Trembling in fear...


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009
My friends. I had hoped to be spared this, but it seems that the end will arrive in My lifetime after all.

We have truely entered the ....


Universe and reality can no longer be trusted. For those who I've argued with, I hope you realize it was just to correct your mistaken notions, and for those who have laughed with Me along the way.......its been an honor and privileged....

I fear that the world as we know it, is officially over....

Who are you, and what have you done with Chris Mathews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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My friends. I had hoped to be spared this, but it seems that the end will arrive in My lifetime after all.

We have truely entered the ....


Universe and reality can no longer be trusted. For those who I've argued with, I hope you realize it was just to correct your mistaken notions, and for those who have laughed with Me along the way.......its been an honor and privileged....

I fear that the world as we know it, is officially over....

Who are you, and what have you done with Chris Mathews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So a Liberal gives credit where credit is due and that surprises you???
You have been a Cons too long, the boogeymen of Black People, gays, immigrants and a Black President have unfortunately led you to believe that all people view the world as you do.
My friends. I had hoped to be spared this, but it seems that the end will arrive in My lifetime after all.

We have truely entered the ....


Universe and reality can no longer be trusted. For those who I've argued with, I hope you realize it was just to correct your mistaken notions, and for those who have laughed with Me along the way.......its been an honor and privileged....

I fear that the world as we know it, is officially over....

Who are you, and what have you done with Chris Mathews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So a Liberal gives credit where credit is due and that surprises you???
You have been a Cons too long, the boogeymen of Black People, gays, immigrants and a Black President have unfortunately led you to believe that all people view the world as you do.
He is the first of your kind to do so.....and then you go right into ad hominen attacks that have no basis in truth. Priceless.
My friends. I had hoped to be spared this, but it seems that the end will arrive in My lifetime after all.

We have truely entered the ....


Universe and reality can no longer be trusted. For those who I've argued with, I hope you realize it was just to correct your mistaken notions, and for those who have laughed with Me along the way.......its been an honor and privileged....

I fear that the world as we know it, is officially over....

Who are you, and what have you done with Chris Mathews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So a Liberal gives credit where credit is due and that surprises you???
You have been a Cons too long, the boogeymen of Black People, gays, immigrants and a Black President have unfortunately led you to believe that all people view the world as you do.

Wrong. A completely looney tunes whack-a-doo off-the-deep-end uber liberal finally had the temerity to acknowledge that PERHAPS the folks that support the philosophies we call the "Tea Party movement" could (despite their disagreement with modern American liberalism) STILL be "intelligent."

Despite your petty pejoratives, reconmark, that WAS kind of a startling thing to see.

Thanks to Darkwind for sharing it.

And by the way, your standard liberal propaganda about "bogeymen" is pure bullshit.
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He sure LOOKS like Matthews.

It could almost make one think that there is a possibility of and actual crack in the impenetrable wall of vitriolic hate.

OR maybe we really have moved into the 'Bearded Spock" universe.
My friends. I had hoped to be spared this, but it seems that the end will arrive in My lifetime after all.

We have truely entered the ....


Universe and reality can no longer be trusted. For those who I've argued with, I hope you realize it was just to correct your mistaken notions, and for those who have laughed with Me along the way.......its been an honor and privileged....

I fear that the world as we know it, is officially over....

Who are you, and what have you done with Chris Mathews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So a Liberal gives credit where credit is due and that surprises you???
You have been a Cons too long, the boogeymen of Black People, gays, immigrants and a Black President have unfortunately led you to believe that all people view the world as you do.

Funny.. it's you leftwing wackaloons that always bring up race and sexuality. You're obsessed with skin color and sexual inclinations. You're a bunch of mentally ill degenerates.
Maybe that's why i feel funny today. Im not on earth any more. This is an alien probe isn't it?
Chrissy accidently swerved into a random act of journalism, as Rush would say.

Nonetheless, he's spot-on with his comments about people fed up with govenment that's incapable of getting things done. And it's not only folks on the right either.
So the best way to make the government "get things done" is to elect Teabaggers who will shut down the government?
So the best way to make the government "get things done" is to elect Teabaggers who will shut down the government?

Well when the President prefers shutting down the government over talking and making some reasonable concessions, what other option is there?
So the best way to make the government "get things done" is to elect Teabaggers who will shut down the government?

Well when the President prefers shutting down the government over talking and making some reasonable concessions, what other option is there?

Concessions that he eventually made anyway. All the Republicans wanted at the end of negotiations was a delay in the individual mandate. The IRS is not enforcing the individual mandate for 2014 tax year.
"Reasonable" concessions to the party that "reasonably" lied to invade Iraq.
I especially liked where he compared the continuing failures of the Democrat party in this country, to the failures of the Communist Party in Russia and eastern Europe.

He still stuck to the line that is was the corruption of Communism that ruined it, not the basic nature of Communism itself. He hasn't yet gotten it through his head, that the basic nature of Communism is what permits that corruption to come in and run rampant, with no virtually external checks like the ones capitalism has. And it's the fundamental nature of Communism that results in its people failing to deliver enough to feed themselves, cope with natural disaster, etc.

(For you liberals, yes, capitalism has problems too. But it manages to catch a lot of the corruption and root it out, while encouraging and rewarding its people for working hard and producing enough to prosper and deal with problems. Communism does none of those things.)
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