Trickle Up Defies Gravity



    Votes: 11 50.0%

    Votes: 11 50.0%

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What nat you trying to go for RDerps trophy as USMB liar of the year in 2017?

Let's look at a few of your lies .. Assad used chemical weapons Again that's why trumped bombed him retard ..Tarp, bush Jr.vBailing out Detroit , bush Jr started it.
Unemployment was at 8% in 2013 and Obama made over 80% bush Jr tax cuts perment..Wall Street, quantitive easing ...Janet Yellen.

Those GED classes are NOT working well for you, Bear....Demand a refund a-la Trump U. lawsuits.

ZomboMeme 28122017020032.jpg
Trickle UP? How silly.

How many jobs are provided by the poor? How many paychecks have they written?
A business is only successful when consumers buy their products and services.

Nearly 70% of the GDP is consumer spending.

Obviously if the bulk of consumers made more and spent more, that would be far more beneficial to business than a tax cut alone.
Obviously the "rich" already can and do spend as much as they care to.

With the exception of some increased production for private, luxurious Lear jets for the rich, these folks will NEVER agree to pay a U.S. steel worker $30 per hour, when they can get steel from China where workers make(maybe) $300 per MONTH.
What nat you trying to go for RDerps trophy as USMB liar of the year in 2017?

Let's look at a few of your lies .. Assad used chemical weapons Again that's why trumped bombed him retard ..Tarp, bush Jr.vBailing out Detroit , bush Jr started it.
Unemployment was at 8% in 2013 and Obama made over 80% bush Jr tax cuts perment..Wall Street, quantitive easing ...Janet Yellen.

Those GED classes are NOT working well for you, Bear....Demand a refund a-la Trump U. lawsuits.

View attachment 169129

Above, an example of the "intelligentsia" level of most right wingers.,,,,,"Sad," as Trump would tweet, "believe me."................LOL.
Trickle UP? How silly.

How many jobs are provided by the poor? How many paychecks have they written?
A business is only successful when consumers buy their products and services.

Nearly 70% of the GDP is consumer spending.

Obviously if the bulk of consumers made more and spent more, that would be far more beneficial to business than a tax cut alone.

Consumers spend less when the potential of higher taxes looms over them, and more when taxes are less burdensome.
but the rich will not add it to the economy, they will put it in the bank to do nothing

Sure, they will, dumb ass, because every rich person got there by sticking all of their money in a savings account earning a .02% APR.

They got there by earning far more than they spend. That means they are already spending as much as they care to. Allowing them to earn more through tax cuts does nothing to encourage further spending.
Trickle UP? How silly.

How many jobs are provided by the poor? How many paychecks have they written?
A business is only successful when consumers buy their products and services.

Nearly 70% of the GDP is consumer spending.

Obviously if the bulk of consumers made more and spent more, that would be far more beneficial to business than a tax cut alone.

Consumers spend less when the potential of higher taxes looms over them, and more when taxes are less burdensome.

Great. Then any tax relief should be focused on the largest possible segment of consumers to achieve the largest benefit.
God, another liberal who thinks they understand why jobs are created! For about the hundredth time..."demand" does not create jobs! The anticipation of profit is what induces investment of capital in new businesses or the expansion of existing ones! You can have tons of demand...but if the product or service you're thinking of creating doesn't generate a substantial enough profit to justify risking capital...THEN IT ISN'T GOING TO BE RISKED!!!

Fuck, another Trump zealot that has no clue how a business operators. Let me help you out here, moron.

FedEx is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profit, they will only do so when demand for their service dictates them doing so.

GM is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profits, they will do so when demand for their product dictates them doing so.

Now go home and wait for the next GOP talking points email and come back and try again.

So you think that GM is going to hire when they're NOT making profits? That they'll hire thousands more to build a car or truck that they're not making money on? You don't have the faintest idea how businesses operate!

Another lying partisan hack. Is this all you Trump zealots have left is to lie about people? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Did you want to tell me WHAT it is you think is a "lie" in my statement...or does calling it a lie suffice for you? You've come on the board and posted things claiming to be in the know about business and economics. I've pointed out that it's more anticipation of profit that makes businesses expand and hire...not just demand because if they're not making more money by getting bigger...they're not going to invest capital in getting bigger!
Your response to my point was angry bluster. So who's the partisan hack?

Your lie is that I said companies would hire even if they were losing money. Never said such a thing not implied it.

Corporations in this country have been seeing record profits over the last few years, without the tax cut. This stupid idea that now they will finally have enough money to hire people is just a right wing fairy tale.

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Demand is simply another thing to plug into the equation when you're trying to figure out whether or not to expand or start a business. It's not the be all and end all.

And neither is profit, which is the fairy tale told by the GOP and their minions

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Obviously the "rich" already can and do spend as much as they care to.

With the exception of some increased production for private, luxurious Lear jets for the rich, these folks will NEVER agree to pay a U.S. steel worker $30 per hour, when they can get steel from China where workers make(maybe) $300 per MONTH.

Link idiot? God you are fucking stupid

Wages are going up in China fool that's why the jobs are starting to move here .

How a Greenville man has brought 2,200 new jobs from China

Chinese mills bring textile jobs back to S.C.

Textile production in China is becoming increasingly unprofitable after years of rising wages, higher energy bills and mounting logistical costs, as well as new government quotas on cotton imports.

At the same time, manufacturing costs in the U.S. are becoming more competitive.
God, another liberal who thinks they understand why jobs are created! For about the hundredth time..."demand" does not create jobs! The anticipation of profit is what induces investment of capital in new businesses or the expansion of existing ones! You can have tons of demand...but if the product or service you're thinking of creating doesn't generate a substantial enough profit to justify risking capital...THEN IT ISN'T GOING TO BE RISKED!!!

Fuck, another Trump zealot that has no clue how a business operators. Let me help you out here, moron.

FedEx is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profit, they will only do so when demand for their service dictates them doing so.

GM is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profits, they will do so when demand for their product dictates them doing so.

Now go home and wait for the next GOP talking points email and come back and try again.

So you think that GM is going to hire when they're NOT making profits? That they'll hire thousands more to build a car or truck that they're not making money on? You don't have the faintest idea how businesses operate!

Another lying partisan hack. Is this all you Trump zealots have left is to lie about people? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Did you want to tell me WHAT it is you think is a "lie" in my statement...or does calling it a lie suffice for you? You've come on the board and posted things claiming to be in the know about business and economics. I've pointed out that it's more anticipation of profit that makes businesses expand and hire...not just demand because if they're not making more money by getting bigger...they're not going to invest capital in getting bigger!
Your response to my point was angry bluster. So who's the partisan hack?

Your lie is that I said companies would hire even if they were losing money. Never said such a thing not implied it.

Corporations in this country have been seeing record profits over the last few years, without the tax cut. This stupid idea that now they will finally have enough money to hire people is just a right wing fairy tale.

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Only a fool thinks tax’s Benefit anyone but the career politicians/deep state... Believe in redistribution is for absolute fool’s
Trickle up is the natural way money flows. The poor and middle class buy goods and pay rent and the “owners”end up with most the cash. It’s an upwards vacuum

Hold on a minute...who provides the poor and middle class with the funds to buy goods and pay rent?
What came first...the chicken or the egg?
The rich and middle class mostly employ the poor and provide them with wages. When you look at how money flows more floats up to the top than down to the poor. It’s the nature of the system. Wouldnt you agree?

Not doing the practical arithmetic...poor Johnny is paid $30k per year by ABC can Johnny send more than he was paid up the “chain”?

That's exactly the point, dope.

Johnny's earnings have been flat for decades while ABC Corp's have doubled or tripled over the same period.
Trickle up is the natural way money flows. The poor and middle class buy goods and pay rent and the “owners”end up with most the cash. It’s an upwards vacuum

Hold on a minute...who provides the poor and middle class with the funds to buy goods and pay rent?
What came first...the chicken or the egg?
The rich and middle class mostly employ the poor and provide them with wages. When you look at how money flows more floats up to the top than down to the poor. It’s the nature of the system. Wouldnt you agree?

Not doing the practical arithmetic...poor Johnny is paid $30k per year by ABC can Johnny send more than he was paid up the “chain”?

That's exactly the point, dope.

Johnny's earnings have been flat for decades while ABC Corp's have doubled or tripled over the same period.
redistribution is for fools
It's opportunity Stupid

The economic problem today is not that people don't have enough money, the problem is not enough opportunity.
"Jobs for the masses" has been eroding fast for decades, and will continue to erode under the corporatocracy that we are.
The rich and middle class mostly employ the poor and provide them with wages. When you look at how money flows more floats up to the top than down to the poor. It’s the nature of the system. Wouldnt you agree?

Not doing the practical arithmetic...poor Johnny is paid $30k per year by ABC can Johnny send more than he was paid up the “chain”?
Does ABC Corp make a profit? Where does that profit come from? Look at the big picture. Where does the money flow?

Ofcouse ABC Corp makes a profit.
Your point is somehow believe money originates at the bottom and works its way up...I couldn’t disagree more. Getting real’d have to go way back to understand where old money originated....there lies your, livestock, agriculture and ones own blood, sweat and tears.
Looking at Microsoft as a could not and would not be able to consume Microsoft products and or services had Bill Gates not engineered an operating system and built Microsoft....therefore all Microsoft products and services consumed began at Bill Gates. Are you starting to get it yet?
You are putting words in my mouth. I never said that Money originated at the bottom. I said that money flows up to the top. Look at the last two decades. The top earners have sucked up the vast majority of new Money and become richer than ever while the middle class has remained relatively stagnant. Of course the top earners pay wages and employ workers. A % goes down to the bottom and a larger percentage ends up floating to the top. Do you deny this?
/----/ Libs believe there is a finite amount of money to be made and if an "evil rich" guy makes a dollar it's only because he stole it from the poor. Well the economy is ever expanding and there is plenty to go around. Stop blaming others for your situation.

There is a finite amount of money in the economy. There is less of that money in the hands of the bulk of Americans than at any other time.
How about we not worry who has what and just let everyone keep more of their own money?
That is the stupedist comment I've read yet. Every economic decision affects who has what. I prefer we not give my money to plutocrats so they can take tax write-offs for private jets.

Now, how about you and your fellow dupes not turn us into a third world country?

And if we let everyone keep more of their own money what consequences will that have?
Consequences are higher deficits and larger debt. Tax cuts need to be balanced with spending cuts which means layoffs, loss of government contracts, reduced funding for military and or schools. Etc. There is plenty of fat to cut in government spending but also a lot of potential for harm. We have to be thoughtful and careful how we proceed and unfortunately right now the conversations and policy making are more partisan and dishonest than smart and thoughtful.

Until we realize government spending is not sacrosanct and can be reduced we will always have debt.

So I will take every opportunity to keep more of my own money and applaud anyone who does the same. We can starve the beast into submission over time.
by adding to the debt?
Don't care abut the debt.

The fucking politicians don't care about the debt so why the fuck should I?

The debt will never be paid off in my lifetime. I don't have any kids to worry about so fuck it.

Quite frankly the way I see it is that I have paid more taxes my entire life since I had less deductions and I know exactly what I pay since we opened the business because I have to pay quarterly taxes every year. People like you have no idea what you pay in taxes

IMO the only new laws we need are get rid of the payroll tax deduction and make everyone file quarterly taxes and change tax day from April 15th to the day before election day so the big fat check they mailed to the fucking government is fresh on their minds when they vote.
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Not doing the practical arithmetic...poor Johnny is paid $30k per year by ABC can Johnny send more than he was paid up the “chain”?
Does ABC Corp make a profit? Where does that profit come from? Look at the big picture. Where does the money flow?

Ofcouse ABC Corp makes a profit.
Your point is somehow believe money originates at the bottom and works its way up...I couldn’t disagree more. Getting real’d have to go way back to understand where old money originated....there lies your, livestock, agriculture and ones own blood, sweat and tears.
Looking at Microsoft as a could not and would not be able to consume Microsoft products and or services had Bill Gates not engineered an operating system and built Microsoft....therefore all Microsoft products and services consumed began at Bill Gates. Are you starting to get it yet?
You are putting words in my mouth. I never said that Money originated at the bottom. I said that money flows up to the top. Look at the last two decades. The top earners have sucked up the vast majority of new Money and become richer than ever while the middle class has remained relatively stagnant. Of course the top earners pay wages and employ workers. A % goes down to the bottom and a larger percentage ends up floating to the top. Do you deny this?
/----/ Libs believe there is a finite amount of money to be made and if an "evil rich" guy makes a dollar it's only because he stole it from the poor. Well the economy is ever expanding and there is plenty to go around. Stop blaming others for your situation.

There is a finite amount of money in the economy. There is less of that money in the hands of the bulk of Americans than at any other time.
Not doing the practical arithmetic...poor Johnny is paid $30k per year by ABC can Johnny send more than he was paid up the “chain”?
Does ABC Corp make a profit? Where does that profit come from? Look at the big picture. Where does the money flow?

Ofcouse ABC Corp makes a profit.
Your point is somehow believe money originates at the bottom and works its way up...I couldn’t disagree more. Getting real’d have to go way back to understand where old money originated....there lies your, livestock, agriculture and ones own blood, sweat and tears.
Looking at Microsoft as a could not and would not be able to consume Microsoft products and or services had Bill Gates not engineered an operating system and built Microsoft....therefore all Microsoft products and services consumed began at Bill Gates. Are you starting to get it yet?
You are putting words in my mouth. I never said that Money originated at the bottom. I said that money flows up to the top. Look at the last two decades. The top earners have sucked up the vast majority of new Money and become richer than ever while the middle class has remained relatively stagnant. Of course the top earners pay wages and employ workers. A % goes down to the bottom and a larger percentage ends up floating to the top. Do you deny this?
/----/ Libs believe there is a finite amount of money to be made and if an "evil rich" guy makes a dollar it's only because he stole it from the poor. Well the economy is ever expanding and there is plenty to go around. Stop blaming others for your situation.

There is a finite amount of money in the economy. There is less of that money in the hands of the bulk of Americans than at any other time.
/——/ Then how was Obozo able to pump more and more cash into the economy?

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