Trickle Up Defies Gravity



    Votes: 11 50.0%

    Votes: 11 50.0%

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People don't need jobs? Okay, I believe I understand, you don't want people to have jobs or for America to be great. In that case, yes, the tax cuts are your worst nightmare.

That is not what I said your lying fuck.

Businesses use their money to expand and hire more people. That's how it works, maybe you should work in a business one day to figure it out? Maybe even have a business of your own?

Business hire more people when they have the demand to do so, not because they have extra money, how stupid are you?

Do you think Microsoft is going to hire more people just because even if they do not have anything for them to do?

They will hire more people when they have an increase in demand, not because they have more money.

Amazing how stupid being a partisan makes people.

Income distribution

{1} 1,365,856 earn more than $388,000 a year

{2} 68,292,856 earn less than $70,000 a year

If the IRS gave tax bracket {1} a $1,000 tax break they in turn could add $13,665,856,000 to the economy but the rich will not add it to the economy, they will put it in the bank to do nothing

If the IRS gave tax bracket {2} a $1,000 tax break they in turn could add $68,292,856,000 to the economy because they will spend it, buying new things from houses to shoes to a new car which adds to the economy making more shoes, the car to a new house.

Now ask yourself; which is best for our economy

( ) Trickle down

( ) Trickle up

Glad you agree with Trump's tax cuts
People don't need jobs? Okay, I believe I understand, you don't want people to have jobs or for America to be great. In that case, yes, the tax cuts are your worst nightmare.

That is not what I said your lying fuck.

That's exactly what you said.

Businesses use their money to expand and hire more people. That's how it works, maybe you should work in a business one day to figure it out? Maybe even have a business of your own?

Business hire more people when they have the demand to do so, not because they have extra money, how stupid are you?

Do you think Microsoft is going to hire more people just because even if they do not have anything for them to do?

They will hire more people when they have an increase in demand, not because they have more money.

Amazing how stupid being a partisan makes people.

Well, the businesses will have more demand as well, because the employees will have more money, as will investors. Maybe you should build a business and figure it out? You are clueless and spewing complete bullshit as of now. I have a degree in economics, you have a degree in crafting bullshit, so that is, gender studies?
God, another liberal who thinks they understand why jobs are created! For about the hundredth time..."demand" does not create jobs! The anticipation of profit is what induces investment of capital in new businesses or the expansion of existing ones! You can have tons of demand...but if the product or service you're thinking of creating doesn't generate a substantial enough profit to justify risking capital...THEN IT ISN'T GOING TO BE RISKED!!!

Fuck, another Trump zealot that has no clue how a business operators. Let me help you out here, moron.

FedEx is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profit, they will only do so when demand for their service dictates them doing so.

GM is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profits, they will do so when demand for their product dictates them doing so.

Now go home and wait for the next GOP talking points email and come back and try again.

A other one that failed the business 101 course, and clearly has never owned or perhaps even worked in a business.

The corporations will have more money, and guess where that money is gonna go? You guessed right, to employ more Americans, and to pay more bonuses and wages to Americans.

So, they are just going to give more people jobs even though they do not need them?

You really think that business hire people just because they have more money?

So, FedEx is going to hire more drivers even though they do not need them?

Are you really that stupid? Do not bother answering, we all know the answer.

Have you ever even had a job?

How the fuck you don't know FedEx will use that money to modernized their fleet of trucks (jobs) build new distribution centers (jobs)

You don't know this shit, you just pissed because you can't steal the money legally
People don't need jobs? Okay, I believe I understand, you don't want people to have jobs or for America to be great. In that case, yes, the tax cuts are your worst nightmare.

That is not what I said your lying fuck.

That's exactly what you said.

Businesses use their money to expand and hire more people. That's how it works, maybe you should work in a business one day to figure it out? Maybe even have a business of your own?

Business hire more people when they have the demand to do so, not because they have extra money, how stupid are you?

Do you think Microsoft is going to hire more people just because even if they do not have anything for them to do?

They will hire more people when they have an increase in demand, not because they have more money.

Amazing how stupid being a partisan makes people.

Well, the businesses will have more demand as well, because the employees will have more money, as will investors. Maybe you should build a business and figure it out? You are clueless and spewing complete bullshit as of now. I have a degree in economics, you have a degree in crafting bullshit, so that is, gender studies?

you have a degree in lying about what people said, and you do it very well.
Here is how many jobs
People don't need jobs? Okay, I believe I understand, you don't want people to have jobs or for America to be great. In that case, yes, the tax cuts are your worst nightmare.

That is not what I said your lying fuck.

That's exactly what you said.

Businesses use their money to expand and hire more people. That's how it works, maybe you should work in a business one day to figure it out? Maybe even have a business of your own?

Business hire more people when they have the demand to do so, not because they have extra money, how stupid are you?

Do you think Microsoft is going to hire more people just because even if they do not have anything for them to do?

They will hire more people when they have an increase in demand, not because they have more money.

Amazing how stupid being a partisan makes people.

Well, the businesses will have more demand as well, because the employees will have more money, as will investors. Maybe you should build a business and figure it out? You are clueless and spewing complete bullshit as of now. I have a degree in economics, you have a degree in crafting bullshit, so that is, gender studies?

you have a degree in lying about what people said, and you do it very well.

Only you are making up lies and bullshit.

So, they are just going to give more people jobs even though they do not need them?

Speaking of that, I can guess your track record of creating jobs. Here are the jobs you have created:

Nice! So given that you cant figure out how to create jobs, why should anyone listen to you when it comes to creating jobs?
Here is how many jobs
People don't need jobs? Okay, I believe I understand, you don't want people to have jobs or for America to be great. In that case, yes, the tax cuts are your worst nightmare.

That is not what I said your lying fuck.

That's exactly what you said.

Businesses use their money to expand and hire more people. That's how it works, maybe you should work in a business one day to figure it out? Maybe even have a business of your own?

Business hire more people when they have the demand to do so, not because they have extra money, how stupid are you?

Do you think Microsoft is going to hire more people just because even if they do not have anything for them to do?

They will hire more people when they have an increase in demand, not because they have more money.

Amazing how stupid being a partisan makes people.

Well, the businesses will have more demand as well, because the employees will have more money, as will investors. Maybe you should build a business and figure it out? You are clueless and spewing complete bullshit as of now. I have a degree in economics, you have a degree in crafting bullshit, so that is, gender studies?

you have a degree in lying about what people said, and you do it very well.

Only you are making up lies and bullshit.

So, they are just going to give more people jobs even though they do not need them?

the "they" is the companies, not the people. Fuck, I guess you were not lying, you are just stupid. My bad
Here is how many jobs
People don't need jobs? Okay, I believe I understand, you don't want people to have jobs or for America to be great. In that case, yes, the tax cuts are your worst nightmare.

That is not what I said your lying fuck.

That's exactly what you said.

Businesses use their money to expand and hire more people. That's how it works, maybe you should work in a business one day to figure it out? Maybe even have a business of your own?

Business hire more people when they have the demand to do so, not because they have extra money, how stupid are you?

Do you think Microsoft is going to hire more people just because even if they do not have anything for them to do?

They will hire more people when they have an increase in demand, not because they have more money.

Amazing how stupid being a partisan makes people.

Well, the businesses will have more demand as well, because the employees will have more money, as will investors. Maybe you should build a business and figure it out? You are clueless and spewing complete bullshit as of now. I have a degree in economics, you have a degree in crafting bullshit, so that is, gender studies?

you have a degree in lying about what people said, and you do it very well.

Only you are making up lies and bullshit.

So, they are just going to give more people jobs even though they do not need them?

the "they" is the companies, not the people. Fuck, I guess you were not lying, you are just stupid. My bad

When you are spewing such large amounts of stupid shit, I just assume the worst. It's what the meaning always seems to be.

But okay, so you want more people to have jobs and for America to be great. In this case, you will love the tax cuts.
But okay, so you want more people to have jobs and for America to be great. In this case, you will love the tax cuts.

America was great before we added a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt for the temporary tax cuts.

People have jobs. Since you have a degree in economics you understand the concept of "full employment" which is what we are at as a nation.
But okay, so you want more people to have jobs and for America to be great. In this case, you will love the tax cuts.

America was great before we added a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt for the temporary tax cuts.

People have jobs. Since you have a degree in economics you understand the concept of "full employment" which is what we are at as a nation.

Was it great before Obama added 10 trillion to the debt?

Okay, so now you are telling me again that we are at "full employment" and people don't need jobs as of this moment... There are still plenty of unemployed people who would tell you otherwise. Millions of people without a job. How nice of you to suggest that they don't want jobs.

Besides, we still want higher wages, and businesses will offer higher wages because of the tax plan as well.
But okay, so you want more people to have jobs and for America to be great. In this case, you will love the tax cuts.

America was great before we added a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt for the temporary tax cuts.

People have jobs. Since you have a degree in economics you understand the concept of "full employment" which is what we are at as a nation.

I thought you were a god damn progressive and not a conservative you moron...?

Why not cut taxes and let the economy fly with full employment see what it can do...

Fuck your conservative nonsense golfing gator Obama spent 1 trillion dollars on the wrong thing.

Come on golfing gator be a liberal like me and embrace the tax cuts a low ball figure each working class family gets $12,000 dollars over 10 years
God, another liberal who thinks they understand why jobs are created! For about the hundredth time..."demand" does not create jobs! The anticipation of profit is what induces investment of capital in new businesses or the expansion of existing ones! You can have tons of demand...but if the product or service you're thinking of creating doesn't generate a substantial enough profit to justify risking capital...THEN IT ISN'T GOING TO BE RISKED!!!

Fuck, another Trump zealot that has no clue how a business operators. Let me help you out here, moron.

FedEx is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profit, they will only do so when demand for their service dictates them doing so.

GM is not going to hire more people just because they are making more profits, they will do so when demand for their product dictates them doing so.

Now go home and wait for the next GOP talking points email and come back and try again.

So you think that GM is going to hire when they're NOT making profits? That they'll hire thousands more to build a car or truck that they're not making money on? You don't have the faintest idea how businesses operate!
So tell me all of the things that the Obama Administration did to strengthen the Middle Class, Rocks

yes, morons, like you "suffered" under Obama (a dog whistle for OTHER reasons why you didn't like Obama)....Here are a few reasons why you should just swallow your partisanship and perhaps even your latent racism....

When Obama took office, the Dow was 6,626. When Obama left office, it was 19,875. Has this caused your suffering?

We had 82 straight months of private sector job growth - the longest streak in the history of the United States. Has this caused your suffering?

Especially considering where the economy was when he took over, an amazing 11.3 million new jobs were created under President Obama (far more than President Bush). Has this caused your suffering?

Obama has taken Unemployment from 10% down to 4.7%. Has this caused your suffering?

Homelessness among US Veterans has dropped by half. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama shut down the US secret overseas prisons. Has this caused your suffering?

President Obama has created a policy for the families of fallen soldiers to have their travel paid for to be there when remains are flown home. Has this caused your suffering?

We landed a rover on Mars. Has this caused your suffering?

He passed the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Has this caused your suffering?

Uninsured adults has decreased to below 10%: 90% of adults are insured - an increase of 20 Million Adults. Has this caused your suffering?

People are now covered for pre-existing conditions. Has this caused your suffering?

Insurance Premiums increased an average of $4,677 from 2002-2008, an increase of 58% under Bush. The growth of these insurance premiums has gone up $4,145 – a slower rate of increase. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama added Billions of dollars to mental health care for our Veterans. Has this caused your suffering?

Consumer confidence has gone from 37.7 to 98.1 during Obama’s tenure. Has this caused your suffering?

He passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Has this caused your suffering?

His bi-annual Nuclear Summit convinced 16 countries to give up and destroy all their loose nuclear material so it could not be stolen. Has this caused your suffering?

He saved the US Auto industry. American cars sold at the beginning of his term were 10.4M and upon his exit 17.5M. Has this caused your suffering?

The deficit as a percentage of the GDP has gone from 9.8% to 3.2%. Has this caused your suffering?

The deficit itself was cut by $800 Billion Dollars. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama preserved the middle class tax cuts. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama banned solitary confinement for juveniles in federal prisons. Has this caused your suffering?

He signed Credit Card reform so that rates could not be raised without you being notified. Has this caused your suffering?

He outlawed Government contractors from discriminating against LGBT persons. Has this caused your suffering?

He doubled Pell Grants. Has this caused your suffering?

Abortion is down. Has this caused your suffering?

Violent crime is down. Has this caused your suffering?

He overturned the scientific ban on stem cell research. Has this caused your suffering?

He protected Net Neutrality. Has this caused your suffering?

Obamacare has extended the life of the Medicare insurance trust fund (will be solvent until 2030). Has this caused your suffering?

President Obama repealed Don't Ask Don't Tell. Has this caused your suffering?

He banned torture. Has this caused your suffering?

He negotiated with Syria to give up its chemical weapons and they were destroyed. Has this caused your suffering?

Solar and Wind Power are at an all time high. Has this caused your suffering?

High School Graduation rates hit 83% - an all time high. Has this caused your suffering?

Corporate profits are up by 144%. Has this caused your suffering?

He normalized relations with Cuba. Has this caused your suffering?

Reliance on foreign oil is at a 40 year low. Has this caused your suffering?

US Exports are up 28%. Has this caused your suffering?

He appointed the most diverse cabinet ever. Has this caused your suffering?

He reduced the number of troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Has this caused your suffering?

Yes, he killed Osama Bin Laden and retrieved all the documents in his possession for analysis. Perhaps THIS caused your suffering?

From an objective standpoint it would appear that the last eight years have seen some great progress and we were saved from a financial collapse. Things are not perfect. Things can always be better. We are on much better footing now than we were in 2008.
Demand is only one part of the equation that's looked at before capital is invested and businesses are started or expanded! There is "demand" for a twenty thousand dollar Corvette that performs as well as cars costing much more! So why doesn't GM build hundreds of thousands of these "in demand" cars? Quite obviously...because they'd lose money doing so! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
So tell me all of the things that the Obama Administration did to strengthen the Middle Class, Rocks

yes, morons, like you "suffered" under Obama (a dog whistle for OTHER reasons why you didn't like Obama)....Here are a few reasons why you should just swallow your partisanship and perhaps even your latent racism....

When Obama took office, the Dow was 6,626. When Obama left office, it was 19,875. Has this caused your suffering?

We had 82 straight months of private sector job growth - the longest streak in the history of the United States. Has this caused your suffering?

Especially considering where the economy was when he took over, an amazing 11.3 million new jobs were created under President Obama (far more than President Bush). Has this caused your suffering?

Obama has taken Unemployment from 10% down to 4.7%. Has this caused your suffering?

Homelessness among US Veterans has dropped by half. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama shut down the US secret overseas prisons. Has this caused your suffering?

President Obama has created a policy for the families of fallen soldiers to have their travel paid for to be there when remains are flown home. Has this caused your suffering?

We landed a rover on Mars. Has this caused your suffering?

He passed the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Has this caused your suffering?

Uninsured adults has decreased to below 10%: 90% of adults are insured - an increase of 20 Million Adults. Has this caused your suffering?

People are now covered for pre-existing conditions. Has this caused your suffering?

Insurance Premiums increased an average of $4,677 from 2002-2008, an increase of 58% under Bush. The growth of these insurance premiums has gone up $4,145 – a slower rate of increase. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama added Billions of dollars to mental health care for our Veterans. Has this caused your suffering?

Consumer confidence has gone from 37.7 to 98.1 during Obama’s tenure. Has this caused your suffering?

He passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Has this caused your suffering?

His bi-annual Nuclear Summit convinced 16 countries to give up and destroy all their loose nuclear material so it could not be stolen. Has this caused your suffering?

He saved the US Auto industry. American cars sold at the beginning of his term were 10.4M and upon his exit 17.5M. Has this caused your suffering?

The deficit as a percentage of the GDP has gone from 9.8% to 3.2%. Has this caused your suffering?

The deficit itself was cut by $800 Billion Dollars. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama preserved the middle class tax cuts. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama banned solitary confinement for juveniles in federal prisons. Has this caused your suffering?

He signed Credit Card reform so that rates could not be raised without you being notified. Has this caused your suffering?

He outlawed Government contractors from discriminating against LGBT persons. Has this caused your suffering?

He doubled Pell Grants. Has this caused your suffering?

Abortion is down. Has this caused your suffering?

Violent crime is down. Has this caused your suffering?

He overturned the scientific ban on stem cell research. Has this caused your suffering?

He protected Net Neutrality. Has this caused your suffering?

Obamacare has extended the life of the Medicare insurance trust fund (will be solvent until 2030). Has this caused your suffering?

President Obama repealed Don't Ask Don't Tell. Has this caused your suffering?

He banned torture. Has this caused your suffering?

He negotiated with Syria to give up its chemical weapons and they were destroyed. Has this caused your suffering?

Solar and Wind Power are at an all time high. Has this caused your suffering?

High School Graduation rates hit 83% - an all time high. Has this caused your suffering?

Corporate profits are up by 144%. Has this caused your suffering?

He normalized relations with Cuba. Has this caused your suffering?

Reliance on foreign oil is at a 40 year low. Has this caused your suffering?

US Exports are up 28%. Has this caused your suffering?

He appointed the most diverse cabinet ever. Has this caused your suffering?

He reduced the number of troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Has this caused your suffering?

Yes, he killed Osama Bin Laden and retrieved all the documents in his possession for analysis. Perhaps THIS caused your suffering?

From an objective standpoint it would appear that the last eight years have seen some great progress and we were saved from a financial collapse. Things are not perfect. Things can always be better. We are on much better footing now than we were in 2008.

I'm amused by all the things that you think Barack Obama was responsible for because they occurred during his Presidency! Your list is full of things that happened DESPITE Obama...yet for some unknown reason you think he deserves credit for them!
Take our dependence on foreign oil? What Obama policy caused that to take place? His unwavering support of fracking? His handling of drilling permits after the Gulf spill? Go ahead and prove that Barry deserved the credit that he laughingly TRIED to claim!
I'm amused by all the things that you think Barack Obama was responsible for because they occurred during his Presidency! Your list is full of things that happened DESPITE Obama...yet for some unknown reason you think he deserves credit for them!

Well, Mr. fuckhead....then don't let me catch you "praising" the orange buffoon for ANYTHING that happened this year, or I'll re-post what you just wrote...
Careful there, Trump cultist...........LOL
So tell me all of the things that the Obama Administration did to strengthen the Middle Class, Rocks

yes, morons, like you "suffered" under Obama (a dog whistle for OTHER reasons why you didn't like Obama)....Here are a few reasons why you should just swallow your partisanship and perhaps even your latent racism....

When Obama took office, the Dow was 6,626. When Obama left office, it was 19,875. Has this caused your suffering?

We had 82 straight months of private sector job growth - the longest streak in the history of the United States. Has this caused your suffering?

Especially considering where the economy was when he took over, an amazing 11.3 million new jobs were created under President Obama (far more than President Bush). Has this caused your suffering?

Obama has taken Unemployment from 10% down to 4.7%. Has this caused your suffering?

Homelessness among US Veterans has dropped by half. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama shut down the US secret overseas prisons. Has this caused your suffering?

President Obama has created a policy for the families of fallen soldiers to have their travel paid for to be there when remains are flown home. Has this caused your suffering?

We landed a rover on Mars. Has this caused your suffering?

He passed the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Has this caused your suffering?

Uninsured adults has decreased to below 10%: 90% of adults are insured - an increase of 20 Million Adults. Has this caused your suffering?

People are now covered for pre-existing conditions. Has this caused your suffering?

Insurance Premiums increased an average of $4,677 from 2002-2008, an increase of 58% under Bush. The growth of these insurance premiums has gone up $4,145 – a slower rate of increase. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama added Billions of dollars to mental health care for our Veterans. Has this caused your suffering?

Consumer confidence has gone from 37.7 to 98.1 during Obama’s tenure. Has this caused your suffering?

He passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Has this caused your suffering?

His bi-annual Nuclear Summit convinced 16 countries to give up and destroy all their loose nuclear material so it could not be stolen. Has this caused your suffering?

He saved the US Auto industry. American cars sold at the beginning of his term were 10.4M and upon his exit 17.5M. Has this caused your suffering?

The deficit as a percentage of the GDP has gone from 9.8% to 3.2%. Has this caused your suffering?

The deficit itself was cut by $800 Billion Dollars. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama preserved the middle class tax cuts. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama banned solitary confinement for juveniles in federal prisons. Has this caused your suffering?

He signed Credit Card reform so that rates could not be raised without you being notified. Has this caused your suffering?

He outlawed Government contractors from discriminating against LGBT persons. Has this caused your suffering?

He doubled Pell Grants. Has this caused your suffering?

Abortion is down. Has this caused your suffering?

Violent crime is down. Has this caused your suffering?

He overturned the scientific ban on stem cell research. Has this caused your suffering?

He protected Net Neutrality. Has this caused your suffering?

Obamacare has extended the life of the Medicare insurance trust fund (will be solvent until 2030). Has this caused your suffering?

President Obama repealed Don't Ask Don't Tell. Has this caused your suffering?

He banned torture. Has this caused your suffering?

He negotiated with Syria to give up its chemical weapons and they were destroyed. Has this caused your suffering?

Solar and Wind Power are at an all time high. Has this caused your suffering?

High School Graduation rates hit 83% - an all time high. Has this caused your suffering?

Corporate profits are up by 144%. Has this caused your suffering?

He normalized relations with Cuba. Has this caused your suffering?

Reliance on foreign oil is at a 40 year low. Has this caused your suffering?

US Exports are up 28%. Has this caused your suffering?

He appointed the most diverse cabinet ever. Has this caused your suffering?

He reduced the number of troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Has this caused your suffering?

Yes, he killed Osama Bin Laden and retrieved all the documents in his possession for analysis. Perhaps THIS caused your suffering?

From an objective standpoint it would appear that the last eight years have seen some great progress and we were saved from a financial collapse. Things are not perfect. Things can always be better. We are on much better footing now than we were in 2008.

What nat you trying to go for RDerps trophy as USMB liar of the year in 2017?

Let's look at a few of your lies .. Assad used chemical weapons Again that's why trumped bombed him retard ..

Tarp, bush Jr.

Bailing out Detroit , bush Jr started it.

Unemployment was at 8% in 2013 and Obama made over 80% bush Jr tax cuts perment..

Wall Street, quantitive easing ...Janet Yellen.

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