKING 55 cents a watt............

If that is the case.............TRUMP is ACTUALLY HELPING YOU TO CREATE JOBS HERE IN THIS MARKET..........but you are too blind to see..................because EVERYBODY HATES TRUMP.
to hate trump is to hate america. American jobs bad in these goofs eyes.
Trump promised to bring back the 19th century. This is just him keeping his promises.
I'll take his 19th century rather than your 16th century.
here's where the left wants us to go.

Wind Energy Foundation | History of Wind Energy

"Since early recorded history, people have harnessed the energy of the wind. Wind energy propelled boats along the Nile River as early as 5000 B.C. By 200 B.C., simple windmills in China were pumping water, while vertical-axis windmills with woven reed sails were grinding grain in Persia and the Middle East."

and they're complaining about 19th century and those inventions.

And things change. If solar is given its day then it will get cheaper and cheaper. But oil, gas and coal people don't want that, do they? And they spend a lot of money telling people why it shouldn't happen, don't they?
why do you think solar hasn't been given its day? what happened to obama and solydra? what happened there exactly that they weren't given their day?
:oops-28::oops-28: :spinner:

"A steep rise in panel prices "could be huge and disastrous for large-scale solar," said Tom Werner, chief executive of San Jose-based SunPower Corp (SPWR.O), a top U.S. solar company that is majority owned by France's Total (TOTF.PA). "Developers are alarmed and planning."

So damn happy to see funding for solar projects in the shitter!! As it should be. Remember the days of Soetero where hundreds of billions of taxpayer money went up in smoke..........a disgrace...........a disaster.......except to the climate k00ks. Progressives never care about what things cost.........if the intentions are noble, the wasted money is money well spent = a mental disorder. Good to see President Trump kicking the mental cases square in the nutsack.:up:
Nothing like the right wing always being, behind the curve:

The Price of Solar Is Declining to Unprecedented Lows

That is due to the buckets full of subsidy money...when that dries up prices will skyrocket...when government is paying you to be in business profit isnt so important...take subsidy money away and the picture changes radically
dude; absolutely NoBody on the left should take anyone on the right and most especially You, seriously about economics.

The left is willing to advance emerging technologies, not just fossil fuels.

Coal: A Long History of Subsidies | Taxpayers for Common Sense
for you to think this just makes you ignorant.

And things change. If solar is given its day then it will get cheaper and cheaper. But oil, gas and coal people don't want that, do they? And they spend a lot of money telling people why it shouldn't happen, don't they?
why do you think solar hasn't been given its day? what happened to obama and solydra? what happened there exactly that they weren't given their day?

Oh, wait. You're saying give it five minutes and if it hasn't done anything amazing, get rid of it?
Figures from the Solar Energy Industries Association show steady growth for solar in the past decade, but the curve shot up steeply in 2016.



"We project over the next five years that solar installations will triple. Even though there is a reset after this record year, it is still on an incredible growth trajectory. The technology continues to evolve at a pretty rapid pace, and the prices, they have come down 64 percent in the last five years."

— Abigail Ross Hopper, president and CEO of Solar Energy Industries Association
State solar capacity
Texas still lags behind several smaller states but is becoming a bigger player in the solar market.

Texas' moment in the sun; Lone Star State a powerful force in solar energy | Economic Snapshot | Dallas News

Damn those ultra liberal Texans. When will they learn that wind and solar are losers? LOL

But as usual.........the progressive side of the debate ALWAYS falls flat on its face when confronted with the question, "As compared to what?"

Sure that fancy blue line looks impressive on the graph above.........a low information sucker will fall for it every time and say, "WOW!!". But.........and how laughable............when you put the blue line high point next to a graph of gigawatts of any fossil fuel for comparison, its like standing Keira Knightly next to Kim Kardasian in a boob contest and stating Knightly wins! And 30 years from now, its the same thing..........well, at least if you go by the Obama EIA report from 2016 which says solar still a joke in 2040. Wind too.......even with hydro, still will be only at 10% of meeting our electrticiy needs. Ghey.

When you see posts from the AGW crowd with words like "bigger"........."increased"........"growth"........."rapid pace"..................thats the time for your radar to come up s0ns...........a fake picture being created.
But wind is increasingly competitive. Because turbine operators have no fuel costs, their power is generally dispatched before coal and gas.

ERCOT’s installed wind capacity has nearly doubled since 2010, leaping from 9,400 megawatts seven years ago to 18,589 MW today. In 2015, wind surpassed nuclear to become the grid operator’s third-largest power source.

And ERCOT’s installed capacity could surpass 28,000 MW by next year if all the projects with interconnection agreements with the grid operator are built.

“This is pushing coal off the grid,” said Daniel Cohan, an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at Rice University.

“Texas is far and away the largest purchaser of Wyoming coal, PRB coal. As these coal plants get used less and less, many will retire in the next few years. PRB mines are losing their biggest customers,” Cohan said.

He pointed to a study by the Brattle Group, which predicted coal would fall from 34 percent of Texas power generation in 2013 to 6 percent in 2035.

The Rise of Wind Power in Texas

Wind is at nearly a quarter of the energy produced for 24 million people in Texas. And, as solar is now even cheaper than wind, what remains of the market for coal will fall to solar. Gradually, you will see both edge out natural gas as the grid scale storage comes online.
If you're over 30 and plan to live in your house for the rest of your life you still won't recover the expense of a solar system through reduced utility bills.

If you, at any age, believe you'll live more than 15 years in the same house you have lost any touch with reality you might ever have had.
If you're over 30 and plan to live in your house for the rest of your life you still won't recover the expense of a solar system through reduced utility bills.

If you, at any age, believe you'll live more than 15 years in the same house you have lost any touch with reality you might ever have had.
I am 68 and have almost lived my entire life in one home. My solar panels will be providing free electricity long after I'm dead.

And things change. If solar is given its day then it will get cheaper and cheaper. But oil, gas and coal people don't want that, do they? And they spend a lot of money telling people why it shouldn't happen, don't they?
why do you think solar hasn't been given its day? what happened to obama and solydra? what happened there exactly that they weren't given their day?

Oh, wait. You're saying give it five minutes and if it hasn't done anything amazing, get rid of it?
five minutes. too funny, you're serious right? How much money was that five minutes, 535 Million. here is a look at your five minutes.

Solyndra Scandal | Full Coverage of Failed Solar Startup - The Washington Post

Gore is successful green-tech investor

Carol D. Leonnig OCT 10, 2012

Al Gore has become perhaps a crusader on climate change and a successful green-tech investor.

Democrats see political motives in Solyndra subpoenas of federal workers

Carol D. Leonnig SEP 11, 2012

Rep. Elijah Cummings accuses Rep. Darrell Issa of being heavy-handed with subpoenas to federal workers." etc., etc., etc.,
Always be careful when you see a progressive using terms like.............
................."competitive"........."increased".........."cheaper"......."better"......."higher"................THATS when your radar should come up that a progressive is selling some snake oil. Using vague words when you are debating somebody on an internet forum is ghey.


Because when these people have to answer the questions, "As compared to what?" or "At what cost?".......their argument goes down in flames.

But especially when the topic is renewables.

The only time we hear that renewables are competitive are from progressive climate crusaders. In the real world, they are hardly mattering. Take a close look at what the words mean and the discussion turns to being would be like me entering actress Kiera Knightly in a boob contest against Kim Kardasian and saying Knightly is winning.

:spinner:Keira Knightley - Wikipedia:spinner:

30 years from now, renewables are still going to be a joke, together providing well less than 10% of our electricity. least that's what the Obama EIA said in a graph in last years report. But hey.........the climate crusaders get their projections from green websites. Maybe they are more accurate!!:2up::bye1::bye1:

And things change. If solar is given its day then it will get cheaper and cheaper. But oil, gas and coal people don't want that, do they? And they spend a lot of money telling people why it shouldn't happen, don't they?
why do you think solar hasn't been given its day? what happened to obama and solydra? what happened there exactly that they weren't given their day?

Oh, wait. You're saying give it five minutes and if it hasn't done anything amazing, get rid of it?
five minutes. too funny, you're serious right? How much money was that five minutes, 535 Million. here is a look at your five minutes.

Solyndra Scandal | Full Coverage of Failed Solar Startup - The Washington Post

Gore is successful green-tech investor

Carol D. Leonnig OCT 10, 2012

Al Gore has become perhaps a crusader on climate change and a successful green-tech investor.

Democrats see political motives in Solyndra subpoenas of federal workers

Carol D. Leonnig SEP 11, 2012

Rep. Elijah Cummings accuses Rep. Darrell Issa of being heavy-handed with subpoenas to federal workers." etc., etc., etc.,

I'm sorry, I don't really get the point of this post. You're just throwing things at me. Argument? No!

And things change. If solar is given its day then it will get cheaper and cheaper. But oil, gas and coal people don't want that, do they? And they spend a lot of money telling people why it shouldn't happen, don't they?
why do you think solar hasn't been given its day? what happened to obama and solydra? what happened there exactly that they weren't given their day?

Oh, wait. You're saying give it five minutes and if it hasn't done anything amazing, get rid of it?
five minutes. too funny, you're serious right? How much money was that five minutes, 535 Million. here is a look at your five minutes.

Solyndra Scandal | Full Coverage of Failed Solar Startup - The Washington Post

Gore is successful green-tech investor

Carol D. Leonnig OCT 10, 2012

Al Gore has become perhaps a crusader on climate change and a successful green-tech investor.

Democrats see political motives in Solyndra subpoenas of federal workers

Carol D. Leonnig SEP 11, 2012

Rep. Elijah Cummings accuses Rep. Darrell Issa of being heavy-handed with subpoenas to federal workers." etc., etc., etc.,

I'm sorry, I don't really get the point of this post. You're just throwing things at me. Argument? No!
well son, it was in response to your comment about giving only five minutes to solar.
And things change. If solar is given its day then it will get cheaper and cheaper. But oil, gas and coal people don't want that, do they? And they spend a lot of money telling people why it shouldn't happen, don't they?
why do you think solar hasn't been given its day? what happened to obama and solydra? what happened there exactly that they weren't given their day?

Oh, wait. You're saying give it five minutes and if it hasn't done anything amazing, get rid of it?
five minutes. too funny, you're serious right? How much money was that five minutes, 535 Million. here is a look at your five minutes.

Solyndra Scandal | Full Coverage of Failed Solar Startup - The Washington Post

Gore is successful green-tech investor

Carol D. Leonnig OCT 10, 2012

Al Gore has become perhaps a crusader on climate change and a successful green-tech investor.

Democrats see political motives in Solyndra subpoenas of federal workers

Carol D. Leonnig SEP 11, 2012

Rep. Elijah Cummings accuses Rep. Darrell Issa of being heavy-handed with subpoenas to federal workers." etc., etc., etc.,

I'm sorry, I don't really get the point of this post. You're just throwing things at me. Argument? No!
well son, it was in response to your comment about giving only five minutes to solar.

Yes, well, that doesn't mean you can reply with nonsense.

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