Tried And True Methods Of Vaccination Pushed To The Side During The Coronavirus 19 Disease Outbreak


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Tried And True Methods Of Vaccination Pushed To The Side During The Coronavirus 19 Disease Outbreak "

* Goof Balls *

When the recommendation was made that wearing masks in public was not warranted , it was clear that imbeciles were running the show ; even now there is not a fervent effort to mass produce masks as a national emergency , even after the " recommendation " is to wear masks in public .

Consider that Covid-19 disease is a direct attack upon the respiratory system and that the worst entry point for the virus would be into the lungs where its most detrimental effects would occur especially when no antibodies are present in the body .

Consider that tried and true methods for vaccination involve injecting a tincture of the live or disabled virus into the muscle tissue , which the bodies recognizes as a foreign agent against which it promptly begins creating antibodies that may result in a low to moderate grade fever for a few days as the body works to mass produce the antibodies .

The most important issue is that the virus does not begin with direct access to the lungs before the body identifies it and has time to react .

Thus far , it has not been established that Covid-19 disease is much different from the other strains of Coronovirus which are common and known to cause cold and flu symptoms , except that the public at large does not have an immunity sufficient to forego an elevated need for urgent care .

I am still searching ; but , has anyone found a trial where the traditional method of direct injection of the virus occurs to establish that by time the virus possibly finds its way to the lungs the body has already created sufficient antibodies to overcome the extreme deleterious affects ?

But , by all means , rather than verifying tried and true methods of vaccination with a possible expedient and practical resolution , let us generate mass hysteria and run the financial lives of individuals , of the economy and of the governemtn nto the ground , while scientists work out an overly complicated and belated resolution .

* We Are The Government And We Are Here To Help *

For covid-19 , rather than injecting the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus , the current scheme is to identify a protein on the SARS-CoV-2 virus and have the immune system create antibodies against it and consequently against the SARS-CoV-2 virus .

The vaccination has entered into stage 2 trials with a limited number of patients and its effects which will be monitored for months and a foreseeable public release of a vaccination is not expected for 12 to 18 months .

The vaccine cannot cause COVID-19 and does not contain the virus as is the case with some other vaccines. Instead it contains a small piece of genetic code called mRNA which scientists have extracted from the virus and then expanded in the laboratory. In this case, the mRNA encodes the viral “spike” protein which is vital for the coronavirus to gain access to human cells. The researchers hope that the vaccine will stimulate the immune system to attack the virus, preventing the development of COVID-19.

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" Health Management Of The Human Animal "

* Rigidity Requires Flexibility *
Imagine a world without anti-vaxxers!
They won't have to coerced into vaccinating.
They'll depart the world of the living all by themselves.
While mass vaccinations most likely improve overall public health , it also likely increases a potential that a resistant strain will arise .

My preference is to let my own natural resistance develop ; but , neither am I aged nor in a high risk group for needing urgent care to recover .
" Health Management Of The Human Animal "

* Rigidity Requires Flexibility *

Imagine a world without anti-vaxxers!
They won't have to coerced into vaccinating.
They'll depart the world of the living all by themselves.
While mass vaccinations most likely improve overall public health , it also likely increases a potential that a resistant strain will arise .

My preference is to let my own natural resistance develop ; but , neither am I aged nor in a high risk group for needing urgent care to recover .

Totally agree.
" Tried And True Methods Of Vaccination Pushed To The Side During The Coronavirus 19 Disease Outbreak "

* Goof Balls *

When the recommendation was made that wearing masks in public was not warranted , it was clear that imbeciles were running the show ; even now there is not a fervent effort to mass produce masks as a national emergency , even after the " recommendation " is to wear masks in public .

Consider that Covid-19 disease is a direct attack upon the respiratory system and that the worst entry point for the virus would be into the lungs where its most detrimental effects would occur especially when no antibodies are present in the body .

Consider that tried and true methods for vaccination involve injecting a tincture of the live or disabled virus into the muscle tissue , which the bodies recognizes as a foreign agent against which it promptly begins creating antibodies that may result in a low to moderate grade fever for a few days as the body works to mass produce the antibodies .

The most important issue is that the virus does not begin with direct access to the lungs before the body identifies it and has time to react .

Thus far , it has not been established that Covid-19 disease is much different from the other strains of Coronovirus which are common and known to cause cold and flu symptoms , except that the public at large does not have an immunity sufficient to forego an elevated need for urgent care .

I am still searching ; but , has anyone found a trial where the traditional method of direct injection of the virus occurs to establish that by time the virus possibly finds its way to the lungs the body has already created sufficient antibodies to overcome the extreme deleterious affects ?

But , by all means , rather than verifying tried and true methods of vaccination with a possible expedient and practical resolution , let us generate mass hysteria and run the financial lives of individuals , of the economy and of the governemtn nto the ground , while scientists work out an overly complicated and belated resolution .

* We Are The Government And We Are Here To Help *

For covid-19 , rather than injecting the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus , the current scheme is to identify a protein on the SARS-CoV-2 virus and have the immune system create antibodies against it and consequently against the SARS-CoV-2 virus .

The vaccination has entered into stage 2 trials with a limited number of patients and its effects which will be monitored for months and a foreseeable public release of a vaccination is not expected for 12 to 18 months .

The vaccine cannot cause COVID-19 and does not contain the virus as is the case with some other vaccines. Instead it contains a small piece of genetic code called mRNA which scientists have extracted from the virus and then expanded in the laboratory. In this case, the mRNA encodes the viral “spike” protein which is vital for the coronavirus to gain access to human cells. The researchers hope that the vaccine will stimulate the immune system to attack the virus, preventing the development of COVID-19.

Yes, that's how long those trials take. Are you utterly unaware of how that works? Drug development not in your background?

Your/our govt was acquired by concentrated capital some time ago, you/we the people sat on our asses and watched. Perhaps we should get up now and take it back; this would be the perfect time were we not so utterly subjugated.

Both the US and S Korea saw their first confirmed COVID-19 diagnoses on the same day, Jan 21. Note how different the responses of the respective governments were, and the corresponding trajectories updated daily below. That's what we're maga at. Keep your eye on the trajectory. See any inflection point yet?

Millions without healthcare coverage in the wealthiest most gluttonous society ever known to humankind. Millions more losing access to healthcare coverage even as we type via layoffs and job losses. This should help in an emerging pandemic wherein we can't even get nurses and doctors what they need PPE, equipment and supplies-wise.

That just would not have been good for business, which is all hellthcare is in america; a for profit business. Some of us gotta die so the industry can turn an ever increasing profit margin to infinity.
" Exclusive Government Authority To Set Public Policy "

* Pretentious Validity With Limited Competence *

Yes, that's how long those trials take. Are you utterly unaware of how that works? Drug development not in your background?
Most paying attention understand the process ; so , let me know if you run across a clinical trial that follows the tried and true methods of vaccination .

Flattening the curve serves only to minimize urgent care , it does not determine whether the public at large can be vaccinated by following tried and true methods to reduce the incidence by which transmission occur ; that is , individuals which are resistant are not likely to transfer the virus , which is the point of mass vaccination .

Thus far , flattening the curve does not predict when the public at large will have sufficient numbers resistant to the virus so that the demand for urgent care are manageable ; rather , flattening the curve proposes an ad-nausea public policy of isolation and stagnation for possibly as long as two years , because there is not a way to contain further outbreaks .

It is bad enough that those setting public policy are too stupid to realize that direct inhalation of the virus is most detrimental and a viable means of transmission ; and , the virus remains active in the stool of individuals fourteen days after recovery and we all understand tendencies against cleanliness of many damned dirty hue mammon apes .

Thus far , the level of incompetence and medical malpractice by the supposed experts is staggering - Does Sitting Up While On A Ventilator Seem Correct ? .

The human population is over subscribed - SARS-CoV-2 Is A Sign From Gawd To Abate Human Over Population Sincerely The Pangolin .
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" National Emergency : President Is Clueless And Center For Disease Control Are Incompetent "

* Nothing To Lose *

Ultraviolet radiation is used to inactivate a virus and issuance of an inactivated virus allows the body to identity the virus and create antibodies against it , typically with only the side effects of elevated temperature as the body increases its metabolism to react .

It typically takes about three weeks for the body to generate sufficient antibodies to be unaffected by an actual infectious agent .

A booster shots may be required to continue resistance , that is often with an active virus to ensure long term resistance .

Immunogenicity, safety, and protective efficacy of an inactivated SARS-associated coronavirus vaccine in rhesus monkeys.
An inactivated vaccine for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) was evaluated in rhesus monkeys. The monkeys were inoculated intramuscularly (i.m.) with 0.5, 5, 50, or 5000 microg of vaccine, or PBS as control, and boosted on day 7. After 3 weeks, they were challenged with the NS-1 strain of SARS-CoV. The humoral and mucosal immune responses, clinical signs, chemical indices and viremia were monitored following the immunization and challenge. The control animals who received PBS developed atypical SAR-CoV infection after viral challenge, according to clinical, virological and pathological findings. No systematic side effects were observed in vaccinated animals post-immunization, even in at the high dose of 5000 microg. The 50 microg dosage of vaccine elicited SARS-CoV specific immune responses against viral infection as compared to the partial immunity elicited by 0.5 and 5 microg doses. The results show that this inactivated vaccine can induce effective concomitant humoral and mucosal immunity against SARS-CoV infection, is safe in monkeys, and the vaccine maybe a good candidate for clinical trials.
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" Fauci Means Fake *

* Incompetence Or Malice *

There is some other underlying reason that the tried and true method for a vaccine that has already been proven with SARS-CoV-1 has not occurred .

The OP established that the CDC does not intend to make the public immune to the SARS-Cov-2 virus , rather they intend to block the means by which the virus has EVOLVED to enter the body , as though to ensure that money spent on research and the capacity to create a pandemic are not lost .

It is yet time to promote that the CDC and president are full of crap and begin conspiracy theories as to why ?

Well duh - Sunlight destroys virus quickly, new govt. tests find, but experts say pandemic could last through summer !
Imagine a world without anti-vaxxers!

They won't have to coerced into vaccinating.

They'll depart the world of the living all by themselves.
You take Bill's vax first

" How To Fake And Prolong A National Emergency "

* Ass Clowns Running The Show *

You take Bill's vax first
How difficult is it to determine whether antibodies are created after being issued an inactivated virus and subsequently test whether an individual is resistant by thereafter being issued an active virus ( the booster shot ) ?

Start with those most susceptible , those 65 and older , and see whether the results are better than waiting for them to get the virus naturally and end up overwhelming urgent care .

The government clowns are so enthralled with having the public watch them beat their own meat they cannot get past their own stupidity .
" Cure For Corona Virus By Substitution "

* Become Infected By One Of The Strains That Do Not Cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome *

Coronaviruses didn’t just pop up recently. They’re a large family of viruses that have been around for a long time. Many of them can make people ill with sniffles or coughing. Before the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, coronaviruses were thought to cause only mild respiratory infections in people.

Of the various corona virus strains , two strains - sars-cov1 and sars-cov2 - cause acute respiratory syndrome , while other strains are somewhat common among the population and cause common cold like symptoms but are not included in annual vaccinations .

The genome sequences of the corona virus strains are relatively the same except for minor differences that form the spike protein which is the mechanism by which the virus enters the cells to replicate itself .

If the cdc simply vaccinated the public with a strain that does not have a spike protein that allows the virus to rapidly enter the body and replicate , then the body would have a general resistance to the virus and the spike protein of sars-cov1 and sars-cov2 would be irrelevant .

Four human coronaviruses produce symptoms that are generally mild:
  1. Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43), β-CoV
  2. Human coronavirus HKU1 (HCoV-HKU1), β-CoV
  3. Human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E), α-CoV
  4. Human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63), α-CoV
Three human coronaviruses produce symptoms that are potentially severe:
  1. Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV), β-CoV
  2. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), β-CoV
  3. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), β-CoV
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" No Vaccine Against Corona Virus Offered "

* Governments Maintaining A Back Door Pandemic *

By issuing a vaccine to create antibodies against the spike protein of sars-cov2 , will sars-cov1 and mers-cov remain viable for use in a back door pandemic for another biological attack by the chinese , along with any other zoonotic virus derivation genetic engineers can devise ?

So why not vaccinate everyone with one of the corona virus strains ( inactivated ) that are common and only cause mild flu like symptoms so that it does not matter whether sars-cov1 or sars-cov2 strains are encountered , as that could have been done months ago ?

BNT162b2 uses messenger RNA that describes one of the spike proteins that stud the outer surface of SARS-CoV-2. ... When someone receives a dose of BNT162b2, their body responds by producing the spike protein, but only the spike protein, and no other part of the virus.

Since spike proteins aren’t normally found in human cells, their presence triggers the immune system, leading to a defensive response where the proteins are removed. ... If someone who was vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 was exposed to the virus later on, their immune system is ready to react, and hopefully, fend off the virus.

There is no risk of getting COVID-19 from a vaccine, as the virus is never present in the body.
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