Troops on the ground in Ukraine

So much of biden's stooopidity is self inflicted

Speaking to reporters from the Associated Press, NBC News, and other members of the Pentagon press pool, the official said that the contingent of troops is led by Brigadier General Garrick Harmon, the US defense attache to Kiev.

Thank god trumps not around to start ww3..good thing the adults are in charge defending thier money laundering child sex trafficking playground ...sorry .I mean demockwacy

Also last week
Possible nukes going to Scandinavian countries that enter nato
Good column. You may find it enlightening.

So, now we’re in a full-blown ground war with Russia; a war that was concocted, instigated, funded, guided, and micromanaged by Washington. A war that—by any objective standard—is Washington’s war as much as Iraq and Afghanistan were Washington’s wars. The difference this time is that our enemy can not only defend himself, but has the wherewithal to reduce the continental United States to smoldering heap of rubble. We are reminded of a comment Putin made recently that seems to have slipped-by the media unnoticed. He said:

“We will defend our land with all the forces and resources we have, and we will do everything we can to ensure the safety of our people.”

We hope that someone on the Biden team is smart enough to figure out what that means.
You go right ahead and cower under your bed because you're susceptible to nuclear blackmail.

But you'll have to excuse the rest of us for acting like Men and standing our ground against naked aggression.
That has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not Putin should be stopped by the West aiding Ukraine.
Please read. It’s aimed right at YOU!

We can begin by opposing all war, all conflict, all aggression against others; in essence, demanding harmony and cooperation instead of clinging to false fears that have been intentionally ingrained into our psyche by an evil force called the state. There is nothing to fear but your own weakness and cowardice, and your willingness to only rely on others to design and control your lives. The state has no real power unless you give that power to them voluntarily. Without your support, they lose all ability to rule. Without your support, they cannot harm you. Without your support, those who seek power over you will wither and die, and with that death will come a life of freedom.

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