Trophy Hunter Gored By Dying Buffalo He’d Just Shot

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Heres a story to brighten our days.. Sad man with a gun gets some payback for his wickedness.

"The bull managed to leave a "Coke can-sized" hole in the hunter’s leg — but died shortly after."

Sad for the Buffalo but at least he was able to inflict some damage. why do people want to shoot animals for sport ? Its a perversion.

Heres a story to brighten our days.. Sad man with a gun gets some payback for his wickedness.

"The bull managed to leave a "Coke can-sized" hole in the hunter’s leg — but died shortly after."

Sad for the Buffalo but at least he was able to inflict some damage. why do people want to shoot animals for sport ? Its a perversion.
Good for the buffalo! Too bad it died. Thanks for the post, Tommy.
I have no problem with the animal goring the hunter.

I have been a sport hunter for many, many years. I have no desire to hunt in Africa, as those resources are fading fast. But I see the value in it as both a source of funding for conservation efforts and as a means of population control here in the US.
I have no problem with the animal goring the hunter.

I have been a sport hunter for many, many years. I have no desire to hunt in Africa, as those resources are fading fast. But I see the value in it as both a source of funding for conservation efforts and as a means of population control here in the US.

I think the animal population is just fine.
The problem is the HUMAN population.
Animals are not destroying the oceans or threatening world war.

Trump is trying to open up wildlife REFUGES all over the country to hunting. So much for "conservation"
I have no problem with the animal goring the hunter.

I have been a sport hunter for many, many years. I have no desire to hunt in Africa, as those resources are fading fast. But I see the value in it as both a source of funding for conservation efforts and as a means of population control here in the US.

I think the animal population is just fine.
The problem is the HUMAN population.
Animals are not destroying the oceans or threatening world war.

Trump is trying to open up wildlife REFUGES all over the country to hunting. So much for "conservation"

In many areas the only control on animal populations is hunting.

Most of my years as a hunter were in Alabama. So I only know the numbers for that state.

The estimated whitetail deer population for Alabama (several years ago) was 1.5 million animals. Wildlife biologists have said that in order to maintain a stable herd, a third of those animals need to be removed. That is half a million head of whitetail deer. There are no predators capable of removing that many animals. So hunters are needed to do it. The way nature would control the population would be either through predation or through massive starvation and illness when an area was over-grazed. Hunting is, by far, the preferred method. Also, the lion's share of money used by state conservation efforts come from licenses and fees paid by hunters and fishermen. Remove those and the states could not afford to do much of anything.

I would be happy to hear how
anyone proposes to remove 500,000 whitetail deer AND fund the state's conservation efforts.

Also, almost all hunters make good use of the meat. Unless you are a total vegan, to be against hunting and in favor of the agri-business model of raising livestock is the height of hypocrisy. There are also many organizations that give thousands of pounds of meat, free of steroids, antibiotics and other chemicals, to food banks. I have personally donated meat to such organizations.
Tommy, bluzman and basichumanunit...

Watch this scene from the movie Powder, with Sean Patrick Flannery, if you haven't already. I had a good cry the first time I saw it:

Harassed by classmates who won't accept his shocking appearance, a shy young man known as "Powder" struggles to fit in. But the cruel taunts stop when Powder displays a mysterious power that allows him to do incredible things. This phenomenon changes the lives of all those around him in ways they never could have imagined.

Powder (1995) - IMDb

Watch this video too... it's only 2:54:

I've never looked through the scope of any weapon...

But I'm 100% sure my reaction would be just like Theroux's:

I didn't want him to die.... I wanted him to live.

Heres a story to brighten our days.. Sad man with a gun gets some payback for his wickedness.

"The bull managed to leave a "Coke can-sized" hole in the hunter’s leg — but died shortly after."

Sad for the Buffalo but at least he was able to inflict some damage. why do people want to shoot animals for sport ? Its a perversion.
Good for the buffalo! Too bad it died. Thanks for the post, Tommy.
Why do the dumb english twits use dogs to rip foxes in half and call it a gentleman's sport

Heres a story to brighten our days.. Sad man with a gun gets some payback for his wickedness.

"The bull managed to leave a "Coke can-sized" hole in the hunter’s leg — but died shortly after."

Sad for the Buffalo but at least he was able to inflict some damage. why do people want to shoot animals for sport ? Its a perversion.
The guys in the shop were talking about a hunter in Oregon that got gored by an Elk yesterday.


Heres a story to brighten our days.. Sad man with a gun gets some payback for his wickedness.

"The bull managed to leave a "Coke can-sized" hole in the hunter’s leg — but died shortly after."

Sad for the Buffalo but at least he was able to inflict some damage. why do people want to shoot animals for sport ? Its a perversion.
Payback is a bitch
Buffalo hunting ? Never heard of that one.

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