Trey Gowdy Hired by Trump to deal with Impeachment Inquiry..

What "Comey creating scenario"? wtf are you talking about? No one made Trump try to Obstruct Justice except Trump himself.

Trey defended Mueller's investigation against Trump's attacks.

"When you are innocent … act like it," Gowdy said on “Fox News Sunday" when asked about Trump's repeated Twitter attacks on Mueller, whose probe has become increasingly perilous to the president and his inner circle. "If you’ve done nothing wrong, you should want the investigation to be as fulsome and thorough as possible."

Gowdy to Trump: ‘When you are innocent … act like it’

Trump handed over tens of thousands of documents, never fired Mueller or Sessions, although he could have, and let Mueller interview everybody he asked to. Does a "guilty" man do that? The only thing he wouldn't agree to is a perjury-trap interview with one of Mueller's and smart.
Love the gas lighting attempt. :71:
I think three years of lies The Left Knew were Lies, The Left Paid for Those Lies, The Obama Bin Lying FBI, DOJ and CIA KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt they were lies paid for by THE DNC, Clinton and Obama is the very definition of not only Gas Lighting, but Treason

But you keep on going on with your tall tales, Joseph Goebbels.

Sieg Heil Hitlery!

The guy who held a four year witch hunt of Hillary? And found NOTHING?

THAT guy?
Oh, he found plenty. And she tripped the light fantastic with lawyering tricks that will be set aside once the hidden emails are made public.
You can't Prosecute Clinton when you have a Criminal President in The White House surrounded by a Criminal FBI, Criminal DOJ, and CRIMINAL NSA and CIA, as well as all The CRIMINALS he put in THE IRS and other agencies when he weaponized the entire government against The American People and our allies.

Yet despite that, they still couldn't frame an Innocent man when they tried their COUP. That COUP is still going on today.

Framing someone and manufacturing evidence is a lot harder than convicting a guilty man. Especially if an innocent man has the will and resources to fight back against treacherous and seditious lying vipers.
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BREAKING: FOX NEWS has just reported that Trey Gowdy was retained by Trump to deal with the House and its impeachment Inquiry.

The gloves are off... Now the law is going to smack dems right in the ass.. Trey knows the law and House rules. Schiff is in deep doo doo as Trey will call out his conflicts and lies.

View attachment 283689
In my opinion, Trey Gowdy should have been the AG from day 1. He is honest, courageous and tough.

This is in direct contrast to Schiff who is an Effeminate Lying Son of A Bitch, Cowardly, and Wimpy Canker sore with no morals or ethics.
You're right except for one thing. I'm pretty certain Trey had to get his family out of Washington DC. The Deep State operatives' kids were threatening his children at school, his wife was being battered to death with anonymous calls, threats to injure every individual in the family, not to mention threats against her husband. Those people were living in the middle of a Democrat nightmare and needed a reprieve and safety.

I don't usually forgive one America's finest for retreating, but Trey is back, he's good, and he's able. I for one will be praying for his family's elusiveness to evil Democrats still pissed off because Hillary got her walking papers from America. Oh, and I heard Trey loud and clear about what his family was going through. Trey doesn't lie and he doesn't mince words.
No, Bea, try listening to the guy's own words:
"I don't have a lot to show for the last seven years," he said, commenting he is not a "legislative branch guy."

"I'm an executive branch guy," he added.

Gowdy lamented the "ineffectiveness" of his tenure and Congress as a whole.

Gowdy also agreed with President Trump's comment that he was a "loser" for producing nothing of fruition from the Benghazi commission. Gowdy said that Trump is competent for office.

"You won't see me running for political office again," Gowdy said at the conclusion of the interview's broadcast. "I'm done."
Gowdy: I Don't Like Being A Congressman
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BREAKING: FOX NEWS has just reported that Trey Gowdy was retained by Trump to deal with the House and its impeachment Inquiry.

The gloves are off... Now the law is going to smack dems right in the ass.. Trey knows the law and House rules. Schiff is in deep doo doo as Trey will call out his conflicts and lies.

View attachment 283689
In my opinion, Trey Gowdy should have been the AG from day 1. He is honest, courageous and tough.

Trey Gowdy, who has had high clearances as a Congressman, has consistently said that FBI's Russian interference investigation was proper and well predicated.
Not so fast Joseph Goebbels
Gowdy: When I Saw a Transcript In Mueller Probe "It Actually Changed My Perspective"
I wondered why he kept going around with the zinger, "Let Justice be done till the Heavens fall down." Now I know why. The truth kicks Trey harder than any mule.

"What is Truth?"
Pontius Pilate
OMG Trey Gowdy makes my skin crawl. He and Stephen Miller make a real pair of flying monkeys for Trump.
Maybe some day he will have to get a real job.
He wouldn't have to if the Democrats would change their own dirty diapers.

They brought this on themselves. One thousand percent.

True or not he needs to get a real job.
he needs to do whatever he wants to do in life. living by my or your standards isn't likely on his list of give-a-shits.

The guy wasted millions of taxpayers dollars.
Who was that, Mueller, Nadler, Schiff or Rosenstein?

Because others are every bit as wasteful does not excuse him.

He had Hillary and Lerner and did nothing.
Maybe some day he will have to get a real job.
He wouldn't have to if the Democrats would change their own dirty diapers.

They brought this on themselves. One thousand percent.

True or not he needs to get a real job.
he needs to do whatever he wants to do in life. living by my or your standards isn't likely on his list of give-a-shits.

The guy wasted millions of taxpayers dollars.
Sorry. Mueller holds that distinction to the tune of over $45 million.

He does also.........also being the operative word.
OMG Trey Gowdy makes my skin crawl. He and Stephen Miller make a real pair of flying monkeys for Trump.

I never got the impression that Gowdy was hypocritical or disingenuous. He was in favor of the Mueller investigation and wanted Trump to stay out of it and not fire Mueller. Seemed like a straight shooter to me.
Then he's standing FOR the release of information to Congress the way he was when Obama was in the White House?

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