Trey Gowdy Hired by Trump to deal with Impeachment Inquiry..

BREAKING: FOX NEWS has just reported that Trey Gowdy was retained by Trump to deal with the House and its impeachment Inquiry.

The gloves are off... Now the law is going to smack dems right in the ass.. Trey knows the law and House rules. Schiff is in deep doo doo as Trey will call out his conflicts and lies.

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In my opinion, Trey Gowdy should have been the AG from day 1. He is honest, courageous and tough.

Trey Gowdy, who has had high clearances as a Congressman, has consistently said that FBI's Russian interference investigation was proper and well predicated.
Where did you get that crap...? Trey has consistently said they were illegal and unethical...

You just don't know what you are talking about. Rightwingers turned on Gowdy in 2018 after he broke with the Republican talking points and WH-Nunez shandaigans to publicly defended FBI probe.

Trey Gowdy Defends FBI's Russia Investigation | National Review
That article was May 30, 2018 long before the lie was uncovered and the corruption outed. Since then he has steadfastly called it unethical and unlawful in light of the new evidence.. Get up to date..

Gowdy: When I Saw a Transcript In Mueller Probe "It Actually Changed My Perspective"
Trey Gowdy, who has had high clearances as a Congressman, has consistently said that FBI's Russian interference investigation was proper and well predicated.

At first it may have been, but when they couldn't find anything, Comey started creating a scenario to get Trump removed from office. The 7th floor committed treason, not the field offices or agents.

What "Comey creating scenario"? wtf are you talking about? No one made Trump try to Obstruct Justice except Trump himself.

Trey defended Mueller's investigation against Trump's attacks.

"When you are innocent … act like it," Gowdy said on “Fox News Sunday" when asked about Trump's repeated Twitter attacks on Mueller, whose probe has become increasingly perilous to the president and his inner circle. "If you’ve done nothing wrong, you should want the investigation to be as fulsome and thorough as possible."

Gowdy to Trump: ‘When you are innocent … act like it’
BREAKING: FOX NEWS has just reported that Trey Gowdy was retained by Trump to deal with the House and its impeachment Inquiry.

The gloves are off... Now the law is going to smack dems right in the ass.. Trey knows the law and House rules. Schiff is in deep doo doo as Trey will call out his conflicts and lies.

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In my opinion, Trey Gowdy should have been the AG from day 1. He is honest, courageous and tough.

Trey Gowdy, who has had high clearances as a Congressman, has consistently said that FBI's Russian interference investigation was proper and well predicated.
Where did you get that crap...? Trey has consistently said they were illegal and unethical...

You just don't know what you are talking about. Rightwingers turned on Gowdy in 2018 after he broke with the Republican talking points and WH-Nunez shandaigans to publicly defended FBI probe.

Trey Gowdy Defends FBI's Russia Investigation | National Review
That article was May 30, 2018 long before the lie was uncovered and the corruption outed. Since then he has steadfastly called it unethical and unlawful in light of the new evidence.. Get up to date..

Gowdy: When I Saw a Transcript In Mueller Probe "It Actually Changed My Perspective"
Every bit as unethical as the leftist pigs that come in here lying 24-7.
BREAKING: FOX NEWS has just reported that Trey Gowdy was retained by Trump to deal with the House and its impeachment Inquiry.

The gloves are off... Now the law is going to smack dems right in the ass.. Trey knows the law and House rules. Schiff is in deep doo doo as Trey will call out his conflicts and lies.

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That's funny. Hillary stomped his ass in the Benghazi hearings. She even shamed him into leaving Congress. Why does Trump keep hiring losers?

Trey Gowdy, who has had high clearances as a Congressman, has consistently said that FBI's Russian interference investigation was proper and well predicated.

At first it may have been, but when they couldn't find anything, Comey started creating a scenario to get Trump removed from office. The 7th floor committed treason, not the field offices or agents.

What "Comey creating scenario"? wtf are you talking about? No one made Trump try to Obstruct Justice except Trump himself.

Trey defended Mueller's investigation against Trump's attacks.

"When you are innocent … act like it," Gowdy said on “Fox News Sunday" when asked about Trump's repeated Twitter attacks on Mueller, whose probe has become increasingly perilous to the president and his inner circle. "If you’ve done nothing wrong, you should want the investigation to be as fulsome and thorough as possible."

Gowdy to Trump: ‘When you are innocent … act like it’
Not even Mueller said Trump Obstructed Justice.

Quit Lying.
Trey Gowdy, who has had high clearances as a Congressman, has consistently said that FBI's Russian interference investigation was proper and well predicated.

At first it may have been, but when they couldn't find anything, Comey started creating a scenario to get Trump removed from office. The 7th floor committed treason, not the field offices or agents.

What "Comey creating scenario"? wtf are you talking about? No one made Trump try to Obstruct Justice except Trump himself.

Trey defended Mueller's investigation against Trump's attacks.

"When you are innocent … act like it," Gowdy said on “Fox News Sunday" when asked about Trump's repeated Twitter attacks on Mueller, whose probe has become increasingly perilous to the president and his inner circle. "If you’ve done nothing wrong, you should want the investigation to be as fulsome and thorough as possible."

Gowdy to Trump: ‘When you are innocent … act like it’
You go with that pile of BS..

Your about to get your MSDNC ass handed to you...
I won't lie, I'm a big fan of Trey Gowdy and I'd be thrilled if he ever decides to run for Prez. This is what I think is the guts of what he said about the Mueller investigation:
(talking to Maria Bartiromo on Fox Bus)

Some of us have seen transcripts of those conversations. And I was supportive of Mueller. I was supportive of the idea to initiate -- to investigate what Russia did.

But when I saw this transcript, it actually changed my perspective, because you want to think of law enforcement as being unbiased and disinterested in the outcome, as long as we just find the facts.

But when you have information that someone you think has done something wrong has, in fact, not done something wrong, when you have exculpatory information, and you don't share it with others, and then you put that together with Strzok and Page and then the defensive briefings, remember, Maria, the defense of Comey and the media and the Democrats has always been, yes, some in the FBI was biased against Trump, and it didn't matter.

This really matters. When you have exculpatory information, and you don't share it with a court, when you give two different kinds of defensive briefings to the candidates, depending on who you like and who you don't, then your bias begins to impact the investigation.

That's what I saw when I saw the transcript, but your viewers should be entitled to make up their own minds.
BREAKING: FOX NEWS has just reported that Trey Gowdy was retained by Trump to deal with the House and its impeachment Inquiry.

The gloves are off... Now the law is going to smack dems right in the ass.. Trey knows the law and House rules. Schiff is in deep doo doo as Trey will call out his conflicts and lies.

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I'm sure he will do just as good a job as he did the Benghazi inquiry. :71:



Time to prosecute and punish traitors again.

DiGenova: Trump Impeachment Inquiry "Regicide," Whistleblowers Are "Suicide Bombers"

Former U.S. Attorney Joe DiGenova said Democrats have unleashed "suicide bombers" on the democratic process. In an interview with FNC's Laura Ingraham, DiGenova said the "first suicide bomber" was the whistleblower who filed a complaint of the Trump-Ukraine phonecall and likened it to regicide.

JOE DIGENOVA, FORMER U.S. ATTORNEY: What you are seeing is regicide. This is regicide by another name, fake impeachment. The Democrats in the House want to destroy the president, they don't want to preserve the republic. There's nothing honorable about what is happening. This is a despicable abuse of constitutional power.

If they had on the floor a vote to establish an impeachment inquiry, that would give the Republicans subpoena power. But the Democrats aren't doing that, they want to deny them subpoena power. So what do we get? We get first one anonymous informant, then a second anonymous informant, I refuse to call them whistleblowers.

These two nonentities are suicide bombers that the Democrats have unleashed on the democratic process. They actually think the American people are going to accept having people testify secretly without anyone knowing who they are, where they worked, what their party affiliation was, who they conspired with. It's pretty obvious that this first suicide bomber who sent that complaint to the inspector general was a paid Democratic operative of the Democratic party.

BREAKING: FOX NEWS has just reported that Trey Gowdy was retained by Trump to deal with the House and its impeachment Inquiry.

The gloves are off... Now the law is going to smack dems right in the ass.. Trey knows the law and House rules.

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He was recruited as Trump's PR talking head because Juliani is a bumbling fool who keeps making unforced errors.

He is not a Senator and has no actual authority in law.
great. then this move shouldn't bother you.
BREAKING: FOX NEWS has just reported that Trey Gowdy was retained by Trump to deal with the House and its impeachment Inquiry.

The gloves are off... Now the law is going to smack dems right in the ass.. Trey knows the law and House rules. Schiff is in deep doo doo as Trey will call out his conflicts and lies.

View attachment 283689
I'm sure he will do just as good a job as he did the Benghazi inquiry. :71:
He did an awesome job but you can't make The Corrupt Obama DOJ and Corrupt Obama FBI prosecute Clinton and Obama when they were giving the orders to The FBI and DOJ.
Looks like Trey finally settled on a hair style....odd looking but maybe his wife likes it. He missed the Big Casino, that's for sure and this way he can make some good bread for his talents.....He's never lost a case.
The FoxNews hair fluffers won't let him go on till they say he can go on. <giggle>
Does this mean Trump has become be-Treyed?
No, he's giving him access to become the next Republican President years hence. One thing about Trump--he knows a winner when he sees one.
It was just a joke (obviously), but, now that you mention it, Gowdy would make a better President (though that may not be much of an endorsement).
I don't think that is known yet. Trey is in a time of testing right now. My prayers are for him and his family. They have spunk and courage on account of Trey.

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