Trickle Up Defies Gravity



    Votes: 11 50.0%

    Votes: 11 50.0%

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Here is how many jobs
you have a degree in lying about what people said, and you do it very well.

Only you are making up lies and bullshit.

So, they are just going to give more people jobs even though they do not need them?

the "they" is the companies, not the people. Fuck, I guess you were not lying, you are just stupid. My bad

When you are spewing such large amounts of stupid shit, I just assume the worst. It's what the meaning always seems to be.

But okay, so you want more people to have jobs and for America to be great. In this case, you will love the tax cuts.
tax cuts don't create demand; people spending money do. Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
A $15 an hour minimum wage will cause wages overall to rise...which will cause the price of goods and services to rise as well. So tell me how getting a "raise" and then having the cost of everything you need to buy go up does anything at all for the average person's life?

The only group that "wins" by raising minimum wage is government because they get to take more of your money! Duh?
funny. did you know, nobody on the left should take the right wing seriously about economics or the law?

Yes, but inflation will be around five percent or less. Inflation happens, the right wing Only complains when the poor benefit.
Here is how many jobs
Only you are making up lies and bullshit.

the "they" is the companies, not the people. Fuck, I guess you were not lying, you are just stupid. My bad

When you are spewing such large amounts of stupid shit, I just assume the worst. It's what the meaning always seems to be.

But okay, so you want more people to have jobs and for America to be great. In this case, you will love the tax cuts.
tax cuts don't create demand; people spending money do. Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
A $15 an hour minimum wage will cause wages overall to rise...which will cause the price of goods and services to rise as well. So tell me how getting a "raise" and then having the cost of everything you need to buy go up does anything at all for the average person's life?

The only group that "wins" by raising minimum wage is government because they get to take more of your money! Duh?
funny. did you know, nobody on the left should take the right wing seriously about economics or the law?

Yes, but inflation will be around five percent or less. Inflation happens, the right wing Only complains when the poor benefit.
ReDistribution is for fools
Fuck, another Trump zealot that has no clue how a business operators. Let me help you out here, moron.

FedEx is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profit, they will only do so when demand for their service dictates them doing so.

GM is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profits, they will do so when demand for their product dictates them doing so.

Now go home and wait for the next GOP talking points email and come back and try again.

So you think that GM is going to hire when they're NOT making profits? That they'll hire thousands more to build a car or truck that they're not making money on? You don't have the faintest idea how businesses operate!

Another lying partisan hack. Is this all you Trump zealots have left is to lie about people? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Did you want to tell me WHAT it is you think is a "lie" in my statement...or does calling it a lie suffice for you? You've come on the board and posted things claiming to be in the know about business and economics. I've pointed out that it's more anticipation of profit that makes businesses expand and hire...not just demand because if they're not making more money by getting bigger...they're not going to invest capital in getting bigger!
Your response to my point was angry bluster. So who's the partisan hack?
can you anticipate more profit without more demand?

You can if you find a way to cut costs...or if the amount of tax you pay on your product or service is lowered!
Still speculation that demand for any given product will increase.

How much will the actual daily savings be and why wouldn't the poor, use it for daily expenses instead of new products?
Fuck, another Trump zealot that has no clue how a business operators. Let me help you out here, moron.

FedEx is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profit, they will only do so when demand for their service dictates them doing so.

GM is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profits, they will do so when demand for their product dictates them doing so.

Now go home and wait for the next GOP talking points email and come back and try again.

So you think that GM is going to hire when they're NOT making profits? That they'll hire thousands more to build a car or truck that they're not making money on? You don't have the faintest idea how businesses operate!

Another lying partisan hack. Is this all you Trump zealots have left is to lie about people? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Did you want to tell me WHAT it is you think is a "lie" in my statement...or does calling it a lie suffice for you? You've come on the board and posted things claiming to be in the know about business and economics. I've pointed out that it's more anticipation of profit that makes businesses expand and hire...not just demand because if they're not making more money by getting bigger...they're not going to invest capital in getting bigger!
Your response to my point was angry bluster. So who's the partisan hack?

Your lie is that I said companies would hire even if they were losing money. Never said such a thing not implied it.

Corporations in this country have been seeing record profits over the last few years, without the tax cut. This stupid idea that now they will finally have enough money to hire people is just a right wing fairy tale.

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Only a fool thinks tax’s Benefit anyone but the career politicians/deep state... Believe in redistribution is for absolute fool’s

Only a fool thinks the deep state is a real thing, but for all the CTs that you buy into I am not shocked you believe it is real

Sent from my iPhone using
Trickle UP? How silly.

How many jobs are provided by the poor? How many paychecks have they written?
A business is only successful when consumers buy their products and services.

Nearly 70% of the GDP is consumer spending.

Obviously if the bulk of consumers made more and spent more, that would be far more beneficial to business than a tax cut alone.

Consumers spend less when the potential of higher taxes looms over them, and more when taxes are less burdensome.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will increase consumption more and create more demand than will a tax cut. Nobody is working hard for a tax cut. They are working harder with higher taxes.
the "they" is the companies, not the people. Fuck, I guess you were not lying, you are just stupid. My bad

When you are spewing such large amounts of stupid shit, I just assume the worst. It's what the meaning always seems to be.

But okay, so you want more people to have jobs and for America to be great. In this case, you will love the tax cuts.
tax cuts don't create demand; people spending money do. Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
A $15 an hour minimum wage will cause wages overall to rise...which will cause the price of goods and services to rise as well. So tell me how getting a "raise" and then having the cost of everything you need to buy go up does anything at all for the average person's life?

The only group that "wins" by raising minimum wage is government because they get to take more of your money! Duh?
funny. did you know, nobody on the left should take the right wing seriously about economics or the law?

Yes, but inflation will be around five percent or less. Inflation happens, the right wing Only complains when the poor benefit.
ReDistribution is for fools
Thanks for taking the blame for the debt, right wingers.
So you think that GM is going to hire when they're NOT making profits? That they'll hire thousands more to build a car or truck that they're not making money on? You don't have the faintest idea how businesses operate!

Another lying partisan hack. Is this all you Trump zealots have left is to lie about people? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Did you want to tell me WHAT it is you think is a "lie" in my statement...or does calling it a lie suffice for you? You've come on the board and posted things claiming to be in the know about business and economics. I've pointed out that it's more anticipation of profit that makes businesses expand and hire...not just demand because if they're not making more money by getting bigger...they're not going to invest capital in getting bigger!
Your response to my point was angry bluster. So who's the partisan hack?

Your lie is that I said companies would hire even if they were losing money. Never said such a thing not implied it.

Corporations in this country have been seeing record profits over the last few years, without the tax cut. This stupid idea that now they will finally have enough money to hire people is just a right wing fairy tale.

Sent from my iPhone using
Only a fool thinks tax’s Benefit anyone but the career politicians/deep state... Believe in redistribution is for absolute fool’s

Only a fool thinks the deep state is a real thing, but for all the CTs that you buy into I am not shocked you believe it is real

Sent from my iPhone using
The deep state is career civilian federal jobs, those people can never get fired and have no sense of reality. And are absolute control freaks.
And are overpaid to the extreme... The real swamp
Trickle UP? How silly.

How many jobs are provided by the poor? How many paychecks have they written?
A business is only successful when consumers buy their products and services.

Nearly 70% of the GDP is consumer spending.

Obviously if the bulk of consumers made more and spent more, that would be far more beneficial to business than a tax cut alone.

Consumers spend less when the potential of higher taxes looms over them, and more when taxes are less burdensome.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will increase consumption more and create more demand than will a tax cut. Nobody is working hard for a tax cut. They are working harder with higher taxes.
Service jobs are not worth $15 an hour, that would be forcing those employers into the red
When you are spewing such large amounts of stupid shit, I just assume the worst. It's what the meaning always seems to be.

But okay, so you want more people to have jobs and for America to be great. In this case, you will love the tax cuts.
tax cuts don't create demand; people spending money do. Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
A $15 an hour minimum wage will cause wages overall to rise...which will cause the price of goods and services to rise as well. So tell me how getting a "raise" and then having the cost of everything you need to buy go up does anything at all for the average person's life?

The only group that "wins" by raising minimum wage is government because they get to take more of your money! Duh?
funny. did you know, nobody on the left should take the right wing seriously about economics or the law?

Yes, but inflation will be around five percent or less. Inflation happens, the right wing Only complains when the poor benefit.
ReDistribution is for fools
Thanks for taking the blame for the debt, right wingers.
Socialist entitlement programs are the reason for the debt… End of story
Trickle UP? How silly.

How many jobs are provided by the poor? How many paychecks have they written?
A business is only successful when consumers buy their products and services.

Nearly 70% of the GDP is consumer spending.

Obviously if the bulk of consumers made more and spent more, that would be far more beneficial to business than a tax cut alone.

Consumers spend less when the potential of higher taxes looms over them, and more when taxes are less burdensome.

Great. Then any tax relief should be focused on the largest possible segment of consumers to achieve the largest benefit.

Consumer confidence and spending was very high over the Christmas shopping period, WITHOUT a tax cut.

Are we learning yet?
God, another liberal who thinks they understand why jobs are created! For about the hundredth time..."demand" does not create jobs! The anticipation of profit is what induces investment of capital in new businesses or the expansion of existing ones! You can have tons of demand...but if the product or service you're thinking of creating doesn't generate a substantial enough profit to justify risking capital...THEN IT ISN'T GOING TO BE RISKED!!!

Fuck, another Trump zealot that has no clue how a business operators. Let me help you out here, moron.

FedEx is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profit, they will only do so when demand for their service dictates them doing so.

GM is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profits, they will do so when demand for their product dictates them doing so.

Now go home and wait for the next GOP talking points email and come back and try again.

So you think that GM is going to hire when they're NOT making profits? That they'll hire thousands more to build a car or truck that they're not making money on? You don't have the faintest idea how businesses operate!

Another lying partisan hack. Is this all you Trump zealots have left is to lie about people? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Did you want to tell me WHAT it is you think is a "lie" in my statement...or does calling it a lie suffice for you? You've come on the board and posted things claiming to be in the know about business and economics. I've pointed out that it's more anticipation of profit that makes businesses expand and hire...not just demand because if they're not making more money by getting bigger...they're not going to invest capital in getting bigger!
Your response to my point was angry bluster. So who's the partisan hack?
can you anticipate more profit without more demand?

Gee, you mean that's why consumer spending is watched so closely at the holidays?

Who knew?

People are ditching Subway, and franchisees expect a wave of store closures — here's what went wrong
Trickle UP? How silly.

How many jobs are provided by the poor? How many paychecks have they written?
A business is only successful when consumers buy their products and services.

Nearly 70% of the GDP is consumer spending.

Obviously if the bulk of consumers made more and spent more, that would be far more beneficial to business than a tax cut alone.

Consumers spend less when the potential of higher taxes looms over them, and more when taxes are less burdensome.

Great. Then any tax relief should be focused on the largest possible segment of consumers to achieve the largest benefit.

Consumer confidence and spending was very high over the Christmas shopping period, WITHOUT a tax cut.

Are we learning yet?

Just not as high as it needs to be to create sustained growth.
Consequences are higher deficits and larger debt. Tax cuts need to be balanced with spending cuts which means layoffs, loss of government contracts, reduced funding for military and or schools. Etc. There is plenty of fat to cut in government spending but also a lot of potential for harm. We have to be thoughtful and careful how we proceed and unfortunately right now the conversations and policy making are more partisan and dishonest than smart and thoughtful.

These tax cuts (a scam, really) was NOT needed....The tax cuts constitute payback to wealthy donors who openly stated that if this bill was not passed, their contributions would dry up.

Corporations were SWIMMING in cash before these tax cuts and all that has changed is that our debt has grown and a few bucks as "bribes" is being handed to Americans to make them feel like they won something........unaware that those few bucks will have to be paid back by them with interest.
The tax cuts constitute payback to wealthy donors who openly stated that if this bill was not passed, their contributions would dry up.

In the sense you've described, H.R. 1-2018 is more akin to ransom and/or blackmail payments than to payback.
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Trickle UP? How silly.

How many jobs are provided by the poor? How many paychecks have they written?
A business is only successful when consumers buy their products and services.

Nearly 70% of the GDP is consumer spending.

Obviously if the bulk of consumers made more and spent more, that would be far more beneficial to business than a tax cut alone.

Consumers spend less when the potential of higher taxes looms over them, and more when taxes are less burdensome.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will increase consumption more and create more demand than will a tax cut. Nobody is working hard for a tax cut. They are working harder with higher taxes.

Fry-flipping isn't worth $15.00 per hour. Period.

The fact is a lot of unskilled illegals swamped the unskilled job market, pushing out the part-time American adolescents the jobs were intended to be filled by.

Now, with their skills remaining static and nowhere to go, they want to force the companies into turning these low-paying unskilled monkey jobs into full-time middle class careers, complete with all benefits.

Better to automate.
Does ABC Corp make a profit? Where does that profit come from? Look at the big picture. Where does the money flow?

Ofcouse ABC Corp makes a profit.
Your point is somehow believe money originates at the bottom and works its way up...I couldn’t disagree more. Getting real’d have to go way back to understand where old money originated....there lies your, livestock, agriculture and ones own blood, sweat and tears.
Looking at Microsoft as a could not and would not be able to consume Microsoft products and or services had Bill Gates not engineered an operating system and built Microsoft....therefore all Microsoft products and services consumed began at Bill Gates. Are you starting to get it yet?
You are putting words in my mouth. I never said that Money originated at the bottom. I said that money flows up to the top. Look at the last two decades. The top earners have sucked up the vast majority of new Money and become richer than ever while the middle class has remained relatively stagnant. Of course the top earners pay wages and employ workers. A % goes down to the bottom and a larger percentage ends up floating to the top. Do you deny this?
/----/ Libs believe there is a finite amount of money to be made and if an "evil rich" guy makes a dollar it's only because he stole it from the poor. Well the economy is ever expanding and there is plenty to go around. Stop blaming others for your situation.

There is a finite amount of money in the economy. There is less of that money in the hands of the bulk of Americans than at any other time.
Does ABC Corp make a profit? Where does that profit come from? Look at the big picture. Where does the money flow?

Ofcouse ABC Corp makes a profit.
Your point is somehow believe money originates at the bottom and works its way up...I couldn’t disagree more. Getting real’d have to go way back to understand where old money originated....there lies your, livestock, agriculture and ones own blood, sweat and tears.
Looking at Microsoft as a could not and would not be able to consume Microsoft products and or services had Bill Gates not engineered an operating system and built Microsoft....therefore all Microsoft products and services consumed began at Bill Gates. Are you starting to get it yet?
You are putting words in my mouth. I never said that Money originated at the bottom. I said that money flows up to the top. Look at the last two decades. The top earners have sucked up the vast majority of new Money and become richer than ever while the middle class has remained relatively stagnant. Of course the top earners pay wages and employ workers. A % goes down to the bottom and a larger percentage ends up floating to the top. Do you deny this?
/----/ Libs believe there is a finite amount of money to be made and if an "evil rich" guy makes a dollar it's only because he stole it from the poor. Well the economy is ever expanding and there is plenty to go around. Stop blaming others for your situation.

There is a finite amount of money in the economy. There is less of that money in the hands of the bulk of Americans than at any other time.
/——/ Then how was Obozo able to pump more and more cash into the economy?


Perhaps you can explain.
When you are spewing such large amounts of stupid shit, I just assume the worst. It's what the meaning always seems to be.

But okay, so you want more people to have jobs and for America to be great. In this case, you will love the tax cuts.
tax cuts don't create demand; people spending money do. Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
A $15 an hour minimum wage will cause wages overall to rise...which will cause the price of goods and services to rise as well. So tell me how getting a "raise" and then having the cost of everything you need to buy go up does anything at all for the average person's life?

The only group that "wins" by raising minimum wage is government because they get to take more of your money! Duh?
funny. did you know, nobody on the left should take the right wing seriously about economics or the law?

Yes, but inflation will be around five percent or less. Inflation happens, the right wing Only complains when the poor benefit.
ReDistribution is for fools
Thanks for taking the blame for the debt, right wingers.

Yawn. We've been running a debt since 1789.
Trickle UP? How silly.

How many jobs are provided by the poor? How many paychecks have they written?
A business is only successful when consumers buy their products and services.

Nearly 70% of the GDP is consumer spending.

Obviously if the bulk of consumers made more and spent more, that would be far more beneficial to business than a tax cut alone.

Consumers spend less when the potential of higher taxes looms over them, and more when taxes are less burdensome.

Great. Then any tax relief should be focused on the largest possible segment of consumers to achieve the largest benefit.

Consumer confidence and spending was very high over the Christmas shopping period, WITHOUT a tax cut.

Are we learning yet?

Just not as high as it needs to be to create sustained growth.

Trickle UP? How silly.

How many jobs are provided by the poor? How many paychecks have they written?
A business is only successful when consumers buy their products and services.

Nearly 70% of the GDP is consumer spending.

Obviously if the bulk of consumers made more and spent more, that would be far more beneficial to business than a tax cut alone.

Consumers spend less when the potential of higher taxes looms over them, and more when taxes are less burdensome.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will increase consumption more and create more demand than will a tax cut. Nobody is working hard for a tax cut. They are working harder with higher taxes.

Fry-flipping isn't worth $15,00 per hour. Period.

The fact is a lot of unskilled illegals swamped the unskilled job market, pushing out the part-time American adolescents the jobs were intended to be filled by.

Now, with their skills remaining static and nowhere to go, they want to force the companies into turning these low-paying unskilled monkey jobs into full-time middle class careers, complete with all benefits.

Better to automate.

Fry-flipping isn't worth $15,00 per hour. Period.

Relative to what?

How does the MW today compare in real $ to MW in the past?
Trickle UP? How silly.

How many jobs are provided by the poor? How many paychecks have they written?
A business is only successful when consumers buy their products and services.

Nearly 70% of the GDP is consumer spending.

Obviously if the bulk of consumers made more and spent more, that would be far more beneficial to business than a tax cut alone.

Consumers spend less when the potential of higher taxes looms over them, and more when taxes are less burdensome.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will increase consumption more and create more demand than will a tax cut. Nobody is working hard for a tax cut. They are working harder with higher taxes.
Service jobs are not worth $15 an hour, that would be forcing those employers into the red
do employers pay taxes or wages or do their customers?

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